First Dates
dates are in no specific order, this is unedited so please point out mistakes, QnA info at the end
Demus Date- Demetrius' POV
"You wanna go on a date DeeDee?"
"An actual date or staying in my room watching movies like we already do?"
"Actual date. Roman said that couples should go out and have fun. The fans wanna see it and I wanna try it."
"I guess. So where are we going?"
"Theres a fair outside of town that opens up next week. There's rollercoasters, a ferris wheel, games, a food court. How about we go on Friday? I'll buy the tickets if you buy the caramel apples."
"Deal. For now let's watch this train wreck waiting to happen." He moved so he was still laying in my lap but now was facing Remy talking to the science dad.
{time skip brought by release all the sounds trapped in your head}
"Bye Janus! Don't come back with any hickeys!"
"Don't call me that! And don't do anything while I'm gone!" I walked outside and met up with my loving and caring boyfriend that totally isn't dressed like he belongs in a strip club. He smiled and held out his hand.
"Babe, people are gonna think you're a hooker or some shit."
"I knew you would say that. I have an extra change of clothes that Romano picked out after he saw this outfit." Remus was currently wearing fishnet leggings, a mini skirt that would make Karen Smith jealous, a leather jacket, and heels. I was just wearing black skinny jeans, a white shirt, a yellow sweater, and sneakers. So yes, if people saw us I'm pretty sure they would think Remus is a hooker walking around with a random teenager.
We got into the car and Remus started driving us outside of town. I really hope we don't get into a car crash and die on our first date. Remu grabbed my hand and continued to drive until we got to the parking lot. "I'm gonna go change then we'll go in." I nodded and he ran off. I could see the rides from here. I've never actually been to one of these. Dad always said if it's not worth judging, just don't. County fairs and State fairs were never worth judging.
"Okay let's go!" I jumped at the sudden shouting and almost stabbed him. "I wonder how deep the wound would be if you actually pulled out that knife. That'd be cool! Can we try that again but you actually stab me?"
"I'm not killing my boyfriend. C'mon I wanna see if this place is actually like what the movies say these things are like." We walked up to the ticket thing and bought our way into the fair. "Okay where are we going first?" Remus smiled and started pulling me towards the food court.
"You ever try fried oreos? Or snickers? Or fried ice cream?" I shook my head and his smile got wider. "Then we better hurry up! The stands get packed and I don't wanna be standing in a line our whole date."
He continued to pull me towards a food truck advertising different types of fried food. After a few minutes of waiting he ordered a few oreos.
{time skip brought by oh mah gawd i love chipotle}
We finally got to the roller coaster and sat down in the front.
"Please keep your hands and feet inside the ride at all times. Make sure all small items are secure..."
"Hey Dee, do you feel secure?"
"I'll kill you"
Rem&Ems Date- Remy's POV
"Hey you, I like you a lot, maybe we can hang out or something..." Emile randomly said while we were watching Avatar.
"You trying to ask me on a date? If so, of course." He smiled and sent back to laying down on his couch with me. Trust me, I'm freaking the fuck out about this date but I'm not gonna tell you guys exactly what I was thinking.
{time skip brought by how do you keep your pants up while performing, its incredible}
I got dressed like I normally would but with my nice leather jacket. Emile said we were going to have a picnic in the flower gardens are the park and to dress lightly because it's going to be sunny all day but I rather be fabulous than worry about that right now.
"Remy! Emile's here!" I smiled and ran to the door immediately giving him a hug. What? I'm touch starved and most of you probably are too.
We walked in silence until we reached the park. I helped Emile lay a blanket down and take out the food.
"Hey Remy, why'd you run away when you kissed me at the ice cream parlor?" I sighed and played down.
"Scared, embarrassed, didn't want our first kiss to be because someone that enforces the "law" threatened me. I don't know Emy, I just...ran." He nodded and we continued our picnic.
"Hey it's getting dark out, I don't want to run into anybody trying to mug us so we should head back." I started putting the plates away but Emile stopped me.
"Do you trust me?"
"Is that a line from Aladdin?" I laughed. "Oh my god Emile. If you keep talking like this the readers are going to think I'm the bottom. But yeah okay. If you say we should stay we'll stay." I laid back down and felt him cuddle into me.
We watched as a few comets started shooting across the sky leading to the whole sky filling up. Wow. I haven't seen a meteor shower since I was little. I'm going to marry Emile.
Prinxiety Date- Roman's POV
I held up a black rose to Virgil and finally asked him. "Would you accompany me to a romantic evening?"
"Of course Roman. A magical carriage ride through the woods to a secluded dinner would be-"
"AWAKEN DEAR BROTHER and stop dreaming about what you wished would've happened. You just asked him to the movies. Calm down. And hurry up, I got the tickets you asked for and the movie is tonight.
I sighed not wanting to put up with Remus. Today will be a good day. Just because it's only a movie doesn't make it any less of a romantic date.
{time skip brought by who lives in a pineapple under a pineapple}
I got dressed in a suit but Remus said it was too much for a movie theater so I ended up changing into a plain white shirt, blue jeans, a red flannel, and white sneakers. It may not be as extra as possible but anything was better than what Remus suggested I wear. I grabbed the keys to dad's car and drove to Virgil's house.
I knocked on the door to which Remy answered and let me in. "He just woke up from a nap so dont expect much. Oh and! If you hurt him I will unleash the cult that I have accepted as mine onto you. And trust me Roman, you do not want that to happen. Later tater, ima get a poptart." I took a breath after he left. I didn't know Remy could be that scary. I waited a few minutes until Virfil came down. He looks amazing everyday but damn, this is my soulmate.
He was wearing a simple outfit but to me it looked like he should be walking down the read carpet with Billy Porter and Beyonce. He was wearing a purple shirt, black skinny jeans, purple boots, a black flannel, black choker, and a P!ATD beanie.
"What movie are we seeing?" He asked when we got into the car.
"I told Remus to get me tickets for the new Disney movie but knowing him it's probably Deadpool or something in the Conjuring universe." We laughed and I drove us to the movie theater.
We got to the ticket booth and apparently Remus got us tickets to some horror movie. Virgil seemed really happy when he saw what we would be watching so I didn't trade in the tickets. I bought us some popcorn and we got to our seats.
Halfway through the movie I finally stopped freaking out at every jumpscare and decided to actually enjoy the movie. I guess that was also when I realized Virgil was clinging to my arm and that his popcorn was all over the floor. I wlul6d hate to be the janitor here. I held his hand and put my popcorn between us. This was a nice date.
i made another book souly for QnA so please look at that if you have questions for anything or just want to read the answers
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