Hang Out- Virgil's POV
That was...fun? Is that the right word? I don't know. It was nice to hang out I guess. I'm still thinking about Roman and Remus' dads being the guy that was making puns at the cafe and a fucking scientist. Damn. Wish father were as cool as them...wait. Father's a crime boss. Wonder what he's doing right now.
"Hey father" I said into the the phone.
"Virgil? Is something wrong?"
"No. Just...wondering how you're doing." He was silent for a minute before talking.
"I'm fine. How are you?" How the hell do I respond to that? Mentally I'm meh. Physically I'm alright. Emotionally I'm unstable. Do I tell him about my soulmate?
"Just a little tired. I made friends at school"
"Do they want money? Protection? To call the police? Have you been carrying your pocketknife?"
"It's okay father, they're...strange. I mean different. It's not like I'm going to invite them to the house anytime soon"
"Okay. I have to go."
"Okay...Later dad"
I hurried to hang up. I relaxed on my bed and closed my eyes. I started humming a song. Not my soulmate song. Another song that means way more. But of course that had to be ruined. Someone knocked on my door.
"You need your pills dumbass" Dee's voice came from the other side before he opened it and sat on my bed. "What are you doing?"
"Nothing" I sighed. "Aren't you s'pose to take the thing off now?"
"What thing?" He asked while pulling out to pills. He handed them to me before thinking for a minute. "Oh yeah. I hate this."
"I would assume so." I said then swallowed the pills and took a drink from the water bottle by my bed. "Okay get outta my room."
"Goodnight raccoon"
"Goodnight halfy"
{time skip brought by welcome to bible study}
I woke up from my phone ringing. Who the hell is calling me at 2:38 in the damn morning? I picked up the phone and sighed when I saw the contact. "What's up Remus?"
"Is it bad to like two people? Follow up question, is it bad to not even know who one of those people are?" Well technically you only like one person, I thought.
"You walking with us tomorrow again?" I asked.
"Yeah, might bring Roman though. Dad's gotta get to work early and papa has his weird scientist shit."
"You owe me a poptart then."
"I'm fine with that emo. I gotta get back to my house."
"Later trashy"
"Later purp man"
I sighed and put my phone back on my table. I'm not getting sleep tonight. I grabbed my phone and scrolled through some old videos. I grabbed my earbuds and plugged them in before clicking a video and setting my phone down.
Why whenever I try to relax someone just has to interrupt?
"Vee, was that you?" A sleepy Remys asked while walking into my room.
"Go back to sleep Rem"
"Ha, REM sleep. And no thanks babes, you're awake and woke me up so I ain't doing shit until you do shit." He said flopping on my bed. "Whatcha watching?" He slid next to me and pulled an earbud out of my ear. We listened to the song and fell asleep. Huh, I guess I did get sleep.
{time skip brought by name a yellow fruit}
We finished our breakfast and walked out with Remy and I not saying anything. We walked to the same place we met up with Remus yesterday. "Is Remus walking with us again?" He asked. I nodded but didn't say anything. A minute passed before he groaned and spoke again. "Why aren't you guys talking?"
"Why? Would you rather have us teasing you about your crush on Remus?" Remy smirked.
"And how much you looooove him" I said throwing an arm around his shoulders. He moved his hands again. Damn I really need to learn sign language.
"Babes if you're going to say something mean, actually say it."
"Fine. Je vais te tuer dans ton sommeil. Et si j'ai le béguin pour lui, tu aimes Emile et tu connais ton âme sœur." He said.
"I hate you" I said.
"Wassup homos." Remus said joining us, Roman not far behind him. I held out my hand for my poptart. He looked at me confused for a second before realizing what I was waiting for. He grabbed a box of poptarts out of his bag and handed me one.
"What? I didn't know we bought more! Give me one" Roman reached out for one but Remus held him back with one hand and threw the box at Remy. They continued to fight while Remy examined the box. We got to school and the two finally stopped fighting.
{time skip brought by whoever threw that paper}
"Why won't she stop with the time skips I can't keep up with this shit." Remy groaned sitting by the tree. I looked at the samdwhich he brought me from the cafeteria before taking a bite out of it.
"Just not going to question that, what are we gonna do today?" Dee asked from where he was in the grass.
"I don't know. Kinda just want to stay in bed all day."
"I have an idea!" Remus smiled.
"We're not setting something on fire"
"I no longer have an idea!"
"We could practice for the singing competition thing" Dee suggested "Since somebody signed us up."
"I already know what song I'm doing" Remy said
"Oh good for you. The rest of us don't idiot. Roman isn't coming up with anything good"
"I was just planning on singing the cuss word song" Remus said.
"You do realize children are going to be there, right?"
"You can't sing stuff like that dipshit"
"Booooo. Guess I'll have to go with my next option"
"And what is tha-" Dee started to ask before the bell cut him off. "Nevermind"
"Tell you what, I'll come to your house later and we can talk about it there." He said as we walked back to the school.
"Alright babes, just don't bring any goldfish in condoms"
"Won't promise anything, anyway let's let the author do her last time skip so she could stop avoiding her schoolwork." He paused for a moment before pointing somewhere and shouting. "No you don't bitch! I'm one of your favorite characters!"
"What the hell are you talking to?"
{time skip brought i'm in me mums car}
"Y'know, yesterday I was telling father that nobody was coming to the house." I said looking over all the chaos. Remy and Remus were arguing about what Melanie Martinez song was the best, Dee was shouting at them in different languages, Olive and Willow were here and Olive was trying to show Willow Be More Chill over all the shouting, Emile and Roman were listening to Disney songs on the floor, and Thomas and Joan were apparently writing their own song about a disney prince.
I sighed and walked over to where Remy and Remus were. "Both of you shut the hell up. You're allowed to have your own opinions. And if you keep this up," I pointed to Remy "you're getting your speakers taken away," I pointed to Remus, "and I'm not telling you you-know-what." They both looked about me before going to sit on different sides of the couch. Dee thanked me before going to sit on a chair.
I grabbed a random pair of earbuds and handed them to Olive who gladly plugged them into her phone and handed an earbud to Willow. I turned down whatever song Emile and Roman were listening to before laying face-down onstage floor. Life is so hard.
"Roman! Song ideas for the thing?" I asked pointing in the general direction they were sitting.
"They're just a bunch of disney and musicals." He said sounding a bit nervous.
"I don't fucking care just name them off."
"Hey babes! You, me, and Dee are gonna do Sincerely Me. That's not a question by the way.!" Remt shouted out of nowhere.
"Sure Rem. Whatever. Anyways start listing those songs off Roman."
"Showtime from A Picture Perfect Hollywood Heartbreak, Can You Feel The Love Tonight from The Lion King, A Guy That I'd Kinda Be Into, Two-Player Game"
"Already singing that one" Willow said from across the room.
"I thought you wanted to do our song?"
"You said you wanted to sing this one" They continued their conversation and I signalled for Roman to keep listing the songs.
"Only Us or If I Could Tell Her from Dear Evan Hansen, or any JD and Veronica song."
"Wow. Great job," he looked suprised for a second and smiled, "for listing exactly the stuff I won't be singing." His smiled dropped.
"But you're singing Sincerely Me eith Remy and Dee" He stated.
"Because Remy is my brother and Dee is like one, even if I've only known him for like two weeks." I mumbled that last part.
"What was that?"
"Nothing. What I'm saying is, they're my family and you're someone I'm trying to beat in a bet. Anyway!" I stood up and got everyone's attention. "As much as I love having all these people at my house, I don't like having any people at my house. It's almost dinnertime and Dee will probably just give us lunchables which we sadly don't have enough for everyone so bye-bye." It took all my energy not to stab someone for this past hour and a half and I couldn't take it.
Everyone got the hint and started going to the door. As soon as everyone left I groaned and walked to my room. "I'm going to sleep!"
"No you're not!" Someone yelled. "You're going to scroll through tumblr and reddit!"
"I know! I just don't want to deal with face-to-face socializing right now!"
"Hope ya die!"
"Hope ya find a better song for us to sing than Sincerely me!"
"That's offensive!"
Word Count: 1669
Ha. This was meant to be posted yesterday then half of it didn't save and other shit happened. I'm still taking song suggestions (yes let's give the bitch that can't decide anything more choices. I'm so smort)
Bye for now guys, gals, and non-binary pals
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