Chapter Nine: The Tell: Part One
Ares's Pov
Stiles, Mr. Stilinski, Emerson and I were all inside his cop car eating dinner.
Emerson didn't have work today. Something happened at both her jobs and they cancelled, meaning she was able to hang with us.
But, considering we're in Mr. Stilinski's cop car, there was a gate shielding us from Stiles and his dad.
"I'm just saying that it's better for you to start driving an SUV or just any car in particular. I don't really like sitting back here with a gate shielding us" Emerson sighed.
"Same. It sucks" I pouted.
Stiles laughed softly while Mr. Stilinski let out a soft chuckle.
"Sorry, kiddos. I promise to try and get a new car when I can" Mr. Stilinski told us.
Emerson sighed and nodded while I just nodded and went back to eating my curly fries.
Stiles smiled and winked at me, causing me to smile back at him, before going back to eating his own food.
"Did they forget my curly fries?" Mr. Stilinski asked, looking at his son.
"You're not supposed to eat fries, especially the curly ones" Stiles sternly said.
"Well, I'm carrying a lethal weapon. If I want the curly fries, I will have the curly fries" Mr. Stilinski told him.
"Yeah, let the poor man have his fries" Emerson backed him up.
I chuckled at that. Stiles rolled his eyes. Mr. Stilinski grinned at Emerson and thanked her for backing him up.
"If you think getting rid of contractions in all your sentences makes your argument any more legitimate, you are wrong" Stiles sternly said.
Mr. Stilinski huffed and went back to eating his hamburger, clearly upset over not having any curly fries.
Emerson giggled and patted the gate, gaining his attention.
"Don't worry, Noah. You can have some of mine, I don't finish them anyway" Emerson smiled.
"Thank you, Em" Mr. Stilinski smiled at her.
Stiles shot her a look while she ignored him and went back to eating her own burger.
I chuckled and shook my head. Stiles simply sighed and went back to eating his own food.
"Unit one, do you copy?" dispatch asked.
Stiles reached for the radio but his hand was slapped away by his dad.
Stiles cleared his throat and muttered out a "sorry" as he leaned back against his seat and continued eating.
Mr. Stilinski fondly shook his head at him before picking up the radio.
"Unit one, copy" Mr. Stilinski spoke.
"Got a report of a possible 187" dispatch told him.
Mine and Em's eyes widened as Stiles turned to his father, his own eyes wide like ours.
"A murder?" Stiles asked, his mouth full of curly fries.
Is now a good or bad time to say that he looks incredibly adorable like that?
Mr. Stilinski drove off to the crime scene. When we got there the place was full of police cars and ambulance truck.
Mr. Stilinski stopped the car and told Stiles and I to stay inside. He left and Em did too after telling us the same thing Mr. Stilinski told us.
I guess my sister is curious as to what's going on too.
And considering she's an adult she's allowed to get out of the car to see what's happening.
Stiles and I looked out the window and our eyes widened when we saw Jackson and Lydia. Lydia was sitting inside the truck, looking scared and exhausted, while Jackson was arguing with one of the paramedics.
"Oh, no way" I heard Stiles mutter.
He exited the car, opening the door for me so I could get out too, as we looked at the scene.
I glared at Jackson when I heard him insult Mr. Stilinski. Why can't he understand that he's just trying to help?
I looked over at Stiles and saw him already glaring at Jackson, clearly angry at him for disrespecting his father and ready to march over and punch him in the face.
Fortunately, Em did the honors for us.
She didn't punch him, but she sure did slap him.
"Shut the hell up, Jackass. He's trying to help your stubborn ass so why don't you be quiet for once!" Em yelled, glaring at him.
I smiled proudly while Stiles laughed loudly, clearly happy.
"Oh, whoa, is that a dead body?" Stiles suddenly, and loudly, asked.
Everyone turned around but didn't see one.
Mr. Stilinski shot his son a glare while Em sent him and I a pointed look, gesturing for us to head back into the car.
I sighed and nodded. I patted Stiles on the cheek before getting into the back while he got back into the front.
We both went back to eating our food. I just wanna go home so I can sleep on my bed.
The Next Day
Stiles and I were in chemistry class. We were worried because Scott wasn't here.
We've tried calling him and texting him but he hasn't responded to any of them. He better be alright or I swear to god I'm going to kill him.
I opened my mouth to speak, wanting to ask my boyfriend something, when Mr. Harris walked in.
"Just a friendly reminder, parent/teacher conferences are tonight" he announced.
Everyone started groaning in sighing, some even buried their heads into their arms that were resting on the table.
I sighed and rubbed my temple.
I hate parent teacher conference, it's just a reminder that mine are dead.
However, I also hate parent teacher conferences because Em is always busy with work and she hardly ever has time off. Her bosses, from both her jobs, can be nice when they want to but they can also be strict.
Sometimes she's able to attend, but other times she can't.
And something tells me she won't be able to attend tonight.
"Students below a C average are required to attend. I won't name you, because the shame and self disgust should be more than enough punishment" Mr. Harris smugly said.
"That's rich coming from you, a walking definition of self disgust" I muttered bitterly under my breath.
Stiles snorted loudly, causing everyone to look at him weirdly.
He blushed and I chuckled and leaned in to kiss his cheek before going back to my notes.
"Has anyone seen Scott McCall?" Mr. Harris asked, his eyes trained on Stiles and I.
I shrugged while Stiles sheepishly looked at him, the cap of the highlighter in his mouth.
The door opened and we all turned around to see Jackson walking inside. It was silent as he walked over to his table.
Mr. Harris left Stiles and I alone and went over to Jackson, I guess to offer him some comfort but I doubt it.
After his talk with Jackson he walked away from him and went to the front of the class.
"Everyone, start reading Chapter Nine" he told us.
"Mr. Stilinski. Try putting the highlighter down between paragraphs. It's chemistry, not a coloring book" Mr. Harris told him.
I resisted the urge to flip him off. The last thing I want is to get suspended.
Stiles sent him a pointed look before spitting out the highlighter cap.
I chuckled at his antics before watching as he turned over to Danny.
"Hey, Danny. Can I ask you a question?" he asked.
"No" was Danny's immediate reply.
Stiles shot him an offended look while I chuckled in amusement while shaking my head.
"Danny, did Lydia show up in your homeroom today?" I asked.
"No" he sighed, shaking his head.
"What? Why not? Do you know what happened to her and Jackson last night?" I asked.
"I wish I did but Jackson wouldn't tell me" Danny replied.
"But he's your best friend" Stiles frowned.
I frowned too. Jackson and Danny are best friends and normally tell each other everything.
Danny was about go back to his notes when Stiles leaned a bit more towards him.
"Can you please just answer this question of mine" Stiles said.
"What?" Danny asked, clearly annoyed.
"Do you find me attractive?" my boyfriend asked.
This caused Danny to look at him with wide eyes while I crossed my arms over my chest, raising an eyebrow at Stiles.
Does he not realize that I'm right here...?
"You do realize your boyfriend is sitting right next to you, right?" Danny asked.
Stiles's eyes widened slightly before he looked over at me with a sheepish expression.
I smiled 'innocently' at him before shoving him off his stool, causing him to yelp in surprise before groaning when he hit the ground.
Everyone turned around and their eyes widened slightly when they saw Stiles on the ground.
Danny burst out laughing while I huffed and went back to my notes.
When class was over Stiles called Scott, again, and this time Scott finally answered.
Stiles grabbed my hand and took us somewhere a little more private and put Scott on speaker so I could hear what he's saying too.
"What?" Scott asked.
"Finally! Have you been getting any of my texts?" Stiles asked.
"Yeah, like all 9 million of them" Scott sighed.
"Do you have any idea what's going on?" Stiles asked.
"Scotty, Lydia is totally M.I.A, Jackson looks like he's got a time bomb inserted into his face, another random guy's dead, and you have to do something about it" I explained.
"Like what?" Scott asked, confused.
"Something!" Stiles and I yelled in unison.
"Ok, I'll deal with it later" Scott told us.
I opened my mouth to say something when Scott hung up, causing me to groan in annoyance.
I laid my head on Stiles's shoulder.
"I swear to god if he's with Allison, I will hit him" I told him.
"I have nothing against that" my boyfriend said, wrapping his arm around my waist while kissing my temple.
I hummed and smiled, snuggling closer to his side.
At Lydia's House
When school was over I forced Stiles to come with me to Lydia's house so we could check on her.
I have to make sure she's alright. She's my friend and I care about her.
When we got to her house Ms. Martin greeted us. Well, she mainly greeted me since I've been over Lydia's house a few times for some studying.
Stiles and I followed Ms. Martin as she led us to Lydia's room.
"Remind me again why we're here" Stiles spoke, turning to me.
"We're here to make sure Lydia's doing alright" I told him for like the 100th time.
"Why?" Stiles asked, whining.
"Stiles, what her and Jackson went through last night is definitely scary and she's probably traumatized" I told him.
"Oh please, she can get herself a dog. Boom, all better" Stiles rolled his eyes.
I glared at him and smacked him upside the head, causing him to yelp in surprise.
I know he doesn't like her and doesn't want to be here, but can he at least tolerate her.
At least for today.
We finally reached Lydia's room. Ms. Martin knocked on the door before opening it as the three of us walked in.
"Honey, Ares and his boyfriend Stiles are here to see you" Ms. Martin softly told her daughter.
Lydia hummed as she was examining her nails.
"What the hell is a Stiles?" Lydia asked.
I snorted, trying to cover it up with a cough.
Stiles shot her an offended look while Ms. Martin let out a soft sigh as she turned to look at us.
"She took a little something to ease her nerves. You guys can go in" Ms. Martin told us.
"Thank you" I smiled softly.
"Yeah, thanks" Stiles nodded.
Ms. Martin nodded at us and left the room, keeping the door open, as Stiles and I walked over to Lydia.
Lydia sighed and turned around. She glanced at Stiles before looking at me.
"Ares, what are you doing here?" she asked.
"I was just making sure you were ok" I softly told her.
"Why is he here?" she asked, pointing over at my boyfriend.
"I was forced and dragged here" Stiles replied, rolling his eyes.
I glared at him, shooting him a warning look, while Lydia simply sighed and rolled her eyes.
I walked over to her bed and sat down at the edge of it. Stiles stood behind me, his hands in his pockets.
"Lydia, I was worried about you today. How are you feeling?" I asked.
Lydia shrugged and sat up on her bed. She let out a sigh before placing her hand onto my arm.
My eyes widened slightly, especially when she was starting to rub my arm in a flirty way.
"I feel...fantastic" Lydia grinned at me.
I chuckled nervously, and awkwardly, at her while Stiles huffed as he grabbed her medication that was resting on her bedside table.
"I bet you can't say, uh, 'I saw Suzy sitting in a shoeshine shop' ten times fast" Stiles told her.
Lydia, having sensed a challenge, sat up straighter and looked him in the eye.
"I saw Shuzy...I shaw...I saw..." Lydia trailed off, struggling to say the right words.
Stiles smirked while I let out a small chuckle and shook my head.
Stiles put the medication back where it was as I turned back to Lydia. I frowned when I saw the look on her face.
"What? Lydia, what did you see?" I softly asked.
"Something" Lydia shrugged.
"Something like a mountain lion?" I asked.
"A mountain lion" Lydia breathed out.
Stiles and I glanced at each other before looking back at Lydia.
"Are you sure you saw a mountain lion, or are you just saying that because that's what the police told you?" Stiles asked.
"A mountain lion" Lydia said, again.
"Dear god this is going nowhere" Stiles groaned.
I shot him a look, telling him to be patient, before grabbing Lydia's stuffed giraffe and held it close to her face.
"Lydia, can you tell me what this is?" I asked.
Lydia turned around and examined her stuffed giraffe before saying "mountain lion" again.
"Ok, you're so drunk" I sighed.
I put her stuffed giraffe back where it was and opened my mouth to say something when Lydia dropped her head onto my thigh.
I jumped slightly, clearly not expecting that, while Stiles looked downright jealous.
"The redhead is getting me more mad than usual" Stiles muttered.
I glared at him but he ignored me. He lifted Lydia off my thigh and laid her head down on her pillow.
"Well, we're gonna go. Uh, we'll let you get back to the whole post traumatic stress thing" Stiles said.
I sighed and let him grab my arm and drag me out the door.
However, before either of us could leave, Lydia spoke up again.
"Stay" Lydia said.
I raised an eyebrow at her and slipped away from Stiles's grasp, walking back into the room.
"You want me to stay, are you sure?" I asked.
If she needs to be alone and get some rest I don't mind leaving.
And I actually have to leave to see if Em is going to be able to attend the conference or not.
"Yes, please" Lydia nodded.
I sat back down at the edge of her bed. I heard Stiles let out an annoyed groan as he closed the door.
I know he doesn't want to stay here anymore but I'm not going to leave my friend if she needs me.
My eyes widened when Lydia cupped my face with her hands, her face a bit to close to mine.
"Hey, redhead. Hands off my boy" Stiles warned her, clear anger shown in his tone.
"Babe" I sighed, shaking my head.
I turned back to Lydia and placed my hands on her shoulders, ready to gently push her away from me.
Considering I'm getting a little uncomfortable.
"Stay. Please. Jackson" Lydia begged, fluttering her eyebrows.
I stifled my laugh because she thought I was Jackson. I'm not sure whether to be annoyed or amused.
I let out a quiet yelp when Stiles wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me away from Lydia.
"And we're done here" my boyfriend declared, clearly ticked off by what happened.
Not because Lydia thought I was Jackson and called me his name.
But because she had her hands on me in front of him. It's like I said, he can get jealous pretty easy.
Lydia plopped down onto her bed, closing her eyes shut as she started to give in to her tiredness.
We heard a chime and we turned around and saw it came from Lydia's phone that was resting on her bedside table.
"You want either of us to get that?" I asked.
When Lydia didn't respond, Stiles let out a sigh before leaning forward and grabbing her phone.
He turned it on and I leaned closer to see a text from someone, probably Allison since those two are friends.
"It's a text. I don't know how to..." Stiles trailed off, unsure of what to say.
My eyes widened at what I was seeing. Stiles hadn't clicked on the message, he clicked on something else.
It was a video and from the looks of it, it was from last night.
"Stiles, babe! Look!" I whisper yelled.
Stiles looked at me with furrowed eyebrows before turning back to the phone.
When he saw the video his own eyes widened and he paused the video so we could get a better look at what was being shown.
A gasp escaped my lips at what I was seeing.
It was a wolf. A wolf with red eyes.
It was a bit blurry to see correctly but I'm almost 100% positive that's a wolf because, come on, no human looks like that.
Stiles and I glanced at each other before looking back at Lydia, who had already fallen asleep.
Oh my god...
Lydia caught a video of a werewolf last night.
And that werewolf just might be the alpha...
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