Chapter Twenty-Five: Abomination
Ares's Pov
After Erica had knocked Stiles out with his starter I carried Stiles all the way back to my house.
I didn't want to risk driving his jeep since Erica took out his starter and the last thing I want is for us to crash.
When we arrived at my house it had already gotten a little dark.
Once I got to my room I laid Stiles down on the couch before heading into the kitchen to grab a rag and a bowl of water in order to tend to his head.
I sat down on the couch and brought Stiles's head to rest on my lap as I wet the rag and gently used it to wash my boyfriends head.
He was knocked out for quite a while.
Which is understandable since a freaking starter was slammed into his head.
But after a little while longer Stiles woke up.
And wanna know the first thing that he said?
And he was obviously referring to Erica.
No doubt he's clearly pissed at her for what she did.
I just sighed and shook my head before continuing what I was doing as well as applying some bandages onto his head.
Stiles, after making sure he was alright, thanked me for taking care of him to which I just smiled at him and kissed his cheek.
He then left in order to go get his jeep and take it to the repair shop in order to get a new starter.
When he was gone I decided to head to my room and play some games on my laptop since I didn't really have anything to do.
I was too busy into my game that I didn't hear the front door burst open or Isaac and my sister yelling my name.
And I definitely didn't hear hurried footsteps rushing upstairs and to my room.
"Ares!" Emerson yelled, barging into my room.
I jumped at her unexpected arrival, and actions, and placed a hand over my chest. rolling my eyes.
"Em, I really don't want to talk to you" I sighed.
I'm still really upset with her for letting Derek turn random teenagers when she knows that it's wrong.
Yes, I know that Isaac and Eric, and now Boyd, were told everything and they were the ones that gave Derek permission to turn them but it still doesn't make it right.
Especially when there's no turning back and werewolves is what they have to be for the rest of their lives.
I just need some space from my sister, at least at the moment.
"Buddy, we need to go. Right now" Emerson sternly said.
"Go where?" I asked.
"To Tucker's garage. There's been a murder" Emerson told me.
My eyes widened at that and I felt a horrible feeling build up inside of me.
Stiles was going to Tucker's garage to get a new starter.
"What?!" I yelled.
"Yeah, I just got a call from Noah who told me everything. We need to go right now" Emerson said.
She doesn't have to tell me twice.
I shot up from my chair and immediately rushed out my room with Emerson following right behind me.
Isaac was waiting for us downstairs and told us that the cab would be here in a few minutes to take us to Tucker's garage.
I didn't care I just needed it to get here as soon as possible and take us where we need to go.
I need confirmation that my boyfriend is safe.
Because if he isn't, all hell will break loose.
Tucker's Garage
As soon as the cab was nearing Tucker's garage I didn't hesitate to open the cab door and jump out of the vehicle.
"Ares!" Emerson yelled.
But I ignored her.
I rushed towards the scene and saw tons of cop cars as well as an ambulance surrounding the place.
I looked around, trying to find Stiles, as panic and anxiety began to fill me.
Fortunately, I finally found him and he and his dad were sitting in the ambulance together while talking.
"STILES!" I shouted.
Both of their heads snapped into my direction and their eyes widened when they saw me.
"Ares!" Stiles yelled.
I breathed out a sigh of relief before running towards him and he didn't hesitate to get up and rush towards me as well.
As soon as I was close I immediately cupped his face with my hands and smashed my lips onto his.
Stiles didn't hesitate to wrap his arms around me and kiss me back.
We kissed for a minute before pulling away.
"Oh thank god. I was so worried something happened to you" I told him.
"I'm alright, my love. I'm alright" Stiles reassured me.
I nodded, tears beginning to gather in my eyes, as I engulfed him in a tight hug and he immediately hugged me back.
When we pulled away Emerson walked over to us and placed her hand on Stiles's shoulder.
Stiles looked at her and just nodded his head before looking back at me.
Emerson patted his shoulder and ruffled my hair before making her way over to Mr. Stilinski.
We saw a car pulling up and we immediately knew that it was Scott.
We made our way to the car while holding hands. The two of us got into the back since there was no way I was letting Stiles out of my sight.
Not after what happened.
When we closed the door Scott turned to us, a look of concern on his face.
"You ok?" Scott asked, looking at my boyfriend.
"Yeah. You were right. It's not like you. I mean, its eyes were almost, like...reptilian" Stiles said.
I raised an eyebrow at that while Scott looked confused.
It was a reptile and not a werewolf? How is that possible?
"But there was something about them" Stiles added.
"What do you mean?" Scott asked.
"You know when you see, like, a friend in a Halloween mask, but all you can see are their eyes? And you feel like you know them, but you just can't figure out who it is?" Stiles asked.
Scott and I shared a look before looking back at him.
"Babe, are you saying you know who it is?" I asked.
"No. But I think it knew me" Stiles sighed.
My eyes widen at that and I turned to Scott and saw that he was in the same boat as me.
What the hell does he mean by that?
How the hell would that reptile, or whatever it was, know Stiles?
Who is that creature?
The Next Day
It was the next day and Scott, Stiles and I were at school.
The three of us were currently sitting on the stairs together with Stiles's arms wrapped around me and my back pressed against his chest.
"I'm so sorry about the other day. I'm trying. We'll get through this. Uh, I know, because I love you" I said.
Scott smiled at that.
"I love you more than..." Stiles trailed off.
My boyfriend let out a groan of annoyance while I shook my head and rolled my eyes.
Scott had gone to a spot where he and Allison go to in private since they don't want to get caught but he left since she never arrived.
Allison had gone, a little late, and when she realized that Scott was there but left because she was late she felt guilty.
She came to Stiles and I and asked us to deliver a message to Scott about last night.
And it's quite clear that neither of us wanted to do it. It was weird.
"Oh my god, I can't. You and Allison just have to find a better way to communicate" Stiles said.
I nodded in agreement.
"Come on, you and Ares are the only ones that we can trust" Scott told him.
"Scott, I don't know if you're aware but you can just write her a note or something" I deadpanned.
Stiles nodded in agreement while Scott just rolled his eyes.
"Is she coming to the game tonight?" Scott asked.
"Yes" Stiles said.
"Message complete. Now, tell us about your boss" I added.
"He thinks that Allison's family keeps some kind of, uh, records of all the things that they've hunted, like a book" Scott told us.
"He probably means a Bestiary" Stiles said.
"A what?" Scott asked, confused.
"A bestiary" I said.
Scott laughed in amusement, "I think you mean bestiality".
"Nope. I'm pretty sure we don't" Stiles deadpanned.
"Yeah. It's like an encyclopedia of mythical creatures" I added.
Scott's amusement faded away at that and was replaced with annoyance.
"How am I the only one who doesn't know anything about this stuff?" Scott asked.
"Scotty, you're our best friend, you're a creature of the night. It's kind of, like, a priority of ours" I told him.
Stiles chuckled in amusement and nodded.
"Ok. If we can find it, and it can tell us what this thing is..." Scott trailed off.
"And who" Stiles added.
"We need that book" the three of us said in unison.
We let out sighs before getting up from the stairs, grabbing our bags, and leaving.
At The Lacrosse Game
Scott and Allison had Stiles and I going back and forth to deliver messages to each other since they can't be seen talking.
Not only that but they can't be seen texting or calling one another.
Which is honestly annoying, not just for them but Stiles and I.
We found out that Allison has seen her creepy grandfather with a book, a bestiary, before in his office.
She believes she can get into it and get the book but she is going to need his keys in order for that to happen.
Which is why this plan comes into motion.
Her grandfather is going with her to the game so she's going to try her best to get his keys, that are definitely going to be in his coat, and give them to Stiles and I so we can get into his office and get his book.
Speaking of the game...
Stiles and I were currently sitting on the bench together while watching the players go at it with each other.
All of our eyes widened when we saw a player from the other team practically throw one of the players from our lacrosse team.
When he landed on the ground all of winced at the hard impact and a whistle was blown.
"Come on, is that thing even a teenager? I wanna see a birth certificate!" Coach yelled
He walked over to Stiles and I and sat down with us.
"Who or what is that genetic experiment gone wrong?" Coach asked.
I snorted at that while shaking my head in amusement.
"Eddie Abramovitz, Coach. They call him, the abomination" Stiles told him.
"Oh, that's cute" Coach snidely commented.
I just continued laughing.
I then felt Stiles nudge my shoulder and I turned to him and saw that he was gesturing towards Allison.
I looked over at her and saw her and her grandfather, Gerard, sitting together on the bleachers.
She was wearing his coat and I could see that she was digging into his pockets to find his keys.
Stiles and I looked at each other and nodded.
We got up from the bleachers and made our way over to her.
When we made our way to her, pretending like we were leaving, she discreetly handed Stiles the keys and he took it.
With that the two of us were making our way off the field and back into the school.
However, as we were walking into the schools parking lot I stopped when I heard something from one of the cars.
I peeked into the car and saw that it was Lydia's car.
Lydia was inside and I could see her crying.
A frown made its way onto my face and worry washed through my eyes.
Stiles was confused as to why I stopped but when he saw Lydia in her car crying he sighed and looked at me.
"My love, I'm sure she's fine. Now come on" Stiles said.
"She's not fine, babe" I told him.
"You can comfort her later, alright. Right now we have to go" Stiles said.
"Look, just give me a sec. I won't be long" I told him.
I rushed past him and made my way over to Lydia's window and knocked on it.
Lydia jumped and turned and when she saw me she looked away, using her tissue to wipe her tears away.
"Lyds, roll down the window please" I softly said.
Lydia sighed but did as told.
"Ares, I don't mean to sound rude but please go away" Lydia said.
"Lyds, what's wrong?" I asked.
"Ares, please go away. I don't want you to see me like this" Lydia said.
"I'm not going anywhere. Lyds, you're my friend and seeing you like this hurts my heart. So, please, tell me what's wrong?" I softly asked.
If this has something to do with Jackson or if it's freaking Peter and his bite, I will go mad.
Lydia sighed and fiddled with her fingers.
"You're gonna think I'm crazy" Lydia muttered.
"Lyds, I would never think that. Whatever it is that you have to say, I'll believe you" I softly said.
Lydia sighed and looked at me, small tears streaming down her face.
"Ever since I was attacked the night of the formal I've been different. Things are happening to me, things that I can't explain. Not only that but I'm seeing this one guy" Lydia explained.
"What guy?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.
"I just know that his name is Peter" Lydia said.
My eyes widened at that and my breath hitched at hearing the name.
Peter? Lydia is seeing Peter, of all people?
But why would she be seeing him?
I mean, I get that he's the one that bit her but still.
"Ares!" Stiles yelled.
I snapped out of my thoughts and turned around to see Stiles impatiently waiting for me, hurriedly tapping his imaginary watch on his wrist.
I know he's only doing that because he wants me to hurry so we can find that book.
And, as much as I hate it, I knew I had to get going or else we could get caught.
I sighed and turned back to Lydia, reaching in so I could place my hand on her shoulder.
"Lyds, you aren't crazy. Listen, I'll help you figure this out tomorrow. But for right now you should go to bed and get some sleep. Maybe that'll help clear your mind" I softly told her.
Lydia said nothing, she just slowly nodded her head.
"I have to go but just know that I'm here for you. Always" I softly smiled.
I leaned in and gave her head a kiss before turning around and rushing over to Stiles.
We held hands and rushed inside of school to head into Gerard's office.
When we got there we started searching the place while doing our best not to make a mess since we didn't want the old man getting suspicious.
Plus, I don't tend to pay for anything that might break because of us.
"Fuck" I muttered, closing all the cabinets that I opened.
"Find anything?" Stiles asked, looking at me.
"No" I shook my head.
"Me neither" Stiles sighed out in frustration.
He took out his phone to text Allison that there was no book in Gerard's office as I made my way to stand next to my boyfriend.
When he sent the text the two of us held hands, ready to leave the office and head back into the field.
But we never got the chance to do that.
Because someone else entered the office, scaring the hell out of us.
"Oh my!" Stiles yelled, his eyes wide.
"Hello, Stiles and Ares" Erica smirked at us.
Well, great.
At The Swimming Pool
After getting caught by Erica she forced us out of the office and made us walk with her to another place.
She held a tight grip on Stiles's ear while holding a tight grip on my arm to make sure that neither of us would escape.
Stiles was constantly groaning in pain while I was doing my best not to punch the girl for dragging us to who knows where.
We finally made it to our destination which just so happening to be the swimming pool.
When we arrived Erica removed her hand from Stiles's ear and my arm, causing us to sigh in relief.
However, when we looked up we saw Derek walking in while holding a basketball.
But what angered me the most was that Emerson, my sister, soon walked into the room after her boyfriend did.
"Stiles. Ares" Derek nodded at us.
"Derek" Stiles deadpanned.
Emerson looked at the two of us and offered us a faint smile as well as a nod.
"Why am I not surprised?" I muttered under my breath.
This girl said she wouldn't make it to the game since she was going to be busy with work.
But I guess that was just a freaking lie.
"What did you see at the mechanic's garage?" Derek asked.
"Seriously?" I asked in annoyance.
"Ares, buddy, we just want to know so we can have an idea as to what we might be up against" Emerson told me.
"In case you aren't aware, my boyfriend could've died that night and now you're going to force him relive what happened" I scowled.
Emerson flinched at that with Erica frowning slightly.
Derek looked a bit guilty at my words but that quickly went away.
I scoffed and shook my head before holding onto my boyfriends arm while he wrapped his arm around my waist.
"Uh, several alarming EPA violations that I'm seriously considering reporting" Stiles sarcastically smiled.
I laughed at that but did my best to cover it up with a chuckle.
Derek and Erica laughed, unamused, while Emerson sighed.
Derek then crushed the basketball with his hands causing Stiles and I to jump.
"Holy god!" Stiles and I yelled in unison.
"Lets try that again" Derek said, tossing the crushed ball to the ground.
I glared at him but he was unfazed and kept his gaze on Stiles, waiting for a real answer.
"Alright, the thing was pretty slick looking. Um, skin was dark, kind of patterned. Uh, I think I actually saw scales" Stiles explained.
Derek and Emerson looked interested at that, as did Erica.
"Is that enough? Because Stiles has to get back to the game and I have someone I really need to talk to" I asked.
Emerson was about to say something when Derek shot Stiles and I a look.
Indicating that he wanted more information.
I glared at Derek and Emerson while Stiles groaned in frustration.
"Alright, fine. Eyes...eyes are, um, yellowish, and slitted. Um, has a lot of teeth. Oh, and it's got a tail, too" Stiles added.
"Now are we good?" I asked in annoyance.
However, that annoyance was replaced with confusion when I saw the three of them looking up.
And I could see realization and fear in their eyes.
"What? Wait, have you seen it?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.
"You have this look on your faces like you know exactly what I am talking about" Stiles added.
None of them said anything and just continued staring up.
Emerson shakily brought her hand up and pointed at where they were looking, gesturing for us to do the same.
Stiles and I did just that, only to instantly regret it.
Because there the creature was.
The creature let out a loud growl causing Stiles and I stumble back in fear.
The creature jumped down causing Derek to crouch down and growled as his eyes flashed red.
Erica tried to land a hit on it but the creature easily tossed her aside.
Erica made a hard impact on a nearby wall and lost consciousness as she laid on the ground.
"Erica!" I yelled with wide eyes.
"My love, no!" Stiles yelled.
He tried grabbing my arm to pull me back when he saw me trying to run forward but I easily dodged it and ran.
However, before I could even reach Erica the creature grabbed me and growled in my face.
The creature then threw me to a nearby wall and I hit my head, hard.
I fell to the ground, groaning in pain, and my eyes slowly rolled to the back of my head and I lost consciousness.
Emerson's Pov
"ARES!" Stiles and I shouted in unison.
I tried rushing to my little brother but Derek extended his arm out, stopping me from going any further.
"Em, take Stiles and get the hell out of here!" Derek yelled.
"What? No!" I yelled.
There's no way I am leaving Derek, Erica or Ares behind while that thing is still here.
"GO!" Derek shouted, pushing me backwards.
Stiles caught me and steadied me before I could fall.
The two of us looked up just in time to see the creature slice Derek's neck with its claw causing my boyfriend to spin around a bit.
Just before I could get my gun out Stiles said something that caught my attention.
"Derek, your neck" Stiles told him.
I turned to Derek and my eyes widened when I saw some sort of goo leaking from his neck from where the creature got him.
Derek starts to stumble backwards causing Stiles to rush forward and grab his arm to throw it over his shoulder.
"Come on. Em, help me!" Stiles yelled.
I rushed forward and grabbed Derek's other arm to throw it over my shoulder.
With that Stiles and I began running as fast as we could to get out or at least find somewhere to hide.
"Where is it? Do either of you see it?" Stiles asked while looking around.
"I can smell it. Please, hurry. Call Scott!" Derek yelled.
Stiles nodded and hurriedly took out his phone from his pocket but, unfortunately, he tripped and dropped his phone.
Not only that but he lost his grip on Derek.
"STILES! EM!" Derek shouted.
My eyes widened when I saw my boyfriend land into the pool.
And what's worse was that he wasn't swimming and my guess is that it has something to do with the goo from the creature.
"DER!" I shouted.
I didn't wait for Stiles and jumped into the pool.
I quickly swam to get Derek and once I got him I swam us back to the surface and hurriedly threw his arm back over my shoulder.
Not a second later Stiles jumped in himself and swam towards us.
Once he reached us he grabbed Derek's other arm and threw it over his shoulder.
"Where did it go? Do either of you see it?" Stiles asked while looking around.
"No" Derek and I said in unison.
"Ok, maybe it took off?" Stiles suggested.
I was going to agree only to stop when we heard a loud growl from the creature.
And it was nearby, meaning that piece of shit was still here.
"Maybe not" Derek sighed.
I sighed myself before looking over at where Erica and Ares were.
They were both still lying on the ground passed out but as long as the creature wasn't anywhere near them that's all I care about.
"You and Em need to get me out of here before I drown" Derek sternly said.
"You're worried about drowning? Did you notice the thing out there with multiple rows of razor sharp teeth?" Stiles asked.
"Did you notice I'm paralyzed from the neck down in eight feet of water?" Derek asked back.
Stiles sighed in annoyance but didn't say anything since he knew that Derek had a point.
"Ok, I don't see it" Stiles said as he looked around.
"Meaning we should be good so lets go" I added.
Stiles nodded and the two of us began swimming towards the edge of the pool, still holding onto Derek, so we could get out.
"Wait, wait, wait! Stop! Stop!" Derek yelled.
We turned around to see the creature circling the pool but it never came into the pool.
"What's it waiting for?" Stiles asked, confused.
The three of us watch as the creature put its hand into the water only to hiss and immediately pull it out.
My eyes widened as realization coursed through me.
"Wait, did you see that? I don't think it can swim" I told them.
Meaning we are at an advantage and a disadvantage.
On one hand we can just stay in here knowing that it won't be coming in.
On the other hand, we know we can't stay in here forever especially with my boyfriend paralyzed because of the creature.
"Ok, ok, I don't think I can do this much longer" Stiles told us.
"Yeah? Well neither can I but I'm not giving up" I rolled my eyes.
I was getting tired too, believe me, but there's no way I am letting go of my boyfriend and letting him drown.
Derek smiled slightly at my words before turning to glare at Stiles.
"Don't even think about it" Derek warned him.
"Would you just trust me this once?" Stiles asked in exasperation.
"No!" Derek yelled.
"Em and I are the only ones keeping you alive, ok? Have you noticed that?" Stiles angrily asked.
"Yeah, and when the paralysis wears off, who is gonna be able to fight that thing. You, Em or me?" Derek asked.
"So that's why Em and I have been holding you up for the past two hours" Stiles sarcastically asked.
"You don't trust me. I don't trust you. You need me, and Em, to survive. Which is why you are not letting me go" Derek said.
Stiles said nothing and just stared at him.
He then grins faintly before throwing Derek's arm off of him and swimming to the edge of the pool.
"STILES!" I shouted with wide eyes, disbelief shown in my tone.
My own grip on Derek loosened and I quickly swam more into the pool in order to grab him.
Once I grabbed him I hurriedly threw his arms over my shoulder and swam us back.
When we were back up I gasped for air and turned to Derek just in time to see him snap his eyes open while coughing.
"Babe, you alright?" I worriedly asked.
"I'm alright, Em. Thanks for not leaving me" Derek said once he calmed down.
"I'd never leave you, you know that" I softly smiled.
Derek smiled back at me, his smile growing just a bit when I leaned in to peck him softly on the lips.
We heard a splash and turned around to see Stiles swimming towards us, a look of annoyance on his face.
"What's wrong? Did you call Scott? Is he coming?" I hurriedly asked.
"No, he fucking hung up the second I yelled his name" Stiles scoffed.
My eyes widened in disbelief while Derek grunted in annoyance.
What the hell is he doing? Is it more important then coming here to help us when we need it?
I sighed before looking over at Erica and Ares who were still lying on the ground passed out.
Well, the creature still wasn't going anywhere near them so that's a good thing.
I groaned in slight pain as my arms were beginning to get tired and sore because of how long I was holding Derek.
And by the looks of it, Stiles was in the same boat as I am.
"We can't stay up any longer, babe" I told my boyfriend.
"Agreed. We need something to hold onto" Stiles added.
We looked around and managed to find something and we quickly swam towards it, doing our best to hold onto Derek.
When we made it to the edge of the pool we tried grabbing onto the thing but it was no use.
Our bodies were weak and we couldn't take it any longer.
However, just as we were losing our grip on Derek, and slowly ready to pass out ourselves, someone grabbed us.
I yelped in surprise when the three of us were pulled out of the pool and landed on the ground.
Stiles and I groaned while rolling around a bit while Derek coughed and gasped for air.
I pick my head up just in time to see Scott in a crouched position, his wolf face out, as he let out a loud growl.
Soon the creature came and tackled Scott to the ground where they both went tumbling.
Scott tried attacking first but the creature used its tail to wrap it around his leg before lifting him up and tossing him aside.
Scott made contact with a mirror causing the glass to break and scatter all over the ground.
"SCOTT!" I shouted with wide eyes.
Scott landed on the ground while groaning in pain but quickly pushed himself up and got back into his crouching position.
He looked around before grabbing one of the glass pieces in order to use it as a weapon.
The creature started making its way towards Scott but stopped when it managed to catch himself in the mirror of the glass piece Scott was holding.
The creature looked confused and so did Scott and I when we saw that it was making a move to attack.
Then to our surprise the creature lunged upward and crashed into the roof in order to make its escape.
I sat up from the ground, breathing heavily, and looked over at Stiles and Derek to see them both sitting on the ground.
They were breathing heavily while looks of confusion were plastered on their faces.
Scott sighed and dropped the glass piece he was holding and sat down on the ground, his face slowly going back to normal.
"Is everyone ok?" I asked, looking at the boys.
"For the most part, yeah" Stiles nodded.
"Der?" I asked, looking at my boyfriend.
"I'm fine, Em. The paralysis is slowly wearing off" Derek told me.
I sighed in relief at that while nodding my head.
All of a sudden the three of us heard groaning and we turned around to see Erica and Ares slowly waking up.
"My love!" Stiles yelled.
"Ares!" Scott and I yelled.
"Erica!" Derek yelled.
Stiles shot up from the ground and sprinted towards Ares with Scott and I right behind him.
Ares's Pov
As my eyes fluttered open I slowly began to regain consciousness.
The first thing I heard once I was slowly waking up was Stiles, along with Em and Scott, yelling my name.
Once my eyes were open and my vision was slowly clearing up I felt someone wrap their arms around me and pull me up and into their chest.
And the person was soaked, no joke.
As my vision cleared up I looked up at the person that was holding me and saw Stiles's worried face.
"Stiles?" I weakly asked.
"My love, are you alright? Does anything hurt?" Stiles hurriedly asked.
"My head hurts but it should go away soon" I told him.
Stiles nodded at that, looking relieved that I wasn't seriously injured.
I looked up and saw Em and Scott kneeling next to Stiles while staring at me in worry.
"Ares, buddy, are you alright?" Scott asked, placing his hand on my shoulder.
"I'm fine, Scotty" I reassured him.
"That's good" Em muttered with a small smile on her face.
I nodded at her and watched as she leaned down to give my forehead a soft kiss.
I sighed in content and just snuggled more into my boyfriends chest, smiling as he leaned down to softly kiss me on the lips.
Outside Of School
Scott, Stiles and I were currently outside reading what was on the laptop.
Well, I wouldn't call it reading considering we don't know what language the words are in.
Scott told us that we didn't need to look for a book because everything we need to know was on a flashdrive.
And it was on Gerard's keys the entire time.
Man, aren't we idiots.
After getting outside, and getting my boyfriend a towel to dry himself up, we put the drive into the laptop.
And we did find something but it was confusing as hell since we don't know what language the words were in.
"Is that even a language?" Stiles asked in confusion.
"How are we supposed to figure out what this thing is?" Scott asked.
I opened my mouth to say something when someone beat me to it.
"It's called a Kanima" Derek told us.
The three of us turned around to see Derek, Em and Erica walking towards us.
Emerson and Derek had towels wrapped around their bodies just like Stiles did.
"You knew the whole time?" Stiles asked incredulously.
"No. Only when it was confused by its own reflection" Derek told him.
"It doesn't know what it is" Scott said in realization.
"Or who" Em added.
"Well, what else do you know?" I asked.
"Just stories. Rumors" Derek shrugged.
"But it's like us?" Scott asked with a raised eyebrow.
"A shapeshifter? Yes. But it''s not right. It's like a..." Derek trailed off.
"An abomination" Stiles and I said in unison, sharing a glance.
Derek frowned slightly but slowly nodded his head.
Him, Em and Erica turned around to leave but Scott quickly stopped them.
"Derek? We need to work together on this. Maybe even tell the Argents" Scott said.
"You trust them?" Derek asked, looking and sounding appalled.
"Nobody trusts anyone!" Scott snapped.
This made Stiles and I flinch. Hell, even the others flinched too.
Considering Scott sounded so angry and so fed up and, to be honest, I don't blame him.
"That's the problem! While we're here, arguing about who's on what side, there's something scarier, stronger, and faster than any of us, and it's killing people, and we still don't even know anything about it!" Scott angrily yelled.
Derek stared at Scott with an emotionless expression while Em bit her lip and looked away.
"I know one thing. When I find it, I'm gonna kill it" Derek said.
And his tone was one of seriousness.
Meaning he wasn't kidding.
Derek then wrapped his arm around Em and began to leave with Erica following after them.
I sighed and rubbed my temple in exasperation while leaning into Stiles's side and he wrapped his arm around my waist.
Today was a long and tiring day and all I wanted was to go home and sleep.
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