Chapter Eleven: Heart Monitor: Part One
Ares's Pov
"If you ever scare me like that again, no kisses for a week" was my boyfriends response.
The next day, after the whole incident with the mountain lion in the schools parking lot, was a bit of a challenge for me to come to school.
Emerson found out about what happened and when Ms. McCall took me home she engulfed me in a tight ass hug.
And when Ms. McCall left, Emerson immediately scolded me for almost getting hit with a car. She did praise me for saving Mr. Stilinski, but she made me promise I'd never do something like that again because she doesn't want me getting hurt.
I promised her that I wouldn't.
Well, half promised.
And when I got to school this morning and found Stiles, he immediately engulfed me in a tight hug while peppering my face with kisses.
Of course everyone at the school found out about the mountain lion incident. It's the only thing everyone has been talking about.
Not only that but some kid saw me pushing Mr. Stilinski out of the way when he almost got hit by that car.
People have been praising me and calling me a hero for saving the sheriff. I'm flattered but a bit uncomfortable with the amount of attention I've been getting, attention that I definitely don't want nor need.
Stiles overheard the gossip about me saving his father and while he was grateful, he was also scared.
He was scared that something had happened to me. Even when I reassured him that I was fine and nothing serious happened, he still was freaking out.
I just hugged him and kissed his head and, luckily, that was enough to calm him down.
"Hey, don't use my own threat against me" I pouted.
"I'm serious, my love. I'm grateful you saved my father but please don't do something like that again, I don't want you getting hurt" Stiles sternly said.
"Babe, I can't promise that. But I will promise to be more careful" I softly smiled.
"I'll take what I can get" Stiles sighed, sending me a small smile.
I smiled and gave the side of his lips a peck. He smiled at me before turning his head, kissing me on the lips and I eagerly kissed him back.
We hugged each other before taking our seats, knowing that class was going to start soon.
As we sat down we looked up and saw Scott walking inside. He stopped when he saw us and smiled slightly, nodding his head at us.
I pressed my lips together and fiddled with my pencil. Stiles rolled his eyes and ignored Scott, looking anywhere but him.
Yeah, I think it's fair to say that Stiles is really mad at him.
I am too, but not as much as my boyfriend.
Scott sighed and walked over to us, taking his seat that just so happened to be behind Stiles.
He took his bag off and set it on the ground. He leaned closer so that way he'd be able to talk to Stiles and I.
"Still not talking to me?" Scott asked.
No response.
"Ok, can you at least tell me if your dad's ok? Nothing happened, right? I mean, Ares pushed him out of the way in time so it can't be anything bad or big, right?" Scott asked.
No response.
Scott sighed and turned over to me.
"Are you alright, Ares? I know the car didn't hit you or Mr. Stilinski, which is a relief, but you don't have a bruise or anything. Right?" he asked in concern.
I didn't say anything. I simply shook my head.
Scott sighed in relief and smiled faintly at me before turning back to Stiles.
"You know I feel really bad about what happened, right?" Scott softly asked.
Again, no response.
Scott let out a small frustrated grunt before speaking once more.
"Ok, what if I told you that I'm trying to figure this whole thing out, and that I went to Derek for help?" Scott asked.
My eyes widened and I turned to Stiles, who looked surprised and annoyed.
"If I was talking to you, I'd say that you're an idiot for trusting him. But obviously I'm not talking to you" Stiles told him.
The bell rang and Scott started getting his things out while I was staring at my boyfriend expectantly.
"Babe" I huffed, shaking my head in annoyance and amusement.
I know that once he said that, he was going to drop his whole 'i'm mad at you' act and start asking questions.
In three...
Stiles let out an annoyed and defeated sigh before turning around to face Scott.
"What did he say?" Stiles asked.
Scott let out a laugh of disbelief but I could see the relief washing over his eyes, clearly happy that Stiles was talking to him.
I rolled my eyes and patted my boyfriend on the shoulder and began taking notes.
After Class
Once class was over the three of us got up from our chairs and left the classroom and started talking about what Derek wants Scott to do.
Stiles and I held hands while Scott stood at my other side as we walked down the hallway together.
"What? He wants you to tap into your animal side and get angry?" Stiles asked in disbelief.
"Yeah" Scott nodded.
"Alright, well, correct me if I'm wrong, but every time you do that, you try to kill someone, and that someone's usually me or Ares" Stiles told him.
His hand tightened around mine as he pulled me closer to his side.
"I know. That's what he means when he says he doesn't know if he can teach me. I have to be able to control it" Scott told us.
"Well, how's he gonna teach you to do that?" I asked in curiosity.
"I don't know. I don't think he does either" Scott said.
I threw my head back, groaning in exasperation, while Stiles sighed and rolled his eyes in annoyance.
"Ok. When are you seeing him again?" Stiles asked.
"He told me not to talk about it. Just act normal and get through the day" Scott said.
"When?" I asked, sending him a glare.
"He's picking me up at the animal clinic after work" Scott sighed.
The three of us stopped walking as Stiles bit his lip before slowly nodding his head.
"After work. Alright, well, that gives me to the end of the school day then" Stiles said.
Scott and I frowned as we shared a glance before looking over at Stiles, confusion plastered on all our faces.
"To do what?" Scott asked.
"To teach you myself. With the help of my love, of course" Stiles grinned.
He kissed my cheek before walking away while dragging me with him. I looked at Scott over my shoulder and shrugged at him.
I don't know how Stiles and I are going to teach Scott ourselves but that shouldn't be too hard.
After all, we're his friends and friends help each other out no matter what.
In The Cafeteria
The guys and I were in the cafeteria, trying to eat our lunch while avoiding eye contact with both Lydia and Allison.
Obviously, Stiles had no problem ignoring Lydia.
Scott and I were the ones having problems since Lydia is my friend and I hate ignoring her and Scott likes Allison and hates ignoring her.
We watched as Lydia said something to Allison before getting up and leaving the cafeteria.
Stiles and I sighed before turning to Scott, who was trying and failing to hide behind his textbook.
Stiles scoffed and pulled the book down a bit in order to talk to him.
"I think the book's making it more obvious" Stiles deadpanned.
"Yeah. Besides, she's reading, anyway" I added.
Scott ignored us and continued hiding behind the book while taking a few peeks at Allison. I resisted the urge to sigh or smack him in the back of his head.
Stiles and I kept on eating while Scott picked his head up a bit to look at us.
"So did either of you come up with a plan yet?" Scott quietly asked, not wanting to draw Allison's attention.
"We think so" Stiles and I said in unison.
"Does that mean that you guys don't hate me now?" Scott asked in hopefulness.
"No" we deadpanned.
"But your crap has infiltrated our lives, so now we have to do something about it" Stiles told him.
"Plus we're definitely better Yodas than Derek" I added.
"Ok, yeah, you both teach me" Scott nodded.
"Yeah. We'll be your Yodas" Stiles nodded.
"Yeah, you both can be my Yodas" Scott nodded, still taking a few peeks at Allison.
"Your Yoda I will be" Stiles teasingly smiled, his voice going a bit high.
I looked at him in amusement while trying, and failing, to contain my chuckles.
"I said it backwards" Stiles told us.
"Yeah, I know" Scott nodded, not really sure what to say.
"Alright, you know what? I definitely still hate you. Uh huh. Oh, yeah" Stiles nodded, rolling his eyes.
He gathered his things and snatched the textbook from Scott and got up and left.
Scott's eyes widened and he scrambled to get his things and started leaving, having already made eye contact with Allison and wanting to leave.
Unfortunately, luck wasn't really on his side today.
I winced when I heard Allison call out to Scott but he just kept on walking away until he was finally gone and out of her sight.
Allison frowned, clearly upset, and slumped her shoulders as she slid down a little into her seat.
I frowned myself and began gathering my things. However, before I could leave the cafeteria I made my way over to Allison.
"Hey, Allison, right?" I politely asked.
"Oh, yeah that's me. You're Ares, right?" she politely asked.
"That's me. Scott is my best friend and so is Stiles. Well, Stiles is my boyfriend and best friend but I'm sure you knew that given that you're friends with Lydia and all" I smiled.
Allison chuckled and nodded.
"I just wanted to tell you that Scott is currently dealing with some personal issues. He's stressed at the moment and in a bad mood and he doesn't want to accidentally lash out on you so he's just trying to stay away, for a little" I explained.
Scott is my best friend and the last thing I want is for him to lose Allison because I know he really likes her.
And although it gets on my nerves how he's always talking about her and all, I'm still helping him because that's what friends do for each other.
"Oh. Yeah, ok, that makes sense" Allison nodded, looking a little relieved.
I nodded.
"He's not mad at me because we ditched school and got in trouble, right?" she asked.
"No, no, he's not mad at you. Trust me, he could never be mad at you. Just give him time to cool down and get over the bad day he's having" I softly smiled.
Allison sighed in relief, happy that Scott's anger wasn't because of her, and nodded in understanding.
With that I bid her goodbye and left the cafeteria to find my boyfriend and my best friend.
On The Field
I walked onto the field and saw Stiles sitting on the bleachers while Scott stood in front of him.
I'm happy we've got a free period so we're not going to be bothered by anyone.
Some have free periods but some are still in class. And the ones that have free periods certainly don't spend it on the field.
I sat down next to Stiles on the bleachers and set my bag down. I kissed his cheek, causing him to smile, as he started going through his things.
"Ok, now put this on" Stiles told our friend.
He handed a heart rate monitor and Scott took it while furrowing his eyebrows together.
"Isn't this one of the heart rate monitors for the track team?" Scott asked.
"Yeah, I borrowed it" Stiles nodded.
"You mean you stole it" I corrected, raising an eyebrow at him.
"Temporarily misappropriated" Stiles rolled his eyes, causing me to scoff.
Scott chuckled at our interaction and shook his head.
"Coach uses it to monitor his heart rate with his phone while he jogs, and you're gonna wear it for the rest of the day" Stiles explained.
My eyes widened, so did Scott's, and we looked down to see Stiles holding a phone.
A phone that definitely wasn't his.
"Isn't that coach's phone?" Scott asked in shock.
"That, I stole" Stiles nodded.
"Why?" I asked, confusion shown in my tone.
"Alright, well, your heart rate goes up when you go wolf, right? When you're playing lacrosse, when you're with Allison, whenever you get angry. Maybe learning to control it is tied to learning to control your heart rate" Stiles explained.
Scott hummed as realization coursed through his eyes.
"Like the Incredible Hulk" he smiled.
"Kind of like the Incredible Hulk, yeah" Stiles nodded, shrugging his shoulders.
"No, I'm like the Incredible Hulk" Scott corrected, still smiling like an idiot.
"Would you shut up and put the strap on?" I asked, slowly getting annoyed.
Stiles chuckled and nodded. Scott sighed but did as told.
Stiles and Scott went onto the field to put their plan into motion while I stayed behind on the bleachers.
Just as I was about to watch what they were going to do my phone rang. I took it out of my pocket and saw it was Emerson calling me.
I picked it up and put the phone to my ear.
"Hey, Em. What's up?" I asked.
"Hey, buddy. Sorry are you in class at the moment?" Emerson asked.
"No I have a free period. Stiles and Scott do too so the three of us are on the field, they're practicing lacrosse" I told her.
"Sounds fun. Anyway, I wanted to tell you that I'm not going to be home until tomorrow so is there a chance you can sleepover at Stiles's place?" Emerson asked.
I furrowed my eyebrows together, confusion taking over me.
"Yeah, I can talk to Stiles and we can talk to his dad about it. But why aren't you going to be home tonight?" I asked.
Emerson told me this morning that she only has to work at one of her jobs tonight.
Her other job cancelled because of something so it was just going to be one for her tonight.
And since she isn't working both jobs she's supposed to come home early.
"Uh...well, I actually ran into an old friend of mine from highschool. Her name is Kelly and she wants to take me out to this new club that opened up a few days ago" Emerson told me.
I was getting more confused.
Emerson doesn't like going to clubs.
She's told me multiple times that she doesn't have time for parties or clubs or anything like that. Always telling me that her main priorities are her jobs, making sure the bills get paid and making sure I'm well fed and well dressed and always going to school.
What changed her mind...?
"Well, if that's something you want to do I can't really stop you. Considering you're an adult and can do what you want" I said.
"I promise I won't drink. I just want to go out and have some fun and dance, you know. I just wanna let loose" Emerson replied.
"Yeah, I understand" I nodded.
"So, will you sleepover at Stiles's place? I don't want you to be alone" Emerson asked.
"Yeah. I'll talk to him and hopefully his dad says yes" I said.
"Alright, good. That's good. Anyways, I gotta go since my break is almost over. But I'll text you later, let you know when I've arrived at the club" Emerson said.
"Sounds good. But don't you need to come home first to change or something?" I asked.
"No need. I'm not wearing club clothes but I sure as hell didn't leave the house in rags" Emerson giggled.
I chuckled and shook my head in amusement. It was true.
We bid our goodbyes before she hung up the phone. I sighed and stuffed my phone back into my pocket.
My eyes widened when I saw Scott on the ground, grunting and groaning in pain, as Stiles rushed over to him.
I shot up from the bleachers and ran over to them. Once I was close I knelt down and placed my hand on Scott's shoulder.
"Scotty? Scotty, are you alright?" I softly asked.
I watched as Scott's grunts and groans of pain died down and he let out soft whimpers as he rolled onto his side.
Stiles and I shared a look before turning our attention back to Scott.
"Scott? Scott, you started to change" Stiles told him.
"From anger. But it was more than that. Was like, the angrier I got, the stronger I felt" Scott told him.
"So it is anger, then. Derek's right" I spoke, realization in my tone.
"I can't be around Allison" Scott frowned, shaking his head.
"Just because she makes you happy?" I asked, confused.
"No, because she makes me weak" Scott replied.
Well, considering she's the first girl to notice him and to actually like him.
Stiles and I helped Scott off the ground and guided him back inside the school. We made our way to the boys locker room and luckily there weren't many people here.
We made our way over to their lockers as we began talking.
"Alright, you stay away from her for a few days, you can do that" Stiles told our friend.
"But is it a few days, or is it forever?" Scott asked, clearly worried.
"You know, this whole 'women make you weak' thing is a little too spartan warrior for me" Stiles scoffed.
"Says the boy that's weak for his boyfriend" Scott shot back, rolling his eyes.
Stiles shot him a glare while I chuckled under my breath. I leaned in to kiss my boyfriend on the cheek and almost immediately he smiled at me.
Stiles wrapped his arm around my waist and kissed my head before turning back to Scott.
"Either way, it's probably just part of the learning process" I added.
"Yeah, but you've seen Derek. I mean, the guy's totally alone" Scott said, turning around to face us.
"Scott, the guy lost his family. His entire family. He's alone because he doesn't want to get close to anyone in fear of losing them the way he lost his family. Cut him some slack" I scolded my friend.
Just because I don't like Derek doesn't mean I don't understand what he went through.
Especially when I know what it feels like to lose the people you love.
"What if I can, like, never be around her again?" Scott asked.
"I mean it's not that bad. I'm sure there are plenty of other girls out there that would want to be with you" I shrugged.
"No, you don't get it. I don't want any other girl, I want Allison" Scott told me.
His eyes wandered down to Stiles's arm that was around my waist and pointed at it.
"What you and Stiles have is what I want with Allison" Scott told me.
I frowned and sighed, understanding where he's coming from.
"Well, if you're not dead, that could be a good thing" Stiles told him.
"Rather be dead" Scott muttered.
I glared at him for saying that and smacked his head, causing him to wince.
"Alright, you're not gonna end up like Derek, alright? We'll figure it out" Stiles reassured him.
"Kay" Scott nodded.
"Come on. Let's get out of here" Stiles said.
Scott nodded as he grabbed his bag as the three of us began walking.
"Something smells terrible in here, anyway" Scott told us.
"Really? In a boys locker room? That doesn't make any sense at all" I sarcastically said, rolling my eyes.
Stiles chuckled in amusement and placed a gentle kiss to my temple.
"No, it's like something's rotting or dying" Scott told us.
I shrugged my shoulders while Stiles just kept quiet as the three of us left the room.
The bell rang, signalling it was time for our next class, and Scott was dreading that because Allison is in the same class as us.
We all started walking inside the classroom as coach Finnstock stood in front of his desk.
"Let's go. Sit, sit, sit, sit. We got a lot to cover today. Let's go. Quicker" he ordered all of us.
Stiles sat down on an empty chair and so did Scott. I was about to sit next to Stiles when Scott wrapped his hand around my wrist.
I let out a quiet yelp when he pulled me down and I was now sitting on the chair behind him.
"Scott, what the hell?!" I whisper yelled at him.
"Please sit behind me, I can't have Allison sit near me or you'll know what'll happen" Scott whispered, practically begging.
I frowned and looked over at Stiles, who was giving me the same look as Scott.
Apparently he's in the same boat as him since neither of them want something to happen.
I sighed in defeat and nodded. Scott beamed and muttered a quick "thank you" before turning around.
I sighed and watched as Allison frowned and looked over at Scott with a sad face as she took the seat that was next to him.
I looked over at Stiles and he shot me a smile and a wink, causing me to blush as I returned the gesture.
Stiles had a look of annoyance and exasperation on his face. I frowned and turned around, only to see Scott and Allison talking.
Well, trying to stay away from her isn't going well now is it.
Luckily, coach Finnstock started talking so that meant they had to stop and turn around to face him.
"Let's settle down. Let's start with a quick summary of last night's reading" coach Finnstock said.
A few people raised their hands while a few others, including Scott, tried to slide down in their seats.
"Greenberg, put your hand down. Everybody knows you did the reading" coach Finnstock rolled his eyes.
I chuckled softly and shook my head as I opened up my notebook.
"How about, uh...McCall" coach Finnstock said, turning to said boy.
Scott's head snapped up and I saw worry filling his eyes.
Mine and Stiles's eyes widened as we glanced at each other.
We already know that look and that meant that Scott definitely didn't do the reading.
And knowing how coach is, on the field and in class, he's definitely not going to go on easy.
Coach isn't just serious when it comes to lacrosse, he's also serious when it comes to teaching considering it's our education that's on the line.
"What?" Scott asked.
"The reading" coach Finnstock repeated.
"Last night's reading?" Scott asked.
"How about, uh, the reading of the Gettysburg Address?" coach Finnstock sarcastically asked.
Everyone, except for Stiles, Allison and I, started laughing while Scott looked ready to slide down in his chair.
"What?" Scott asked, confused and a little annoyed.
"That's sarcasm. Are you familiar with the term sarcasm, McCall?" coach Finnstock asked.
"Very" Scott nodded, turning over to Stiles.
Stiles looked proud and sent him a pleased smile while tilting his head to the side.
I rolled my eyes and chuckled in amusement before turning back to the situation at hand.
"Did you do the reading or not?" coach Finnstock asked.
"Uh...I think I forgot" Scott told him.
I looked over at Allison and saw her staring at Scott in concern while biting her lip.
"Nice work, McCall. It's not like you're not averaging a D in this class. Come on, buddy. You know I can't keep you on the team if you have a D" coach told him.
Scott simply nodded, not sure of what else to say.
I looked over at Stiles and saw him staring down at the phone in his hand, his eyebrows furrowed together in worry.
"How about you summarize, uh, the previous night's reading? No? How about the, uh, the night before that? How about you summarize anything you've ever read in your entire life?" coach Finnstock asked, raising his voice.
I gulped when I saw and heard Scott stuttering, clearly unsure of what to say and slowly getting more and more anxious.
Not to mention when he gets anxious he's going to get angry and we can't have that happening.
And knowing how coach is, he's just going to make it worse.
"No? A blog? How about, uh, how about, uh, the back of a cereal box? No? How about the adults only warning from your favorite website you visit every night? Anything?" coach Finnstock asked.
Scott shook his head and gritted his teeth, trying to keep his anger intact.
Allison continued shooting him worried looks, having seen the anger flashing in his eyes.
Coach Finnstock let out a scoff as he slowly backed away from Scott's desk.
I jumped when coach Finnstock slammed his hands onto his desk as he turned back to Scott.
"Thank you, McCall, thank you. Thank you, McCall! Thank you for extinguishing any last flicker of hope I have for your generation. You just blew it for everybody. Thanks. Next practice you can start with suicide runs. Unless that's too much reading" coach Finnstock angrily told him.
My eyes widened when I saw Scott's body slowly start to shake from the anger.
His hands were gripping onto his pencil tightly and he was close to bursting at any given moment.
Oh shit...
Without hesitation, I wrapped my arms around him from behind and used my hands to rub his shoulders in a comforting way.
"Scotty, hey, Scotty, listen to me. Alright? Listen to my voice, focus on my voice and my voice only" I whispered.
I watched as his grip on his pencil loosened and he listened to what I said.
"Good, that's good. Now, continue listening to my voice, yeah?" I softly asked.
Scott kept quiet and slowly nodded his head. Good.
"Ignore coach, you know how he is. Everyone at this school knows how he is. And don't take his words seriously. You're an amazing guy. You're smart, and don't you dare disagree with me, just because you've been falling behind doesn't mean you don't care about your education. I know you care, trust me. Coach might be annoying sometimes and he's tough but that's just because he wants us to all succeed in life. Don't take his words to heart" I softly whispered.
I continued rubbing his shoulders, something Em does whenever I'm angry.
"Remember you're not alone. Stiles and I are here, so is Allison. We've got your back and we're not going to let you go through something like this alone. Just close your eyes and take a few deep breaths. Trust me, that helps" I softly smiled.
Scott nodded his head. He closed his eyes and took a few deep breaths, just like I told him.
Finally, his shoulders relaxed and I could feel him relaxing too.
I watched as he slowly opened his eyes and let out another breath, his shoulders slumping.
He slowly let go of his pencil, letting it drop softly on top of his desk, before turning his head around to look at me.
I smiled in relief when I saw that the anger had disappeared and he looked and seemed much more calmer.
"Thank you" Scott whispered, a small smile appearing on his face.
"Of course, Scotty" I whispered back, a small smile appearing on my own face.
"Alright. Everybody else, settle down" coach Finnstock told everyone.
I hugged Scott tightly and patted his shoulders before leaning back in my seat, ready to take notes.
Scott did the same, taking out his books to get started.
We were both unaware of Stiles staring at us with wide eyes in shock, especially when Scott's heart rate had gone back down.
Hey guys! How's it going?
So, I decided I'm going to change a few things and that's starting with Scott's anchor.
It honestly makes no sense for Allison to be his anchor. Yeah, I get that he really likes her and she likes him, but they've literally only known each other for like a week or something.
However, Ares is Scott's best friend, the same way Scott and Stiles are best friends, and Ares is the one to always be there for him along with Stiles.
Remember, Ares was the one to calm Scott down during the game and in the boys locker room.
So, Ares is going to be Scott's anchor.
Now, with all that being said, have a great day and see you in the next chapter.
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