his first day- Virgil's POV
My eyes shot open as the chorus of Bring Me To Life blared in my ears. I sat up as quickly as possible to see that there were three speakers on my bedside table and one speaker at the foot of my bed. I quickly turned off the speakers and opened my door to see Remy standing there smiling like an idiot. "G'mornin lil bro!"
"One. I hate you. Two. Don't ever wake me up like that again. And three. I'm only a year younger than you so shut the hell up." I stuck up my middle finger and stormed back in my room slamming the door. I sat back down on my bed and started rubbing the sleep from my eyes.
Wait. What day is it!?
MONDAY! Shit I have school. I quickly stood up and ran to my dresser pulling out the first outfit that caught my eye. Black jeans, purple shirt, black and purple hoodie, purple converse, and black fingerless gloves.
As soon as I was dressed I ran downstairs to see Remy playin on his phone like he didnt just ask for a death wish. "I swear if Jean weren't here to tell father I would punch you."
"I can't here you. I'm up here." He responded smugly. That's it. You can insult my clothing. You can insult my sleep schedules. You can even insult my mental problems. But you do not insult my height. I kicked him. Right where it hurts.
"Bitch" I walked over and grabbed my black backpack and started towards the door.
{time skip}
"I think you bruised my shin"
"Serves you right for calling me short"
"Both of you stop. I don't need any trouble between you. And please do NOT cause any trouble at school. Now, Matt here will be at the school to pick you up later. If I find out that you two have caused any disturbance I will personally be there to punish you." Father was on video call while Matt drove us to school. He acts like we're five I swear. Matt grunted letting us know we were here and hung up the phone with father.
Remy and I walked up to the front doors avoiding any and all contact with everyone that was still outside. I wish I could say the same about inside.
"Hi! You just be new, my name is-" I looked up at them and shot my most threatening death glare. (I just thought of a toddler Virgil threatening someone with a spoon) "y-you. You're-"
"Shut the fuck up and we won't kill you" the kid nodded frantically and started speed walking away. Remy chuckled and starting leading me to a nearby office like thing.
"Hello. You must be the new kids, Remy and Virgil?" we nodded "Here's your schedules. The principals office is right down the hall to your left, he has your books and some tour guides waiting for you. And boys, please don't threaten people like your father did trying to get you in this school." Remy and I walked away and soon started laughing. Of course father had to threaten people. He's a fucking gang leader for heavens sake! No one would let his children come to their school if he didn't threaten them.
We were walking down the hall when I noticed some kids pointing at us and whispering. Fucking cunts. I nudged Remy and pointed to them. I had to strain my ears but I heard part of their conversation.
"-I bet those bitches are going to kill the whole school."
"No shit. They're probably gonna kill the first people to even look at them."
"ENOUGH!" I turned around and saw a fairly tall man wearing a suit. Shit it's probably the principal.
The man went on scolding Remy and the other two that were yelling at us. Then he introduced himself.
"I'm Mr.Stevens, the principal. Step into my office please." He led us down the hall a bit more and through a door. Both me and Remy kept our heads facing the ground the whole time not wanting to attract anymore attention.
Wait....Remy doesn't want attention? Since when?
When we were in his office he went on about welcoming us or some shit, I wasn't really paying attention, and handed us some textbooks. Then he said something about our tour guides and two kids- HOW THE HELL DID I NOT NOTICE THESE PEOPLE WHEN WE CAME IN!?
The two people led us outside the office and whispered to each other about something. One of them looked vaguely familiar......meh.
"Hi. I'll be your guide. I'll be your G-U-I-D-E to the other side. Don't go to the netherworld. Did I say netherwo-" I lifted my head to see exactly which one was singing. Dammit. It's him. Quick say something they're staring.
"Ya gonna finish that song Beetlejuice or you just gonna stand there staring." He looked a little dazed before he mumbled something I didn't hear. The both of them stepped back a bit and we broke out laughing. Remy took a step forward, slightly turning to me and continued the song.
"and don't forget, it's B- double E-J-F-U and geezus we can't spell" we laughed a little more. I tried to continue the song but I couldn't get anything out with laughing. After we calmed down a bit the other one finally spoke up.
"Es-escuse me. Aren't you two-"
"Yea babes. Don't worry we ain't gonna kill you...now. At least not while there are witnesses around. Anywho, you still gotta show us around." Remy started walking away. I shrugged a bit a followed. The others soon caught up and actually started showing us around.
{time skip to lunch cuz yall already know what happens in class}
I found Remy in the hallway after the bell rang for lunch. "How's your day going Rems?" he sighed dramatically and grumbled under his breath.
"Yea these people are pretty annoying. After scaring everyone shitless in homeroom I got stuck sitting behind that beetlejuice kid." I slightly cringed when I remembered that same person might be my soulmate.
"At least you'll have someone to talk about Tim Burton with besides me"
"I really doubt that. I think he's only seen the musical, if even that" Remy chuckled a bit.
We finally got to the cafeteria and believe me when I say this, it is the loudest place on earth. People were shouting over each other just so they can have a conversation with someone right next to them. Just being in there spiked my anxiety. Remy must've noticed because before I knew it he was leading me towards some doors that seemed to lead outside.
I calmed down a bit when we got outside but immediately wished we hadn't when I heard what I hoped I would never hear come from another person.
"-here in the moonlight
'Cause I don't ever wanna close my eyes
Without you, I feel broke
Like I'm half of a whole
Without you, I've got no hand to hold
Without you, I feel torn
Like a sail in a storm
Without you, I'm just a sad song
I'm just a sad song"
He was singing my song. God dommit world. Out of all the people I had to be stuck with my polar opposite.
"With you, I fall
It's like I'm leaving all my past and silhouettes up on the wall
With you, I'm a beautiful mess
It's like we're standing hand and hand with all our fears up on the edge
So stop time right here in the moonlight
'Cause I don't ever wanna close my eyes"
Why brain!? Why did I sing!? I noticed Remy nudge me. He had a shocked expression. Everyone looked shocked.
Everybody was now looking at me. I knew this was gonna happen. Nobody outside said anything. They were just staring. Even him. Everybody had shocked expressions, scared, and most importantly shocked. Did I say shocked?
It was quiet. REALLY quiet.
"Well don't leave me hanging dude." He hesitated before actually starting the next line.
"Without you, I feel broke
Like I'm half of a whole
Without you, I've got no hand to hold
Without you, I feel torn
Like a sail in a storm
Without you, I'm just a sad song
You're the perfect melody
The only harmony I wanna hear
You're my favourite part of me
With you standing next to me
I've got nothing to fear
Without you, I feel broke
Like I'm half of a whole
Without you, I've got no hand to hold
Without you, I feel torn
Like a sail in a storm
Without you, I'm just a sad song
Without you, I feel broke
Like I'm half of a whole
Without you, I've got no hand to hold
Without you, I feel torn
Like a sail in a storm
Without you, I'm just a sad song, I'm just a sad song"
I walked up to him and said something I knew I would regret eventually.
"Just because we're soulmates doesn't mean we're automatically dating. And as far as I know, we aren't even friends yet. You make one wrong move and I will blow your pretty face off"
"Aww, Hot Topic thinks I'm pretty" I already don't like this guy.
"Aww, you think I'm hot" I started walking away, flipping him off in the process, leaving everybody else absolutely confused and shocked.
I already hate this school.
Word Count: 1653
Whats this? Two chapters in one day? I actually did something instead of questioning life?
Look at those two idiot gays both being woken up by their brothers. Speaking of their brothers, how would you guys feel about a bit of sad Remy times next chapter?
Anyways, bye for now guys, gals, and non-binary pals.
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