Thank you to those who show my book love as well, I really enjoy reading you guy's comments and laughing💞 So yep thank ya so much.
Continue reading this chapter thooo :)
I pushed open the door to my mom's hospital room and walked in with mya right behind me.
My mom was laying back on her bed watching tv but her eyes darted towards the door when we walked in.
"Hey mom" I said giving her a small smile while walking over by her bedside.
"Hey Mrs.Montgomery" Mya said.
"Hey babies" She said seeming happy to see us.
The first day that I came to see her she was upset and just wanted to sleep. I could understand her though I would want the same.
"How you holding up?"
"Im alive so." She said.
I nodded.
"Where's Indya?" She asked concerned.
"Oh, she's.... home" I lied.
If she found out where Indya really was and where and who we were staying with, our ass would be grass. My mom didn't play when it came to boys. Her and my dad said we weren't allowed to be seeing any boys until we were up and out of their house- well my mom's house now.
I didn't care at the time because I wasn't into boys anyways. I didn't understand why either but it was probably because my mom first got pregnant with Indya at 15 and they didn't want the same to happen to us.
But like I said, wont anything like that be coming out of my small hole and wont nothing huge be going in it either.
I sat down on the edge of the small bed and glanced over at the tv.
"What you two getting into today?" She asks us.
"We're gonna go to the mall and probably out to eat" Mya answers.
"Thats nice" She smiled.
I hated seeing her like this, laying in an hospital bed. At least she was still okay though.
Mya and I stayed for about an hour before we decided to leave. We went to the mall and brought a couple of things and were now sitting in front of each other at Denny's.
"They need to hurry the fuck up with our food" Mya complained.
"I told you we should've went to Red Lobster's" I said swirling my straw around in my cup before taking a sip.
"Anyways, while we wait. Lets talk" She says.
"Go ahead, im listening."
"Okay so you know your little friend Red? Well I uh.. sorta, maybe, probably, may or may not have had sex with him" She says giving me a nervous smile.
I nearly choked on my sprite when she said that. I looked up at her wide eyed while grabbing my napkin and wiping away the spilt drink on my chin and shirt.
"What?!?!! When did this happen?" I ask her.
"Last week"
"But you and Ryan...?"
"We're still together. I know I know. It was a huge mistake. We were both wasted as fuck and horny as fuck as well but I never intended on having sex with him" She says.
"Oh my god Mya. When did yall even start hanging out?"
She shrugs.
"Im gonna throw up in my mouth. You know Lala kissed him too right? A while ago at that kickback" I informed her.
"Bitch I'm not surprised. She's a hoe. Isn't she with his friend Isaiah?"
"Honestly, I don't know. I know they've screwed around a couple of times before"
"You guys better watch out. She might kiss Stokeley and Jahseh too" She says raising her eyebrows while taking a sip from her drink.
The thought of that made me cringe. I would never want Lala to do anything like that. Not even to Jahseh and he's not even my man. Well Stokeley wasn't either, but still.
"But thats not even the worst part of the story. I've been having morning sickness lately." She says.
I lean back in the booth and sigh.
"Mya please, you're killing me" I say. "Did you two even use protection?"
When she didn't reply, I gasped.
"You did it with him raw!!!?" I nearly screamed.
"Shut up, damn. You got old white people staring at us and shit" She says looking around.
"Sorry.... you did it with him raw?!" I said more quieter.
"And he didn't pull out? So you're pregnant?"
"No he didn't. And I don't know if im pregnant, and I dont even know if its his or Ryan's.."
"This is too much. If Ryan finds out, he's gonna beat your ass. Literally. And Im gonna stab his ass with a blade"
"Calm down. He's not gonna find out. I don't wanna talk about this anymore, its been stressing me all the way out"
"Your damn parents are gonna kill you"
"I know. But anyways, how are things going with Stokeley?" She asks.
A waitress walks up to our table with our plates and sets them down in front of us.
"Here you are. Enjoy" The waitress smiles.
"Finally. Y'all not getting no tip either cause yall took too damn long" Mya said as she walked away.
"we're okay. He's starting to show me he likes me a little more I guess. But last night he got a phone call in the middle of the night and left. He thought I was sleep. It sounded like a female on the other end but whoever it was, he didn't want them to come over probably because I was there" I said as I began to eat my food.
"Uh oh. Sounds like a booty call" Mya said.
"Don't make me lose my appetite" I tell her.
"All I can say is be careful. Don't fall for him too hard. You may get hurt in the end"
Don't fall for him too hard. You may get hurt in the end.
when your friends and yours mans not texting you back so you drop another update.
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