I walked out of the girl's locker room with my gym clothes on and headed to the floor where we would be doing our stretches at once everyone came out of the locker rooms.
I stood in my place in front of Red while he talked to some boy he knew beside him.
I watched people come out of the locker rooms and waited on the coach to come out as well.
Carly walked out with her friend, in the shortest spandex shorts I almost thought they were panties.
She gave me a nasty mug while walking to her place on the floor.
After a good 3 minutes everyone was now out and the coach was as well.
"Alright ladies and females" The Coach said catching everyone's attention.
"Aye he got me fucked up" Red said making me laugh.
A couple other boys in our gym class commented rude stuff as well.
"First, we're gonna start off with our toe touches as usual. Give me 15, lets go!" The coach said blowing his whistle.
Everyone bent down making sure their legs were straight while touching there toes. Well, at least some tried.
"Damn Asia, get your ass out my face" i heard Red say behind me.
"I can't!" I tell him.
"Ight so when I slap it, don't say shit" He says making me quickly stand up straight.
"Ms.Montgomery I said 15!" The coach tells me.
I kiss my teeth and bend back down completing the rest of my toe touches.
He had us out here in the hot sun running 3 laps around the track. By the time I was done running my 3 I was exhausted.
Once the bell rung I stuffed my gym clothes in my locker and slammed it shut.
I grabbed my bookbag and slung it over my shoulder leaving out of the locker room then the gym.
As soon as I walked into my next classroom my name was being called over the intercom announcing to the class that I was getting checked out.
Confused, I left out of the classroom and headed to the front office. What would my mom be checking me out of school early for?
When I walked into the office, Stokeley was there and not my mom.
He got up once he seen me and walked out of the office with me.
"Stokeley, why?" I ask him following him out of the school building.
"Because I was bored" He tells me.
"Well thanks for saving my life, we had a shit load of notes we had to take today" I tell him following him out to his car.
"So where are we going?" I ask him, happier than a kid with a sweet tooth who was about to go get some candy.
"You'll see" He tells me.
We end up driving to Jahseh's house and I was yet again confused.
"Why are we here?" I ask him.
"Just get out"
I do as told and get out of the car following him to the front door. The door was already unlocked so Stokeley just opened it and went in.
We walked in the house and I seen Indya sitting on the couch crying. Jahseh sat besides her, rubbing her back, trying to comfort her.
I look at Stokeley and he looks at me before nodding his head over towards Indya.
I hesitated but slowly walked over to the couch where she was sitting.
I kneeled down in front of her and put my hands on her knees.
She looked at me and sobbed.
"Why didn't you tell me?" She sobs.
"Tell you what?" I ask her unaware of what she was talking about.
"About dad" She continues to cry.
I turn around and look at Stokeley who just stood there.
"You told her??" I ask him.
He didn't say anything but stare at me. I wanted to beat the shit out of him so bad but I knew that I couldn't.
"We'll give yall some privacy" Jahseh says sounding upset while standing up.
Him and Stokeley head out to the backyard leaving me and Indya alone.
"Why didn't you tell me this Asia? You know I would've been there for you and had your back!" She cried.
"I just... didn't know how to tell you" I try to explain to her.
"So a boy you met 3 months ago, finds out before your own sister does?"
"Indya I was afraid"
"Afraid of what? That I wouldn't believe you like mom didn't? Is that what you were talking about that day mom went to the hospital? About dad doing something to you that I didn't know about?" She asks.
I nod my head slowly.
"Asia im so sorry. I wish you would've told me before. You know I wouldn't have taken his side" She says pulling me into a hug.
"Im sorry" She repeats.
I hug her back while she continued to cry. After she calmed down we made up and apologized to each other.
I was still pissed Stokeley told her before I even got a chance to.
I went out Jahseh's back door and seen the two standing in the backyard smoking a cigarette.
"Why the fuck would you tell her Stokeley??" I ask coming and standing directly in front of him.
He ignored me, but stared at me while taking a drag from his cigarette. He blew the smoke out, causing it to come directly to my face.
I slap the cigarette out of his hand and it falls somewhere to the ground.
Jahseh awkwardly walked back inside of the house while I crossed my arms in front of my chest.
"Why did you tell her?" I repeat myself.
"Because I didn't want yall beefing no more. Thats your sister, you shouldn't be ignoring her like mad at her over something she knew nothing about"
"It was a secret for a reason Stokeley! I thought I could trust you" I yell at him.
"You can trust me! The fuck?"
"Obviously not! I ask you to keep one little secret for me and you cant even do that"
"That shit is nothing little" He argues back.
"Look, im not trying to argue with you. I just really felt like she should know since she was taking up for him. She's your big sister you shouldn't keep stuff like that away from her." He adds.
"Don't lose your trust in me over something that needed to be told, and dealt with. If it was anything else I wouldn't have told her, but those are serious family problems Asia"
Still a little ticked off, I nod my head.
I wasn't sure if I could trust him still no matter what he said. That was something real personal and it wasn't his place to tell my sister before I was ready to.
On the bright side though I guess you could say Indya and I were back on good terms.
excuse any mistakes.
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