Explosion Party (Extra)
Remy landed on the ground after jumping out of Emile's window. He dusted himself off and started walking in the direction of the building him and all the readers were gonna blow up. Maybe he should've worn something more appropriate for blowing up a building? Nah, he's a fucking queen and can wear anything he wants. It's not like it matters, this is just a story. He walked up to the building and looked over the growing crowd of people.
"We get it. You're doing this so you can distract yourself." Remy shouted.
"Remy! Stop talking to N and hurry up!" Ohmykash shouted. Remy rolled his eyes and started shouting orders.
"Thomas_Fanders, ilive4klance, Sweetpanda1015, xoxsunflowersxox start helping MagicalWoof, WaokeVale, and anxiouspuffball bring the ken dolls into the building! Damn I'm already getting tired."
"Haha. Not my fault these amazing people read less than amazing fanfics."
"Not now bitch. I'm busy directing your readers so we can take out our anger."
"Why can't we put Emile's dad in the building?" We-ship asked.
"Because plot." Nonbinaryoutcast responded. "And Remy will probably kill him later."
"Edgy_Space_Prince take the pillow fort cult and go kidnap Barney. Whoever else wants to go can go. I don't give a damn." He waved them off.
"Hey Remy!" LoganGalaxy raised their hand.
"Yea? Wassup babes?"
"When are you gonna man-up and ask Emile on a date?" Remy flushed red and crossed his arms.
"Haha. You made him blush!" N laughed.
"UhOhSpaghetti-os and LucyWilliams142 take her away."
"No. I'm sitting right here and eating my cheez-itz or this chapter isn't going to get finished."
"peice of shit author," Remy mumbled before going back to giving commands. "some-emo-trash, InfinitesimalDna, Vivianistrash, and Ratatouille456 get the dynamite, grenades, c4, any explosives you can find. Bananacookie2006 get the gunpowder. Krypto32 get the marches. Ara_Arida, Cabeswater12 and Nat_Jade2007 get wood to start the bonfire." As people heard their username being called they split up from who they were fangirling or planning murders with.
"Remy! We have questions about the book!" Inkysansyismine shouted.
"Yea! When is Dee going to realize Remus is his soulmate?" AxelAtlantid asked.
"Wait! Dee and Remus are soulmates?" He glared at everyone. "None of you tell me a god damn thing. Watch, she's gonna make me forget all of this by the next chapter and I'm gonna have to start actually reading the chapters. Just...next question."
"What song are you going to sing for the competition?" @RandomPOS asked.
"Well, person that username wont fucking work, I'm going to be singing Sincerely Me with my bro and Dee, Here Comes A Thought with Emy, and a Logic song by myself. One more question before we get started."
"When am I going to write something that matters? I'm bored!"
"That question doesn't matter. A real question now."
"When are we going to get started?" Rosepetal83 asked.
"Now I guess." He responded. And as if by the work of a lazy author everyone he sent out returned. People started throwing the ken dolls in the building, others lined the walls with the explosive. "MaeHemOwO, Manzana420, and sadiethecrazylady, keep Barney right there."
Soon the bottom floor was covered with dolls. Some dolls were taped to walls while others were just stacked on top of each other. Dynamite and TNT were taped on the outside of the building. Other explosives that I'm bot bothering to learn names of were scattered around the second floor. Emily_Or_Spencer, Cheesypuffboi, Angsty_Demiprincess, and Virginia_Sanders had set piles of the dolls on fire. angelle108 and Mina_Is_Best_Girl led a trail of gunpowder far enough away for nobody to get severely hurt.
"Okay okay, enough of that. I need to blow something up before I murder somebody. Hopefully that somebody will be Emy's dad." Everyone waited patiently where they were for Remy to murder Emile's dad. "It's no fun when you guys want me to do it. Hurry up and get over here." The readers groaned and whispered to each other while moving to the line that yammy_yams drew on the ground.
"Ready babes?" There were a chorus of people cheering before someone shouted "READY AS I'LL EVER BE!" which resulted in the whole crowd singing that song from Tangled: the series. After that finished Remy was handed a box of matches because the matches never fucking work the first time so you have to use another one until it finally fucking works.
"STOP COMPLAINING ABOUT YOUR PROBLEMS AND LETS BLOW THIS POPSICLE STAND!" Remy lit the match and threw it onto the trail of gunpowder. They watched as the flame followed it all the way to the building. After a moment the building exploded like one of those cold explosion scenes in action movies except nobody was walking away from it with sunglasses looking totally badass. Everyone was just watching it looking like total badasses. A bunch of the kendolls rained from the sky, most of them on fire. And people could see blood and dinosaur guts coming from the explosion.
"Y'know what, this would've been better if we murdered some homophobic pieces of shit." Remy muttered. "This better not start some Barney Kendoll cult of some shit like the Elmo thing Remus did."
The explosion died down and all that was left were piles of rubble and pieces of dolls and dinosaur.
"I could really go for some dino dino nuggets right now." the author looked down at the box in her hands. "shitty cheese sticks you're not dino nuggets."
"Okay everyone go back home! After she posts this chapter she's going on a break so you guys can wait for your other fanfics! Hurry the fuck up before the fictional police come!" Remys screamed out into the crowd of readers. Everyone ran to different transportation to go back to wherever the fuck they live and all that was left was Remy.
{time skip brought by you're not my dad}
(loaf ya dad)
"I'm home!" Remy screamed kicking open the door.
"Where the fuck were you?" Dee screamed from the livingroom.
"definitely not murdering a purple dinosaur"
"Did you leave any evidence that it was you?"
"No. I'm a professional. How dare you doubt my skills"
"Ok then I don't care what you did." Remy laughed and walked up to his room. He fell backwards onto his bed and looked up at the plastic stars. He started thinking about things. Most were ways to kill that son of a bitch that calls himself Emile's dad. Part of him was thinking about how awesome it would be to explode this god awful town. But the last part of him was thinking about memories he thought he had gotten rid of years ago.
Word Count: 1113
Sorry if you weren't mentioned. There's a lot more of you than I thought there was and I'm stressing out about other things. But like Remy said ima be on break for a while so I can stress over these things and not make shitty chapters
Bye for now guys, gals, and non-binary pals
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