The Thing
Virgil's POV
I woke up early. Ew. On a Saturday. Ew. And the stupid singing competition thing is today. I might as well die. I really hope Roman backs out. This was a bad decision. I don't even know if he actually likes me. This will either be very embarrassing, the worst moment in my life, or maybe it will be good. Probably not the last thing. Maybe I should just lay here in bed all day.
"Vee you're not laying in bed all day! Get yo lazy ass up and come get a bowl of cereal!" Dammit Remy. Ugh ok. I crawled out of bed and wrapped my blanket around me. I went out to the kitchen and grabbed a box of queerios.
"Ok fuckers, Wil told me the thing starts at four so we have about seven hours. You guys practice, I'm going back to sleep."
"Screw you too Demetrius."
"No thanks I have a boyfriend." I sighed and walked back to my room. I need to get my shit together anyway. If I'm lucky I'll get the flu and wont be able to go. That's not going to happen. I should just start practicing. I have to do sincerely me with Remy and Dee and sing with Roman. I dont want to do either of that.
I sat down on my bed and closed my eyes. Maybe I can just take a nap and feel better about this later.
{time skip brought by *shoots gun at roof*}
"Virge! Virgil! Vee! Virgie! Virgil Vainoharhaisuus Vanta! Wake up!" Remy screamed while running into my room.
"I'm up! Calm down you fucking Heather Chandler wannabe."
"I found a song." He sat down and held out his headphones. I took them and he started to play the song he found.
"What's this from?"
"Steven Universe." I nodded and continued listening to the music. "Think he'll like it?"
"For a bitch that didn't like this idea at first you're really excited about this song. Adrenaline? Stress meds?"
"Pumpkin Spice Seasonal Depression, I live for it. And probably adrenaline." I nodded and handed him back the headphones. "You ready to sing with Roman? You look like a hot mess."
"Maybe? I don't know."
"Very convincing. Dont worry so much Vee, it's just the whole town watching you announce your love to your soulmate. And in front of his parents and probably father. No pressure, k?"
"Father is going to be there?!"
"Oh shit I forgot to tell you." If it wasn't such a pain to clean, I'd kill him right now. He got up and grabbed my guitar out of the closet. He started playing a bit before giving up. "I like white noise machines better."
Remus POV
I didn't wake Roman up today. I'm too busy choosing between the song that never ends or Dumb Ways To Die. This singing thing is gonna be fun. Apart from not being able to sing the cuss word song.
"Hey kiddo, you ready?"
"I'm trying to choose a song. What do you think?" I pressed play and let dad listen to both songs.
"The solos are going on before the group's so if you sing the song that doesn't end nobody else will be able to go."
" that never ends? THANKS DAD!" I got up and ran towards mine and Roman's room.
"REMUS THAT ISN'T WHAT I MEANT!" I laughed and fell back on my bed. Then Roman woke up and suprises, suprise, he started yelling at me for waking him up. Dad came in and told up to stop fighting. Dear Remus Kingsley, today is going to be a good day and here's why: I woke up Roman in an annoying way and I love it when I do that.
Maybe I'll go see Virge, Remy, and Dee before we go to the thing at the thing. Yea that sounds fun. Maybe we can watch the movie before we go.
"Remus! Roman! Come to the livingroom!" Never mind. That's the voice papa uses when he wants to lecture us on something. I got up and followed Roman downstairs. Papa and Dad were sitting on the couch waiting for us. Oh shit. I leave all my belongings to the Elmo Cult apart from my Queen poster. Burn that.
Dad motioned for us to sit on the other couch. "So I heard from someone that Remus has recently started dating someone." I looked over to Roman and he shook his head. Which one of you motherfuckers snitched on me to my mom?! I'm coming for your left shoes buddy and I'm shittin in them! I'm gonna spit in your goddamn mouth fucko! "When were you planning on telling us?"
"When Roman decided to tell you who his soulmate is." I mumbled.
"What was that?"
"How long have you been dating?" Dad asked.
"I don't really know. Time can be weird in a fanfic. I'd say maybe a week or two." We've already made out twenty times in that time but that doesn't matter. Dad smiled but papa looked do I say this without making the fandom mad? He looks like how asparagus tastes.
"Who is it?"
"ACTUALLY, they'll be at the singing competition today so maybe you'll meet them there." I've never felt so lucky to have Roman with me. Dont tell him I said that or I'm going to break the vase. "Why was I called down here anyway?"
"Brad's mothers called me and told me that you and your soulmate were fighting? What's going on kiddo?" Oh this is gonna be interesting. If this wasn't a high school au I would've summoned a bag of popcorn.
"I messed up, said something that mad him mad, tried apologizing when I didn't know why he was mad, and he's been avoiding me. I'm fine. Just giving him some space." That was way less dramatic than asking me who my fricken boyfriend is. Forget what I said about being happy he was here, I'm gonna harvest his damn toes. They excused us back to our rooms and I immediately went to text 'Metrius.
REEEEE: My dads wanna meet you
Janus💛: they already met me???
REEEEE: As my bf
Janus💛: oh shit. i thought you were gonna wait
REEEEE: some bitch told them
Janus💛: ok i'm fine. see you at the thing💚
REEEEE: later dee dee💛
I threw my phone to the other side of my bed and leaned against the wall. I was having a good day. But now I'm stressed out.
"Re, you okay? Dad put a lot of pressure on you and Demetrius."
"I'm fine"
Emile's POV
I woke up and immediately went to mama's room. I knocked on the door, when I didn't hear an answer I opened it to see her still sleeping. I closed the door and went to the kitchen. I started cooking some breakfast for the both of us. After a bit I had some pancakes and eggs done. I brought both the plates to her room. I placed mine on the bedside table and shook her awake.
"I made breakfast." She smiled and took the plate I held out to her. "The competition is today."
(I'm too tired to translate so enjoy english)
"Will your friends be there?"
"Yeah. You can talk with the twins' dads while we're there." We continued to talk until we were both done eating. "You get ready for work and I'll clean the house while you're there."
"I wont have you cleaning the house by yourself."
"It's fine mama, now get ready and I'll see you at the theater later." I gave her a kiss and left the room. I started washing the dishes and heard the front door open and close. I'll have this house clean and still have enough time to get ready for it.
I heard my phone ringing from my room and quickly dried my hands. I went to grab it only to see Dad calling. I pressed answer and put it on speaker while I went back to washing the dishes.
"I heard you were participating in some idiotic thing at the animal shelter. Why didn't you tell me?"
"You left us before I could."
"Is that backtalk? Just because I don't live there doesn't mean I wont drive over there and slap you. Remember faggots like you don't end up anywhere but hell."
"Yes dad..."
"Tell your mother to hurry the fuck up and finish the damn divorce papers." He hung up. I wish he were nicer. I finished the dishes and moved onto the livingroom. Maybe I should just go back to sleep. It is seven am on a Saturday. I'll just go do that.
{time skip brought by do you want to dance with me}
3rd POV
People started entering the theater and taking their seats. The head of the volunteer committee was anxiously waiting for all the seats to fill before closing the doors. Most of the people in the competition were already in the backrooms talking with their friends or getting ready.
Outside Demetrius, Remy, and Virgil were waiting. A black car stopped in front of them and Warren Vanta stepped out. Behind him was Critic and Camden.
"Hi father." Virgil greeted.
"A charity concert? This should be interesting. Come along boys, show me to my seat." Remy nodded and started leading the way to some seats near the front that his servants saved.
"Hey Dee, you doing okay?" Critic asked.
"Yeah dad, just nervous."
"Why you nervous bro? You get a boyfriend while you were working?" Camden asked. Dee stayed silent which made Critic and Camden look at him. "Did you?" He nodded and started walking to the theater.
"You'll meet him afterwards. I have to go to the back but I promise you'll meet him. Later Anton, bye Camden." He ran off before the other two could respond.
A while later they closed the doors to the theater and started the speech on how important it is to donate and stuff like that. I dont know. I've never been to a real charity event.
Dee and Remus were sitting at a table in the back talking about their families, Remy was trying to avoid Emile so he wouldn't accidentally say anything about his feelings for the other, Virgil was sitting in the corner watching Roman happily talking with Quil. Willow and Olive quickly took notice of this and decided to split up and talk to different people.
"I'll talk to Remy and you go talk to Virgil, okay?"
"Yeah okay. Meet back here in five?" Olive nodded and walked to Remy.
"Rem! Why are you avoiding Emile? You love him, the cults said so!"
"If they didn't want to die I would shoot them all. Anyway, I'm just avoiding him until it's my turn to sing. Nothing bad. So hakuna your tatas."
{meanwhile with Willow}
Willow walked over to the boy anxiously waiting for his doom. She tapped on his should when he didn't notice her and sat down. He looked towards her then back to Roman.
"Why are you avoiding him? Kash is telling me it's because of a crush but I want to hear it from you." He groaned and looked towards her.
"I hate my heart"
"Mood. I'm taking that as a yes. So I guess everything else they're saying is true. You're singing a song with him later? And you're gonna go on a date and get married and have an adorable little kid named-"
"Willow!" He shouted. He was a blushing mess now and wanted her rant to end.
"Okay okay, I have to go back to Olive anyway. See you later."
{time skip brought by two bros}
Dee got himself ready while the last person before him walked onto the stage. He was nervous, obviously, he was thinking about introducing his boyfriend to his dad and brother, there was also the huge crowd of people that will be watching him sing but we're not focusing on that right now.
"DeeDee, you'll do great. And if people start booing you I'll punch them in their dicks with a cactus." They both laughed as the person finished their song.
"Okay I gotta go." Dee quickly kissed his boyfriend and walked onstage while someone announced his name.
(I'm to tired to put the lyrics or a video. He sings Homeby Cavetown)
Remus smiled as he watched his soulmate sing. He heard a few people start laughing and quickly shot them a death glare. After Dee finished singing Remus ran to the steps. Dee smiled as he walked over. Haha love is dumb I'm gonna make this better.
Dee tripped and fell into Remus' arms. "Guess you really fell for me, huh?"
"I hate you."
"No you dont."
(Dumb Ways To Die Song)
Logan and Patton watched their son scream the lyrics into the microphone. "Maybe we should let Remus tryout for sports instead of band next year." Logan nodded and continued watching Remus while holding up the camera Patton brought to film their sons.
Remy walked up to the stage when he heard his name called and immediately looked for Emile. He smiled when he saw him waving and picked up the microphone.
"If I could begin to be
Half of what you think of me
I could do about anything
I could even learn how to love
When I see the way you act
Wondering when I'm coming back
I could do about anything
I could even learn how to love like you
I always thought I might be bad
Now I'm sure that it's true
'Cause I think you're so good
And I'm nothing like you
Look at you go
I just adore you
I wish that I knew
What makes you think I'm so special
If I could begin to do
Something that does right by you
I would do about anything
I would even learn how to love
When I see the way you look
Shaken by how long it took
I could do about anything
I could even learn how to love like you
Love like you
Love me like you"
He avoided looking at Emile when he finished even though he was staring at him the whole time he was singing. Instead, Remy looked to his father. His father smiled and looked to where his son was staring the whole time. He nodded to Remy and motioned for him to go talk to Emile.
Remy ran off the stage and to Emile. Emile smiled and hugged him immediately. "I thought you didn't like that song." Emile laughed.
"How can I not like it when it reminds me of you. Emile...Fuck it. I love you Emile." He looked at Remy not believing what he just heard. Remy took notice of this and sighed. "I knew there was a reason nobody was telling me anything. Why would someone as great as you like someone who's probably gonna go to prison for shooting up Disney World."
"No! I just...Why didn't I realize before? Remy, I love you too."
The solos quickly finished and they went onto the duets and group songs. Virgil waited anxiously in the corner for most of it until he decided to go up to Roman.
"Hey Virgil, you ready?" Roman smiled when he saw the other walking towards him. "You okay? Don't worry, it'll only be us up there. Don't focus on everyone else. It's just us." He hoped those words would calm Virgil who was hugging himself and looking around constantly. Virgil focused his attention on Roman and looked at him with an unreadable expression.
"That's not what I'm worried about"
"Why can't you believe in us for one second?"
"You don't get it, do you? There is no us! There never was an us!" What the fuck! Why did I say that? He thought. Roman took a step back and tried to push back everything he wanted to say.
"Fine, but I'm not backing down and it's too late for you to so let's just sing this song and you wont have to deal with me again. I'll stay out of your way." Virgil was about to say something afterwards but got cut off by the announcer. He sighed and walked onto the stage after Roman.
{italic is Roman, bold is Virgil}
"Let it out, been building up you better let it out
Say everything that you've been meaning now, I want it to burn
When you tell me that I'm such a wreck
It isn't easy cleaning up your mess
It's like I've got a rope around my neck, he says it won't hurt
But everything you do makes my heart race
I can't even think straight, is this just a game to you?
Reruns every night, it's always the same fight
And I think you should know
I hate your touch, I hate your mouth
I can't stand every single word that falls out
But you're all that I've been dreaming of
This is not another song about love
I hate your voice, I hate your lips
I hate how bad I wanna steal your kiss
But you're all that I've been dreaming of
This is not another song about love
Asphyxiated just to say the least
And with your eyes you're suffocating me
Emptied my lungs, it's getting hard to breathe
You couldn't care less
But everything you do makes my heart race
I can't even think straight, is this just a game to you?
Reruns every night, it's always the same fight
And I think you should know
I hate your touch, I hate your mouth
I can't stand every single word that falls out
But you're all that I've been dreaming of
This is not another song about love
I hate your voice, I hate your lips
I hate how bad I wanna steal your kiss
But you're all that I've been dreaming of
This is not another song about love
The sky fades from blue to gray
His touch is just like an ocean, still I'm drowning
How bad I wanna sink and let it take me away
I don't know why I come back
I do every time
We get close to the end
It's the finish line
Sing these words for the guy I've been dreaming of
Is this just another song about love?"
Roman looked over to Virgil after hearing this part. Virgil avoided looking at him and instead kept looking at anything else while he continued the song.
"Let it out, been building up I better let it out
Say everything that I've been meaning now, dreaming 'bout
I mean it now, I need it now
I need your touch, I have no doubt
I want your love until it all runs out
'Cause you're all I've been dreaming of
Is this just another song about love?
I need your voice, I need your lips
I need you bad, I wanna steal your kiss
'Cause you're all that I've been dreaming of
This is just another song about
Another song about love"
Virgil quickly ran off the stage to Remy and Dee who were smiling. He sat down with them and leaned on Remy's shoulder.
"I did it. Holy shit, I did it. Please tell me this isn't a nightmare."
"Vee, this ain't no nightmare, this is a dream and here comes your knight in armor." Remy looked up to Roman who was walking towards them. Dee got up and helped Remy get Virgil to stop clinging to him and the two walked away.
Virgil looked up at Roman then down at the ground. "Stupid fucking feelings."
"Virge. What was that up there?" Roman crouched down in front of the other and tried to get him to look at him.
Virge looked up to the person he was avoiding earlier and sighed. He pulled the hem of Roman's shirt down and locked eyes with him. He quickly closed his eyes and kissed Roman. Roman's eyes widened when he realised what had just happened. Virgil pulled away before he could react.
"I like you." Roman looked at him for any signs of a sick prank or lying. When he found none he smiled and pulled Virgil up to a real kiss.
"I like you too."
After everything had ended and prizes were given to the people singing almost everyone left. The only people still there were the main characters, their parents, people taking down the stage, and a group of people in the back "observing" what was happening.
The twins watched as their dads finished talking to Emile's mom and approached them. Remus looked over to his boyfriend who was talking to his family.
"Well? Who is it, kiddo?" Remus stepped back a little tried to get Dee's attention.
"I'll give you a hint, I'm not dating a gang leaders son." Roman shot Remus a look.
"What? Why would you be dating a criminals son?" Patton laughed. Logan looked over to the twins who were nervously standing there.
"Please, I prefer calling it something like a mafia. And what's wrong with my sons?" Warren walked over with Virgil. Remy was talking with th Emile and his mom. Patton looked at him with a questioning look. "Hello Logan, how are you?"
"Hello Warren. I'm fine. My husband and I are just talking to our sons, you've met Remus, and this is Roman." Virgil's dad nodded to them and turned to whisper to his son.
"Is he the one you like?" Virgil blushed and pushed his fathers face away.
"Dee! Come over here! Help me distract them from us!" I know, Virgil is horrible at being inconspicuous.
Remus introduced Demetrius, as his boyfriend, to his dads. Remy introduced Emile to his father and left to greet the crowd of people in the back that are totally not the people who read all of this. What are you guys doing? What am I doing?
The adults sat down to talk to each other so the main characters sat down on the stage and talked.
"Damn this chapter is long."
"Yea, but it's worth knowing that this ends on a good note. Especially since I can now show my love to Emile." Remy smiled hugging his now boyfriend.
"I will never understand you two." Dee said.
Word Count: 3707
oh my gods. this took forever to finish. why did you guys read this whole fucking thing? anyways, i hope you enjoyed this and if you didn't, ok. ima take a nap and start working on the first dates
Bye for now guys, gals, and nonbinary pals
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