1 - Dreams
I push through bushes trying to get away from an unknown presence. I cant quite pinpoint who the person im trying to run away from is, but i know they're dangerous. All that's going through my mind is "Run" "They'll hurt you if they find you" "You need to hide" "Run" "RUN" "RUN-"
I stop running.
I see boy, no older than the age of 5, with jet black hair, pale skin and dark blue eyes sitting right in front of me. In his dark blue eyes are tears, as he tries to fight the urge to let any spill. His eyes, which were pointed at the ground, darted straight up to me. He notices i'm there. He struggles to stop his heavy breathing as he hides his swollen black eye with his hair and he wipes the blood from his nose.
I nervously and quietly try to make conversation.
"Hi" I say quickly, noticing immediately that i'm no older than him
"Who are you!" He says somewhat sternly
"Uh, Virgil" I say as I start to bounce on the balls of my heels. "Who are you?" I question right back at him
"Why are you here?" He quietly yells, completely ignoring my question
"You didn't answer my question" I say calmly, trying to make him feel safe around me
"Why should I!" He snaps at me
I flinched at his tone and just stood there tense, not wanting to engage further.
He sighed. " My name is Logan"
"Nice to meet you lo-"
It fades to black.
Then it fades into something else
I'm now walking down a side walk. I get the feeling I shouldn't be walking down this side walk, but I am. It smells of freshly mowed grass and rain. I look at the ground and confirm that its raining. I taste mint in my mouth as a breath mint slides across my tongue. I feel cloth on the sides on my hands as I confirm that they are in my hoodie pocket. I feel a folded piece of paper between my fingers. I immediately know what the piece of paper says without even taking a look at it.
It says:
Meet me at that park.
I want to show you something
Don't be late.
PS: Bought some McDonalds with some "job" money that was in my moms pocket. Hope you like chicken nuggets, fries and HI-C orange in a small soda cup. I also got some stickers from the very nice cashier. Her name is Pepper. What a unique and pretty name.
I smile, happy that I finally get something other than pop-tarts today. I turn my gaze towards a playground. This is the park he was talking about. That park. The park where we first met. I see someone sitting on a bench. He has jet black hair, pale skin, a black shirt, and some blue jeans with some unintentional rips and grass stains. His head turns the side as he spots me walking to him. He smiles. I then see glasses, and those very familiar dark blue eyes. It was the boy in the bushes. Logan. Who now looks 10 years old, making me assume i'm around the same age.
I quickly walk over there , taking a seat next to him on the bench. He has a bag of McDonalds in his lap.
"Hey Logan, why didn't you start eating without me?" I ask
"Well I decided that I would wait so we could eat together." He states smiling. Then his eyes look at the ground as a light blush brushes across his face. " I also like to see your eyes light up when you find something new that you like, and i know we've both never had McDonalds before so i'm kinda hoping you like it" He said, giving me the HI-C orange. I giggle.
"DUDe stop being so sappy"
He blushes bright red 'What! Am I not aloud to say my best friends eyes are pretty!" He complains
I laugh " I mean i guess"
"Just drink your rip off orange juice" He says as he slightly nudges me
Like he expected, my eyes did light up as I figured out my new found love for McDonalds and "Rip off orange juice". We both finished our meals. We both got up and threw our trash away. As we were standing by the trash can, he suddenly grabs my hand and runs somewhere. I have no clue where we are going so I just go with it
After a bit of running we stop. I grab my knees and start panting. After trying to get my breathing normal again, I look up to see a fence and the city in the distance. It was sunset so it made it even more surreal. "Where...Where are we?
"I found this place a few days ago. It looks really pretty at sunset and even prettier when the stars and fireflys come out. I wanted to share it with you" He smiles, blushing a bit.
I smile as he pulls open a part broken fence.
Thats when it fades to black again
It then fades into something again, but this time something feels off.
I'm at that place. Its night. Fireflys are dancing around in the the night sky. It smells like flowers and pine. It's a clear night. no wind or clouds. nothing. nothing except the tears running down my face, my slightly shaking body, my beating heat, and one thought going through my mind.
"Why did he abandon me"
I gasp as I throw my head of my pillow. I'm confused about what happened in my dream. I touch my face and feel tears. Warm tears. Streaming down my face.
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