The First Chapter:
I won't say my name... I won't tell you either way, who I am. But I will tell you what I know, it's up to you if you will believe it.
Rain forests create their own rain, and the Amazon is burning... The Amazon accounts for around 6% of the lovely oxygen that we all breathe.
The Amazon is burning or perhaps, by the time you read this, or my writing it, it has already burned. In which case, there are still more problems.
Bee's, native mostly, but honey as well, are disappearing. Bees pollenate plants, it's how we get fruit. Not all flowers become seeds or fruit, some plants pollinate themselves, others can't... That's why Bee's and other Pollenators are important. Even if we don't eat the fruit, other Animals, insects, plants or Fungus do. We eat the cow that ate the grass, we eat the Fish that ate the smaller fish. We eat Mushrooms, we eat Fruit and Vegetables. It all comes from somewhere.
Plants need water. And humans need clean water and food that won't kill us. A rainforest creates its own rain. The plants basically send small drops of water up from the ground. Unfortunately..... Without the forest, the rain is either rare or unheard of. Considering how large the Amazon was, it was likely affecting the weather of tops, twice its aria. Until you take into account that was 6% of our oxygen supply........ That's life or death for a lot of people.
You need water to survive. You can survive three weeks without food if you're a healthy weight at the beginning, you can only survive three days without water tops (no food either, no cheating with melon you die without water), at the right temperature to be comfortable.
Plastic is made using Crude oil. It's a fossil fuel. Predictions place the number of plastic in the oceans by the year 2050 at at least 937 million tons of plastic to 895 million tons of fish. Due to the dumping of chemicals and plastics in the ocean, the acidity is rising.
The burning of the Amazon releases CO2, burning fossil fuels releases CO2, you know what CO2 does? It creates a run away greenhouse effect in high enough doses. In other words, the pl is getting a blanket AND a heater for Summer! If that sounds like a fire hazard, it is! But if you want earth to have that blanket and heater for summer, just put up a sign that says "Climate change isn't real" and live in ignorance and leave anyone with a brain to deal with everyone's impending doom. /I'm upset if anyone can tell... That's basically the political position of the Australian government at the moment... I'm an Australian./
The damming of water affects the earths spin due to the uneven distribution of water. /opinion: This affects the weather and the internal core of the planet in unpredictable ways... Like say... The weakening of the magnetic field?/
Oh yeah, then there's the flipping magnetic field that is highly unstable. Also, the moon is gradually getting further away...... That stabilises our orbit. /opinion: We're freaking Doomed! If I didn't think kids needed to know this too I'd be using profanities I'm literally that upset! That's actually very rare.... Our world is dieing. The world as we know it that is, the planet will continue to exist, with all the scars we left upon her... Especially in Australia, huge mine that can be seen from space./
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