(A/N so I just wrote this entire chapter and deleted it bc it was awful. Ima try again. Here we go lol)
"Thanks! Keep the change!" You handed your taxi driver a twenty dollar bill, and hopped out. The car had pulled up in front of Olive Garden. You rubbed your hands on your legs nervously as you walked up the steps. You, Pippa, Kacey, Jacqueline, Sophia, Ellie, Victoria, Tatum, Lin, Vanessa, and Oak were meeting here today, and this was your first time seeing most of them since Hamilton. It was your first time seeing Vanessa in, well, this life. God, that sounds weird to say. The automatic doors swung open, and the first thing you saw was Oak and Tatum making out in the corner of the hallway. You groaned and covered your eyes with your hand. "Get a room!" You shouted as a greeting. How had you possibly missed this much., you thought to yourself, with a bit of a regret. Tatum squealed loudly, and you opened your eyes as she broke apart from Oak and ran over to you.
"WHERE THE FUCK HAVE YOU BEEN?!" She yelled, wrapping her arms around you. You smiled. You may have changed, but Tatum was still her usual hyper self.
"I'm so sorry Tate!" You whined. "My phone broke, so I was getting it fixed, and I don't have any of your numbers memorized!" Tatum sighed, but accepted apology reluctantly.
"Wow. I literally can't believe you hate me." She joked.
You pretended to laugh. "So, what's happening here?"
"Oh, um, yeah. Me and Oak are dating now." You could she was trying to look chill, and it wasn't working too well. You wouldn't be surprised if she literally turned into a rocket and exploded through the ceiling.
"Yeah, you two were having quite the session when I came in." You said with a laugh. "Hey, Oak." You waved at him.
"Hey." He said with a smirk. To be honest, you were a tad confused as to how your friends and the Hamilton cast had become so close so quickly. You'd find out over dinner, you supposed.
"God I missed you so fucking much. You need to get a tattoo of my number. Cause this can never happen again. I mean, I have your number memorized! If we ever go... what? Four months without talking ever again I will hang myself with my own organs." She said, hugging me so tight I could barely breath.
"Babe, I think y/n is going to be hugged to death enough tonight." Oak sighed.
She let go of me with a shaky breath. "I have so much to tell you. SO much."
Before she could even begin, Tatum waved frantically to someone behind you. You spun around, only to find Lin and Vanessa walking toward you holding hands, and cuddled into each other. You winced. This might be harder than you thought. Lin let go of Vanessa's hand and ran over to you, that beatiful grin of his plastered across his face. Your heart fluttered, and you internally kicked it for being so annoying.
"Y/n! Thank god your phones fixed! I'm so glad you could come today! You have got to film part two of the Hamilton documentary!" He said this all very fast, and very excitedly.
"How-" You began, wanting to know how he knew your phone was 'broken'.
"Oh!" He exclaimed. "Pippa told me that your phone was getting fixed." You wanted to kiss him. God, he was so pretty. Oh right, he had asked you to film.
"I'd love to film." You said, plastering a semi fake smile on your face. This conversation was painful, but at least he seemed excited to see you. For all the wrong reasons. But still. Vanessa came up you, her hand outstretched.
"Nice to meet you y/n. I'm Vanessa, but I'm sure you knew that." She said with a chuckle. You internally cringed at the formal handshake from the women who you had spent ten years of your previous life being best friends with. She didn't know that, obviously. So you shook her hand calmly.
"You too. And yeah, I knew that." You laughed. "So, we should go get a table then? The rest will find us, I'm sure." Your friends nodded in agreement.
*time skip*
You had been zoning in and out of the conversations, and after five particularly non attentive minutes, you zoned back in and regretted it immediately. Somehow, the topic of when Lin and Vanessa were getting married had come up.
"Well," Lin was saying, "I was thinking a summer wedding. Maybe at the beach, or something? But Vanessa wants a fall one. She likes the leaves, and all the colors." He explained. You had known that, of course, but you just nodded politely. Pippa was looking at you, concern etched on your face, but you pretended not to notice. Lin had now gone on to talking about what kind of food and music he wanted. Vanessa was being awfully quiet, but only you had noticed. Lin's exhilarated voice filled the silence for everyone else. Pippa had desperately been trying to change the topic for a few minutes now, and was failing. Finally you couldn't take it anymore. Shoving a few breadsticks in your purse, you pretended to check the time.
"Oh shoot, I have a babysitting gig in an hour!" You lied hurriedly. "I gotta go, I'm sorry, I'll catch up with you later. Bye guys!" And with that, you tossed some money on the table for the meal and walked away, not waiting for a response.
A/N so this chapter turned out just a bad the second time I wrote it, but whatever. I should be writing my French essay right now but my stress levels are like somewhere near Pluto, so naturally I'm procrastinating. Also I'm like 99% sure that I have an ear infection? But I'm just gonna ignore the throbbing in my left ear and hope it goes away on its own cuz i don't really wanna deal with it soooooo. Anyway thanks for reading my shit:) love you all
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