Hitting kids as punishment
I have mixed opinions on this one but before you get mad, hear me out
Obviously, doing something incredibly painful like punching a kid is wrong no matter what. I doubt that's really debatable
I do believe there is a fine line between abuse and discipline
Speaking as someone who was spanked as a kid, I do think it's necessary sometimes. But this is only when there's literally no other options left
And to the people saying "Just communicate with them, set boundaries" I don't think you understand just how bad it can get. Sometimes there are cases when you can't communicate with them and they won't let you set boundaries. We used to work in education so we would know that sometimes, as a parent, you have no other options
Our rule is give them three warnings. Give them an opportunity to let off the steam and do what they need to do. But if it continues, I know we won't put up with it anymore
Let me put it this way, if Luke saw our kid put their hands on us after we've warned them three times, he isn't just gonna stand there and be like "Nooo don't do that come here tell me your feelings" like I'm sorry but if you honest to God thinks that's realistic I don't know what to tell you-
Again, I think there's a time and a place. Obviously communication needs to be present. But there comes a time when you as a parent need to step up and, well, be a parent. Because think about it, what does that teach your kid? That they can get away with whatever they want like continuously putting their hands on someone? That's absurd
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