chapter 4
Sarah's P.O.V.
*at the assembly*
The gym is buzzing about who the new kid is. I sit there keeping an eye on Ash. A few minutes go by and the principal steps up.
"Good morning students we have a new student with us today who we would like to introduce to you all. " The principal tells us and then Ash steps up takes a deep breath and grabs the microphone.
"Hi my name is Asher but you can just call me ash. I am very excited and a little scared being back in school. I live with my friend Sarah shout to you. When me and Sarah were younger we were invited to my grandfathers lab, but that's when things got bad while we were there the experiment exploded I was knocked unconscious until Sarah found me on the other side of the lab. We both were covered in chemicals. So we don't know if we were affected in anyway. That's when we walk back to the office area and found a key and note saying that my grandfathers house was ours now. Both of my parents committed suicide when I was ten in front of me. So that's why I live with Sarah. That's my life but I don't have to live in the past but in the future." I sit there pick out the facts that he left out like why we were at the lab in the first place. Me and Ash' s parents knew each other and that's how me and Ash know each other.
My parents died in a car accident when I was around five and that's about the same time Ash' s parents killed them selves. Ash' s parents always had a problem with fighting with each other and stabbed each other at the same time and they both died from blood loss. Anyway lets get back to what happening now.
When Ash finishes the kid next to me throws a muffin at him which happens to hit him on the nose. He starts to look panicked and scanned the crowd for me. Once as finds me I motion him calm down and relaxes which he does. He walks away and stops and.
"ACHOO!" He snezze and turns into a wolf. I take a feather and tickle my nose causing me to sneeze and I also turn into a wolf and be book it.
"It must have been the chemicals!" Some one exclaims. Ash runs back and yells back.
"Yeah you're right!" Then we continue to run all the way to home. Once we shut the door we both look at each other. We just started a search for us in this town.
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