Chapter Thirteen: Night School
Ares's Pov
I shot up from the ground and rushed to help the boys try and keep the door close so that the monster doesn't get in.
"Lock it, lock it!" Scott yelled.
"Do I look like I have a key?" Stiles sarcastically asked.
"Grab something!" Scott yelled.
"What?!" I yelled back.
"Anything!" Scott yelled in frustration.
I opened my mouth to say something when Stiles's eyes widened in realization.
He stood up and peeked through the window of the door, his eyes landing on something.
Scott and I glanced at each other before standing up and looking out the window to see what he was looking at.
My eyes widened when I saw the bolt cutters lying outside on the ground. Scott did too.
We shared a glance before looking over at Stiles.
We knew what he was planning and we didn't like it. Not one bit.
"No" Scott and I spoke in unison.
Scott tried to block the door to prevent him from leaving but Stiles put a hand on his shoulder.
"Yes" Stiles nodded, shoving Scott aside.
"Stiles, babe, no, don't!" I pleaded, gripping onto his arm tightly to prevent him from going outside.
Stiles shot me a small soft smile before pushing me towards Scott.
Scott caught me and held onto me tightly, holding me back, as Stiles opened the door and quickly shut it once he was outside.
Scott loosened his hold on me as we both looked out the window and saw Stiles slowly walking towards the bolt cutters.
Everything seemed to be fine when we saw something move from behind Stiles's jeep.
Mine and Scott's eyes widened when we saw the monster creep out from behind, slowly making its way towards my boyfriend.
"No, no, no, no" I muttered.
I began banging on the door and so did Scott, desperately trying to get his attention.
"Run! Stiles! Stiles!" Scott desperately yelled.
"Babe get the hell back in here! Hurry!" I desperately yelled, feeling tears prickle in my eyes.
Stiles glanced at us before turning around, his eyes widening when he saw the monster.
Without wasting anymore time he rushed back to the school and rushed inside once he got the door to open.
Scott and I helped him shut the doors before Stiles used the bolt cutters to keep the doors shut.
I handed my boyfriend the flashlight and he took it. He turned it on and the three of us looked outside through the windows to try and see if the monster was still there.
But, it wasn't. It was gone.
"Where is it? Where did it go?" Scott shakily asked.
Neither of us knew what to say but we quickly backed away from the doors, just in case.
"That won't hold, will it?" Scott asked, gesturing to the bolt cutters.
"Probably not" Stiles sighed.
I ignored that and threw myself into my boyfriends arms, holding onto him tightly as I let a few tears stream down my face.
Stiles immediately hugged me back, holding onto me just as tightly, and placed a soothing kiss to my head.
We pulled back from the hug, I could see a small smile on Scott's face as he stared at us, Stiles clutched onto my hand tightly.
Without wasting anymore, especially with the monster still out there, the three of us rushed into a nearby classroom.
I shut the door as fast as I could before the three of us rushed towards the desk.
We had to barricade the door with basically anything.
Just as we were pushing the desk towards the door my boyfriend stopped Scotty and I.
"Stop, stop. The door's not gonna keep it out" Stiles pointed out to us.
"We know" Scott and I said in unison.
"Scott, it's your boss" Stiles told him.
"What?" Scott asked, his eyes widening slightly.
"Deaton, the alpha? Your boss" Stiles, once again, said.
"No" Scott denied, shaking his head.
"Yes, murdering psycho werewolf" Stiles said.
"Stiles, that's ridiculous. Deaton can't and isn't the alpha, there's no way" I shook my head.
"My love, come on. He disappears, and that thing shows up ten seconds later to toss Derek 20 feet through the air? That's not convenient timing?" Stiles asked.
"Maybe Deaton wants his revenge but he wouldn't kill him. Derek fucking attacked him at the clinic, knocked him unconscious and basically kidnapped him. I'm pretty sure anyone in his position would toss the guy around" I angrily told him.
Scott nodded in agreement with what I said while Stiles shook his head.
"It's not him" Scott denied.
"He killed Derek" Stiles reminded him.
"No, Derek's not dead. He can't be dead" Scott shook his head.
"Blood spurted out of his mouth, ok. That doesn't exactly qualify as a minor injury. He's dead, and we're next" Stiles told us.
"Shut up! Nobody is dying, alright! We just have to get out of here. So, what do we do?" I asked.
"We get to my jeep, we get out of here, you seriously think about quitting your job, good?" Stiles asked.
Scott didn't say anything but Stiles just took it as a yes.
The three of us rushed towards the windows and Scott tried opening it but Stiles stopped him.
"No, they don't open. The school's climate controlled" Stiles reminded him.
"Then we break it" Scott told him.
"Which will make a lot of noise" I added.
"Then, uh, then we run really fast. Really fast" Scott told us.
I sighed and shook my head, the fear inside of me bubbling up more and more.
Stiles wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me closer to his side, making sure I was near him at all times.
We were trying to think of a way out of here and to Stiles's jeep but we weren't getting anywhere.
"Stiles, what's wrong with the hood of your jeep?" Scott suddenly asked.
Stiles and I looked at each other before turning towards our friend.
"What do you mean? Nothing's wrong" Stiles said.
"It's bent" Scott told him.
"What, like, dented?" Stiles asked, confused and worried.
The two of us rushed over to Scott and stood behind him, trying to get a better look at Stiles's jeep through the windows.
"No, I mean bent" Scott repeated.
We looked at the jeep and we saw that the hood of it was twisted up towards the windshield.
"What the hell-" Stiles started.
All of a sudden a window broke and glass shattered all over the place. The three of us quickly threw ourselves to the ground, covering our faces with our arms.
We hesitantly remove our arms from our faces and we look over at the thing that was used to break the window.
Mine and Stiles's eyes widened when we saw what it was.
A battery.
As in Stiles's battery for his jeep.
"That's my battery" Stiles muttered.
He tried getting up but Scott and I grabbed his arms and pulled him down. I clung onto his arm, not wanting him to move.
Stiles looked at us before sighing, wrapping his arm around my shoulders.
"We have to move" Stiles told us.
"He could be right outside" Scott reminded him.
"He is right outside" I told him.
"Just let me take a look" Scott told us.
He slowly stood up from the ground and peeked out the window to see if the monster was still there or not.
"Nothing?" Stiles quietly asked.
"Nothing" Scott shook his head.
"Move now?" I asked.
"Move now" Scott nodded.
Without wasting time the three of us quickly rushed outside the classroom to find somewhere else to hide or find a way to get out of here.
When we got out of the classroom it was dark as hell. We literally couldn't see anything at all.
Even with the flashlight it was hard.
"This way" Scott whispered, trying to drag us wherever he was going.
"No, no, no, no" Stiles shook his head, stopping him.
"What?" Scott asked, confused.
"Somewhere without windows" Stiles told him.
"Every single room in this building has windows" Scott reminded him, a bit annoyed.
"Or somewhere with less windows" I told him, getting a little annoyed myself.
Scott let out a sigh and tried to think of somewhere. Not even a second later his eyes widened as he looked at us.
"The locker room" Scott said.
Mine and Stiles's eyes widened and we nodded in agreement.
The three of us rushed down to the locker room and when we got there we rushed inside, quickly shutting the door behind us.
"Ok, call your dad" Scott told my boyfriend.
"And tell him what?" Stiles asked.
"I don't know, anything. Gas leak, a fire, whatever. If that thing sees the parking lot filled with cop cars, it'll take off" Scott told him.
"What if it doesn't? What if it goes completely Terminator and kills every cop in sight, including my dad?" Stiles asked.
The last thing Stiles wants is for something to happen to his dad.
He can't lose him. He just can't.
"They have guns" Scott reminded him.
"Yeah, and Derek had to be shot with a wolfsbane laced bullet to even slow him down, you remember that?" I asked.
"Then we...we have to find a way out and just run for it" Scott said.
"There's nothing near the school for at least a mile" I sighed.
Damn, times like this really makes me wish I had a car.
Or at the very least a motorcycle. Or a bike, I don't care just anything with wheels.
"What about Derek's car?" Scott suddenly asked.
Mine and Stiles's eyes widen in realization as we glanced at each other before nodding.
"That could work. We go outside, we get the keys off his body, and then we take his car" Stiles said.
"And him" Scott and I said in unison.
There's a chance that Derek is still alive and we're not going to just leave him there.
"Fine. Whatever" Stiles scoffed, rolling his eyes.
The three of us began walking towards the door so we could leave and head outside to get to Derek's car.
However, just before I could put my hand on the handle of the door, Scott stopped me.
"What?" I asked, furrowing my eyebrows together.
"I think I heard something" Scott whispered.
"Like what?" Stiles asked, a bit loudly.
"Quiet" Scott quietly hissed at him.
We both remained quiet as Scott used his werewolf hearing to try and hear whatever was behind the door.
All of a sudden his eyes widen in panic and he quickly tells us to hide.
I yelped in surprise when Stiles shoved me inside a locker before closing the door. He then gets into a locker himself and Scott does the same.
I groaned in slight pain, and annoyance, before placing a hand over my mouth in order to keep quiet.
It was silent for a good few minutes, the only thing we could hear was footsteps from inside the locker room.
All of a sudden I hear someone screaming in fright and the locker doors opening.
I quickly got out myself and sighed in relief when I saw that it was just the freaking janitor. And my best friend and boyfriend were trying to calm him down.
"Son of a bitch!" the janitor yelled.
"Quiet!" Scott and Stiles whisper yelled at him.
"Quiet my ass, what the hell are you trying to do, kill me? The three of you get out" the janitor ordered.
He's gasping for air, trying to relieve the fear and slight heart attack he experienced, while leaning against one of the lockers.
"Will you just listen for half a second, ok?" Stiles asked in frustration.
"Not okay. Get the hell out of here right now!" the janitor yelled at us.
"God, just one second to explain!" Stiles yelled in frustration, anger shown in his eyes.
I rushed to his side and held onto his arm, gently rubbing it to calm him down, as the janitor shook his head at him.
He grabbed the three of us and shoved us outside of the locker room.
"Just shut up and go" the janitor sternly told us.
All of a sudden a yelp escapes his lips and he was pulled into the locker room and the door slams shut.
The three of us are confused and concerned when all of a sudden the janitors body slams into the window of the door. Our eyes widened in fear when we saw blood appear on the window.
His body slams back against the window and more blood appears.
Scott rushes to the door and tries to open it to save the man but I grab his arm and pull him back.
"I'm sorry but we tried to warn him and he didn't listen. He's gone by now, we need to go!" I yelled.
Stiles nodded in agreement and the three of us rushed down the hallway to try and find somewhere else to go.
The three of us ran down the hallway and make our way towards the exit that was at the end of the hallway. When we got there we tried shoving the doors open, only for the doors to not open.
"What the hell?" I asked, confused.
Scott managed to take a peek through the doors and his eyes widened at what he saw.
"It's a dumpster" Scott told us, backing away from the doors.
"He pushed it in front of the door to block us in. Come on, help us" Stiles told Scott.
He tried shoving the doors open once more and I was helping him but the damn doors wouldn't budge.
Is that bastard really trying to keep us here just so he can kill us?
"Stop! Guys, stop!" Scott yelled, grabbing us and pulling us back.
He pulled us away from the doors as the three of us walked down the hallway together.
"We're not dying here. We're not dying at school" Stiles shook his head.
"We're not going to die" Scott quickly reassured us.
I shook my head and clutched onto Stiles's arm.
"God, what is he doing? What does he want?" I shakily asked, gripping my boyfriends arm tighter.
Stiles quickly wrapped his arm around my waist and kissed my temple, trying to comfort me and calm me down.
"Me. Derek says it's stronger with a pack" Scott told us.
"Oh, great. A psychotic werewolf who's into teen work. That's beautiful" Stiles sarcastically said, rolling his eyes.
All of a sudden Scott stopped walking, causing Stiles and I to stop as well.
Our eyes widened in disbelief and fear, more than we were already feeling, when we saw the monster on the roof with its red eyes staring at us.
The alpha bounds from one level of the roof to the next before leaping towards the windows by us. Glass shatters everywhere as the alpha lands inside the school hallway the boys and I were in.
The alpha growled and roared and I swear to god I could feel the color draining from my face.
I yelped in surprise when Stiles picked me up bridal style, tossing the flashlight over to Scott, before he and Scott began running down the hallway as fast as they could.
I wrapped my arms around my boyfriend's neck and held onto him tightly as he and Scott rushed into a nearby stairwell and practically threw themselves down the stairs in order to get away from the alpha that was right behind us.
Finally, we made it to the schools basement and rushed inside.
The three of us hid behind lockers and Stiles put me down, cupping my face with his hands as he scanned me up and down.
"You alright? You're not hurt, right?" he hurriedly asked.
"No, no, i'm fine. I promise" I quickly reassured him.
He sighed in relief and leaned in and placed a gentle kiss to my forehead, causing me to smile.
"Hey, both of you can be cute when we get out of here alive" Scott deadpanned.
Stiles and I rolled our eyes before turning over to our friend as we got back to the situation at hand.
"Alright, we have to do something" Stiles said.
"Like what?" Scott asked.
"I don't know. Kill it, hurt it, inflict mental anguish on it. Something" I shrugged.
We just needed to think of something, literally anything, to stop the freaking alpha from trying to kill us.
Considering that's what it's been trying to do since it arrived.
All of a sudden an idea forms into my head.
I quickly, and quietly, take my keys out of my pocket and take a few steps towards the room that was open.
"My love, what are you doing?" Stiles quietly and worriedly asked.
I quickly shushed him and shushed Scott when I saw him open his mouth and walked forward to the room.
I took a deep breath before tossing the keys inside the room, taking a few steps backwards when it made clacking noise from inside.
All of a sudden we hear a roar and the alpha sprints over to us but makes a turn and rushes inside the room that I just tossed my keys inside. Without wasting anymore time, I quickly shut the door and held it shut with my body.
"The desk. Come on, the desk!" I yelled at the boys.
They were quick to push the desk towards the door and the three of us backed away from the room the alpha was now trapped inside.
I let out a disbelieving laugh and stumbled into Stiles's arms. He held onto me tightly and protectively while kissing my head a few times.
"Smart my love. Very smart" Stiles whispered in my ear.
Shivers went down my spine at that and I sent him a wink and a smirk.
Scott jumped over the desk and rushed over to Stiles and I, standing at my other side.
All of a sudden Stiles tries to get on top of the desk, trying to take a look through the window, when Scott stops him.
"What are you doing?" Scott asked, grabbing my boyfriend by his shoulder.
"I just wanna get a look at it" Stiles replied.
"Are you crazy?" Scott asked, looking at him like hes grown two heads.
"Look, it's trapped, ok. It's not gonna get out" Stiles reminded him.
I opened my mouth to say something when Stiles got onto the desk and used the flashlight to take a peek through the window.
"Yeah, that's right, we got you" Stiles began taunting the alpha.
"Babe, I love you, but please shut up" I groaned in exasperation, throwing my head back.
Out of the corner of my eye I could see Scott's eyes widen as he looked at me like a deer in headlights.
"I'm not scared of this thing. I'm not scared of you. Right, because you're in there, and we're out here. You're not going any-" Stiles started.
The three of us flinch and our eyes widened when we saw the alpha leap up, going right into the ceiling.
The three of us gaze up in horror as the ceiling panels above us start to shake, bend and pop under the weight of the alpha. The panels rumble and shake from above us before the alpha makes its retreat.
"Well shit" I muttered under my breath.
The three of us quickly ran down the hallway to get the hell out of there and find somewhere else.
I swear to god if we ever do get out of here we're going to be tired as hell.
At least we're getting some exercise in, so at least that's something. I guess.
"Wait. Do you hear that?" Scott suddenly asked us.
"Hear what?" Stiles asked, confused.
"It sounds like a phone ringing" Scott told us.
"What?" Stiles asked, furrowing his eyebrows together.
"I know that ring. It's Allison's phone" Scott told us, his eyes widening.
"Scotty, do we really have to remind you that you're the only one with werewolf hearing?" I asked, raising an eyebrow at him.
Scott ignored me and asked Stiles for his phone and Stiles gave it to him.
Scott called Allison from his phone but I didn't pay attention to what he was saying, I just zoned him out.
All of a sudden Scott hangs up and hands Stiles his phone back and tells us that we're heading to the lobby.
The three of us rush towards the lobby and we hear footsteps and turn around to see Allison running towards us.
"Why did you come? What are you doing here?" Scott quickly asked, rushing towards her.
"Because you asked me to" Allison told him.
"I asked you to?" Scott asked, confused.
Allison nodded and took her phone out and showed him the message that Scott supposedly sent her.
Scott's eyes widened, so did mine and Stiles's, and Allison frowned at our reactions as her eyes met Scott's.
"Why do I get the feeling you didn't send this message?" Allison asked, raising an eyebrow at him.
"Because I didn't" Scott told her.
Allison's frown deepened and she opened her mouth to say something but Stiles beat her to it.
"Did you drive here?" Stiles asked.
"Jackson, did" she replied.
"Jackson's here too?" Scott and I asked in unison.
This can't be happening. This can't be happening.
"And Lydia, what's going on? Who sent this text?" Allison asked, starting to freak out herself.
All of a sudden her phone rings and she picks it up, putting her phone to her ear.
"Where are you?" she asked.
The doors open from the side and the four of us turn around and see Jackson and Lydia walking towards us.
Allison put her phone away as the couple walked towards us.
"Finally. Can we go now?" Lydia asked.
But before any of could say anything, or even move, we hear something from above us.
Allison, Lydia and Jackson look up in confusion while Stiles, Scott and I share a knowing and fearful look.
Lydia held onto Jackson's arm while Allison and Scott clutched onto each other's hands.
Stiles clutched onto my arm tightly and began dragging me with him as he started running first.
"RUN!" Stiles screamed.
Him and I get a head start with the running while the others were quick to follow us from behind just as the alpha crashes into the hallway.
All of us make sure to stay close to each other, holding onto each other, making sure not to look back because that'll only slow us down.
We all rushed into the cafeteria and when Scott shoves Allison inside he quickly shuts the door to prevent the alpha from getting inside.
Scott rushed over to the vending machine and tried pushing it but was having some trouble doing so.
"Help me get this in front of the door!" Scott yelled.
Jackson, shockingly, rushed over to help him do what he needed while Lydia and Allison were standing next to each other in fear.
"Scott, wait, not here" Stiles tried to tell him but our friend wasn't listening.
"What was that? Scott, what was that?" Allison asked.
"What came out of the ceiling?" Lydia fearfully asked, turning to look at me.
"Will you just help me? The chairs, stack the chairs!" Scott yelled at them.
The girls did as told and helped Jackson and Scott while Stiles and I were trying to get their attention.
Guys. Can we just wait a second? You guys, listen to me. Can we wait a second? Guys? Stiles talking. Can we hang on for one second, please? Hello!" Stiles yelled.
Nothing worked, all his yelling and everything wasn't working because none of them were listening to us.
I let out a frustrated groan before kicking a nearby chair with all my strength.
"HEY! PAY ATTENTION!" I shouted in frustration.
Finally, freaking finally, they all stopped what they were doing and turned their attention to us.
I took a few deep breaths to calm down before clasping my hands together.
"Ok, nice work. Really beautiful job, everyone. Now..." I trailed off.
"What should we do about the 20 foot wall of windows?" Stiles sarcastically asked.
Everyone turned towards the window and their eyes widened when they realized that Stiles had a point.
Scott sent us a look and we simply shrugged at him.
"Can somebody please explain to me what's going on, because I'm freaking out here. And I would like to know why" Allison shakily spoke.
I honestly don't blame her.
She looked over at Scott for some answers but he shook his head and walked away from her.
"Scott?" Allison pleaded.
Scott still doesn't say anything nor does he look at her. He's clearly stressed about all of this.
Stiles and I looked at each other, having a silent conversation with one another, before turning over to the others.
"Somebody killed the janitor" Stiles revealed to the other teens.
"What?" Lydia asked, her eyes widening.
"Yeah, the janitor's dead" I nodded, sighing.
"What's he talking about? Is this a joke?" Allison asked, her eyes slowly watering.
"What, who killed him?" Jackson asked, looking at Stiles and I for an answer.
What the hell are we supposed to tell them?
We know the alpha killed him but we can't say that. And we don't even know who the damn alpha is in the first place.
"No, no, no, no. This was supposed to be over. The mountain lion killed-" Lydia started but was cut off.
"No, don't you get it? There wasn't a mountain lion" Jackson told her.
"Who was it? What does he want? What's happening? Scott!" Allison fearfully asked, yelling at the end.
Scott tugged at his tightly before shaking his head while shrugging his shoulders.
"I don't know. I...I just...if...if we go out there, he's gonna kill us" Scott told her and the others.
"Us? He's gonna kill us?" Lydia shakily asked, gripping Jackson's arm.
"Who? Who is it?" Allison asked, turning away from Scott to look at Stiles and I.
Stiles and I stumbled over our words, unsure of what to say.
I opened my mouth to say that we didn't get a good look of the killer when Scott spoke.
"It's Derek. It's Derek Hale" Scott revealed.
Mine and Stiles's eyes widen as we looked at our friend in disbelief.
"Derek killed the janitor?" Jackson asked, raising an eyebrow.
"Are you sure?" Allison asked, wanting to be certain.
"I saw him" Scott replied.
Scott, I swear to god...
"The mountain li-" Lydia started but was cut off.
"No, Derek killed them!" Scott yelled, turning around.
"All of them?" Allison asked in confusion.
"Yeah, starting with his own sister" Scott nodded.
My eyes widened even more and my jaw dropped in disbelief.
I glared at my friend and gritted my teeth, trying to rush over to him when Stiles held me back.
I know that idiot didn't accuse Derek of all of this when he didn't do anything. Derek would never kill his own sister, no way.
"The bus driver?" Allison asked.
"And the guy in the video store, it's been Derek the whole time. He's in here with us" Scott said.
He ran a hand through his hair before looking at all of us in the eye.
"And if we don't get out now, he's going to kill us too" Scott revealed.
I swear to god I want to smack that idiot so bad right now, but unfortunately Stiles is preventing me from doing so.
The other teens looked even more frightened at the news that Scott just told them.
Lydia and, surprisingly, Allison were gripping Jackson by their arms while said boy turned over to my boyfriend.
"Call the cops" Jackson demanded.
"No" Stiles shook his head.
"What do you mean know?" Jackson asked, looking at my boyfriend like he's insane.
"I mean no. You wanna hear it in spanish? Noh!" Stiles yelled.
"Look, Derek killed three people, ok. We don't know what he's armed with" I reminded him.
"Your boyfriend's dad is armed with an entire sheriff's department. Call him" Jackson demanded.
I glared at him and he gulped slightly, looking away.
"I'm calling" Lydia spoke up, taking her phone out.
"No, redhead, would you just hold on a sec" Stiles told her, trying to stop her from calling.
He tried walking towards her but Jackson shoved him back, glaring at him.
"Hey!" Scott yelled, standing in front of Stiles protectively.
I glared at Jackson, more dangerously this time, and grabbed him by the collar of his jacket.
"Don't ever touch my boyfriend again, jackass!" I yelled, shoving him back.
Jackson stumbled backwards, nearly falling to the ground, while Scott gently rubbed my shoulder to calm me down.
I get really defensive when it comes to Stiles, the same way he gets defensive when it comes to me.
"Yes, we're at Beacon Hills high school. We're trapped, and we need you to...but..." Lydia spoke at the beginning but stumbled over her words at the end.
All of a sudden she removes her phone from her ear, her arm falling to her side.
"She hung up on me" Lydia told us.
Well, that's just great.
"The police hung up on you?" Allison asked in disbelief.
"She said they got a tip warning them that there are gonna be prank calls about a break in at the high school. She said if I called again that they're gonna trace it and have me arrested" Lydia explained.
"Ok, then call again" Allison demanded.
"No, they won't trace a cell and they'll send a car to your house before they send anyone here" I explained.
"What the...what...what is this? Why does Derek wanna kill us? Why is he killing anyone?" Allison asked.
Her eyes wandered over to Scott, so did Jackson and Lydia.
Stiles and I ended up looking over at our friend too, considering he's the one that said Derek is the killer.
Scott sensed us staring at him and looked up, his eyebrows furrowing together.
"Why's everyone looking at me?" Scott asked, confused and uncomfortable.
"Is he the one that sent her the text?" Lydia asked.
"No. I mean, I don't know" Scott replied.
"Is he the one that called the police?" Allison asked this time.
"I don't know!" Scott yelled, clearly getting angry and frustrated.
Allison flinches back slightly while Scott's eyes widened slightly at what he had done.
I stood next to him and wrapped my arm around his shoulders, keeping him close while rubbing
"Alright, why don't we ease back on the throttle here, yeah?" I asked.
I guided Scott away from the three teens and Stiles followed, knowing that the three of us had to talk.
I gently shoved Scott away and smacked him upside the head, causing him to wince in pain.
"Ok, first off, throwing Derek under the bus, nicely done" I sarcastically smiled at him.
"I didn't know what to say. I had to say something. And if he's dead then it doesn't matter, right?" Scott asked.
I am this close to hitting him, I swear to god.
"Except if he's not. Oh, god, I totally just bit her head off" Scott groaned, guilty for yelling at Allison.
"Who freaking cares? She'll get over it. Bigger issues at hand here, like how do we get out alive?" I asked.
"But we are alive. It could've killed us already. It's like it's cornering us or something" Scott told me.
"So what, he wants to eat us all at the same time?" Stiles sarcastically asked, throwing his hands up in the air.
"No! Derek said it wants revenge" Scott whisper yelled at him.
"Against who?" Stiles asked, confused.
"Allison's family?" I suggested.
"Maybe that's what the text was about. Someone had to send it" Scott nodded.
Stiles opened his mouth to say something when someone else beat him to it. Someone's voice that we really didn't want to hear.
"Ok, assheads, new plan. Stiles calls his useless dad and tells him to send someone with a gun and decent aim. Are we good with that?" Jackson asked.
"What the fuck did you just call my dad?" Stiles asked, glaring dangerously at him.
He tried stalking over to him but I clutched his arm tightly, holding him back.
Even though I was tempted myself to punch Jackson in the face for his insult.
Considering Mr. Stilinski is family to Emerson and I and anyone that disrespects him gets a punch or a kick to the face.
"He's right. Tell him the truth if you have to, just call him" Scott told him softly.
Stiles glared at him and let out a scoff, shaking his head.
"I'm not watching my dad get eaten alive" Stiles turned away from everyone.
I completely understand where my boyfriend is coming from.
Everyone is scared, I get that, but Stiles is not going to put his dad's life on the line.
Especially when his dad is the only parent he has left. He's all he's got and he's not going to let him get hurt or worse.
Jackson glared at the back of my boyfriends head before letting out a frustrated groan.
"Alright, give me the phone" Jackson demanded, stalking over to my boyfriend.
I glared at him and was about to yell at him to back off when I was gently pushed aside.
I turned around just in time to see Stiles spin himself around and shove his fist into Jackson's face.
The girls gasped and let out small screams while Scott and I watched with wide eyes in shock.
Jackson stumbled backwards and fell to the ground, landing on his knees, while clutching his face.
Stiles tried stalking forward, wanting to do more than just punch him, when Scott and I grabbed his arms and pulled him back.
"Jackson!" Allison yelled.
She ran over to him and knelt at his side, placing her hands on his shoulders.
"Are you ok? Hey, are you ok?" Allison softly asked, trying to look at his face.
Jackson slowly picked his head up and stared at Stiles with wide eyes, clearly surprised at what he had done.
Stiles simply glared back at him before turning away and Jackson did the same too.
Allison shot Stiles a glare, a glare that I returned and, surprisingly, Scott glared at her too.
Did not see that coming if i'm being honest...
Allison flinched back at the glares she received, mainly the one Scott shot at her, before turning away to check up on Jackson.
Lydia stood back and just watched, but I could see a hint of amusement in her eyes.
I stood in front of my boyfriend and gently placed my hands on his shoulders, rubbing them softly and soothingly as I felt him slowly calm down.
When he calmed down I wrapped my arms around his neck and leaned closer to him, pressing my forehead against his.
"That was so hot, babe" I whispered.
He definitely needs to do stuff like that more often. It turns me on like hell.
Stiles smirked faintly and let out a chuckle before leaning in to place a gentle kiss to my lips.
We pulled away from each other as Stiles let out an irritated sigh before taking his phone out. He dialed his dads number before putting his phone to his ear.
"Dad, hey, it's me. And it's your voice mail" Stiles sighed.
Almost everyone let out sighs and shook their heads in exasperation.
"Look, I need you to call me back now. Like, right now" Stiles sternly said.
All of a sudden we hear banging coming from the door, causing all of us to flinch back.
We all rush towards each other and huddle around each other and back away from the door.
Lydia clutched onto Jackson's arm while Allison clutched onto Scott's. Scott kept her close to him.
Stiles shoved me behind him as I clutched onto his arm, ready to drag him with me if we had to run.
"We're at the school. Dad, we're at the school" Stiles hurriedly spoke into his phone.
He quickly hung up and shoved his phone into his pocket and wrapped his arm around my waist, keeping a tight grip around me.
More bangs could be heard from the door as the alpha desperately and angrily tried getting inside, the chairs and the vending machine that was barricading the door was trembling and close to being flown away.
"Oh my god!" Lydia yelled, her eyes watering.
Jackson glanced at her, a hint of concern shown in his eyes, before turning away from her.
I bit my lip anxiously and continued clutching onto my boyfriends arm while he held onto me by the waist.
"The kitchen, the door out of the kitchen leads to the stairwell" Stiles spoke up, gaining everyone attention.
"Which only goes up" Scott reminded him.
"Up is better than here, Scotty!" I yelled at him.
We all screamed as the banging kept on going and the screwdrivers from the doors were slowly sliding off.
Lydia and Allison whimpered and held onto their respective boyfriends while I tried my best not to cry.
Without wasting anymore time we all ran into the kitchen as fast as we could, if we stayed in the cafeteria any longer we're definitely going to die.
We all rushed up the stairs and made it into the hallway. We all frantically searched for an open door but almost all the damn doors were locked.
Finally, we found an open door and quickly rushed into the classroom which just so happened to be the chemistry room.
Once we were all inside Scott shut the door and used a chair to barricade the door.
All of us were scared, understandable, and we were all panting and breathing heavily considering all we've been doing so far is running.
We heard footsteps approaching and we all stayed very silent, Lydia clasped a hand over her mouth and Allison clenched her eyes shut.
I hid my face in Stiles's shoulder and he held onto me tightly.
We waited for a good few seconds before the alpha finally walked past the classroom.
All of us quietly sighed in relief as our shoulders slumped in relief as well.
"Jackson, how many people can fit in your car?" Scott asked.
"Six, if two people squeezes on someone's lap" Jackson replied.
"Six? I barely fit in the back" Allison deadpanned at him.
I rolled my eyes at that.
"It doesn't matter. There's no getting out without drawing attention" Stiles shook his head, rubbing my hip gently with his thumb.
I let out a soft sigh and gently nuzzled my face into his neck, feeling myself calm down slightly.
"What about this?" Scott asked.
We turned around and saw him walking towards a door that was nearby.
"This leads to the roof. We can go down the fire escape to the parking lot in, like, seconds" Scott said.
"That's a deadbolt" Stiles and I reminded him.
Scott let out a sigh before his eyes widened in realization, "the janitor has a key" he told us.
"You mean his body has it" Stiles deadpanned.
"I can get it. I can find him by scent, by blood" Scott whispered.
"Well, gee, that sounds like an incredibly terrible idea. What else you got?" Stiles sarcastically asked.
"I'm getting the key" Scott shook his head.
He started walking towards the door to leave and find the janitors dead body, only to be stopped by Allison.
"Are you serious?" Allison asked, looking at him like he's gone insane.
"Well, it's the best plan. Someone has to get the key if we wanna get out of here" Scott reminded her.
"You can't go out there unarmed" Allison reminded him, scared that he'll get hurt.
Scott frowned, knowing she had a point, before turning to me.
"Ares, do you have your pocket knife that Em gave you for Christmas?" he asked.
"Your sister gave you a pocket knife for Christmas?" Lydia asked in disbelief, her eyes wide in shock.
"She's protective of me and always wants me to be safe just in case. And to answer your question Scotty, no, I don't have it" I sighed.
The one time I didn't bring it with me.
Scott sighed and looked around before grabbing the teachers pointer from the chalkboard, gripping it as if he were holding a baseball bat.
Silence took over us.
Everyone, including Stiles and I, stared at Scott like he was an idiot.
"Really?" Stiles asked, shaking his head at our best friend.
"Well, it's better than nothing" Scott defended himself.
"There's gotta be something else" I sighed.
"There is" Lydia nodded.
We saw her nod towards something and we turn around to see a cabinet full of chemicals.
My eyes widened slightly as I slowly caught onto her plan while everyone else was still confused.
"What are we gonna do? Throw acid on him?" Stiles sarcastically asked, glaring at her.
"No. Like a fire bomb. In there is everything you need to make a self-igniting molotov cocktail" Lydia explained.
I grinned at her and nodded.
Stiles glanced between the two of us before frowning, "self - igniting..." he trailed off in confusion.
"Molotov cocktail" Lydia and I finished, causing us to grin at each other.
Once again, silence took over us.
Everyone was staring at us, mainly at Lydia, like gaping fishes.
I rolled my eyes at their stares while Lydia cleared her throat and glared at everyone.
"What? I read it somewhere" she defended, shrugging her shoulders.
I seriously have to talk with her soon. She needs to know that there's absolutely nothing wrong with being smart.
"We don't have a key for that either" Stiles told her.
I let out a scoff and rolled my eyes.
I walked towards the cabinet before kicking it, causing glass to shatter around the ground as the chemicals were now open for us to use.
"Now it is" I smirked.
Allison and Jackson stared at me with wide eyes while Lydia and Scott grinned at me.
Stiles...well, he was eyeing me up and down as lust took over his eyes.
"That was hot, my love" Stiles smirked, sending me a wink.
I blushed but winked back, loving the affect I had on him.
Lydia and I got to work while everyone watched us, knowing that they couldn't exactly help and just decided to let us focus.
Which, honestly, Lydia and I were grateful since the last thing we needed was distractions.
Scott literally had to hold Stiles back to keep him from hugging me from behind.
When he does that he'll end up kissing my neck and I get turned on by that and things will escalate and we don't have time for that.
Not now, at least.
Finally, we finished.
Once we were done we carefully handed it to Scott who took it while sending us a nod.
"No. No, this is insane, you can't do this. You cannot go out there. " Allison shook her head, her eyes watering with more tears.
"We can't just sit here waiting for Stiles' dad to check his messages" Scott reminded her.
"You could die. Don't you get that? He's killed three people" Allison reminded him.
"And we're next. Somebody has to do something" Scott softly told her.
He started walking towards the door but Allison quickly stopped him.
At this point she was full on crying, tears streaming down her cheeks as she rapidly shook her head.
"Scott, just stop. Do you remember when you told me you knew whether or lying? That I had a tell" Allison said.
Scott slowly nodded.
"Well, so do you. You're a horrible liar" Allison told him, her voice cracking.
Out of the corner of my eye I saw Jackson smirking at that and it irritated me.
I grabbed a nearby empty beaker and threw it at him, hitting him straight in the head and watching in satisfaction as the glass broke.
Jackson winced in pain, his hand flying up to his head, as he looked at me with wide eyes.
"Oops" I shrugged, leaning into Stiles's side.
"And you've been lying all night. Just please don't go. Please don't leave us. Please" Allison begged.
Scott stared at her, various emotions shown in his eyes, before he shook his head.
"Lock it behind me" Scott told Stiles and I.
He was about to leave when Allison grabbed his arm and pulled him into a deep and passionate kiss. A kiss that was easily returned.
Seriously? They're going to kiss now?
They pulled away from the kiss and Scott smiled softly at her before turning around and leaving.
Allison smiled faintly before letting out a sigh as she turned away from the door.
A Few Minutes Later
All of us decided to huddle into one corner together and just be close to each other. Considering we're all still very much scared.
Stiles was leaning against the wall with his arms around my waist and his chin resting on my shoulder. I was leaning against his back while my hands were resting on top of his.
Allison was sitting on the table while Jackson and Lydia were leaning against it.
"I don't get this"
We all turned over to Allison and saw her shaking her head.
"I don't get why he's out there, and why he left us. And I can't...I can't stop my hands from shaking" Allison shakily spoke.
"It's ok. It's ok, it's gonna be ok" Jackson softly told her.
He moved close to her and placed his hands in hers, gently rubbing them in order to calm her down.
"Ok" Allison nodded, sending him a small but grateful smile.
Jackson smiled at her, a glint in his eyes that made me want to smack him.
Lydia glanced between them, her lips pressed together as various emotions were shown in her eyes, before turning to me.
"Hey, Ares, you handed me the sulfuric acid, right? It has to be sulfuric acid. It won't ignite if it's not" Lydia asked.
"Don't worry, Lyds, I gave you exactly what you asked for. It'll work, trust me" I softly nodded.
"Ok, ok, good" Lydia smiled softly at me.
Stiles placed a gentle kiss to my neck, causing me to turn my head around and smile softly at him.
All of a sudden a massive roar rang throughout the school, making lockers and doors shake and we could even feel the floor shaking.
All of us covered our ears from the slight pain we felt.
But, for whatever reason, Jackson fell to his knees and began wincing in pain and cried out due to the pain.
Allison and Lydia rushed to his aid while Stiles and I looked at the back of his neck.
Our eyes widened at what we saw as we glanced at each other before turning back to the three teens that were knelt on the ground.
Finally, Jackson stopped crying out in pain and managed to calm down as the girls helped him up.
"No, I'm fine" Jackson quickly told the girls.
He pulled his arms out of their grasp and turned around to look at them.
"Like, seriously, I'm ok" he nodded, his eyes mainly on Allison rather than Lydia.
"That didn't sound okay at all" Allison frowned, narrowing her eyes at him.
"What's on the back of your neck?" Stiles asked, also narrowing his eyes at him.
"I said I'm fine" Jackson told him, glaring at him before looking away.
"It's been there for days. He won't tell me what happened" Lydia said, frowning at her boyfriend.
"As if you actually care!" Jackson angrily snapped at her.
Lydia flinched at that and I glared at him.
"Watch how you speak to her, asshole!" I snapped back at him.
"Alright, can we not argue for half a second here?" Stiles asked, clearly fed up and tired.
"Where's Scott? He should be back by now" Allison asked, frowning in fear and concern.
"I seriously hope that idiot is fine. Because if he's dead I'm going to bring him back to life just to kill him again" I huffed.
I love my best friend, I really do and I think of him as a brother.
But he's just an idiot that is always putting himself in danger and doesn't seem to care if he gets hurt or not.
I get that he wants to protect the people he cares about. I do, but he also needs to think about himself as well.
I snapped out of my thoughts when Allison yelled "Scott!" and rushed to the door.
We all rushed towards the door and Allison tried opening it but it was locked.
Did Scott just lock us in the classroom? Are you kidding me right now?
"Scott! Scott!" Allison yelled.
"Where's he going?" Lydia asked, confused, scared and angry.
I pulled away from Stiles's grasp and rushed to the door, trying to get it open myself while banging on it too.
"Scott! Scotty! Scott! Scotty!" I yelled.
Where the hell did that idiot go? And what the hell is he doing?
"Stop. Stop!" Lydia yelled.
We did just that as Lydia looked at all of us and asked "do you hear that?" and gestured for us to be silent.
Stiles opened his mouth to say something when Lydia yelled "listen!" and he quickly closed his mouth.
We all remained silent, just as Lydia told us, and our eyes widened when we heard sirens nearby.
We rushed over to the window and looked outside. Our eyes widened in relief when we saw cop cars pulling up along with a few officers getting out and rushing to the school.
All of us sighed in relief, our shoulders slumping in relief as well, as we finally felt ourselves relax.
Finally, help has arrived.
Outside Of The School
Once the cops got here we were taken out of the classroom and taken outside to cool down and drink water they brought for us.
The cops questioned all of us to get our statements before we could leave.
Stiles and I were holding onto each other as Scott talked with Mr. Stilinski.
"You sure it was Derek Hale?" Mr. Stilinski asked.
"Yes" Scott nodded.
"We saw him too" Stiles and I spoke in unison.
"What about the janitor?" Scott quickly asked.
"We're still looking" Mr. Stilinski told him.
"Did you check under the bleachers? Under them?" Scott asked, furrowing his eyebrows together.
"Yeah, Scott, we looked. We pulled them out just like you asked, there's nothing" Mr. Stilinski told him.
"I'm not making this up" Scott told him.
"I know, I believe you, I do" Mr. Stilinski softly told him.
Scott stared at him for a few seconds before scoffing slightly and shaking his head.
"No, you don't. You have this look like you feel bad for me. Like you wanna believe me, but I know you don't" Scott said.
Mr. Stilinski pressed his lips together before letting out a sigh, placing his hand on Scott's shoulder.
"Listen, we're gonna search this whole school. We're gonna find him. Ok. I promise" Mr. Stilinski softly said.
Scott said nothing and simply nodded his head.
"Sheriff!" a deputy yelled.
"Stay. All of you" Mr. Stilinski ordered.
We simply nodded and watched as he turned around and walked away. When he was gone Stiles let out a sigh.
"Well, we survived, dude. You know? We outlasted the alpha. It's still good, right? Being alive?" Stiles asked.
Scott frowned and shook his head, "when we were in the chemistry room, he walked right by us. You don't think that it heard us? You don't think it knew exactly where we were?" he asked.
"Well, then how come we're still alive?" I asked, confused.
"It wants me in its pack. But I think, first...I have to get rid of my old pack" Scott said.
I frowned at that, so did Stiles. We glanced at each other before looking back at our best friend.
"What do you mean? What old pack?" I asked.
"Allison. Jackson, Lydia. You and Ares" Scott listed all our names.
My eyes slowly widened in realization and so did Stiles's as he pressed his lips together tightly.
"The alpha doesn't wanna kill us" Stiles spoke.
"It wants me to do it. And that's not even the worst part" Scott groaned in frustration.
"How in holy hell is that not the worst part, Scott?" I asked in confusion and exasperation.
"Because when he made me shift. I wanted to do it. I wanted to kill you. All of you" Scott told us.
Mine and Stiles's eyes widened at that, unsure of what to say or how to react.
I opened my mouth to say something when Scott looked at something from behind us and his eyes widened in shock.
Stiles and I watched as he walked past us and over to something.
I was going to follow him but Stiles grabbed my arm, stopping me.
"My love, can I ask you something?" he softly asked.
I frowned but nodded my head, letting my arm fall to my side when he let it go.
"Yeah, of course" I said.
Stiles nodded and took a few deep breaths, almost as if he were preparing himself, before finally speaking.
"Did you mean it? When you said you love me, did you mean it?" Stiles softly asked.
My eyes widened at that and my jaw slightly dropped to the ground.
I forgot I told him I love him back inside the school when we trapped the alpha and he was mocking him.
I...I want to say it was just the slip of the tongue, wasn't.
Because I meant it. I love him.
I love Stiles with all my heart and nothing nor nobody can tell me otherwise.
"Of course I meant it. 100%. You don't need to say it back if you don't feel the same way, but-" I started.
But I was soon cut off by Stiles pulling me into a passionate, loving and desperate kiss.
My eyes widened and a small gasp escaped my lips, but then I found myself melting into the kiss as I put my hands on his shoulders.
We kiss for a few seconds before pulling away from each other, a bit breathless for that matter.
"What was that for?" I softly whispered, patiently waiting for his answer.
Stiles let out a hum and leaned closer, pressing his forehead onto mine as love washed through his eyes.
"Because I love you too" Stiles finally said, smiling as he did so.
My breath hitched and I felt my eyes watering at hearing those words with my own ears.
He loves me...
He loves me back...
A smile appeared on my face, an excited and relieved one, before I pulled him into another kiss.
Stiles laughed happily before kissing me back, wrapping his arms around my waist as he held me close.
Stiles and I pulled away from the kiss and turned around at the shout of my name.
Our eyes widened when we saw Emerson practically jump out of the taxi car she was in, after throwing the driver some cash, and sprint towards us.
"Em" I breathed out.
I pulled away from Stiles and was about to run to my sister when she was already in front of me.
She threw herself at me and wrapped her arms around my shoulders tightly, holding onto me tightly. I breathed in her scent before wrapping my arms around her, holding her close.
"Oh my god, I'm so happy you're alright" Emerson breathed out in relief.
"Me too. Me too" I nodded.
She pulled away from the hug and cupped my face, scanning me up and down for any injuries.
When she didn't find any she pulled me back into a hug, placing a gentle kiss to my temple.
"We're definitely talking about your punishment later, right now I just care that you're safe and alive" my sister told me.
I let out a small sigh before hugging her back.
"I know, Em. I know" I chuckled softly.
Em nodded before, without even looking, grabbed Stiles by his arm and pulled him into the hug as well.
Stiles laughed softly before wrapping his arms around the both of us, holding the both of us tightly.
After everything that happened tonight, this is something that I definitely needed.
Stiles telling me that he loves me and just being in my sisters arms, as well as Stiles's, where I feel safe and secured.
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