▶Chapter 2: They're Gone...◀
(y/n) and I laughed. We were lying on the roof like we did every monday morning.
It's been a few years though. We watched as the lava clouds bubbled into the Nether sky and vanished into thin air.
It's only seven in the morning. An hour before we have to go to the rest of our training.
"You know what we should do after we are done with initiation?" (y/n) asked.
"I don't know. What should we do?" I asked.
"Run away. I am seriously tired of your dad..." She said.
I nodded. I was sick of my dad too.
We've been stuck with him since (y/n)'s dad is dead.
Everyone keeps saying it was suicide, the most common of all the deaths in the Nether, but we don't think that.
Her dad loved us both. And he would do anything to stay with us.
But you know how the Nether works. Once a Shadow Knight, if you die, you are gone for forever...
Today was the day we wanted to go find a better place to put his grave.
They don't have a body but one of the possessions that he had.
His helmet. But, we want to put his sword somewhere where we could think of a better place.
It's in an enderchest that only (y/n) and I can open.
Except, the Nether was bustling with activity after his death. Saying that he was the thing holding the troops back.
Which seems like a good idea. Who wants to go into a war? It's dumb.
I sighed, sitting up.
(y/n) giggled softly. "So, I saw you watchin one of the guys earlier. I think it was Vylad." She said, doing this dumb eyebrow wiggle.
I sputtered. "What does that mean?!"
"You do like him!" She said in a matter-of-fact voice.
"No I don't! And I never will!" I crossed my arms, facing away from her.
"Come on, Sasha. Don't deny it." She teased.
"Mmmph... Ever since someone turned you into a Meif'wa you've just acted like this!" I said, starting to laugh.
Her (s/c) ears flickered. "I know. But hey. It's fun makin fun of ya girly." She teased again. "Now tell me. Do you like him."
"Fine..." I said, defeated. "I have a small crush on him."
Her eyes lit up for the first time in months. "Aww my little Sashy~Chan is gwowing up!!!" She said.
"(n/n)!!!" My face was heating up on my cheeks.
She fell back laughing. Her tail swished.
I watched her with a giggle.
"Someone say that we were dating. I told them that maybe we were, but like we would tell them." (y/n) said a few minutes later after she calmed down.
"Me and you?" I asked.
"No. Me and the punching dummy over there." (y/n) said in a sarcastic voice.
"Ah. I ship it. You and the dummy would make the perfect couple." I teased.
We both stared at each other for a few minutes before laughing.
"Whoever ends up with me is seriously gonna just have to deal with my weirdness." (y/n) giggled.
"Yeah. Except then they'll dump you on me to take care of." I smiled.
(y/n) giggled. "Exactly. I seriously think that would happen. I'll be a loner for the rest of my life." She said.
I sighed. "You won't, (n/n). You just need to think positively."
"Okay. I am positively thinking that I will be forever alone." She said.
I rolled my eyes playfully. "Uh huh."
"Hey. I'm positively thinking that you and Vylad would make an adorkable couple." She smiled.
"HEY." I laughed.
(y/n) snorted as she laughed. She was ridiculous, yeah. But to any guy, she would be cute.
She's always like this around me.
"We should head to the arena." I sighed.
She nodded, grabbing my hand and helping me stand for no reason.
We smiled before getting down and walking to our destination.
We walked past a few groups.
Everyone snickered to each other in their own groups of five or so people.
It bothered (y/n) now because she could hear all of it.
Her eyes just stared ahead.
I heard one of the snickers about us together.
It stuck out because the three words were '(y/n), Sasha, dating'.
It did bother me but seriously.
No one here understands the concept of friends.
It is rather annoying but the two of us just ignore it.
We got to the arena where the others we passed filed in.
A new person was standing there with the instructor.
She looked a little different. Her hair was a dark brown and her grass green eyes watched us all. She also looked extremely light skinned.
I looked at (y/n). She had a face of confusion on.
"Recruits." Our instructor began talking. The same way he did every day we were here. "This is Lily FalconClaw. She will be the one you go against for you initiation into the Shadow Army.
A few of the older guys snickered. Gene and Zenix. "This will be easy."
I rolled my eyes. They are so in for a surprise.
I remember hearing of Lily once. She may look weak but she is better than our instructor.
I'm kinda afraid to go against her but, the look on (y/n)'s face was just that she was ready.
If she's not afraid, why should I be?
"Gene. You go first." Our instructor said.
"Will do." He smirked before going up to her.
"You ready?" She said, standing across from him.
"Are you then." Gene had an overconfident tone in his voice.
"Ready to beat the rest of the living out of you is what I am ready to do." She smirked.
Gene growled under his breath before the fight began.
I watched as (y/n) went against her. Lily went to grab (y/n)'s throat but she pulled her head back, pulling the rest of her body back, slamming her knee into Lily's jaw.
The first hit Lily has gotten that has knocked her off balance.
(y/n) went after her. Lily dodged it and swung the pole she had at (y/n)'s back harshly.
Right as it made contact, a bolt of black magick came out of it. I heard a crack that I instantly knew was (y/n)'s back.
She crumpled to the ground. Lily hissed at her. "Who's the cat now." She said.
(y/n) was motionless for a moment. Lily stepped back.
My eyes were full of worry. Please don't tell me Lily just destroyed my friend...
(y/n) suddenly started moving to stand. I saw her face. Her eyes glowed red. Blood was lining her lips.
"Sorry to say this Lily." She started, making Lily face her in surprise. "But knocking the wind out of me isn't gonna stop me." She spun around and used her tail to grab the pole from Lily before she kicked Lily in the side.
Lily stumbled to the side as (y/n) came back at her with a kick to the other side. Jackie grabbed the pole. She used the pole to swing against Lily's legs.
Lily was knocked off of her feet and (y/n) swiftly went over and held her down to keep any other attack form happening.
I smiled even more. (y/n) isn't very strong. But once she puts her mind to something, there is no stopping her from doing her goal.
Initiation ended.
(y/n) was ranked second in the group while I was seventh.
She giggled. "That was awesome. I loved how you countered her attack and got her down." She said to me.
I smiled softly. "Thanks, (n/n) but, YOU on the otherhand. You were amazing." I smiled.
"It was hard though. And my back hurts like crazy." She was using her tail to hold an icepack on the lower part of her back just over her butt.
I giggled. "Yeah. But seriously. You took her down. LITERALLY!"
She laughed. "Hey. I put my mind to it. I totally was not gonna let her just walk all over me."
We walked back. She still had dried blood on her lips since she didn't have any time to clean it off.
"Say, how is the ice not melted yet?" I asked.
She looked at me. "I figured a way to use our magick like that. It's crazy though." She sighed.
I giggled as I looked ahead. I saw my dad standing at the end of the path outside of the area we lived at.
He didn't look so happy to see us.
"I don't like that look..." (y/n) softly said.
"Me neither..." I said back.
We walked over.
"(y/n) (f/l/n)." He growled. "Come with me."
(y/n) looked at the ground. "Yes sir..."
He walked into one of the rooms with (y/n) in tow.
I knew I wasn't allowed to follow or else he'd get me in trouble but I wanted to know what was going on.
Quietly, which was easy since everything else was really loud, I went over to the window and peeked in.
My dad was yelling at (y/n).
She was silent as she listened. I could tell on her face she was hurt by whatever he was saying but, she wasn't reacting.
That apparently made my dad even angrier. He slapped her and yelled at her about something else.
(y/n) had a look of shock on her face before it grew into anger. She faced him and seemed to be yelling at him like all of the Nether was crumbling down.
I've never seen her outburst at my father. She always put up with him but she seemed like she was just pushed over her limits.
He smacked her again and grabbed her arm and pulled her over to the bed and threw her on it.
The ice pack fell to the floor behind the bed.
He stood beside the bed and pointed at her as he yelled.
I started to make out what he was saying.
"You know damn well that you were to let Sasha get the highest rank between the two. You are just as worthless as your father was!" He yelled in anger. His eyes were crimson red.
(y/n)'s eyes were (e/c) now instead of a light red.
I covered my mouth.
My dad stormed from the room and slammed the door shut. If the door wasn't made of obsidian, it would have shattered, whether it was wood or iron.
I could hear him going to the troops area. I watched as his figure disappeared before looking into the room.
(y/n) was lying on her bed crying. Not even crying.
She was sobbing.
I've never seen her cry. Ever...
She's always so happy...
Now because she is an amazing fighter...
It's just making her upset and scared.
I was quiet before I went into her room.
I am not letting my friend be sad. At least not without someone by her.
To Be Continued.
Yeah... this is still the start but, yeah. This is just the backstory to your character and Sasha.
I'm gonna say that this is as my OC, Jacklynn. But ya know what? it's a little different because of some details but yah.
Also, I AM SO SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING. I needed ideas that were GOOD so, I waited to get them.
I got it today so I could write this for you all.
<3 Love you all!
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