Talks and Fights-Roman's POV
I sat down at the lunch table and looked at the cardboard they call pizza. What the heck even is this? "I'm not eating this" I said pushing it away from me.
"I'll give you my applesauce for your pizza" Joan bargained.
"Deal." What the heckity heck five abs and one pec? Did I just trade cardboard for one applesauce? I'm fifteen! I should've traded it for two. I looked to where Virgil, Demetrius, Remy, and my twin were sitting under a tree. I started thinking about the singing competition thing and what we were going to sing.
"Roman!" I blinked and looked to who was calling my name. "Thank avatar, Joan was saying you died. Whaddya thinking about?" Emile asked.
"Singing competition. Trying to think of a song Virgil would sing with me."
"Life Is Fun, Someone You Like, I Can See It, My Dead Gay Son, anything My Chemical Romance, Panic! At The Disco, Evanescence, stuff like that." Joan said naming off a few songs and emo bands.
"Oh! You can sing songs from Steven Universe"
"I'll think about it, but for now it's time to get to class." Right as I said that the bell rang.
{time skip brought by it's an avocado}
I looked over what we had agreed to finish today and leaned on the nearest person, who just so happened to be Virgil. "Get off me." He simply said. I sighed but didn't move anywhere. He tried moving his shoulder a bit but I still wouldn't move. "I will stab you"
"One, there are witnesses around. Two, although you probably do have a knife on you you can't take it out due to the said witnesses. And Three, you wouldn't dare kill your soulmate." I said.
"I would say fuck you but you're somehow related to Remus and I don't want to know your response. And I'm not afraid to have a dead soulmate."
"Get a room!" Remy shouted from where he was leaning on a wall.
"Says the boy eye-fucking Emile" Dee said without missing a beat.
"You better be lucky we're in public or else you'd be dead by now."
"What's eye-fucking?" Emile asked. The three looked at the innocent person that doesn't need this. "What?"
"Baby you are too precious for this world." Remy said not bothering to expand on the topic further. "Anyways-y, Roman was talking about what song you two were gonna sing at the thingy earlier. By the way Roman, a lot of people think you're gonna gay out and get out. I really don't care what happens since I'm taking like half of the money anyway and as long Virge doesn't do something he'd regret I'm cool with anything."
"What do you mean 'something he'd regret'?" I asked.
"Nothing." Both Remy and Virgil answered at the same time. "Jinx. Double jinx. Triple jinx. Quadruple jinx. Blackout. Dammit fucktard."
"I still don't understand siblings" Emile muttered.
"At least you don't live with them. Anyways, Roman I would stop leaning on Virgil before he actually pulls out his pocketknife." I nodded and moved over to lean on Emile. "Now Remy will threaten to do something."
"Well it's not like I can lean on you, Remus will somehow find out and he'll threaten to do something." I complained. His face turned red and I realized what I had said. Haha. Ship it.
"Ooooo is mister 'I keep a snake on me at all times to seem tough' blushing?" Remy teased.
"Snake? Like the guy from the show about the different aspects of someone's personality?"
"No, an actual snake" Remy said strutting over to where Dee was sitting and pulling off his beanie to reveal a small greenish yellow snake curled up sitting in the mess of brown hair. Is this why he was so weird about taking off his beanie at my house?
The snake lifted it's head and seemed to look around for a minutes. Dee grabbed it from off his head and slid it into his pocket. Remy threw his beanie onto his head and walked over to lay in Emile's lap.
"Are you guy's dating yet?" I asked trying to change the topic away from the danger noodle. Remy turned to look at me, probably glaring at me but not being noticeable under his sunglasses, while Emile just blushed.
"No-no. We're not dating, Roman." Emile stuttered a bit. Remy held up his middle finger while getting up and walking to the door. He leaned against the doorframe and pulled out his phone. I turned my attention back to Emile, apparently so did the other two because he just sat there a blushing mess.
"As much as I hate Remy, this is too damn cute. Has he even asked you on a date yet? When's the wedding?" Dee started asking.
"Remy already had pictures and stuff of weddings so I think he's planning it already. Will I have a niece? Nephew? Non-binary equivalent to that?"
"My best friend has a boyf riend! It's so cute! Will I be the godparent?"
"Shut up. Remy is not my boyfriend, he's just a friend. Nothing will change that." Emile crossed his arms and seemed to be trying to convince himself more than us.
"Not even if you were soulmates?" Dee asked.
"Do you know anything about soulmates? You can't just get a new soulmate. That's never heard of." Emile explained.
"Never paid attention once in soulmate class. And if nobody's ever done it before then you guys can be the first ones. Both of your old soulmates are dead, right?"
"Dee." Virgil said.
"I'm sure there's some way for you two to become soulmates. You're obviously meant to be whether the universe sees it or not."
"Dee." Virgil tried saying again.
"Forget the other two, whoever they are and have eachother. Love is weird and the universe can't control everything."
"Demetrius Dolion stop talking or I will-"
"Okay okay sorry. Touchy subject." I grumbled. Everyone fell back into silence. Then the bell rang.
{time skip brought by spin around and around}
I was looking through Instagram when Remus texted me. I looked to his bed to see him right there. Why the hell is he texting me when he's right there.
Dukey👾: what's Emile's number?
Princey👑: why?
Dukey👾: what's his number?
Princey👑: ***-***-****
Dukey👾: k thaaaaaanks
I looked over to see him smiling while looking between his laptop and phone. He looked up at me and waved. I sent a small wave back and shook my head. He's up to something but it's probably weird and I don't want to be apart of it.
"I've arrived home!" Father's voice came from downstairs. "Boys?" Remus shut his laptop and grabbed the toy mace. Dad had given them back a few days ago after making us promise we wouldn't fight that early in the morning again. I sighed knowing what was going to come. I held up my camera as I followed Remus downstairs. Remus lifted his weapon to hit father but it quickly got deflected by father holding up a book to block it. "Remus you really must work on your stealth. I heard both of you walking downstairs and with the toys added weight it became obvious you were going to try an attack.
"Yea yea. Any explosions at the lab today?"
"Any portals leading to the medieval ages with dragons and royalty to rescue?"
"Did someone die?"
"Boys nothing of the sort happened. But I did hear a little thing about an upcoming feildtrip and a famous scientist coming to visit. No, where is your dad?"
"Something something cafe." Remus said before falling back onto the couch. Father nodded before moving my twin so he was sitting up right. We spent the next hour looking at Disney nature movies and some weird paperwork father had.
{time skip brought by you are my dad}
I woke up to the window opening. A figure crawled through the window and into the room. It moved over to Remus' bed and fell face first onto it. He grumbled a bit before flipping on his back and sighing.
"What are you doing?" I asked him.
"Holy fuck I'm in love" He laughed.
"Soulmate or a slut doing some kinky shit in an alley?"
"Ew...what kind of kinky shit?"
"I'm just going to guess it was the soulmate then. You going to tell me about them yet?" I asked now sitting up. "Or will I have to fight the answers out of you?" He started pulling the mace out from under his bed so I grabbed my sword leaning between mine and the bedside table.
"Esto significa guerra, querido hermano" I said preparing my stance.
"Esta es una batalla que no puedes ganar, perra" He growled getting ready to charge. We both ran forward and he tried to attack, I quickly blocked it and slid my feet under his to trip him. He landed on his back and I held the sword in front of him.
"¿Qué es toda esta conmoción? It is 3:06 in the morning." Father yelled coming into our room and turning on the light. Dad soon followed and sleepily grabbed our weapons.
"Kiddos, you don't need to be fighting at this time. Go back to sleep. You have school in the morning." We both begrudgingly did as they said and crawled back into bed. They both left and I looked to Remus.
"Tell me when we wake up?"
Google Translate
Esto significa guerra, querido hermano- This means war, dear brother
Esta es una batalla que no puedes ganar, perra- This is a battle you can't win, bitch
¿Qué es toda esta conmoción?- What is all the commotion?
Word Count: 1588
Vote Please:
•Murdering Barney
•Burning Ken dolls
•Pull a JD and blow up a building
I wrote this chapter while trying to do my science work so Logan had to be here
Bye for now guys, gals, and non-binary pals
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