emotions are dumb-Virgil's POV
I probably could've handled that better. But I also could've handled it worse so...meh. I walked back down the hall to the others pretending that didn't happen.
"Bro, the comments made a fucking song, what the hell did you do?" My oh so curious brother asked.
"What? Comments? Y'know what, I'm fucking done with you. And anyways he tried apologizing."
"So what's with Roman in the bathroom?" Remus asked.
"He apologized without knowing why he was apologizing. I would've forgiven him if he just waited a little longer."
"I'm not a couples theripist, that's more Emile, but I think that this isn't just Roman's problem. What's really wrong here?" Dee asked.
"He talked bad about my mother and father."
"But he didn't know. I know you Virgil, you wouldn't get mad at someone for just that. Was it really him continuing to talk after you told him to stop? Was it him trying to make things better between you two? Or was it you not handeling emotions like a normal person?"
"Can I fire you?"
"Nope. I work for your dad so you don't have that power."
{time skip brought by so you like her huh?}
What the fuck was Demetrius talking about? My problem? Maybe it is my fault...No. He kept talking about that topic even though I kept telling him to shut up. But he doesn't know. He still could've stopped when I told him to. But-
God, why are the voices in my head so annoying? I need to calm down and think. So Roman was talking to me about something he read online. The internet isn't always true. So that's one point to my getting mad at nothing. But he continued to talk when I repeatedly asked him to stop. One point to me being right. He tried apologizing. Another point to nothing. He didn't know what he was apologizing for. He-
*bell noises*
Great lunchtime. Dee, Remy, and Remus are going to try talking about this again, right? This is going to be fun. Not.
"Hey Virgil," and the fun continues. "I just want to-"
"No. Before you talk to me, let me calm the fuck down, not like you did that earlier. I'm trying to focus on something right now and if you continue talking I will snap and murder someone."
"Hey! Don't do that in my classroom, wait until you're outside or in the cafeteria so it's the lunch attendants problem." The teacher hollered from their desk. I quickly turned around and ran out o of the classroom leaving Roman in the classroom. I don't want to deal with the others but where the hell am I going to eat lunch. Not in the library, the book club and some weirdos that build a pillow fort are in there, not the cafeteria, too loud, not the classrooms, I don't like any of the teachers. Outside it is then.
"Vee! Virge! Virgil! Virgil Vain-"
"Don't you dare say my middle name!" I yelled as soon as I heard Remy start.
"Then get your ass over here before I say it in front of the school!" I ran to the tree as quick as I can without crashing into anybody and sat down.
"What's your middle name?" Dee asked.
"I'm not telling you."
"I'll...I'll tell you mine?"
"Wait that actually worked? I mean, my negotiating skills are beyond your knowledge." I laughed and signalled him to tell me his name first.
"Oh? Dee's middle name? This better be good or I'm not bringing anymore snacks." Remus pulled out a bag of popcorn and the three of us looked at Dee.
"My middle name is Janus now stop acting like it's some big news like a sickness spreading through the world making everything shut down and people buying all the toilet paper."
"That's oddly specific Janus. Where'd you get that from?" Remy asked
"Call me Janus and I'll ground both of you. Now hurry and tell me your middle name Virge."
"It's Vainoharhaisuus, now back to shit that actually matters. My brain has been yelling at me this while morning and I need help." They were silent for a minute before Remus broke it.
"Vine-o-what the fuck? I thought Prince and Duke were weird middle names."
"I think it's another language like Remy's middle names. I know french, greek, chinese, dutch, german, latin, and spanish. I don't think that's any of those." Dee counted the languages on his fingers. Show off.
"And I know sass. Thank you Living_Encyclopedia for this."
"Guys! We have more important things to focus on!" I yelled getting a bunch of peoples attentions. Shit. "Stop fucking staring at me! It's like you've never heard anybody scream before!" They all turned their heads and went back to whatever they were doing. Why are there picnic tables even back here? We're on the other side of the feild.
"Okay Vine-o what's the problem?" Remus said using the apparently newest nickname.
"Roman. And my brain. And if you're thinking I'm talking about a crush, you're wrong."
"Not in the readers perspectives." Remus laughed.
"Haha fuck you"
"No thanks I like someone else." He laughed again. I started laughing because I know who he likes and "they" like him back. I looked to Dee to see him looking down. Remy kept looking between the two of them and groaned.
"One problem at a time." I said. "Okay Emo let's talk before the author decides to cut is off because she's getting distracted by wicked."
"Okay so I thought about what Janus said and started listing off reasons why its Roman's fault and reasons why it's my fault."
"13 reasons why?"
"No Remy. I got to 5 before the bell rang and... 3 of them were my fault." I mumbled that last part so they wouldn't hear it.
"So was I right or was I right?" Dee joked.
"I hate you."
He was right though. This is partially my fault. Emotions are dumb and I don't like them. Logic and empathy can go bye-bye. This is dumb. Do I have to forgive and apologize to Roman now?
{time skip brought by are you drinking Pepsi for breakfast?}
"Yo Remy I have an idea." I said opening his bedroom door.
"What is it shortie?" He asked while digging through the closet.
"I'm not the shortest in the house anymore so stop calling me that. And I'm talking about Demetrius and Remus."
"Ah Demus. What about them?" Demus? Dee...Remus...Oh.
"You like bets, right?" I smirked. He stuck his head out and raised an eyebrow. I have his attention. "I have a bet to make with you. I think that they're soulmates." I know they're soulmates so this is going to be a great bet.
"Me and Emile aren't soulmates and I like him. People can like people other than their soulmates. But what about the bet?" I knew he was going to say that.
"If they turn out to be soulmates I win the bet, if they aren't, you win." This is the easiest bet ever.
"What're we betting? I need to know what I'm getting out of this." I pulled open on of the drawers on his bedside table and pulled out one of the money wads. He looked at it and glared at me. "Fine. Hold on one moment." He got up and walked towards his desk. He grabbed a notebook and started flipping through the pages. "What number is marked on the bond?"
"8? Why?" He flipped another page and walked over to me. He moved his finger along the words and showed it to me. One thousand? Meh it doesn't matter, I'm going to win this.
"GET DOWN HERE I MADE MAC AND CHEESE!" Dee screamed making us both turn our heads towards the door.
"So, are we agreed?" I asked and held out my hand. He shook it and we ran downstairs.
Word Count: 1330
I honestly don't know what this chapter was but...ye. Also I didn't proofread this because I'm tired so...ye.
Bye for now guys, gals, and non-binary pals
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