chapter 2
Last night I didn't do anything but chill with Ash and try to FREAKING talk to Cody who is not responding on purpose, his phone is dead, or he can't respond of the moment. I'm really hoping for the last two options. Today I almost stayed at home kinda scared to go to school but I go anyways.
I arrive at school and scan the crowd of kids looking for Cody. I shake my head when I see he insert in sight yet. I walk to my Locker and I pause when I see Cody propped against a locker talking to a skinny blonde.
"Cody?" I question walking up to them. The blonde looks at me with a disgusted face.
"See you later?" She asks looking up at him with wide brown eyes.
"Yeah." Cody says with a smile and she leaves. "What do you want you little freak?" He asks looking down at me. My heart shatters.
"I thought.... you wouldn't care if... what is wrong with you?" I mumble as the years start to sweal up in my eyes.
"There's nothing wrong with me. I'm not the freak you are. Now get lost you little yet." He says hitting my hair and it swings to my face and tickles me nose. I sneeze. I look up then down at my hands too see I had turned into a squirrel. I was 3 inches tall. The only thing I can think of doing is run do that's what I do. I run and I bump into someone. I look up at to my surprise I see Ash. He looks down and shakes his head when he realizes it's me.
"Could you please turn me back?" I ask looking up at him the best I can. He sighs and takes out a feather that he always carries around with him and he tickles my nose making me sneeze. I turn back into human.
"Owe!" Ash groans when my head makes contact with his chin.
"Sorry Ash." I say patting on his shoulder. Ash walks over to the bathroom walks in and literally screams bloody murder then walks back over to me. "so what are you doing here?" I ask then I take in that the principle is standing only a few inches away.
"I'm gonna be the new kid!" Ash says cheerfully.
" so your saying you finally decided to come to school!" I say a bit surprised. Ash nods.
"Come on the assembly will star in a few minutes." The principal tells us. We both nod and follow her to the gym.
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