||Asia Montgomery||
"Asia!" My mom screamed from downstairs for the 100th time. Trying my best to ignore her, I grabbed my tv remote and turned the volume up.
"Asian Marie Montgomery!" She screamed in her most Korean accent. I kissed my teeth, climbed out of bed and stomped downstairs.
"yes ma?" I asked in an annoyed tone as I made my way into the kitchen where she was.
"You didn't hear me calling you? Walk to the corner store and get a loaf of bread, some milk and some butter" She said as she sat at the barstool, fishing the money out of her bra.
I looked over at my sister who was laying on the couch gossiping to whoever on the phone.
"What? Why me? Indya's laying right there on the couch and you scream for me?" I say holding my hand out towards the couch.
"She went for me last time. Its your turn, now hurry I have to get dinner started before your father gets home" She said handing me a 10 dollar bill.
"No she didn't! I did, three times in a row" I scoffed.
"Asia just go to the damn store like I said" She said picking up the newspaper she was reading and shooing me off.
I took the money and walked out of the kitchen.
Indya looked at me and smiled while sticking her tongue out. I walked past her and pulled her hair.
"Ah whore!" She said trying to swing at me, but missed.
"Bitch" I said jogging upstairs.
I went back into my room and headed over to my closet, grabbing my favorite burgundy hoodie and pulling it on. It was going on 7 which means the sun was going down and the temper was probably dropping.
I slid on my Nike Hurraches and put the money in my back pocket.
I turned off the tv and left my room jogging back downstairs and heading out the front door to start my journey to our local corner store.
My name is Asian Marie Montgomery but everyone knows me by Asia and im 17 years old. Although my name is Asian, my mom was Korean and my dad was Black. I was the youngest child out of two which was a good and bad thing.
It was a good thing because I was more spoiled than Indya was, but it was a bad thing because I was always being pushed around and used to do the work their lazy asses didn't want to do.
But anyways, it was the middle of summer which meant there was no school and I must say I was not enjoying it. I haven't been to one party, nor beach since schools been out. It wasn't that I wasn't allowed to go to parties or anything, it was nobody who had thrown a party yet.
I usually don't drink or smoke when I go to parties, but i'd be up for anything right now. Hell, I didn't drink or smoke at all, nor did I even go to parties, but I'd do it just to free myself from this boredom.
Turning the corner and walking further down the narrow street, I walked up to the small orange corner store.
There was a group of boys standing up front surrounding the door, waiting for any girl to walk by so that they could be thirsty.
They all had chains dangling around their necks,dirty shoes, dingy looking clothes, and they just all looked upright dusty.
I mentally sighed seeing that they were already staring at me and was probably about to start harassing me.
"Damn baby"
"Whats up girl"
"You got a man?"
"Let a nigga holla"
They said as I ignored them and made my way into the store.
"Hey Mr.Taino" I said to the man at the register. I come here daily, so I knew him really well.
"Hello Asia" He said in his Chinese accent.
I smiled and made my way to the back of the store. I fetched the bread, the milk , and lastly the butter.
I took the stuff and went into the front of the store and got in line. There were four people ahead of me, and some lady was holding up the line.
I stood there 5 minutes impatiently until it was finally my turn.
"How are you Asia?" Mr.Taino asked.
"Im good" I said setting the stuff up on the counter.
"How's mama?"
"Annoying, but she's good" I said as we shared a laugh.
"You having fun? Enjoying summer?"
"No not yet. Hopefully it'll get better though" I said as he rung my food up.
I handed him the 10 and waited for my change. He bagged my things and handed me my change.
"Okay, stay out of trouble. Have a wonderful rest of the afternoon" He said waving to me.
I smiled and grabbed my bag, leaving out of the store.
The boys were no longer in front of the door, and I was glad they had left... So I thought.
That same group of boys were over off on the side, kicking and punching at someone that was laying crouched down on the ground.
Seeing how helpless the person looked and how hard the boys were hitting him, me being me, decided to jump into whatever was going on.
"Hey..... Hey! What are yall doing???!" I asked walking towards the scene.
"Hey leave him alone!" I say dropping my bag and pushing back one of the boys.
They ignored me and continued to stomp on the boy.
"Leave him alone!!! I will call the police!" I threatened hoping that would stop them.
They hit him a couple more times as I shouted and tried grabbing and pushing them back.
"Next time tell yo nigga Jahseh to watch who he fucking with nigga" The tallest boy said as him and the rest of the boys ran off laughing, hyped up.
The boy laying on the ground gripped his stomach as his nose leaked of blood.
"You okay???" I asked kneeling down trying to help him up.
"Im good man get the fuck away from me" He mumbled.
"Let me help you up" I say grabbing his arm.
"I said get the fuck away from me!" He said snatching his arm away from me, before coughing.
I stood back up and watched him spit out blood. He slowly picked himself up and tried his best to hold his balance.
"Do you want me to call the police?" I asked him.
"Fuck the police" He said pulling out his phone to make a call.
Without a word I turned and seen people I hadn't even noticed standing around watching the scene, mumbling and recording on their phones.
Getting ready to see if he needed any help again, I turned around only to see the boy gone.
I looked around and he was nowhere in sight.
I picked up my bag and walked off, heading back down the street, trying to figure out who the boy was and how he disappeared so fast.
first book 🙃 stay tuned my loves
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