Chapter 18
A/N I kinda gave up on unique chapter names - if I think of one, I promise I will add it.
"Ahhhhh- no!" You shouted, Lin had picked you up and thrown you into the water. You emerged just as a wave washed over your head, the salt water got in your mouth. "Bleack! Lin! Give me a little warning, Jesus!"
Lin was laughing too hard to take notice of my anger. "Shut up, you love me."
"Eh." I shrugged. "Not that much anymore. Maybe you should think twice next time you throw me in the water."
Tatum laughed as I said this. "Like... this?" She suddenly swung around and pushed Oak into the water, but he didn't fully submerge and he stood up.
"You want to go? You. want. to. go?" With each word he got closer to her, until he was about an inch away from her.
She leaned up and kissed him softly. "Not really." She stated blatantly. "But I will if you really want to."
"Nah I don't want to." He said, putting his hand on her waist. She grinned at him.
"You still love me." Lin insisted.
You shrugged. "Ugh... Yea... I guess. I guess."
"Lame." Kacey rolled her eyes. "Y'all are so mushy... I feel very left out."
Jazzy laughed, and then blushed severely. "I agree with Kacey." She mumbled, her face bright red.
"Well... I don't." Ellie sighed, kissing Anthony's cheek.
He kissed her back. "I rented a tent." He whispered to her with a wink. "Why don't we head back there?"
You watched in disgust as they walked away, their fingers laced. "Ew... they are really mushy. Disgustingly so."
"This is why we never go on couples dates with them." Tatum sighed, leaning against Oak's chest.
He had his arms wrapped around her stomach, and they were swaying ever so slightly. "Yea, I see that now." He laughed, his whole face was lit up.
"Now you guys know how me and Jazzy feel." Kacey sighed.
Tatum rolled her eyes. "By this point in life you'd think you'd know. Jazzy and I."
"If you and Jazzy feel left out of all the couple stuff then the two of you should just date!" Lin joked.
Jazzy's already red face burned even brighter than the sun that was overhead. "Lin! That's- that's ridiculous!" Her voice squeaked and she blushed even more.
"Amen sister." Luckily, Kacey was standing so that she couldn't see Jazzy's face. "That's ridiculous."
You licked your lips. "Lin." You hissed. "I'm not alone in seeing this, right?" You kept your voice quiet so only he could hear.
"Oh definitely not, Jazzy loves Kacey." Lin's voice was just above silent. "I've been noticing it for weeks." Then, he loudly and cheerily started to speak. "When we're done swimming we should all go get a meal. Leave Ellie and Anthony to themselves."
Oak and Tatum nodded. "Yea, we're down." Oak answered for them.
You grinned at them. "Good, good." Something was definitely different about the way they were acting.
"Uh yea... I think I'm free." Jazzy mumbled, she glanced over at Kacey.
Kacey thought for a moment and then smiled. "Like I ever hang out with anybody besides you guys. Pfft."
"True." You agreed.
Jazzy laughed really loudly. "Wow, me too."
"Have you had one too many drinks there Jaz?" Tatum asked, splashing her gently.
She stopped laughing and shook her head. "I haven't had anything to drink! Cross my heart and hope to die!"
"Cross my heart and hope to die? What are we in the second grade?" Ellie's voice carried from the beach as she waded into the water, Anthony's hand grasped in hers.
Lin looked them both up down. "That was... really fast."
"Yea..." Ellie hung her head and hit Anthony on the chest. "He was excited."
You quickly covered your ears with your hands. "Ew! Unhear! Unhear!" You yelled.
"Nice." Oak laughed, high-fiving Anthony.
Kacey shook her head. "You're both disgusting."
"You're just sad cause you're not gettin' any." Ellie laughed.
Kacey managed a chuckle and Tatum turned away. "Fair enough, I suppose."
"We were just talking about maybe having a late lunch, what do you think?" You asked, turning towards Ellie and Anthony.
"That sounds fun!" They chimed.
Oak shook his head. "We can't, Tate."
"Ah fuck." She groaned, putting her head in hands.
Kacey crossed her arms. "And why not? Why do you guys hate us so much?"
"We don't hate you!" Oak laughed.
Tatum took her head out of her hands. "We're having dinner with Oak's parents."
"Ooooh, the parents! That's-" But, naturally, you were cut off.
"Terrifying?" Tatum interrupted.
Oak rolled his eyes. "They're not scary people! It's going to be fun. They'll love you."
"Right cause I'm soooo lovable." Tatum sassed.
Oak took Tatum's hand in his. "Well, we should go. We still have to shower and change before dinner."
"Alright, alright. Bye, guys!" Tatum waved with her other hand.
"Bye!" You smiled at them, and then whirled back around to your group of friends. "Well, good for them, amiright?"
There were nods and murmurs throughout the group.
A/N sorry for the shitty chapter. I'm having major writers block. Ugh. Anyways... enjoy! It's only been like a million years since the last chapter. whoops
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