The New Maid
•~Shouto's P.O.V~•
I woke up to the morning sun shining down on my face through the blinds. Sitting up, I stretched myself awake and stood up before searching for some clothes. After a few minutes, I was dressed and fully awake. I was about to leave when I got a message. Grabbing my phone, I saw it was from Uraraka.
Hey prince!
You'll be getting a little
surprise later
Hope you like it! ❤️
'Strange.' I murmured, putting my phone in my pocket.
I left my room and walked down the many stairs to the dining room. I took a seat and waited. My step brother Katsuki (don't question) joined me, along with my father, King Endevor. As he sat down at the head seat, he rung a bell, signalling for the maids to come and serve us breakfast. As they did, the door bell rang. Father stood up and left, seeing who it was.
It was silent for awhile till he spoke.
'I see. I've been waiting. Come on in. You can start right away.'
He walked back over to the table, but not before pointing over to the kitchen. A young green haired person walked over to the doors, glancing my way once before entering.
"Was that... Midoriya?" I thought, seeing them leave. "No. It couldn't have been, could it?"
At that moment, I got another message. Uraraka again.
Did you see them?
Yeah. I think so
You mean the new
maid, right?
Any guesses as to
who they are?
They looked like
But, why would he be
working as a maid?
That was him!
Nice guess
And as to why he's
working as a maid
let's just say he lost a bet
A bet?
Yeah! A bet 😁
Have fun now!
'Shouto. Who're you texting while breakfast is ready?' Endevor asked.
'A friend,' I replied. 'But we just stopped.'
'Was it Momo again?' Katsuki teased.
'No it wasn't. It was Uraraka.' I said, sticking my fork into a plate of bacon and eggs.
'Enough talking. It's time to eat.' Father said, digging in.
We ate in silence, finishing our food in about 5 minutes. We each left, Katsuki and I going to our rooms while father went to his study. The maids took the plates away quickly, and within those few moments, I saw Midoriya's green hair among them.
'What was the bet?' I murmured, turning to leave.
I guess Katsuki heard as he came over to me and asked, 'what was what?'
'Didn't you notice the new maid?' I asked.
'Yeah, I did. They looked a lot like Deku.'
'Cause that was him.'
'Read this.'
I passed him my phone to read over Uraraka's messages. He tossed it back before asking another question.
'What was the bet?'
'How the hell am I suppose to know?' I replied, walking away.
I entered my room and collapsed on my bed before texting Uraraka again.
What was the bet?
The bet?
Oh, right!
If I could get Shinsou to
snap a photo of Kendo
and Tetsutetsu together
Deku would work as a
maid for you and Katsuki
for the next 2 months
For 2 months?!
Isn't that a bit excessive?
Well, have fun with him!
'What's that suppose to mean? Have fun with him? Doing what?' I murmured, placing my phone down.
I laid there for what seemed like hours before getting up and taking a shower.
•~Deku's P.O.V~•
'Where do these go?' I asked, walking around the kitchen with a bunch of pots in hand.
'Over on the sink! We'll fix them up later.' A blonde replied, pointing to the sink.
I placed the pots down before hearing a bell ring.
'Newbie! You're up! Prince Shouto needs help.' A brunette said, starting up the water and washing the pots.
'On it.' I replied, leaving the kitchen.
I walked up the stairs and looked around till my eyes fell on a door that read Shouto Todoroki. I opened the door saying a quiet, 'hello?'
'In here.' He replied.
I walked in and ventured over to his voice. I went into another room, seeing that it was the bathroom. I looked around till my eyes fell on Shouto. He was bleeding!
'Prince Shouto! Are you alright? What happened?' I asked, panicking.
'I slipped and hit my face on the wall,' he replied as I helped him up. 'Do you mind turning the water off?'
I grabbed the handle and twisted it, stopping the water. I grabbed a towel and handed it to Shouto before guiding him out. Setting him down on his bed, I grabbed some tissues for him.
'Thanks, Midoriya.' He said.
'H-huh?' I stuttered. 'Y-you don't seem surprised if my being here.'
'Uraraka told me.' Shouto replied.
'Right. I forgot she sent you a message.' I sighed, facepalming.
'You know,' he started. 'The maid outfit really suits you.'
'W-what?' I felt my face turn red from embarrassment.
'You look cute.' He said.
My face went even redder, if thats even possible. It felt like a bomb went off inside of me. A small smile parted on Shouto's face.
'You're adorable when you're flustered like that.' He said.
At that point, I felt like fainting. Not only was he saying these things, but he was practically naked! He only had a towel covering him.
'I-is there anything else you need?' I asked, trying to regain my composer.
'Yeah. Can you get me my clothes, please?' He asked.
I walked around, grabbing his clothes before passing them to him.
'Thanks, Midoriya.' He said, starting to pull them on.
I bowed before leaving his room. As I closed the door, my face exploded red again.
"Oh god, oh god, OH GOD!" I mentally yelled, leaning against the door, hand on chest as I calmed my blush.
'Oh, Midoriya. You still there?' Shouto called.
'Y-yes, prince?' I replied, opening the door a little.
He grabbed my hand and pulled me in, wrapping his arms around me. My face lit up again.
'You can drop the formalities.' He said, placing his head on top of mine.
'Are you ok with that?' I asked.
'Of course.' He murmured, tilting my head up before placing his lips on mine.
I was frozen, not knowing what to do there and then, feeling my face explode again. I could've sworn I felt him smirk. He parted, staring at me with lust in his eyes.
'Thanks again, Midoriya.' He smiled a small smile.
'N-no worries, pr- Todoroki.' I stopped myself from saying prince.
He patted my head before saying I could go. I left him alone, calming my racing heart before walking back down to the dining room. Before I could enter the kitchen, Endevor stopped me.
'I need you for a few minutes.' He said, walking off.
'Coming, King.' I said, following after him to what seemed to be his study.
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