That Line- Roman's POV
Well fuck.
I've fallen in love with a gang leader's son. How the hell did that happen? One second we were singing, the next he was threatening me, and next I was daydreaming about us being together.
It cant be the fact that we're soulmates. right? What are the bad thing about him?
His clothes? No that's hot....topic.
His hair? No I like the dyed purple.
His personality? Nope it's cute when he tries threatening people.
His eyes? Nonononono. His eyes are beautiful. How does someone have purple and silver eyes? It's amazing.
His voice? Definitely not. He has the voice of an angel.
Well fuck. I'm head over heels for this guy. I'm so fucking gay. It's almost like someone wrote me to love him and make me feel weird for liking someone like him.
After what happened at lunch nobody would stop bothering me about it. Emile, Joan, and Thomas alone asked me over a thousand questions. The rest of the people at school kept coming up to me and bothering me about it or just kept staring and pointing at me.
"we aren't even friends" Those words stuck with me all day. Does he even want a soulmate? Or does he want to be one of those sad people that are born without them?
I was walking home from school with Remus. Neither dad or father could pick us up from school today. Something about working late. Remus was in his own little world walking beside me. He had some headphones on and wasn't even paying attention to me. HoW rUdE!
I yanked the headphones off of his head and put them on. Is I burst out laughing. Why is my brother, the most sickeningly evil person I know, listening to this?
"HEY! Give them back!" Remus tried to get the headphones out of my hands but failed.
"Explain. Now."
"I like it alright! Give it back!"
"I didn't take you to like this stuff Re"
"Shut up or I'll rip off your nipples and shove them up your nose!" He finally grasped the headphones and shoved them in his backpack. "So. You and the gang kid?" I stopped. Why does he have to being this up when we were having so much fun.
"What about it?"
"Is he why you don't like talking about the soulmate thing? How long have you known? Is it why you were so bummed out on Friday?"
"Yes. Since Friday. Kind of"
We were almost home and Remus hasn't pushed the topic of my soulmate anymore. Is he planning something? We got home and almost immediately I flopped on the couch. "Remus! Wanna watch Toy Story!"
"I don't fucking care what we watch! I'll be down in a few!" What's he planning? Usually he comes running down in a Woody costume once he hears that I'm watching Toy Story. There's something going on.
Minutes later he basically jumped down the stairs and set the movie up in record time.
"You. Are. A. Toy! You aren't the rea-"
"I'm home kiddos!" I heard the door shut and dad putting up his keys on the hook. "Watcha guys watching?"
"Toy Story" Remus and I said simultaneously.
"Neato. I'm gonna go start dinner"
"But it's only 4:50"
"Spaghetti takes perfection" We laughed and went back to the movie.
"So Roman." Re started (interrupting the movie) "Do you like your soulmate?"
"What do you mean?"
" wanna fuck him"
"I don't even know him Re"
"But do you like him?"
"I don't know! Just leave it for now!"
"Touchy touchy."
Father returned a while ago and was watching the movie with us. He kept pointing out how illogical it is for the toys to be able to move and talk and feel emotions but that only increased my answer being "its disney. it dont matter." Remus didn't try talking about what happened during lunch again. At least he has enough brain cells to know that I'll pulverize him with my bare hands, and my sword, if he does.
The movie ended and dad called us to the table for dinner.
"So how was school today kiddos?" I tensed up and looked down at my lap. My face was heating up and I couldn't help but blush. I really am in love with this guy. I looked over a Remus for help but he was only smiling at my misery. "Remus, how was your day?"
"Pretty normal, corrected my teacher a few times, called everybody a dork, the usual. Except lunch. That was amazing but Roman can tell you more about it than I can." He looked back at me smiling like he was a fucking angel.
"What happened at lunch to make you think of it as a value of importance?" Father put down his fork and turned towards me.
" see... ikindametmysoulmateandnobodyexpectedittobehimandeveryonewasjudgingmeandhesaidhedoesnteventhinkofusasfriends." I let out a breath and covered my face with my hands. I looked at father and dad through my fingers to see them trying to process what I said.
(I kinda met my soulmate and nobody expected it to be him and everyone was judging me and he said he doesnt even think of us as friends)
"OH MY COOKIE! LOGIE HE FOUND HIS SOULMATE!!!" Remus nodded and smiled at me like he was the purest fucking ray of sunshine on the damn planet. I'd he doesnt stop this damn innocent thing I will disown him as my brother. "Who is it?"
"Well...its a new kid at school. And he is relatively "famous" for...certain things."
"You appear to be avoiding telling us his name and are being rather vague. Is something wrong with him?"
"No nothing's wrong. It's just that he said he doesn't think of us a friends or anything in general and I don't think he likes the idea of soulmates." I said while twiddling my thumbs under the table. They both seemed to be thinking about it and everything was silent again.
{time skip}
I laid in bed awake and thought about the thing that happened at lunch again. It was as if he were challenging me. It's true that we don't know anything about each other and that we look like complete opposites but there was certain thing in his eye. He looked kind of sad or worried. What's the word?
"Father?" I knocked on the door gently and opened the office room door. Father was working on his computer and writing a few things down.
"Yes Roman?" he turned his head a little and looked at me.
"What's a word that means sad or like a longing feeling? Like mourning something kind of scared?" He paused what he was doing and thought for a moment.
"If I am correct, the words you are looking for is lament and anxious. Lament is a word that mean expressing sadness and mourning for something. Anxious means experiencing worry, unease, or nervousness, typically for an imminent event or something with a certain outcome."
Yep that's my father. Logan Berry-Kingsley, human dictionary. Having a former brain surgeon, now lead scientist, father really comes in handy sometimes.
I guess Virgil had lament and anxiousness in his eyes. But why? What evils did he face to have that look in his eyes after meeting his soulmate? Is there a problem with me?
I thanked father and after having a small talk about how I should be asleep and the importance of sleep he sent me back to bed. Hypocrite.
"we're not even friends"
Why is that line getting to me? Is it a challenge? Is he challenging me to try and get to know him? Why would he do that? Does he even want a soulmate? Why does he not want to think of us as friends? Why is he so cute?
Questions were racing through my brain and I couldn't stop thinking. "Yes Romano. It was probably a challenge. Now go to sleep." Remus' voice spoke from the darkness that is our room. How did he know I was thinking about it?
It's a challenge? How would Remus know? I'll ask about it in the morning.
"Hey Re" Remus and I were sitting in our room waiting for dad to finish getting ready and drive us to school and I felt it was the perfect time to ask my twin about the "challenge".
"What makes you think he was challenging me?"
"Again with this? Well first, he was obviously remembering something and his brother looked to be on the verge of tears. Second, he's a gang leaders son, he's obviously the type to challenge someone with a threat or whatever that shit was. Third, it's you. If it wasnt a challenge you wouldn't be so worried about it being a challenge."
"So it is a challenge. Well then, CHALLENGE ACCEPTED!"
"Sweet. How do you plan on doing this? Do we have to kill someone to get his attention?" my twin said with a sadistic grin.
"No we are not killing someone. I'm just gonna try and get to know him. He said friends, not partners in murder. Speaking of killing, you completely obliterated that elmo doll and you still havent gotten rid of it"
"I'm waiting for someone to help me first"
"and who is this someone?"
"one of the readers volunteered, dont worry about it"
"readers? what the hell are you talking about?"
"C'mon kiddos! Time for school!" And just like that, the topic dropped.
{at school}
Emile and I walked to homeroom together occasionally stopping to say hi to someone Em helped when he was helping the school therapist. I kept thinking I saw Virgil walking through the crowds of people but I could never fully see.
We finally made it to class and I sat in my usual seat by the window. I watched as people started entering the classroom but no Virgil. The bell rang. Where is he?
The teacher started taking roll call and I was getting worried that he wasnt here today. "Virgil?" She looked up from the computer. "Virgil?"
"I'm here" Virgil walked through the door and made his way to his desk behind me.
"You're late" he sat down and flipped her off.
"And you're being paid less than minimum wage. Guess we both got something to brag about" the teacher scowled at him and continued role call.
"Hey" I leaned my head back to see him roll his eyes. "I just wanna say sorry"
"For what?"
"For causing a scene at lunch yesterday"
"Whatever dude. Stop talking to me"
"No can do. We're soulmates and you insist on not being friends. So I made it my goal to get to know you and prove I'm worth it"
"Can we not talk about this. I don't like soulmates. Or people for that matter"
Whatever you say my love but know this, no matter how hard you refuse, I will achieve my goal.
Word Count: 1830
Most of this chapter was written at 4am with a disney movie playing in the background so if it was confusing, that's why. Anyways happy new years and new decade. It's officially 2020 and I go back to school in less than a week so updates are gonna be slower.
Bye for now guys, gals, and non-binary pals.
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