Signup- Roman's POV
"I DIDN'T GET NO SLEEP CUZ OF Y'ALL, Y'ALL AINT NEVER GONNA SLEEP CUZ OF ME!!" I shot out of my bed to see Remus clashing pots and pans at the end of my bed. He stopped as soon as he saw I was up. "Oh good you're awake."
"So is the rest of the people in this house." Father opened the door and grabbed the pans out of my twins hands. "I get one day every week off of work and I don't appreciate being woken up in ridiculous ways."
"WHO'S HURTING MY CHILDREN!" Dad came in holding a pillow.
"It was just Remus" I sighed. "Time to start the day."
"C-c-c-come on c-c-c-come on, go go" Remus laughed.
"That wasn't intentional" (I actually didn't see that til editing this)
{time skip brought by i SaW yOu HAnGiNg oUT wItH cAiTlYn YEsTerDaY)
We walked into the school to see a small crowd around the message board. I looked at Renus and he shrugged. What's going on? I walked over to the crowd and tried pushing through but damn, high schoolers can be tough. Remus tried but couldn't get any farther than I can.
"Can we try 'get help'?" He asked.
"No. It may have worked for Thor and Loki but there is no way in hell it would work in the real world....again" He looked at me and raised an eyebrow.
"What if I'm Loki this time?" I sighed. There's no way I'm getting out of this. I wrapped my arms under his and started limping towards the crowd.
"GET HELP! MY BROTHER IS HURT!" There were a few people that looked at us and moved a bit, a few that looked suprised, and some that just sighed. I'm guessing some people were suprised that we're related. "Eh worth a shot." I shrugged and dropped Remus. " What's going on?"
A boy stepped forward. He was blonde, muscular, looked like a typical white boy. Chad. Another stepped out, this one had brown hair, blue eyes, and was just as muscular as Chad. Brad. And the last one, light brown hair (almost dirty blonde), tan skin, sports attire. Kyle. Kyle stepped in front of the other two.
"A singing competition to raise money for the animal shelter. My boyfriends and I just put up the sign. I saw what happened at lunch that one time, you should sign up Roman." I thanked him and helped up Remus as the three of them walked away.
"So what is it?" He asked.
"Singing compilation to help get money. Sounds kinda interesting."
"Of course you think it's interesting, you didn't get stuck in band" I laughed and waited for the crowd to become less...crowded.
I walked up to the sign-up sheet and saw quite a few people already signed up. What the heckity heck five abs and one pec? When did high schoolers start having confidence in themselves? I scanned the list of names to see if there was anyone I knew.
[insert list of names here]
Most of these people are in my drama club. I continued to look through names.
Oh I'm definitely signing myself and Remus up for this. I looked over to see Remus talking with Dee and Remy. He'll thank me later. I quickly signed our names on the bottom and looked at the time. Whit I gotta get to class.
{time skip brought by Miss Keisha? Miss Keisha?}
I sat down in homeroom and doodled on a paper while waiting for other people to show up. I looked up as a few people started coming through the door. But one stuck out, of course. My soulmate walked through the door and immediately came to sit in his seat behind me. I turned around to see him writing something in a notebook.
"Hey Virgey"
"Don't call me that"
"Fine. Whatcha writing?"
"Words." He lifted his notebook and showed me a paragraph of nothing but the word 'word'. What the fue? "Whaddya want Roman?"
"Just seeing if you're finally warming up to me. Looks like you somewhat tolerate me since you are answering me." He rolled his eyes and went back to writing what I presume to be more words. "Anyway I saw your name on that singing competition sign-up sheet" He looked up with a panicked expression.
"What singing competition?"
"The paper that Chad, Brad, and Kyle put up on the message board. Singing competition for the animal shelter. Your name was on it"
"I didn't sign up for any- goddammit Remy. I'll have to cross it out later." So he didn't put his name on it? I guess that makes sense, he doesn't really seem like the kind of person that would sign up for this sort of thing willingly. "Is that all you wanted to ask about?"
"Nah I have one more question" he sighed and looked to me to continue talking. "Did it hurt when you crawled out of hell?"
"Wha- that's not how the pickup line goes. You calling me a demon or some shit"
"Cause you are smoking hot." I smirked. He thought about it for second and laughed. Did I ever mention I'm gay?
"That's so stupid. Props for making me laugh though." I smiled and looked to the front of the classroom. Still no teacher? The second bell already rang though.
{mini time skip brought by if you go 20, you're going to jail}
Still no teacher. Some people where whispering about where she might be or what to do since theres nobody here. Things like "What do we do", "Did she die", and "I'm gonna tell her to go to the office for a hall pass when she come back" were amongst these whispers. Finally the principal came in.
"Everyone quiet down." He said. "I know you're all probably wondering why you have no teacher in here. I'll explain in a bit but for now I'm going to ask you all to move out to the football field while we check this room." Even more questions were going around but the principal didn't answer any and asked us again to go out to the football field.
"Yo." I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned around to see Virgil. "This happen often?"
"Nope. First time that I know of. It's probably nothing." He nodded and fell back into the crowd of classmates.
We walked out to see another class sitting at the tables. The principal led us to them and had us all sit down. Some people went up and asked about what was going on hut someone quickly stopped them.
"Stop annoying these bitches, bitches. You'll learn what the fuck is going on as soon as someone fucking gets me a frappuccino." Some kid took out one of those glass Starbucks bottles and handed it to Remy. He took a sip and turned back to everyone who was patiently staring at him. "What? Y'all thought I knew what's goin on or something? I got here just two weeks ago. I don't know what the fuck is going on and the damn author isn't telling me a god damn thing"
"Alright calm down with the swearing. Hi, I'm Willow from the animal shelter." Is that the girl Olive met up with yesterday? "Your principal asked me to come talk about the singing competition while your school sorted out what's happening." Does anybody know what's happening?
Shortly after the other two high school classes were brought out here and Olive introduced herself again. Someone raised their hand. "What's happening with the classrooms?"
"That I don't have an answer for. I was just asked to come talk to you guys while they handled it." Another person raised their hand.
"Why'd they ask someone from the animal shelter?"
"Why does the animal shelter need to raise money?"
"What's going on?"
Soon a bunch of people were asking questions and Olive looked to be slowly trying to hide in the coat she was wearing. I was about to step in like the prince charming I am but someone got to her before I could.
"Calm the hell down! You guys arent in elementary anymore! She knows just as much as us! Let her talk!" Demetrius was standing in front of her with his arms in a protective manner.
"Yea shut the fuck up! Let her speak or I will burn all of you and build a sandcastle out of your ashes or do to you what my cult did to Elmo!" Remus was standing on a table now.
"Remus get down! You're gonna hurt yourself!" I heard Emile say from the other end of the table. Everyone stopped talking while the two people that stood up for Olive sat back down. I noticed Remus staring a little longer than he should as him and immediately started planning their wedding.
"Thanks. Too answer some of the questions, the animal shelter needs more money for food and water and other things needed to care for the different animals we have. Our volunteer that day, Chad, who goes to this school, suggested a fun way to get our youth to help raise money. The volunteer manager, your superintendent, and a randomly selected student will be judging while whoever signed up signs any song they want. We'll have a donations jar for people to put in their donations at the front of the local theater. Of course you don't have to be a part of this if you don't want to." She said that last sentence quickly and nervously.
I looked to Virgil sitting at the table beside mine. "You still gonna cross your name out?"
"That a challenge? Or do you think I'm a heartless demon that's gonna give up on innocent animals?" I smirked. I guess he's not backing out of this now.
"Oooh what's happening?" Joan leaned in from where he was talking to Thomas.
"I think Roman just challenged Virgil in the singing battle" A girl from another table, Valerie I think her name is, whispered.
"I have a better idea." Remy walked over and leaned against Virgil's table. "Y'all have to do this together. Whoever backs out first gets to choose a punishment."
"What if neither of them back out?" Joan asked. I don't even know what's going on anymore. I don't think Virgil does either.
"Wanna bet?" Remy asked. "I say...Virge is gonna back out."
"Nu-uh, Roman is gonna back out." Remus joined in from across the table. Pretty soon my whole grade was getting on this and a few other students from the different grades that overheard. They were signing papers and everything.
Virgil Backs Out
Remy- $5
Thomas- $3
Jordan- $10
Liz- $5
Roman Backs Out
Remus- $3
Demetrius- $6
Valerie- $10
Quill- $5
Marcus- $1
Maggie- $15
Jo- $7
Neither Back Out
Joan- $5
Henry- $4
Jakob- $2
Emile- $6
Talyn- $0.50
Word Count: 1827
Place your best now. Also yes. Chad, Brad, and Kyle are boyfriends and are super nice. IDK just something random.
Bye for now guys, gals, and non-binary pals
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