▶ Chapter 3: Who Are They? ◀
I sobbed into my pillow. I hate him so much. He is the worst person EVER.
Sasha was quiet. She rubbed my back.
Two years ago. Literally two years has passed since it started.
Every time I did well, or at least better than Sasha, I was beat.
Her dad hates me because of it. I can't help it if I'm able to do well.
Sasha was beside me, lying on my bed as she tried to make me feel better.
"(y/n)?" Sasha asked.
"What...?" I sighed, turning my head to her. My eyes were red and puffy from crying.
"Please don't cry... You're gonna make me cry." She softly said.
"I can't help it if I want to DIE." I snapped, slamming my face into my pillow again.
"Don't say that..." Sasha said.
"Why not..."
"Because that's what quitters do. And you always said we would be together..." Sasha said.
"..." I fell silent before sitting up. I looked over at her before she hugged me.
I softly broke down again, hugging her. Tears glistened in her eyes from it. Her eyes changed from Violet to Blue.
"Sasha... Don't cry because of me..." I softly croaked.
Sasha softly giggled, letting go. "That's what best friends are for. We look after each other. And we care. Like sisters."
I smiled lightly through tears. "Okay." I whispered as I hugged her softly.
She held me in a close hug. We sat on the bed.
I must have fallen asleep because all I could remember... was seeing people.
"What is this place?" The woman beside the wall said.
"It's the Nether..." The young man said to her.
She looked over at him. "Why are we here. We need to get back to Phoenix Drop.."
"I know, Lord Aphmau." The man said.
She sighed as she began to look around.
The two walked around, trying to find their friend Castor.
The dark shadow of the Shadow Lord waited in the corner as he saw them coming.
Castor sat in a cell with one of his chickens, Cluckca.
Back at where (y/n) and Sasha were, they picked up their swords to find the source of the people.
My fingers gripped the handle tightly as Sasha and I were quickly, but quietly, running towards the source.
The sound of swords clashing rang out.
Sasha seemed to recognize the sound, fear rising in her facial expression.
We got into the room.
A young man and woman stood with their swords drawn.
We stopped in front of them, about three feet away.
"Who are you." The woman instructed.
Okay who does She think she is.
"Excuse me?" My voice said. "You walked into our home. What makes you the boss." I said the same way back as I stepped forward.
"(y/n)..." Sasha whispered.
The woman growled as she stepped forward as well. "Who are you." She said again.
The man beside her stepped towards me as well.
I held my ground, not showing any fear.
My hair was slowly turning red. I knew it because of my temper rising.
They seemed to be taken aback, their eyes widening at the sight.
I grew puzzled, watching them before looking at Sasha.
Sasha shrugged with a quizzical look on her own face.
She looked back but then right at my gaze again, her eyes widened.
I was confused as I looked back.
The man was going towards me before he drew his sword.
My anger grew before I spun around, unsheathing my sword, and slamming it into his before he could stab me in the side.
"Dude. Woman down and you are just taking her by surprise?" I hissed at him.
"I don't fight girls." He smirked at me.
I growled before twisting my sword and slamming it into his, making it fly to the side along with mine.
He was in utter shock before I spun around again and kicked him in the gut.
He stumbled back as I jumped onto his back, pinning his arms behind his back. "I'm not a girl." I snarled into his ear.
He growled.
"Laurance!" The woman's voice said.
I looked over, seeing her in the door frame with the annoying guy and chickens.
"Go go go!!!" The man underneath me yelled at her.
She hesitated before nodding and the two people ran off.
Laurance chuckled. "You won't get her now."
I punched him directly in the face. "I don't need to." I smirked as he was groaning in pain.
Right as I did a wave a something washed over me.
My hair on my should turned back to (f/c).
I looked down before scrambling up, scared of what I did.
Crap. I pumched a guy. Great.
Sasha walked over. "Are You Okay?" She asked me as she worriedly looked at me.
"I'm okay."
The man was still lying there.
"(Y/N)." A voice boomed, making me scared as well as Sasha and... The man.
He sat up and turned to the sound.
It was Sasha's father... He was in his Shadow Form...
He stormed towards me before shoving Sasha to the side.
His eyes burned with hatred as he yanked me by my hair.
My voice screeched in pain. "LET GO!"
"I've told you many times." His voice was low and deadly. "You are best if you stay out of the WAY." He yelled by the end.
The bricks seemed to shudder in fear as well as Sasha and Laurance.
I whimpered. "What are you going to do...."
He growled. "Making me unable to fight. Your father was wrong. You. Are worthless."
He wound up to throw me across the room.
I shrieked as shrill as a screaming eagle.
Right as my back hit the wall, my neck snapped my head to it, knocking me as I crumpled to the ground.
Both the guard Laurance and Sasha ran towards me.
Sasha put my head in her lap as tears clogged her eyes. "(y/n), (y/n), look at me please..." She pleaded.
(y/n) looked at me as her eyes closed. Her breathing was scattered.
"No No no no..." My voice cracked. Tears overwhelmed me. "Please...." I cried.
I held onto her.
The man beside me picked up his sword. "Follow me." He whispered.
I looked at him. "I'm not leaving (y/n)." I said in a sniffle.
He was quiet as he sighed. He walked over and picked up (y/n) carefully.
My feet stood up as the two of us disappeared into the hallways.
My father was a tyrant... And the right hand man for the Shadow Lord.
He wouldn't care if we were gone.
"But what about closing the portal?" He asked me.
"I got that covered." I said as I pulled a stick of dynamite from my pocket.
"You just carry that around?" He said quizzically.
"Never know when you need it." I shrugged before we got to the portal. I grabbed the flint and steel from my pocket before lighting it and setting it beside the portal.
We ran into the portal before I could hear the portal shatter on that side.
I sighed in relief as I looked over. Laurance was protectively holding (y/n). He didn't even know her though...
My thoughts were interrupted as we crashed into the other side, being thrown out onto the ground.
My vision blurred before I passed out.
We made it... Hopefully.
To be Continued.
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