32,000 Memories
POV: You
Your hotel was only about thirty minutes away from the theater but it might as well have been in California. Before this day you hadn't been aware that a car ride could pass so so slowly. Although you were sitting in the middle of the jeep, in the middle seat, you were one hundred percent lost in your thoughts, but you could vaguely hear your friends shrieking out unintelligible sentences. That was how you had assumed you would be acting right now, and you were, of course, bursting with excitement, but nonetheless anxiety and doubly filled your body more and more every second.
What if you fucked it up? They would get mad at. They would hate you. They were your idols... you couldn't have them hate you. Oh god. What if something is broken. What if you forget how to work something. You knew these thoughts were senseless, and pointless, but just... there were so many things that could go wrong.
"Helllooooo..." Jax, who was sitting next to you with her legs propped carelessly on the head of Vicky's seat in front of her, waved her hands in front of your face, "earth to Hamilton photographer...are you okay?!" she yelled loudly in your ear.
"Yeah, Yeah sorry," you responded, shaking yourself out of your daze. "What if I mess up?" You blurted out, with a nervous chuckle. Victoria looked over her shoulder from shotgun.
"Hey, you'll do great. This is your dream." She said in an encouraging tone," your an amazing photographer. They'll love you." The rest of your friends nodded in agreement, and your heart over flowed with warmth. You couldn't imagine better people to bring along to this.
You took a deep breath as the car finally slowed to a stop in front of the Richard Rodgers theatre, lights flashing everywhere around you, despite the fact that it wasn't even close to being dark out.
"You guys go," Sophia said finally, "I'm going to find a place to park." You smiled at her gratefully, too nervous to speak. With a stomach full of nothing but nerves, and anticipation (it had just occurred to you that you hadn't eaten since yesterday lunch), you hopped out of the car along with your equipment. Three overexcited women in their twenties followed you out of the car, as well as two others who were unnaturally calm.
The six of you soon found yourself on the steps of the theatre. The next five minutes went by in a blur.
You were stopped by a security man, but after showing them your ID, and explaining who you were, the man let the six of you in.
You somehow ended up waking up a set of stairs leading to the dressing rooms, your heart pounding furiously. No one spoke. You had reached a point of excitement beyond speaking. You turned around for a second and laughed softly as you realized Kacey (who was slightly hyperventilating herself) had her hand clamped tightly around Tatums mouth in an attempt to keep her from screaming loudly. Jacqueline and Victoria regarded them with a bemused expression.
It suddenly occured to you that you had completley forgotten which room you were supposed to be heading towards. You decided you would just knock on the first dressing room you passed. You paused in front of a yellowish door, but never got a chance to read the nameplate nailed onto it as the door swung open, promptly hitting you in the face and sending you sprawling onto the floor.
A bit dazed you looked up and nearly passed out from shock. The one and only Phillipa Soo was standing above you, her eyebrows raised in concern.
"Oh my god, I am so so so sorry! Are you okay?!" She gasped. Jesus Christ she was such a cinnamon roll. She didn't even question the fact that there were six strangers awkwardly standing outside her dressing room. You nodded furiously, as she helped you up.
Finally finding your voice again you spoke. "Oh! This must seem really random! I'm (y/n). I'm p-photographing Hamilton? These are five out of the six people I-I was allowed t-to bring. The other one is p-parking. Omg. I'm such a huge fan, you have no idea. I love you and she whole cast and Hamilton so much. S-Sorry I'll stop talking." You stuttered, blushing. The six girls behind you repeated something that sounded a bit like what you had said minus the photographing part.
Pippa laughed. "Oh, of course! We were expecting you! Haha that sounds kinda creepy... you all are so sweet! I love you too! Thank you so so much. You're sure your face is okay?" She responded, turning to you once more.
"Y-Yeah." You said, still slightly in shock.
A moment of awkward silence passed where nobody really said anything. Tatum's eyes were pretty much falling out of her head, a crazy and dazed smile on her face.
"Right!" Pippa exclaimed finally, "I need to introduce you to the rest of the cast and stuff!" Your friends looked at her hopefully. Tatum had almost passed out from exhilaration at this point (and probably lack of air seeing as Kaceys hand was still clamped tightly over her face), Ellie was flushed an unnatural shade of purplish red, Kacey wasn't really breathing or moving, and even Jacqueline and Vicky were fidgeting. Pippa laughed at them. "You guys too. Follow me!"
The six of you ran after Pippa, countinuing down the corridor. "Where are we going?" A voice behind you asked. You turned around, confused. It was Sophia.
"We freaking meeting the rest of the cast!" You whispered back. "How did you even get in here?"
"The guard wasn't looking... so kinda just... ran in." She said sheepishly. You rolled your eyes and refocused your attention on not screaming which was getting harder and harder to do the longer you thought about where you were right now. Pippa came to a stop at the second to last dressing room. The name Lin-Manuel Miranda was written on the nameplate. You let out a little yelp.
"Here we are!" Pippa said brightly, and proceeded to calmly knock on the door. Well, obviously. These were some of her best friends she literally had zero reason not to be calm. The door swung open, this time not hitting you in the face, and you were greeted by Anthony Ramos. He had even more freckles in real life.
"Hello?" He said, but it sounded more like a question as his eyes passed over the seven strangers standing next to Pippa. He grinned at you though, once Pippa explained who you were, and stuck out a hand. You, in turn, mumbled something probably incoherent that was meant to be what you had told Pippa earlier. Anthony gestured, inviting you into the dressing room. By the mirror was Lin-Manuel Miranda. Your heart skipped around your chest as you opened your mouth, ready to got on a long rant about how great Hamiltn was, but your voice stopped.
Those brown eyes. That face. You had seen it before, and not in pictures. Millions of memories hit you like a truck. You couldn't fucking breathe. What the hell was happening. Sitting in the roof of his car, him driving you home. Skipping school, and going in every ride you could find. Eating more than a heathy amont of coton candy... and also dying. Everything made sense now. Also nothing made sense. But it made sense that you didn't remember anything before the age of five. Before the age of fIve you were sixteen. Tears formed in your eyes, the room spinning.
You did your best to shake yourself out of this trance, and you pretended everything was normal. You said some stuff. About how Hamilton was great. All that. You met everybody else. Awesome. Wow.
"Um sorry," you said after multiple fake smiles,"where's your bathroom?"
"Just down the hall!" Jazzy informed you with a very geniuine smile of her own. You mumbled a thanks, and broke into a soft run as soon as you were out of you. Tears blurring your vision you fumbled with the door know to the bathroom you had somehow reached, collapsing onto the floor as it finally opened. Sobs racked your body. Everything hurt. Your chest was slowly closing up, and every single noise in the world seemed impossibly far away. All the excitement and happiness from the day had been sucked out of your body.
You weren't sure how much time had passed, but you felt an arm wrap around you, rubbing your back in comforting circles.
"Hey. Hey, shhhh it's okay!" A voice whispered,into your ear. "Breathe for me okay? One, two, three..." Your breathing evened out a little. "That's it." The voice encouraged.
Your surrounding came into focus a little more, and you finally gained enough awareness of them to look up. The voice had been Pippa. You reddened. She probably thought you were an insane mess.
"I'm sorry..." you mumbled, your voice cracking.
"No, don't be sorry." She said sweetly. "What happened?" You had no idea how to explain this, but it was worth a shot.
"Did Lin ever mention a girl he knew once? She would've had the same name as me. She- well is dead now I guess, it would've been from a long time ago. When he was in high school."
A/N: Hola amigos I know it's not Sunday anymore but close enough rightfttt. GUESS WHAT IM DOING NEXT MONDAY?! ME, @Hamiltots, AND OUR FRIEND KACEY ARE GOING TO NEW JERSEY TO DO A FLIBBERJACKING WORSHOP WITH ANDREW CHAPPELLE AND OHHHH MY GOD IM DEAD. IM GOING TO MAKE SUCH A FOOL OUT OF MYSELF BC I WOULDNT BE ABLE TO DANCE WELL IF IT WAS A SITUATION OF LIFE OR DEATH. Anyway we have a snowday tommorow so yayyy. The snow mobile people think it's a great idea to clean the streets at 1am. I mean it's it like I'm sleeping but stillll. I was gonna write the rest of the conversation between Pippa and you in this chapter also but I'm way to lazy so...
Should I make the next chapter from Pippas perspective or yours? What'd ya think? Thanks for reading guys❤
I love you 😘
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