chapter 1 : back home
Your / So Jun's POV
I finally got back here in Korea from California! I do really missed Korea very much.
I have to leave Korea with dad 5 years ago because of some hotel development project on going. Plus he's a workerholic and a family oriental so he wanted us to follow him. We've no choice so we follow dad to California.
I left my best friend, Min Jae alone here, I felt so sorry for leaving her. Now, I'm back here to continue my life here and I'm 16 now!
5 years past and Korea seem different from now, it's more modern and much beautiful than before.
Well, now I'm enrolling a new high school which I found out that Min Jae is studying here and I'm going to surprise her! *grinning*
It's my first day of school today! My butler drove me to the school and I saw many student are glancing at my car. Does my car amazed them that much? Tee-hee.. probably.
My butler opens the door and let me out and he help me with my school bag. I took off my sunglasses and hand over to him.
"I'll pick you right here later Miss SoJun and Mr WooJung." He said and hand over my school bag and to my oppa, WooJung.
"Kamsahamnida." WooJung smiled to the butler then he looks at me. "I'll catch up with you later... after school!" He smiled then messed with my hair.
I nod my head and walk into the school then head towards the school administration to hand over some documents the school requires.
"Just a minute Miss SoJun." the employee of the school excuse herself and took my documents to the principle's office.
I wonder why. After a few minutes, the principle herself came out from her office.
"Miss SoJun, I'm the Principle of this school and seem your father is an old friend of mine so I'm glad to show you around the school." She said.
Woah! I never thought dad has a friend who'll be my school principal. I nod my head in respond and she show me around the school before the bell rings.
"So this will be your class." She showed me the class I'll be studying.
"Thank you. Erm.. can I know which class is my oppa studying?" I asked awkwardly.
"E6A, the 3rd floor, the 4th class to the left." She explained the direction.
"Kamsahamnida!" I smiled at her and she leave me there alone.
Huu.. SoJun! Your new day of school! Don't get nervous.. everything will be fine as usual. I thought to keep me calm but still can't.
Just then the teacher saw me standing outside of the classroom.
"Are you Park SoJun the new student of my class?" He asked probably my new form teacher, I guess?
"Yes. I am." I bow down politely and he told me to follow him to the class. I did what he told, follow behind him to the class.
"Morning class! Today we got a transfer student from California but still she's a Korean. Come in Miss SoJun!" He told the class then called me in.
I quicken my speed and walk in the class, "Hi! My name's SoJun!" I greeted them in English and seem some of them can't catch my English slang which I've learn in California.
I sighed then introduce myself in Korean, "Annyeong haseyo! SoJun imnida! Please do take care of me." I greeted again only then the class go loud.
"Control your voice class!!! Have a seat ovet there!" He pointed at the empty seat beside a quiet guy.
I nod my head and headed to that seat. Minutes later, the teacher starts teaching the subject that I hate the most, Biology.
Damn! If it wasn't my dad who had already taught me Economic, Business, Account and stuff which are related to Maths, I wouldn't take Science class which I don't even know what the hell its about.
I am so bored here and I keep on using my pencil, draw some funny and cute cartoons on my textbook.
2 hour past and the Biology class was finished, the bell rang and the teacher leave the class.
Lots of guy in my class suddenly start approaching me, "Hey new girl! Wanna go on a date with me?" one of them asked, smirking at me. Eww..
"Hey! I have 2 tickets for tonight show. Come with me!" Another guy asked me again. Showing me two movie tickets that I actually watched. I shook my head.
The guy beside me he looks frustrated with the boys as he slaps his table hard, "If you guys want to ask her out on date, please ask her after school! You guys are so annoying!" He shouted and everyone went quiet and went back to their seat. He took his seat beside me and he was drawing something on his book.
"Thanks for helping me!" I thanked him for chasing away the guys cause they're really annoying.
"I'm not doing for you. It just they're too annoying!" He replied me without looking at me. He's kinda cruel.
I pouted and continue drawing my textbook and when the class monitor came in to tell us that the teacher is on leave, the class grow noisier than before.
The guy beside me looks fed up so he got his things pack and leave the class without anyone notices.
I felt that he's kinda weird or maybe he hated me? So I did the same things as he did, pack my things and leave the class and followed him.
I'm following him behind now and he didn't even realise. My eyes are on his vision and I've forgotten to look where am I going.
"Ouhh!!" I cried in pain when I stumbled into someone and we fell down on the ground.
"Oops! My bad! Here, let me help you!" It's a guy who accidentally bumped into me. He help we got up and he keeps on apologise.
"Sorry for that. By the way, I'm Park Jimin! You can called me Jimin." He introduce himself but I'm searching for the guy when I lose the sight of him.
"Are you looking for someone?" He asked and make me back to the situation.
"Huh? No! Nobody! I'm SoJun. The new transfer kid." I replied him.
"So you're skipping classes now?" He asked and point at my bag.
"No! I'm not skipping class! I have something to do! See you later!" I reply him when I get the sight of my "escape" classmate few metres away. I increase my speed not to lose the sight of him again.
I followed him until he reach a big tree, "How long are you going to follow me?" He asked.
So he knew I was following him. I walked out to admit I was following him.
"It's a bad habit to follow someone you don't know." He said when he turn around facing me.
"Sorry. Do you have any problem? You act kinda weird or maybe you hate me?" I asked. He look shock when I asked that, then he shook his head.
"No don't get wrong with it. I could never hate someone who I just met plus I'm fine. Just leave." He demand. Why would I take orders from him?
"What's your name? First." I asked for his name. There's no point if I don't know my table mate's name.
"Jin. Satisfied? Leave." He demand as he look at the tree.
"Listen Jin. I don't take orders! Stop demanding me to leave! I'm not your puppy!" I pouted and took a seat under the tree.
"You sure you want to know what my problem is?" He asked. I nod my head cause I really want to know what is really happening to him.
Done edited, not much tho but please do enjoy them!
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