Chapter Eighteen: Formality
Ares's Pov
Deaton had dropped me off last night after he was done helping Scott because he didn't want Emerson to worry about me.
When I got home I was able to get through the night without spilling anything.
And by that I mean I didn't tell Em about going into our parents room or finding what I did in the box under their bed.
I kept the picture of our parents and Talia in my bedroom. I put it where I had put the letter that my parents had wrote to 'E' so that way it doesn't get lost or found.
After getting dressed and eating breakfast I went to Scott's house since he needed mine and Stiles's help.
Right now the three of us were in his room and he was asking us to help us find his phone that he lost.
"Call it again" Scott told us as he searched his things.
"It's not here" Stiles told him in annoyance.
We watched as Scott rushed over to his bed and began searching the top of it.
"Ok, so you lost your phone. Why don't you just get a new one?" Stiles asked.
"I can't afford a new one. And I can't do this alone. We have to find Derek" Scott told us.
"A, you're not alone you have Ares and I. And B, didn't you and Ares say Derek walked into gunfire? He sounds pretty dead" Stiles said.
Stiles scooted closer to my side when he said that and wrapped a protective arm around my shoulders.
I smiled at that but hit his arm lightly for thinking that Derek is dead.
"Argent's plan was to use him to get to the Alpha they're not gonna kill him" Scott told us.
He got up from the ground and rushed into his bathroom to see if his phone could be there.
"Alright, so then just let them do what they're planning, you know? They use Derek to get Peter problem solved" Stiles shrugged.
Scott groaned loudly and rushed back into the room with a frustrated look on his face.
"Not if Peter's going after Allison to find Derek! I can't protect her on my own. Which means we either find Derek first just help me!" Scott yelled in desperation.
"Scotty, you probably lost it when you two were fighting and when the Argents appeared" I told him.
Stiles nodded and threw something that Scott had thrown at him.
"And do you remember the part when he was trying to kill you? After you interrupted him trying to kill Jackson? Are you starting to see a pattern of violent behavior here?" Stiles asked.
I sighed and shook my head at my boyfriends behavior and smacked his shoulder.
"He wasn't going to kill anyone. And I'm not letting him die" Scott told him.
I can't tell if he's only saying that because he needs Derek's help or he really doesn't want him to die.
I don't want him dying either for many reasons.
Especially when I still need answers from him.
"Could you at least think about letting him die? For me and for Ares?" Stiles asked.
"Stiles!" I yelled while smacking his shoulder once more.
My boyfriend winced and pouted at me and I just rolled my eyes at him and patted his cheek.
All of a sudden Scott stops what he's doing, his eyebrows are pinched together and he looks like he's concentrating.
"What?" Stiles asked, confused and annoyed.
"My mom just got home from work" Scott told us.
My boyfriend and I watch as our best friend sits up slightly from the ground as he listens closely to whatever his mom is saying.
We watch as nothing but concern and sadness appear in his eyes.
"Is she ok? What's she doing?" I asked in concern.
"Crying" Scott softly said, his voice breaking.
My eyes softened at that and I heard Stiles let out a sigh while shaking his head.
Mama McCall is basically like a mother figure to Em and I. She was there for us after our parents died and helped us no matter what.
I hate for her to cry and feel upset in any way for whatever reason.
Scott sighed and walked over to his bed and sat down. He had his head bowed down a bit and I could see the sadness and guilt in his eyes.
Stiles sighed, "Scott you can't protect everyone" he reminded him.
Scott shook his head and looked up at us.
"I have to" he told us in a serious tone.
I frowned at that and shook my head before leaning more into Stiles's side.
At The Mall
It was the next day and after school was over Stiles and I had gone to the mall to search for our clothes for the formal.
Apparently Scott is banned from going to the formal because he's failing two classes.
He was going to get kicked off the team but coach wasn't going to let that happen so the compromise is that Scott can't go to the formal.
Scott is annoyed at that especially when he wants to be with Allison and take her to the dance and also make sure that she's safe, but now he can't do that.
Which is why he came up with another plan to keep her safe.
"Wait, you're telling me Jackson is taking her to the dance?" I asked.
"Yep" Stiles nodded.
We were in the men section trying to find some clothes that would look good on us for the formal.
And as we were searching for some clothes Stiles was telling me how Scott made Jackson take Allison to the formal since he can't go.
"How the hell did he manage that?" I asked.
"Scott's a werewolf and since that jackass knows, he used that against him" Stiles smirked.
I raised an eyebrow at that, "do I ever want to know?" I asked.
"Nope" Stiles grinned while shaking his head.
I chuckled softly while shaking my head in amusement.
"So, any updates on Isaac's situation?" Stiles asked.
"Well his deadbeat dad was arrested but, of course, he demanded for a lawyer and is trying to clear his name and get Isaac back" I sighed.
After Em and Isaac had gone to the station and told Sheriff Stilinski everything Mr. Lahey was arrested.
Now while his arrest hadn't gone public Stiles had found out through his father after eavesdropping on one of his conversations.
And then he had come to me and asked if it was true and I told him everything.
"He's not going to succeed, is he?" Stiles asked in concern.
"I hope not. His lawyer isn't really the best and Isaac's statement along with the evidence, his bruises, is more than enough to put him behind bars" I told him.
"Lets not forget Mr. Blackwell is one of the best lawyers out there" Stiles added.
I chuckled softly at that but nodded my head in agreement.
It's true.
Mr. Blackwell is one of the best lawyers and the fact that he and my parents were great friends just tops it all off.
Along with the fact that he's known Em and I since we were kids and has a soft spot for not only us, but kids and teens in general.
"I just hope that Mr. Lahey gets put behind bars. And I also hope Isaac doesn't have to go into foster care" I sighed.
"I'm sure he won't. Besides, Em and Mr. Blackwell are doing everything they can to prevent that" Stiles said.
I sighed but nodded my head in agreement.
Stiles sighed before gently turning me around and, on instinct, I placed my hands onto his shoulders.
"I'm sorry" Stiles said.
I furrowed my eyebrows together at that, "sorry for what?" I asked in confusion.
"I'm sorry for getting jealous over you and Isaac. I'm sorry for thinking that he was going to steal you away from me just because of a little crush. And most of all, I'm sorry for thinking badly of him" Stiles explained.
I smiled faintly at that and let out a sigh.
I wrapped my arms around his neck and held him close. He did the same as he wrapped his arms around my waist.
"It's alright, babe. I get it. You were just jealous by how close we were and I get it. I mean, I get jealous whenever I see boys trying to flirt with you despite them knowing you're taken" I told him.
Stiles laughed and nodded, "i remember you almost slapping some guy that was getting too close to me" he said.
"He was trying to kiss you, what else was I supposed to do?" I asked while rolling my eyes.
"Not try and slap them" Stiles laughed in amusement.
I huffed and rolled my eyes while Stiles continued laughing.
Lets just say that I can get a bit violent when someone gets near Stiles and either flirts with him or makes a move on him.
Finally, Stiles stopped laughing and I took that as my cue to speak.
"Besides, Isaac might have a crush on me but he'd never make a move on me since he knows you and I are dating and he respects that. Like I said, his crush will go away. And don't forget that I'm with you and you're the only one I want. You and only you, always" I reminded him with a soft smile.
Stiles smiled and pulled me closer, if that was even possible.
"You're the one that I only want. Always" Stiles softly smiled.
Everytime I hear that it makes my heart flutter and I love it. The way that I love him.
We smiled at each other and kissed before pulling back. We held hands and made our way to the shoe section.
The Day Of The Formal
Today is the day of the formal and I'm so excited.
Considering all the craziness Stiles, Scott and I have been through we deserve a night to just be teenagers.
And although Scott isn't allowed to go to the formal, at least Stiles and I can still go together.
I was currently in my room looking at myself in the mirror, wanting to make sure that I looked good before Stiles gets here.
Stiles texted me a few minutes ago and said that he'll be here soon which is why I'm in a bit of a hurry and just wanting to make sure that I'm dressed nicely.
I want this night to be perfect.
I heard knocking at my door and yelled "come in!" to whoever it was.
The door opened and I turned around to see Em walking in with a smile on her face.
"Wow, bud. You look amazing" Em smiled.
"Are you sure? Because I really want to look great tonight" I told her.
"Bud, you look great. And besides, Stiles would find you amazing in whatever you wear, even a trash bag" Em smiled.
I chuckled slightly at that but nodded my head in agreement.
After all, she is right.
"If only mom and dad were here. They would've been ecstatic to see you going to your school formal. Especially mom" Em sighed.
I let a small sad smile appear on my face and nodded.
"What were they like when you went to yours?" I asked in curiosity.
"A handful. Mom wouldn't stop taking pictures of me and my dad and dad wouldn't stop threatening said date if he hurt me or whatnot" Em explained.
She rolled her eyes at that and I found myself laughing in amusement.
One thing I do remember is how protective dad was over Em and I, wanting to make sure nothing nor nobody could hurt us.
But I stopped laughing and furrowed my eyebrows together in curiosity.
Is there a chance that her date was Derek?
It has to be, especially after what I discovered yesterday.
"Who was your date?" I asked.
Say Derek...say Derek...
"Just some random boy that asked me and I said yes for the sake of it, no biggie" Em shrugged.
But then again I should've expected that since this is Em we're talking about.
Em sighed before walking closer to me and placing her hands onto my shoulders.
"Promise me that you're just going to forget about whatever troubles you're going through and have fun tonight. You and your boyfriend deserve it" Em softly said.
Don't I know it.
After all that we've been going through since the night Scott got bit, we deserve a night of fun.
A night to just be teenagers without having anything else to worry about.
"I promise, Em" I softly smiled.
"Good" Em smiled.
I sighed before bringing her into a hug and almost instantly she hugged me back.
I sighed in content, basking in her warmth and just how safe she makes me feel when I'm in her arms.
We remained that way for a bit before pulling away.
"So, where are you and Isaac going?" I asked.
"Well the last thing he wants to do is go to the dance and I don't blame him. Not to mention Mr. Blackwell called me and told me he had to speak to Isaac and I. So we're going to meet him at the restaurant that's close by" Em said.
I hummed at that and nodded in understanding.
With everything that's going on I don't blame Isaac for wanting to skip the dance.
We heard a knock at the door and we turned around to see Isaac standing there, a bit shyly for that matter.
"Uh, sorry to interrupt but Stiles just got here. He's waiting downstairs" Isaac told us.
"Thank you, Isaac. Tell him we'll be down soon" Em softly smiled at him.
Isaac nodded shyly, sparing me a glance, before turning around and leaving.
I watched him go with sad eyes and let out a sigh.
Isaac is still trying to get used to not living with his dad and not having to worry about getting beaten for the littlest things.
It doesn't help that the fear still remains with him. Not that I blame him considering his deadbeat dad made his life hell.
"Come on, a certain boyfriend of yours is waiting" Em smiled.
I smiled at her and nodded before the two of us walked out of my room and made our way downstairs.
When we got there I saw Isaac leaning against the wall with his hands stuffed in his pockets.
While Stiles, my lovely boyfriend, was standing outside with a small flower in his hand.
The second he heard us coming down he looked up and when his eyes met mine I swear he forgot how to breath.
A blush appeared on his cheeks as he stepped inside the house and walked over to me while I walked over to him.
"Wow, my love. You look amazing" Stiles complimented.
"Really?" I asked with a smile.
"Absolutely" Stiles nodded, still not taking his eyes off of me.
"Is that flower for me?" I asked.
"Of course. Who else would it be for?" Stiles asked with a chuckle.
I chuckled and shrugged my shoulders before accepting the flower. I gave it a small sniff before putting it into the small pocket of mine.
Em had Stiles and I pose as she took a few pictures of us while Isaac stood next to her, watching Stiles and I with a faint smile on his face.
After Em was done with taking pictures she wished Stiles and I luck and told us to have fun and to be safe.
After we bid her and Isaac goodbye we got into Stiles's jeep and drove off to school.
At School
After about a few minutes we finally made it to the school.
Tons of cars were already parked in the front and tons of students were already entering the school.
Some were standing outside with their dates, making sure they looked good before going in, while some were just standing outside with their friends and talking.
As Stiles parked his jeep he got out first. I was about to get out myself when my boyfriend opened the door for me.
"After you, my love" Stiles bowed while having his other arm extended out.
I chuckled softly before beginning to get out.
"Why thank you, kind sir" I smiled while patting his shoulder.
Stiles winked at me before shutting the door close.
I was about to turn around and say something when something from above caught my eye.
When I looked up my eyes widened when I saw Scott on the roof of the school, wearing a tuxedo.
"Babe" I called out to my boyfriend.
"Any reason why Scott is on the roof of the school?" I asked, gesturing upwards.
Stiles looked up and he let out a sigh when he saw Scott before looking back at me.
I turned to him with a raised eyebrow, waiting for an answer.
"Oh, did I forget to mention that he was going to sneak into the dance tonight?" Stiles asked with a smile.
"Yes" I deadpanned.
"Oops" Stiles chuckled while shrugging his shoulders.
I sighed and shook my head at him in amusement before linking my arm with his, causing him to smile.
As we were walking I noticed Lydia standing next to some jock on the lacrosse team, who was too busy chugging on a beer bottle.
Forgot to also mention that Jackson broke up with Lydia, for whatever reason, and of course Lydia was and still is pissed at that.
Stiles and I were walking towards her when Jackson and Allison walked by her as well.
"Jackson. You look handsome" Lydia told her ex-boyfriend with a smile.
"Obviously. It's Hugo Boss" Jackson smugly told her.
I scoffed at that while Stiles rolled his eyes.
Jackson and Allison walked away leaving an upset Lydia and her date that was still too busy with his beer.
Lydia glared at the direction her ex-boyfriend and best friend had walked off before turning back around.
As Stiles and I walked over to her I stopped in order to hear what she was saying.
"I don't care. I don't want compliments. I will not fall prey to society's desire to turn girls into emotional, insecure neurotics who pull up their dresses at the first flattering remark" Lydia scowled.
I chuckled softly at that before leaning in to put my hand on her shoulder.
"Lyds, you look beautiful" I softly smiled at her.
Lydia's eyes widened at that, "really?" she asked with a hopeful smile.
"100%. Now just go in there and have fun, you deserve it too" I told her.
Lydia smiled at me and gently nodded her head.
I patted her shoulder before letting Stiles drag me off into the school so we could head inside.
As we walked into the gym, where the dance is being held, we saw tons of students already inside that were either dancing or were sitting on the bleachers while talking to their friends and drinking.
The place was nicely decorated and the band that they hired was already singing and playing.
There was a table that held the snacks and drinks and, overall, everyone looked like they were having fun.
"Wow. Whoever was in charge of decorations did a great job" I complimented.
"Indeed they did" Stiles nodded.
"Do you mind getting us some drinks and a few snacks? I wanna eat before dancing" I asked.
Stiles smiled and leaned in to place a kiss to my cheek.
"Anything for you, my love" Stiles softly said.
I smiled at that and watched as he walked of to do what I asked him to do.
I let out a sigh before deciding to walk around a bit before finding an empty table for us to sit at.
When I found a table I sat down and the second I looked up Stiles was already walking over to me, a plate of snacks in one hand and was holding two cups in his other hand.
"That fast?" I asked with an amused smile.
"You'd be surprised how many people are more interested in dancing than the drinks and the snacks" Stiles shrugged.
I hummed and nodded. My boyfriend sat down across from me as he set the plate of snacks down as well as our drinks.
We spent the next few minutes just eating the snacks and drinking the punch Stiles poured for us and brought for us. We talked about anything, joked around and laughed as we did so and overall just enjoyed ourselves.
Before we knew it the snacks had finished and we finished our drinks as well.
Not even a second later the music changed and couples, or just close friends, got together in order to slow dance.
I turned to my boyfriend just in time to see him getting up from his chair and moving to stand in front of me.
He held his hand out and did a small bow.
"May I have this dance?" Stiles asked with a charming smile.
I smiled and nodded as I took his hand.
"Yes you may" I told him.
I let him pull me up from my chair and guide me to the dance floor. When we found the perfect spot we got into position.
I wrapped my arms around his neck and he wrapped his around my waist. We slowly swayed to the music along with everyone else.
Neither of us said anything as we swayed to the music. We simply held onto each other.
I had my head resting on my boyfriends shoulder, inhaling his scent, while he held me close to him as he never wanted to let me go.
I'll never complain when he does that because he makes me feel safe and loved, like always.
As time went by Stiles had pulled me away from him which made me frown.
I was going to say something when he placed his hand onto my cheek and gently caressed it. I found myself leaning into his touch.
My eyes went back up to his and I saw him smiling at me with nothing but love and adoration.
"What?" I asked with a small smile.
"Has anyone told you how beautiful you are?" Stiles asked as the smile remained on his face.
I laughed softly, "yes you tell me that everyday" I smiled.
"Because it's true. You're beautiful, my love"
"Thank you, babe. And you're very handsome, especially in this suit of yours" I winked.
"So I've been told" Stiles smirked while sending me a wink.
I laughed in amusement and he joined in on the laughter.
When our laughter died down I cupped the sides of his face and pressed my lips onto his. Stiles hummed in content before placing his hand on my neck as he kissed me back.
We held each other close and I found myself moaning slightly as he deepened the kiss a little.
I swear to god everytime we kiss it's magical. Everytime we kiss I just forget about everything and everyone and only focus on Stiles.
My best friend, my boyfriend, my love, the boy I want to spend the rest of my life with.
We pulled away from the kiss and we smiled at each other, leaning our foreheads to press them together while staring into each others eyes.
"I love you" I whispered.
"Not as much as I love you" Stiles whispered back.
We smiled at each other and shared another kiss before holding each other as we went back to slow dancing.
We ignored everything that occurred in the gym. From Scott getting caught by coach Finnstock to everything else that happened.
We simply focused on the music, the dancing and, most importantly, each other.
An Hour Later
After deciding to take a break from slow dancing Stiles went to the bathroom while I stayed and began searching for Lydia.
She had texted me a few minutes ago and told me she was going to find Jackson and see if they can talk and patch things up.
I really don't understand why she wants to get back together with that prick but her decision so whatever.
But i've been texting and calling her but nothing.
I searched the inside of the gym and outside of the school but she's not here.
And I'm getting really worried right now. I hope nothing happened to her.
Just as I was walking towards the door to leave the gym I bumped into Stiles who quickly caught me before I could fall.
"Oh, my love. You scared me" Stiles chuckled.
I sent him a small smile as he steadied me and when I gained my balance I looked at him.
"Have you seen Lydia?" I asked.
"No. Why would I know where the redhead is?" Stiles asked in confusion.
"Her and I talked a few minutes ago and she said she was going to find Jackson and talk to him. I've been trying to find her but she's not here" I explained.
"Ok well maybe she found him and they went somewhere to talk. Or makeout" Stiles shrugged.
I frowned and shook my head.
"Something's wrong. I just know it" I muttered.
Stiles frowned and opened his mouth to say something only for me to run past him in order to get out of the gym.
I know Stiles was right behind me but I kept on running.
However, I only stopped when I ran into Jackson.
"Where the hell have you been? Did Lydia ever find you?" I hurriedly asked.
I furrowed my eyebrows together at Jackson's shaking form. Not to mention the panic and guilty look in his eyes.
I opened my mouth to say something when I felt a presence behind me and someone had spoken before me.
"What? What's wrong?" Stiles asked as he stood behind me.
Jackson glanced between us before taking a deep breath.
"I- I was out behind the school, and I-I was out-" Jackson stuttered slightly.
Stiles and I glanced at each other before looking back at him.
"What happened?" Stiles asked.
Jackson didn't say anything which made me angry and I took a step towards him.
"Jackson, what did you do?" I slowly asked.
A Few Minutes Later
We were running.
Stiles and I were running as fast as we could to get to the lacrosse field.
Jackson told us that he ran into Chris Argent and he told him about Scott being the second beta. Meaning he and his freaking goons are going to be after him.
Not only that, but apparently Peter Hale is here too and he's going after a vulnerable person in order to bite them and turn them into a werewolf.
And that person is Lydia.
Especially when she's by herself with nobody around to keep her safe.
Jackson told us he had seen her walking outside of the school while he was heading back in and our only guess is that she's on the field.
Finally, Stiles and I made it onto the field and we saw Lydia standing in the middle of it.
I was relieved when I saw her alone and unharmed.
However, that immediately went away when I saw a figure stalking towards her.
And that figure happened to be Peter fucking Hale.
"Stiles, pick it up!" I whisper yelled at him.
I didn't wait for him to respond and quickly picked up the pace myself and began sprinting down the field.
"LYDS! RUN!" I screamed with nothing but fear and desperation in my voice.
I had to get to Lydia. I just had to.
Lydia turned around and looked at me with confusion and slight relief.
Unfortunately, she had turned around and came face to face with none other than Peter Hale.
Lydia screamed and tried to run but Peter had already made his way to her.
Her screams grew louder when Peter got into her face and roared at her, showing off his fangs and red eyes.
"NOO!" I screamed as I felt my eyes beginning to water.
I picked up the pace as fast as I could and I could tell Stiles had done the same.
But not matter how fast we were it was already too late.
Peter had grabbed Lydia and bit into her shoulder causing her to scream as she tried getting out of his hold but he kept a tight hold on her, not allowing her to escape.
When removed his mouth from her shoulder Lydia's screams had stopped and she stumbled backwards.
She turned around, still having some energy left in her, and a gasp escaped mine and Stiles's lips when we saw the state she was in.
Her hair was messed up and her dress along with her shoulder, the shoulder that Peter bit into, was covered in blood.
"Oh my god" I heard Stiles mutter.
That's the same reaction as mine.
We watched as Lydia coughed out some blood before her eyes rolled to the back of her head and she fell to the ground.
I finally got closer to her and tried grabbing her, wanting to get her away from Peter, but the man had covered her body with his.
I gasped at the blood dripping from his mouth and the claws he had out.
Stiles knelt down behind me and wrapped his arms around me, keeping me close.
"Don't kill her. Please" I begged, trying to keep my tears intact.
Peter glanced between Stiles and I, his eyes slowly going back to the normal color, as he let out a hum.
"Of course not. Just tell me how to find Derek" Peter told us with a fake smile.
"W-what?" Stiles asked in confusion.
"Tell me how to find Derek Hale" Peter said as he slowly trailed a clawed finger down Lydia's cheek.
I glared at him and tried grabbing Lydia but Stiles held me tightly and close, afraid of what Peter might do.
"We don't know that. How would we know that?" Stiles asked while glaring at him.
"Because you're the clever ones, aren't you? And because deception has a particularly acrid scent, Stiles. Tell me the truth..." Peter trailed off.
It all happened so fast.
One minute I was in Stiles's arm and the next I was ripped away from him and forcely made to stand up.
A gasp escaped my lips when I felt Peter's clawed hand on my throat, making me gulp as my eyes widened.
"Hey, no!" Stiles yelled.
He shot up from the ground and tried reaching me but he backed off when Peter applied a bit more pressure to my neck.
"Or I will rip your precious boyfriend apart" Peter told him with a smirk.
"L-Look, I don't know, ok? I swear to god, I have no idea" Stiles told him as he kept his eyes on me.
"TELL ME!" Peter roared into his face.
I yelped in fear while Stiles clenched his eyes shut while gritting his teeth.
"Ok, ok, ok, ok, I-I think he knew-" Stiles suttered.
"Knew what?" Peter asked with a raised eyebrow.
"Derek, I think he...I think he knew he was gonna be caught" Stiles told him.
"By the Argents?" Peter asked.
Stiles and I nodded at that.
"And?" Peter asked while glancing between us.
This time I was the one that spoke, surprising considering a freaking claw is being held at my throat.
"When they were shot, he and Scott...I think he took Scott's phone" I told him.
"Why?" Peter asked, a little confused.
"They all have GPS now. So if he still has it and if it's still on you can find him" Stiles told him with a scowl.
Peter looked at me for a second before looking over at Stiles.
Stiles glared at him, not saying anything or doing anything.
Finally, Peter retracted his claws and a gasp escaped my lips when he shoved me forward.
Stiles lunged forward and caught me before I could hit the ground and held me close, his arms tightening around me.
I sobbed, feeling tears streaming down my cheeks, and clung onto Stiles tightly.
"You're ok, you're ok, you're ok" Stiles repeatedly said while peppering my face with kisses.
I said nothing and just continued clutching onto him, burying my face into his neck as I quietly cried and sobbed.
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