The next day I sat outside on my porch steps with my bestfriend Mya. I took another sip of my cold sprite as she vented to me about her boyfriend.
"So I slapped him in his face, and girl when I tell you he punched the hell out of me, I could've sworn I seen the lights to heaven." She said making me shake my head.
Mya had been in an abusive relationship with her boyfriend Ryan for 7 months and she thought nothing of it being abusive. For some reason she found the stuff he did to her 'attractive' or a 'turn on' , which I thought was absolutely psychotic.
She was a white girl, but she acted more ghetto than I ever did. She only dated black boys, but you wouldn't be surprised if you met her.
"But anyways, when are you gonna find you a boo? Im tired of telling you about my love life, im ready to hear about yours" She said.
"Mya, you know im not worried about any boys like that. Besides, boys aren't even into me they're into whats in my pants and you know im not having that" I say.
"You don't even give anybody a chance, so how would you know thats all they wanted?"
"Honestly, I don't care. Until I find someone my type, that i'm actually into, and actually want to give a chance to Im going to stay single ole happy Asia" I smiled sarcastically making her roll her eyes at me.
"You virgins are missing out, thats all I got to say" She said putting her hand up.
"On what? Aids? Babies? Other diseases?"
"Bitch don't play"
"Im being serious"
"No! You're missing out on pleasure and good dick" She said making me cringe.
"Don't say that word"
"What? Dick?" She said making me cringe again.
"Yes, you know I hate that word"
"Asia, you are 17 acting like you're 7. If you don't stop that shit. I've never met a virgin like you omg"
"Didn't you lose your virginity at 13? Look, you and all those other girls can have that nasty D word. Im gonna stick to my cartoons, studying, taking pictures of the earth , and being the good girl I am." I say.
"You are so lame, how are we even bestfriends?" She joked.
"Sometimes I ask myself that same question" I said as we laughed.
"Guys" Indya said coming out of the house.
We both turned around and watched her stand in the doorway.
"You guys wanna go to this kickback with me and this boy I know tonight?" She asks.
"This boy you know, or this boy you just met?" I ask her.
"Does it matter?" She straight faced me.
"You know I would love to but I have to babysit my little brothers tonight" Mya groaned.
"No, im good" I tell her closing the top to my soda.
"You were just complaining about being in the house all summer with no parties to go, then when you finally get invited to one you don't wanna go" Indya says.
"I thought you said it was a kickback"
"Kickback? Party? Same thing. Only a few people will be there, come on"
"Im not good around people I don't know"
"You know me"
"Bitch you're going. We're sneaking out at 9" She said going back into the house before I could respond.
I looked at Mya and rolled my eyes.
"She's really gonna make me go too, and if I don't she's gonna tell mom I skipped 3rd period on the last day of school "
" are really a goody-two-shoes" Mya shook her head.
"I gotta go, its getting late and I don't wanna have to fuck my mom up" Mya said getting up.
I stood up as well and dusted off the back of my shorts.
"Have fun and get you some dick" She said smiling.
"Text me" She laughed walking off the porch and heading down the side walk.
It was 9 going on 10 and I sat in my bed watching family guy, hoping both of my parents stayed up longer so that I didn't have to go to this kickback with Indya.
If they stayed up we wouldn't be able to sneak out. So I silently prayed on that. It had been very quiet for 10 minutes now and I was starting to worry.
My room door crept open and I quickly jumped and laid myself down pretending to sleep, hoping Indya would think I was actually sleeping.
"I seen you, get up!" Indya whisper yelled.
I smacked my teeth and got up.
"Indyaaaaaa, please don't make me go" I whined.
"Thats what you're wearing?" She asked looking me up and down.
"Whats wrong with what I got on?" I ask looking down at my outfit.
"Asia, you're wearing sweatpants and a plain white crop top.... Let me find you something" She said rushing over to my dressers.
"Put this on" She said 5 minutes later, holding up some ripped jeans and a pink corset top.
I stared at the outfit.
"Um, no! Thats too much skin to show. I am not putting that on. I didn't even know I owned anything like that" I told her.
"Put. it. on. You got got 2 minutes" She said shoving the clothes in my hands and leaving my room.
I stood there and sighed.
A couple minutes later I was standing in the mirror staring at my exposed thighs, stomach, and arms.
Indya walked in and smiled at the outfit she had put together.
"Thats the sister I like. And to top it off, this choker" She came behind me and hooked a silver choker around my neck.
I began to gag and grab at my neck, as she played with my hair fixing and fluffing out my curls.
"Indya I can't breathe... its choking me" I exaggerated.
"Stop acting stupid and lets go" She said grabbing my arm.
"How are we even getting there? Are we gonna walk?" I whispered as we snuck downstairs.
"No, my friend is outside to pick us up"
"What friend? The boy you just met?" I asked as she lead me out the front door. I quietly shut the door behind us making sure it was locked.
"No, Lala" She said referring to her bestfriend.
We ran to the car and Indya hopped in the front while I climbed in the back.
"Hey bitches" Lala said.
"She dragged you in this too?" I asked Lala.
"Sit back and shut up" Indya said putting on her seatbelt.
"Lets riiddee" Lala said as I flicked Indya off.
We ended up in front of this white two story house where a couple cars were parked in the driveway. It was dark so I couldn't really see the outside decorations, but from what I could see the house was pretty decent.
Lala parked the car and we got out. I looked at the hoeish outfit Lala had on and scoffed.
The black tight fitted dress she had on was too short, and if she was to bend down even a little, her whole ass would be out. Her boobs poured out of the front of her dress making her look like a prostitute.
My sister wasn't dressed too bad. She wore some high-waisted shorts and a black crop top that matched her black nike roshes.
I uncomfortably walked behind them as we walked up the stone driveway. I tried to pull the corset top down as much as possible to cover up my stomach, but no matter how much I tugged at it my stomach still stayed exposed.
Indya knocked on the door and we waited for someone to answer. Loud music and talking could be heard from the inside, making me start to feel uneasy.
The door swung open and we came face to face to some lightskined boy with ear length red dreads in his head.
"Indyaaaa" He threw his arms up.
"Whats up red?" She said coming into hug him.
"How you been girl? Im surprised to see you here" He asked as they shared a hug.
"I've been good, and you know I had to show up for my boys. Isaiah invited me" Indya said.
"True. Who's the baddies you got with you?" He asked looking at Lala, then landing his black almond shaped eyes on me. I quickly looked away, feeling a little uncomfortable.
"Oh this is my bestfriend Lala and my little sister Asia. Guys, red" Indya introduced.
"Ight... Come on in" He said smirking at me as we walked in.
He closed the door behind us and I could feel him staring at my ass.
The smell of weed, cigarette smoke, and alcohol filled my nose as we walked further into the house. I coughed a couple of times trying to get use to the smells.
I know I had said I was up for anything to get rid of this boredom, but this was not my type of environment. I'd rather be at home, reading a book or watching pretty little liars.
I watched as a couple of girls danced around drunkly and guys stood around watching them, talking and drinking.
We walked into the living room and seen people sitting on the couches snorting unknown drugs and smoking weed.
Hookas, beer bottles, cigarettes, and money covered the coffee table near the couch making me frown.
Two girls laid on the floor sucking each other's lips off causing my stomach to turn. Never again will I let Indya drag me to another one of her friend's drug parties.
I never even knew she hung out with people like this.
"Indya?" We heard a guy's voice call from behind us, causing all of us to turn around.
"Jahseh!" Indya shouted leaping into his arms. They shared a very long hug.
"What you doing here girl?" He asked her after they broke the hug.
"Isaiah hit me on Instagram and told me you guys were having a kickback and he invited me so here I am" She said.
I looked at the boy and checked him out. He had little dreads as well, only one side was black and the other side was blonde. He had a couple tattoos on his neck, face and arms. He looked weird and exotic to me as well as everyone else at this "kickback", but he was attractive.
"You guys this is my friend Jahseh, Jahseh Lala, and my sister Asia" Indya said standing next to him.
"Whats up"
"Hey, im trying to get wasted, so ima just go find my way to the kitchen" Lala said making them laugh before walking off.
I stood there awkwardly as Indya and Jahseh conversed.
"You can have a seat on the couch if you want Asia" Jahseh said to me.
I looked around and seen there was almost nowhere to sit, so I shook my head.
"Its fine I'll stand" I told him.
A couple hours after everyone had left there were only a few people at the kickback.
By now there was me, Indya, Lala, Jahseh, Red, Isaiah, this boy named Antwan, a couple, and two white girls I didn't know all were sitting around in the living room .
The doorbell rung and Red quickly jumped up.
"I got it" He said.
I watched as the couple on the couch next to me sloppily made out. I scrunched my face at the sight and leaned over to Indya.
"How do you know these people?" I whispered in her ear.
"I have my connections" She said as she went back to flirting it up with Jahseh.
A couple seconds later, Red walked back in the front room with some guy that looked very familiar.
"Finally nigga. The party bout over now" Jahseh said.
"Stokeley, whats up my nigga!" Isaiah said.
Everyone else in the room greeted this Stokeley dude except for me and the couple that was about to have sex on the couch next to me.
He looked so familiar, like i'd seen him from somewhere.
I stared at him some more as I tried to figure out where I had seen him from. He greeted everybody back slapping hands with his boys.
I took in his appearance. He was brownskin, with little twists in his head, he had a tattoo under his eye, three 7's going down the side of the bridge of his nose, a cross on the other side of his face, and the word sacrifice above his eyebrow. He had some more on his arms and hand and he stood pretty tall.
Did everyone at this damn kickback have tattoos in their face??
He was cute too but he looked kind of weird, and he wasn't really my type.
"This lil shawty right here is Indya, thats her friend Lala thats all over Isaiah, and thats her sister Asia" Jahseh introduced. "She hasn't really talked since they got here 3 hours ago"
Stokeley's eyes landed on mine and I quickly looked away.
"You're that girl that tried to save me at the store the other day when I was getting jumped?" He asked me causing everyone to snap their heads towards me.
"Who me?" I asked knowing he was talking to me but deciding to play dumb anyways.
He nodded.
Thats where I'd seen him from..
"That's me" I said.
"I had fun going back to fuck them niggas up" Jahseh said to Stokeley.
"Hell yeah. They had you fucked up vrodie, gonna catch you slippin' when we not around" Isaiah said.
Stokeley laughed a little and shook his head.
"Its all good" He said.
"Hell yeah. We got them niggas" Jah said, "But yeah you guys, thats my man's Stoke"
"Thats the guy you were telling me about?" Indya whispered to me.
I nodded.
"I see why you tried to help him, he's cute" She said.
I rolled my eyes knowing she would say something like that.
Stokeley took a seat on the couch across from me, away from everyone else. While everyone associated amongst each other. 30 minutes went by and I was starting to get tired.
"I'll be back" Indya said getting up with Jahseh. I looked at her confused not wanting her to leave me alone with these people, and to take me home.
"Where are you going?" I asked her.
"Upstairs to talk to Jahseh for a bit" She said as they walked off.
I sat there uncomfortably as they all talked and laughed with one another.
Stokeley didn't seem to talk much. He mostly just listened and laughed at some of their corny jokes.
He was sort of zoned out and in his own little world. I was getting a chill and calm type of vibe from him.
Everyone else's vibes around me were hyper, crazy, and loud.
The same couple on the couch were still making out, the girl had gotten on top of the boy and was grinding on him while they kissed.
I watched as his hand traveled up her exposed sides as they tongued each other down. They looked as if they were tired of teasing each other, and were ready to have sex and that made me feel even more uncomfortable.
I quickly got up from besides them and went and sat on the couch to where Stokeley was sitting.
"Why were you looking at them like that?" I heard Stokeley ask.
I looked over and seen that he was talking to me.
"Enjoying the action?" He joked.
"No!" I said giving him the meanest mug.
"Im joking" He said.
"Hey.. im sorry for kind of bothering you yesterday at the store.." I told him awkwardly playing with my fingers.
"nah I should be the one apologizing for being so rude"
"Its fine" I said not knowing what else to say to him.
"Whats your name again? China?"
"Asia" I corrected him.
"Oh yeah, right my bad" He said, "how old are you? You seem like you're too young to be here in this type of scenery"
"Im 17" I tell him.
"Oh.." He said raising his eyebrows.
"How old are you?" I ask curiously since he was making it seem like I was so young.
"I don't give out my age to people I don't know" He said.
"What? I just told you my age"
"I didn't hold a gun to your head and force you to" He said.
"Guys lets play spin the bottle" Red suggested. Everyone agreed except for me and Stokeley, I stayed quiet.
"Who's first?" Red asked holding up the empty beer bottle.
"I'll go" Some blonde haired white girl volunteered.
She took the bottle and cleared off the coffee table. She laid the bottle down and began to spin it. It stopped and landed on Isaiah.
He smirked and lala rolled her eyes.
"Pucker up buttercup" The white girl said going over to him.
They shared a nasty kiss for about 5 seconds, then broke the kiss while everyone cheered them on.
"Me next!" Red said getting up and going to spend the bottle. It landed on Lala.
"Oh yeaaahhh" Red said
Lala laughed and shook her head as red came over to her. He grabbed her face and they shared a passionate kiss.
Everyone in the room had spun the bottle sept for me and Stokeley. I wasn't planning on spinning that bottle anyway.
"Stoke your turn" Isaiah said.
"im good" Stokeley declined.
"Come on nigga!" Antwan said.
"Yeah come on Stokeley" the two white girls cheered him on.
"If you a real nigga you'd spin that bottle" Red said.
Stokeley hesitated while everyone persuaded him to spin the bottle. He gave in, and got up.
I looked over at Lala who was now tonguing Isaiah down once again, not even paying attention to the game anymore.
I shook my head.
Stokeley spun the bottle hard and fast.
It spun and spun and spun, then began to slow down. My heart began to race as the bottle got slower as it came my way a couple of times until it finally stopped.
Right on me.
Everyone looked at me.
"Oh shitttt. I gotta see this" Red said.
"Oh, no, im not kissing anyone I don't know" I protested.
"Girl come one" The blonde head white girl said.
"No i'm fine"
"Come on China, give my mans some play" Red said.
I shook my head. I refused to kiss this boy and I didn't know him. Ain't no telling where his lips been and what he does so I will most definitely past.
"Just one kiss" The brunette said.
"Alright man Stokeley spin again" Red said.
Thats what he better do.
Stokeley spun the bottle again, this time it landed on the brunette. Her blonde friend cheered her on as she got up and walked over to Stokeley.
She grabbed his face and kissed him long and hard. His hands found their way to her waist and held it.
He looked like he was a good kisser the way his lips moved in sync. He bit her lip and tugged on it a little before breaking the kiss.
"That was sexy as fuck.... Have sex!" Red exclaimed.
Everyone laughed at his goofy ass. Stokeley came back and sat next to me as they ended the game.
Where was my sister? Id had enough of these people and I was ready to go.
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