Meet the King
Pov Dipper
My morning routine is always the same, but I'm at school. Mabel right next to me, to make sure I don't pick fights with that gleeful kid.
I can hear everyone talking about what happened yesterday. I was getting a bit annoyed, Mabel can see right threw me when I'm upset.
"Dipper calm down." Mabel said.
"The second day we come here and now I'm the talking stalk of the school." I said.
"Just don't let it get to you." Mabel said.
"Trying Mabel, trying." I said.
"Don't worry Dipper, just ignore that bad feeling." Mabel said.
"I just know something bad is going to happen." I said.
"Just ignore it." Mabel said.
"I can't Mabel, it's hard to ignore it for me. It scares me, like all the other feelings I have, they all scare me." I mumbled.
"Dipper. " Mabel said.
"I have to go." I said.
The bell rang once I left, I raced off to class worrying about what was going to happen.
It felt like hours in each class, but the bell rang for lunch. I felt like my feet were getting heavier with each step. The hallways were empty and I felt something in my body drop.
"Hey Dipper." Will said.
"W-Will hey." I said.
"It looks like you've been scared half to death, are you okay? " Will asked.
"I'm fine, just deep thinking." I said.
"Alright." Will smiled.
"So where do you want to go? " I asked.
"Oh shit, sorry Dipper I'll be right back. I forgot something in my class, I'll be right back." Will said.
"Alright I'll wait here." I said.
Will went back to his class to get something. I leaned against the lockers and looked at my phone. While I was looking at my phone a shadow appeared.
"That was fas-"
I looked up and it wasn't Will. It was this guy with blonde hair and golden brown eyes.
"Hey." He smiled.
"Who are you? " I asked.
"Bill and you?" He said.
"Dipper." I said.
"I'll call you Pinetree." Bill said.
"Call me by my actual name and what do you want? " I asked.
"You're new aren't you because I haven't seen you before." He said.
"I came here yesterday, people here are already giving me a massage headache." I said.
"Tell me about it, but you're the kid that scared off Gleeful." Bill said.
"I don't give a fuck about that anymore, anything else blondie? " I asked.
For that whole conversation I was looking at my phone. Well I was peeking up and then looking back down, same thing.
"Do you know who you're talking to?" He said.
"I really don't give a shit about who you are. I'm just here waiting for a friend, now if you can walk on." I said.
"No one has ever talked to me like that." He said.
"I don't give a fuck." I said.
"I'm back- Hey Bill. " Will said.
"Will what are you doing here? " Bill said.
"Forgot something in my class, come Dipper." Will said.
"Bye Bye Blondie." I smiled.
"Blondie? " He said.
"Pinetree? " I said.
Pov Bill
"Bye Bye Blondie." He said.
"Blondie? " I said.
"Pinetree? "
When they were about to leave Pyronica, Eight-ball, keyhole and Paci-fire came. Will sighed and looked at me while crossing his arms.
"What do you guys want now." Will said.
"Just chatting with Pinetree. " I said.
"Blondie call me by my actual name and I'll call you by yours." Pinetree said.
"Dipper I wouldn't do that if I were you." Will mumbled.
"I really don't care." Pinetree said.
"Pyronica can you stop doing that." Will said.
"Come on Will, introduce us to your friend." Pyronica said.
"Pyronica right?" Pinetree said.
I feel like Pinetree had something up his sleeve. Their is something about Pinetree that I like, but what is it?
"Shhh." He said.
"Yum." Pyronica smiled.
"To keep her busy, nice." Will said.
"Really Pyronica?" Eight-ball said.
"I already like him." Pyronica smiled.
"Shut up Pyronica."Keyhole said.
"This is Dipper, Dipper this is Keyhole, Paci-fire, Eight-ball, Pyronica and my brother Bill." Will said.
"Nice to meet you." Pinetree said.
"King of this school. " Keyhole added.
"You seem different from other humans." Eight-ball said.
"What can I say, I'm just different." Pinetree said.
"Aren't you afraid of us?" Paci-fire said trying to be scary.
"Cute, but no." Pinetree said.
"You're alright in my book." God dammit Pyronica.
"Sorry that I have to leave whatever this conversation lead up too. I have to go, Bye Will, Bye Pyronica." He smiled.
While he was walking away he stopped for a quick second and said.
"Bye bye Blondie." He chuckled.
I felt my face slightly heat up. What is happening to me?
"Dipper is a sweet guy." Pyroinca said.
"He gave you candy, didn't he." Paci-fire said.
"Yes, but no. He sticked up for Will because Gideon was being Gideon." Pyronica said.
"How did you know? " Will asked Pyronica.
"I was the one who recorded and spread the rumor." She smiled.
"What!? " Will said.
"I was walking around and I see you and Gideon, I was about to beat the shit out of him until he showed up. Once he ran away I left to upload the video. " Pyronica said.
"I hate you." Will said.
"This information would have been useful earlier." Eight-ball said.
"I just remembered." She said.
I was somewhat ignoring my group of friends. I was thinking about Pinetree. There's something about Pinetree that making me think about him.
"Bill! " They all yelled.
"Y-Yeah. " I said.
"You blanked out on us, what are you thinking about? " Will asked.
"Nothing." I said.
"Don't lie to us Bill." Paci-fire said.
"Nothing but theirs something about him I don't understand." I said.
"Same here, I don't understand Dipper." Keyhole said.
"He seems pretty cool." Eight-ball said.
"Bill please don't do anything stupid." Will said.
"I won't." I said.
"You will. " They all said.
I'm not going to do anything stupid. Pfffff, I'm not.
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