Say No To This
There was a loud knock on your door, and you opened your eyes. Your window's were dark, and your alarm had not gone off yet. Who was here at- you turned your clock around- 5 AM? Oh good lord.
You groaned as there were three sharp knocks on your door. Somehow, you pried yourself out of bed to four more rapid knocks. You opened your door slowly, and Tatum, bright eyed and puffy haired, burst into your room.
Still tired, obviously, you shut the door to your hotel, and turned towards her. "What the hell is wrong with you?" She turned towards you, and that's when you saw the red circles around her eyes, and tears spilling. "Oh my god!" You took her hand in yours. "What's wrong Tate? Are you okay?"
"No!" Tatum yelped, falling to the ground, you sat next to her, getting slightly less tired as each second passed.
"What happened boo? Are you alright?" You asked, feeling so bad for whatever was going on with her.
Tatum shook her head. "She hates me. She hates me." Tatum whimpered over and over. You put your arm around her shoulders, unsure what else to do.
"Nobody hates you boo. Nobody ever could!" You assured her, rubbing your hand up and down her arm as she cried.
"I did something irreversible!" Leave it to Tatum to use big words even in a hysterical state."And she hates me! They both do! They all do!"
"Boo! What happened?" You murmured, feeling totally useless to her aid. You couldn't calm her down.
"I-" Tatum began, but a new wave of tears streamed down her face. "You remember the night at dinner? Uh..."
"The night Lin and I got together?" You couldn't help but smile at the mention of Lin, but Tatum's sobs brought you back down. "Yes. I remember."
"Well... after yooou r-rushed out we... we all went to have-ee-e- drinks." Tatum was shaking so bad her words were all smushed together. "Ssssophia, the d-d-designated d-driver, took Kaaacey home early b-because Kacey hit her head kinda b-bad. She told Pip she was fine, and juuuust needed t-t-t-to lie down for a bit." Tatum wiped some tears away.
You nodded, still holding her in your arms. "Go on."
"We... we wwwwwere all d-drinking, kinda heavily, until LLLin had to leave. O-Oak drove him, Sophia being gone, and Daveeeed went too."
"Yes, I know all of this Tate." You did your best not to get frustrated, but when she was telling the story so slowly, it was hard not to get rattled with her.
She nodded apologetically, snot running all over her face. "We-we d-d-drank, and then wwwe needed-d to taaake a c-cab home, Pip an' I shared one, sssince she lives k-rkinda close to the apartment I'm rrrenting."
"You're renting an apartment?" You hadn't been really in the loop, being with Lin all the week."Wow."
"Wwwhen we r-reached my apartment, she rrrealized she had no more cash. An' I told her that she could crash at my place."
You pursed your lips, extremely bored with the story. "Okay." You crossed your arms, grumpy you had been woken up so early for this. You had never been a morning person, and you never would be a morning person.
"One thing lead to another and we slept together!" Tatum yelped.
You were shocked. Not about the Tatum/Girl thing, you knew she was bi, but that she would sleep with Pippa. "What about Kacey? What about Oak?"
"I'm not done!" Tatum snapped, her tears gone. "So the next day I said we had to tell Kacey. Pippa refused, a few days later, er, last night, I asked her to again-"
"She said no?"
"And so I said I would do it- she said if I ever told Kacey she would never forgive me! Never! And so I told Kacey, I had to, it's where my loyalties lie. She's my best friend-" You fake glowered at her. "You didn't talk to us for four months!" You looked bashfully at the ground. "So I told Kacey, and she filled a cup of water, just to throw it in my face. And then she slapped me, she got so upset, she started to cry."
"Oh no." You whispered.
"And I feel horrible Y/N! I miss her so much, she's my best friend- besides you- and I can't have her hate me. I can't!"
"Oh Tate, I'm so sorry. I'm so, so sorry!" You muttered.
"I just need to sleep, I've been driving around the city in Oak's car for like four hours, not sure what to do." Tatum leaned on your shoulder.
You frowned yet again. "What about Oak? Did you tell him about the whole cheating situation boo?" You asked.
"Yea... he said it was okay, it was a drunken mistake that he can forgive." Tatum sniffed in with a loud noise.
"Boo, why don't you climb in bed? Take a rest, I'll make some breakfast. Cereal, or oatmeal? Or icecream?"
Tatum replied wisely. "Icecream with cereal in it."
How do you guys like my (sad) start of writing the new beginning of this story?
Who do you guys ship?
Who's your favorite character?
Should Pip and KC forgive Tatum?
COMMENT pls!!!!
Thanks, love you all!
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