Our Charetars?!
Bryan's POV~
We look at our Charetars and they look back at us, "Um... So...", the other me suddenly noticed something, "Wait...", suddenly Nedbear said something, "Bryan do you have a twin brother??", we were now screwed, "Yeah... Why do you look like Bryan??", I look at Justin, "We need a minute... Heh...", me, Kat, Daiman and Just back up and stood out of ear shoot of them, "OK... Why are we seeing the people we voice act?!", Justin shrugged his shoulders, "I don't know either...", I was thinking so much, "What do we do? They now know that we know something!", Justin cleared his throat, "Maybe... We can tell them who we are and then slowly build up to the voice acting situation!", Kat thought about it, "Yes... This could work... But we need evidence.", Daiman smiles, "We already have our evidence! Our vocal cords can prove to them who we are!", we all think about this and we come to an agreement...
Molten's POV~
I watch as the group of teens approach us again, "So... I understand that you all have a lot of questions about how I look like your friend here, right?", We all nod, "OK... You take the lead...", the ginger haired girl stepped forward, "Hello! My name is Kat! The boy with the claw mark is Justin, the boy with the cuts on his face is Daiman and the guy with the black eye is Bryan.", I was now very creeped out, "Wait... How could there be two Bryans?!?!", Justin just laughs, "You really think we came from another dimension, Ennard?", this is when things started getting creepy,"HOW DO YOU KNOW MY NAME?!", Daiman shook his head, "This my life now?", Kat sighs, "OK... Maybe it would be best if we gave you a hint... Justin?", He looks at her, "Can you...?", He looked confused at first but he slowly got the drift, "Wait... Oh! I get it... I swear.... I'm gonna have a sore throat if I have to keep doing this...", Kat looks at us, "Your in for a surprise... ~", I was now starting to wonder who they where, "What do you----", but before I could finish my sentence, "Molten, You better get Freddy back online or there will be consequences!", I jump at the voice of Springtrap, "WHERE IS HE?!?!", I suddenly noticed that it was Justin who did that, "Wait.... How did you...??", He smiles and says something, "Somethings are better off forgotten...", Daiman stepped forward, "He can do that... And I can do this...", I leaned in to see this, "Happy Frog, if you call me old one more time, I'm going to rip your voice box out.", I jump backwards as well as the others, "What... H-how did you...?!?!", Justin smiled, "There is no need to be afraid... They are only part of us...", Bryan looked a little pale..., "How... How did you both...?!??", I look at my friends with a nervous look...
"We voice act you all... We are your creators..."
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