Chapter Eight: Magic Bullet
Ares's Pov
I walked down the cemetery, trying to find the headstone I was looking for.
I know it was wrong of me to skip but I wasn't going to skip the entire day. I'll head back once I'm done here, that way I don't worry Stiles and Scott.
Well, mostly Scott.
I texted Stiles and told him where I would be and when I would arrive at school.
He told me to be safe and if anything goes wrong, call him because he'll be there as soon as he can.
God, he's so protective of me and I live for it. He's the absolute best.
Anyways, I continued walking down the path I was on as I took in my surroundings.
Finally, I made it to where I wanted to be and now stood in front of the headstone I had been looking for.
I smiled softly at the sight of it and stared at the names engraved in the headstone.
In memory of Sienna Adams Archer & Jonathan Archer
Loving parents
My mom and dad...
The two important people in my life that were taken away from me too soon...
A sad smile appeared on my face at the thought and I let out a small soft sigh.
"Hey, mom. Hey, dad. I hope you're happy to see me here, as always" I softly smiled.
I set my bag down and slowly sat down on the ground, bringing my knees to my chest.
"I'm sorry it's been a while since my last visit. Well, technically, I came here a week ago but like I said, sorry for not visiting sooner" I said.
I let out another sigh and found myself bringing my knees even closer to my chest.
"I know you're both probably scolding me, especially you mom, about me skipping school but I promise that once I'm done here I'll go back. Trust me, Em has always told me that school is important" I added.
Emerson would smack me upside the head if I slacked off in school.
She has always told me that she wants me to get an education and live a better life. Not wanting me to end up like her.
"Em is, as usual, busy with work and rarely has time off. But, you know it's so she can provide for us and make sure we still have a roof over our heads" I said.
There are times where I wish Em would accompany me when I'm visiting our parents.
But, given her work schedule, for both her jobs, it's almost impossible.
"Em misses you guys just as much as I do. Sometimes it's hard for her to talk about you since she wishes you guys were here. I promise that when she has the time, I'll bring her with me" I softly smiled.
Sometimes I wonder if Em leaves in the middle of the night when she comes home from work and visits them.
But, I doubt it.
After all, she always crashes once she's gotten home since she's tired as hell.
Which is understandable.
I let out a soft sigh before placing my hand on the headstone, using my thumb to gently rub the names of my parents.
"I miss you, mom and dad. I wish you guys were still here" I whispered.
If they were still here, maybe Em and I wouldn't have it as bad as we do.
Yes, we have a roof over our heads and there's always food for us. We're grateful for that.
But, if our parents were still alive, maybe Emerson would be able to live the life she wanted rather than this one.
Maybe then I wouldn't feel like such a burden to her despite her telling me multiple times that I'm nowhere near a burden.
I was so engrossed in my thoughts that I didn't even see a figure hidden behind a tree, watching me intently and with sympathy.
At School
When I left the cemetery and went to school I could barely focus.
I felt that someone had been watching me when I was at the cemetery. Maybe I'm just being paranoid.
But, I could barely focus on class. Fortunately, I was able to get the work done so that way my teachers don't think I'm slacking off.
Finally, when school was over Stiles and I gathered our things and left the classroom.
"My love, are you alright? You've barely said anything when you got to school" Stiles asked in concern.
I sighed as I clutched onto my bag tightly before sliding my hand into Stiles's.
"I'm fine, babe. I promise. I'm just...thinking" I told him.
We walked out of the building together, down the steps before walking down the parking lot to head to his jeep.
"Thinking about what?" he asked, raising an eyebrow at me.
"I might be paranoid but I felt someone was watching me while I was at the cemetery" I sighed.
We reached his jeep and Stiles turned around, his eyes were filled with nothing but concern.
"What? What do you mean someone was watching you?" he asked.
"Stiles, babe, relax. I'm sure it was nothing and it was just my imagination" I tried to calm him down.
Stiles frowned before sighing as he opened the passenger door for me.
"Come on, get in. We'll talk more about this at my house" Stiles said.
I sighed and nodded before climbing inside.
Stiles shut the door and walked over to the drivers seat. He got in and started the car and began to drive off.
Just as I was about to put on some music, Stiles abruptly stopped the car.
I gasped and looked at the front and saw Derek standing there. He was pale and looked very weak.
"Oh my god" I gasped.
We heard honking and I rolled down my window and looked behind us to see cars lining up and honking at us since we wouldn't move.
I turned back around just in time to see Derek fall to the ground.
Stiles let out a groan and threw his arms up in exasperation.
"You've gotta be kidding me. This guy's everywhere" Stiles said in annoyance.
The honking from other people continued and many others, that weren't in cars, were starting to look in confusion.
We heard footsteps and turned around to see Scott running towards us.
"What the hell?" he asked.
"We don't know" I replied.
Scott ran to Derek and Stiles and I got out of the jeep and ran towards them.
Scott crouched down in front of Derek as said man sat up from the ground, still looking very weak.
"What are you doing here?" Scott asked.
"I was shot" Derek responded.
My eyes widened at that while Stiles frowned.
"He's not looking too good, dude" Stiles pointed out.
"Why aren't you healing?" Scott asked, confused.
If Derek's a werewolf shouldn't he be using his werewolf healing to take his pain away.
"I can't. It was a different kind of bullet" Derek told us, his breathing becoming a bit harsher.
"A silver bullet?" Stiles asked.
"No, you idiot" Derek scoffed, glaring at him.
I glared back at him. Nobody calls my boyfriend an idiot.
"Wait, wait. That's what she meant when she said you had 48 hours" Scott said in realization.
I raised an eyebrow at him while Derek looked at him in confusion.
"What? Who said 48 hours?" Derek asked, furrowing his eyebrows together.
"The one who shot you" he said.
All of a sudden his eyes started glowing blue and I leaned down to smack him upside the head.
"What are you doing? Stop that!" I yelled at him.
"I can't!" Derek yelled back.
More and more honking could be heard and some people were starting to get out of their cars.
"Derek, get up!" Scott yelled.
Derek huffed and shook his head, trying to tell him that he was weak to even get up.
I sighed and realized that the more honking we heard, the more people would get annoyed and get out to investigate.
And we can't have that.
"Help me to put him in your car" Scott told Stiles and I.
Stiles and I reluctantly agreed and we helped him pick Derek up and dragged him over to the jeep.
I opened the backseat door and the boys carefully placed Derek there before I shut the door.
More honking could be heard and I was starting to get fed up myself.
"Hey, assholes! We get it, you all want to go home but calm your tits! Give us a few minutes!" I angrily yelled.
Scott and Stiles let out small snorts while Derek looked a bit amused.
The honking seemed to have stopped but that meant more people were coming out to investigate.
I rolled my eyes and huffed before turning over to Derek.
"I need you to find out what kind of bullet they used" Derek told Scott.
"How the hell am I supposed to do that?" Scott asked in confusion.
"Because she's an Argent. She's with them" Derek told him.
"Why should I help you?" Scott asked.
"Scotty, the man is bleeding and he could die in the next 48 hours. He needs your help since you're the one that's interested in Allison" I told him.
Scott sighed while Derek nodded at me in agreement.
"Exactly. And because you need me" he said.
"Fine. I'll try" Scott nodded.
Derek nodded back at him before leaning back against the seat.
Stiles and I quickly got into the front as Scott walked over so he could talk to us through my open window.
"Hey get him out of here" Scott said, looking behind me to look at Stiles.
"I hate you for this so much" Stiles glared at him, rolling his eyes.
I rolled my eyes and patted my boyfriend on the shoulder. I waved Scott goodbye before Stiles drove off.
A Few Minutes Later
After about ten minutes on the road, which by the way was completely awkward, I decided to take my phone out to text Scott.
From: Ares
To: Scott
Did you find it?
I watched from the mirror as Derek took his leather jacket off. Stiles also watched but he was glaring at him the entire time.
My phone chimed and I looked to see it was from Scott.
From: Scott
To: Ares
Need more time
I sighed and stuffed my phone into my pocket.
"Babe, he says he needs more time" I told him.
"Come on" Stiles groaned in frustration.
I swear to god if he's busy with Allison, or anything related to her, I will slap him across the face to knock some sense into him.
Stiles sighed before looking into the mirror to see and talk to Derek.
"Hey, try not to bleed out on my seats, ok. We're almost there" Stiles told him.
"Almost where?" Derek asked weakly.
"Your house" Stiles replied.
Derek suddenly was a bit more awake, and a little less weak, when he heard that.
"What? No, you can't take me there" Derek told him.
"We can't take you to your own house?" I asked in confusion, raising an eyebrow at him.
"Not when I can't protect myself" Derek replied.
I let out a scoff. Stiles did too as he found a nearby parking space and parked there.
When Stiles parked we both turned around so we could look at Derek, who wasn't getting any better.
"Alright. What happens if Scott doesn't find your little magic bullet? Hmm? Are you dying?" Stiles asked.
He might as well be given how damn pale he looks. And the fact that he's speaking mad weakly.
"Not yet. I have a last resort" Derek shook his head.
"What do you mean? What last resort?" I asked in confusion and exasperation.
Derek sighed as he rolled up his sleeve to reveal the bullet wound that was oozing blood.
My eyes widened at the wound and I let out a gasp, covering my mouth in horror.
Stiles's eyes widened too as he quickly looked away, trying to stop himself from gagging at the sight of the bloodied arm.
"Oh, my God. What is that? Oh, is that contagious?" Stiles asked.
"Babe, a bullet wound is only terrible to the one that got shot. And clearly it wasn't any of us" I rolled my eyes.
Stiles huffed before turning back to Derek, gesturing towards the car door.
"You know what, you should probably just get out" Stiles demanded.
"Babe!" I yelled, smacking him upside the head.
We can't just kick him out of the car with a wound like that. Especially when he's got nowhere else to go and only has 48 hours.
We don't know him, like at all, and I already know Stiles doesn't like him but that doesn't mean we're going to leave him alone to die.
I'm not that kind of person and neither is Stiles.
And the last thing I want is to have to explain to Em why she might not get the chance to reunite with her old friend.
"Start the car. Now" Derek ordered, glaring at him.
"I don't think you should be barking orders with the way you look" I glared back at him.
As far as I'm concerned nobody orders my boyfriend around.
Only I can do that. And works given how whipped Stiles is for me.
Not that I'm complaining.
"In fact, I think if I wanted to, I could probably drag your little werewolf ass out into the middle of the road and leave you for dead" Stiles threatened.
My eyes widened at his threat and I found myself shifting in my seat.
I really shouldn't be turned on by that. But I am.
Derek glanced at me, raising an eyebrow, having seen my reaction, before turning back over to Stiles as he shot him a deadly glare.
"Start the car, or I'm gonna rip your throat out with my teeth" Derek downright growled at him.
That's it.
I opened the compartment that was in front of me and took out my history book I left in here about a week ago.
I leaned forward and used all my strength in order to smack Derek straight in the face with the book, making sure it was hard enough to leave a bruise.
Derek let out a yell as he hissed in pain, using his good arm to try and shield himself.
"What the hell!" he yelled, looking at me.
"Don't ever threaten my boyfriend again. Or i'll gladly finish the job of killing you and leave your body in the woods for the sheriff to find you" I sneered at him.
Derek's eyes widened at that the threat while I saw Stiles shift slightly in his seat.
I huffed and tossed the book back into the compartment. I faced forward and Stiles did the same as he began driving away.
As we were driving, Stiles placed his hand on my thigh.
"My love, that was hot" Stiles smirked at me.
I blushed at that before smirking back at him, leaning in to place a kiss to his neck.
"There's plenty more of that to come. Trust me" I whispered in his ear.
He blushed at that but the smirk never faltered from his face.
I swear I could feel Derek's eyes on us, clearly uncomfortable by what he was seeing and hearing, but neither of us cared.
Late At Night
It has gotten late so far and, honestly, Stiles and I have no fucking idea where we're supposed to take Derek.
He doesn't want to go to his house, we can't take him to Stiles's house and we sure as hell can't take him to mine.
The last thing I want is to involve Emerson in this.
Stiles parked somewhere and told me to take my phone out to call Scott. I did just that as Stiles glanced at Derek a few times.
After a few seconds of waiting, Scott answered.
"What the hell are we supposed to do with him?" I asked.
"Take him somewhere, anywhere!" Scott responded, sounding frustrated.
I sighed as Stiles scooted closer so that he could talk to Scott through my phone.
"And by the way, he's starting to smell" he told him.
"Like what?" Scott asked, confused.
We both glanced at Derek before turning our attention back to my phone.
"Like death" we told him.
We could feel Derek's glare but we just ignored him. Not in the mood to deal with that.
"Ok, take him to the animal clinic" Scott said.
"Is that smart? What about your boss?" I asked, furrowing my eyebrows together.
"He's gone by now. There's a spare key in the box behind the dumpster" Scott told me.
I let out a sigh before handing my phone over to Derek, without looking at him.
"You're not gonna believe where he's telling me to take you" I shook my head.
Derek frowned before taking my phone. He put it on speaker so we could hear what Scott and him were saying.
"Did you find it?" Derek asked.
"How am I supposed to find one bullet? They have a million. This house is like the freaking Walmart of guns" Scott told him.
I snorted at that while Stiles chuckled and shook his head.
"Look, if you don't find it, then I'm dead, alright?" Derek reminded him.
"I'm starting to think that wouldn't be such a bad thing" Scott sighed.
"Then think about this. The Alpha called you out against your will. He's gonna do it again. Next time you either kill with him or you get killed" Derek explained.
Stiles and I shared a glance at that, frowning as we held hands.
"So if you wanna stay alive, then you need me. Find the bullet" Derek finished.
He hung up and handed me back my phone. I sighed and stuffed it back into my pocket.
Stiles released his hand from mine to start the car. He drove off and placed one hand on my thigh, rubbing it gently.
A Few Minutes Later
Finally, we arrived at the animal clinic.
Stiles and I got out of his jeep once he parked and we opened the back gate.
Stiles turned on the light just as Derek limped in, clutching onto his arm as he collapsed on a pile of bagged dog food.
He was getting worse. His face was even more pale and sweat was starting to form and roll down his face.
I heard my phone chime and took it out to see a message from Scott. I furrowed my eyebrows at the message before turning to the man.
"Does Northern blue monkshood mean anything to you?" I asked.
"It's a rare form of wolfsbane. He has to bring me the bullet" Derek told us.
"Why?" Stiles asked, raising an eyebrow at him.
"Because I'm gonna die without it" Derek told us, full seriousness shown in his tone.
Stiles and I glanced at each other before I started texting Scott as fast as I could.
From: Ares
To: Scott
Get here now with the damn bullet!
I swear to god Scott better get here soon or else Derek is going to die.
Stiles opened the doors to the clinic and we walked in with Derek following behind us. He was taking his shirt off and there were now black veins spreading up and down his arm.
I quickly turned on the light and walked over to where my boyfriend and Derek were, by the table.
"You know, that really doesn't look like anything some echinacea and a good night of sleep couldn't take care of" Stiles said.
I sent him a look at that while Derek shook his head.
"When the infection reaches my heart, it'll kill me" Derek told us.
"Positivity just isn't in your vocabulary, is it?" I sarcastically asked, rolling my eyes.
"If he doesn't get here with the bullet in time, last resort" Derek said.
He turned around and started opening drawers, trying to find something that might help.
I don't think it'll help get rid of the wound completely and he'll heal. But it might numb the pain for a bit.
"Which is?" Stiles asked.
Derek turned around and my eyes widened when I saw him holding up a saw.
"You're gonna cut off my arm" Derek said, looking at Stiles when he said that.
I looked over at my boyfriend just in time to see his own eyes widening as he gulped.
Stiles shakily took the saw from him as Derek grabbed a blue band from one of the drawers.
He pressed the button and the saw turned on. Stiles shook his head and threw it back onto the table.
"Oh my god. What if you bleed to death?" Stiles asked.
"It'll heal if it works" Derek replied.
"That's comforting. Thanks" I sarcastically smiled, rolling my eyes at the end.
Derek shot me a glare before going back to tying the rubber band around his arm.
"Ugh. Look, I don't know if I can do this" Stiles told him.
"Why not?" he asked.
I looked at him in disbelief. Does he not realize he might not have an arm after this?
"Well, because of the cutting through the flesh, the sawing of the bone, and especially the blood!" Stiles yelled.
Derek let out a scoff, "you faint at the sight of blood?" he asked in exasperation.
"No, but I might at the sight of a chopped-off arm!" Stiles yelled.
I would too. Considering nobody would want to see that.
"Alright, fine. How about this? Either you cut off my arm, or I'm gonna cut off your head" Derek threatened.
I glared at him for that while Stiles let out a scoff.
"Ok, you know what, I'm so not buying your threats any-" Stiles started but was cut off by Derek grabbing him and pulling him closer.
"Stiles!" I yelled.
My eyes widened when I saw Derek reaching over to grab his saw, wanting to prove to Stiles that he was serious about his threat.
I acted fast and quickly grabbed Stiles by the arm. I managed to pull him away from Derek's grasp and shoved him behind me.
I snatched the saw from Derek, turned it on, and grabbed him by his other arm and pulled him closer to me.
"Listen here, asshole. And listen carefully. Don't ever threaten my boyfriend ever again. Because if you do, I'll personally chop off your head myself. I'll put you right out of your misery and reunite you with the family that you lost!" I sneered at him.
Derek's eyes widened at the threat. I swear a hint of fear washed over.
I glanced over at Stiles and blushed when I saw him staring at me with barely contained lust and desire.
I guess that turned him on, just like what I did back the jeep. I gotta remember that for next time.
Turning back over to Derek, I released him but never let go of the saw. And the glare on my face remained.
"Now put your damn arm on the table so we can get this over and done with" I scowled.
Derek pressed his lips together tightly but did as told, causing me to internally smirk.
I swallowed thickly while Stiles clenched his eyes shut and turned away, unable to watch what was about to happen.
I gritted my teeth and slowly, very slowly, put the saw near his arm and got ready to chop it off.
"Stiles! Ares!" we heard Scott yelling out to us.
My eyes widened as Stiles's eyes snapped open. We both turned around when we heard footsteps.
"Scotty?" I asked.
Scott ran inside the room we were in and I allowed myself to let out a sigh of relief.
Scott glanced over at Derek and his eyes widened when he saw what I was holding and what I was seconds away from doing.
"Ares, what the hell are you doing?" Scott asked incredulously.
I let out a gasping sigh of relief before turning the saw off. I threw it onto the table and stumbled backwards.
Stiles rushed forward and wrapped his arm around my waist, holding me close and making sure I don't fall.
"Oh, you just prevented a lifetime of nightmares" Stiles told him.
I let out a chuckle and nodded my head, throwing my head back to rest on Stiles's shoulder.
"Did you get it?" Derek asked, turning over to look at Scott.
Scott nodded and hurriedly took the bullet out of his pocket and handed it to Derek.
Derek stood up, having been bent over the table due to how weak and tired he was, and held up the bullet.
"What are you gonna do with it?" Stiles asked.
Derek tried to respond but he collapsed on the ground and dropped the bullet.
"NO!" Scott and I shouted.
Scott threw himself onto the ground to try and grab the bullet but it was too late because it fell into the drain.
Stiles and I rushed over to Derek and knelt at his sides, trying to get him to wake up.
"Derek. Derek, come on, wake up. Scott, what the hell are we gonna do?" Stiles asked.
"I don't know! I can't reach it" he told him.
"He's not waking up! I think he's dying. I think he's dead!" Stiles yelled.
"Just hold on! Come on!" Scott yelled, trying to reach for the bullet.
While Scott was busy trying to get the bullet out, Stiles and I were still trying to wake Derek up.
Stiles started to shake him just as Scott yelled "I got it! I got it!" and I let out a sigh.
"I swear to god I'll hang you by the neck if you kill me for this" I warned, glaring down at Derek.
I curled my hand into a fist, tightly, before swinging at Derek straight in the face.
Derek gasped, his eyes snapped open as he shot up from the ground.
Stiles and I laughed in disbelief and relief before we helped him off the ground. Scott ran over and handed him the bullet.
We watched as Derek bit open the bullet then light the powder, causing the three of us to flinch back a little.
We then watched as he shoved the powder into his wound, causing us to wince slightly, and he screamed in pain before dropping to the ground.
I clung onto Stiles's arm as the three of us watched Derek writhe on the floor, groaning and screaming in pain.
Our eyes widened when we saw the veins and the redness disappearing as the wound healed.
"Holy shit" I muttered.
"Holy shit indeed" Scott nodded.
"That was awesome! Yes!" Stiles yelled, grinning faintly.
Scott looked at him incredulously while I chuckled and kissed his cheek, shaking my head.
Derek let out a huge breath he had been holding before sitting up on the ground.
"Are you ok?" Scott asked.
"Well, except for the agonizing pain" Derek sarcastically replied.
I scoffed and rolled my eyes as he stood up from the ground.
"I'm guessing the ability to use sarcasm is a good sign of health" Stiles rolled his eyes.
I chuckled at that. Derek sent him a glare before simply ignoring him, turning back over to Scott.
"Ok, we saved your life, which means you're gonna leave us alone, you got that? And if you don't, I'm gonna go back to Allison's dad, and I'm gonna tell him everything" Scott warned him.
I raised an eyebrow at that while Stiles simply nodded, agreeing with what he said.
"You're gonna trust them? You think they can help you?" Derek asked, barely containing his anger.
"Well, why not? They're a lot freaking nicer than you are" Scott shot back.
Stiles nodded his head while I let go of his arm and wrapped my arm around his waist.
Derek let out a scoff at that as he shook his head.
"It's rare to find hunters that are nice. Every single one of them is bad" Derek gritted his teeth, clearly angry.
He then let out a sigh as he, surprisingly turned over to me, and said "except for one family in particular" before turning back over to Scott.
What surprised me was that he looked at me for just a split second before turning back to my werewolf best friend.
I frowned. So did Stiles. But Scott didn't seem to notice as he just looked confused.
"What do you mean?" he asked.
"I'll show you. I can show both of you" Derek replied, turning over to look at me.
I looked at him weirdly, so did the guys, before shaking my head.
"Don't involve me in whatever the hell you have to show Scott. I'm not interested. And I sure as hell am not interested in whatever the Argents, or hunters, have done. I don't care" I sternly said.
I let out a sigh and took my phone out, sighing more when I saw the time.
"And I have to get home. I don't want Em getting worried and start asking questions" I said.
Stiles nodded as he wrapped his arm around my shoulders.
"Come on, my love. I'll take you home" Stiles said.
I nodded. We both bid goodbye to Scott before leaving the clinic to head to the jeep so we could get home.
As we got into the jeep Stiles kissed my knuckles and my lips, causing me to blush and laugh in delight, before starting the car and driving off.
The entire ride I was staring out the window, deep in thought.
What the hell did Derek mean by "except for one family in particular"..?
And why the hell did he look at me when saying that? Why did he look at me expecting me to know something?
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