Part 6
Again it was another nice day in the Safe Haven but dark clouds loomed just on the horizon..
I woke up like normal and got myself dressed in a long sleeve purple shirt, blue jeans, my short brown boots, and my hydro warrior bandana..
Logan and Laura were also awake and both excited because I've promised them that I was taking them on a walk in the woods and showing them the flower field..
I help Logan get dressed in a dark blue shirt jeans and tennis shoes..
Then it's Laura turn she shows me her outfit which is a long sleeve purple dress black leggings and black boots.
With the twins ready to go we leave the hut.. as we pass Jayden and the gladers Laura does a twirl in her dress..
"Look at me. Don't I look just like mommy?" She asks them.
Thomas comes over giving Logan a fist bump..
"Laura you look lovely. And Logan you look.." Thomas can't find the words because honestly it's like looking in a mirror..
I laugh.. "Tommy he looks like a mini version of you."
Thomas shakes his head. "Yeah you're right."
After talking to the gladers for a few more minutes I tell them that Me and the twins are going to the flower field in the woods..
Thomas looks at me then yells his usual phrase "Snowflake be careful. Don't do anything crazy!"
Both Minho and Newt laugh "Look who's telling her not to do anything crazy. Yeah her Brother the bloody prince of crazy." They say and we laugh.
I then feel two small tugs on my shirt and smile.. then I look down at the twins and say "Alright let's go. I should be gone NO more than an hour maybe two."
We finally wave bye to the gladers as the twins and I enter the woods..
It's been half an hour since we entered the woods.. the twins are having fun walking and adventuring..
It's nice to just walk and listen to nature and watch the kids adventure together..
I'm so lost in my thoughts that when I hear the scream it sends my heart racing..
I look around for the twins and I don't see them anywhere..
I take off through the woods and that's when I see them.. two figures appear out of the shadows holding the twins..
Mystery figure #1
"You're a hard girl to find. You realize that." The mystery figure says to me.
I'm shocked when I see one of the figures and see the mystery figure is holding Laura..
"Put her down! Let her go! Leave the kids alone!" I shout but I feel my voice isn't there..
Just as the first figure is about to let Laura go a second figure appears and I see it's a women..
"WOW! So you're telling me all we had to do to get the girl was go after these little brats!" She says just as Logan runs up to her and starts punching her leg.
Logan is yelling at the the two mystery figures to put his sister down.
I then watch as the lady grabs Logan by the collar of his shirt..
I see the twins flailing in their capturers grip..
I feel myself getting weak and I suddenly go to my knees and scream..
I feel my voice dry after yelling.. my vision getting blurry..
I hear the women laugh..
"Haha. Wish I would've known it would be this easy to capture the CURE. Lawrence put the kids down grab the girl and Let's Go before Thomas and those glader friends of hers realize she's missing."
I watch as the twins are set down and they take off running back to the Safe Haven..
Back at the Safe Haven:
As soon as Thomas and the gladers see (Y/N) isn't with them panic sets in for the gladers..
"Kids where is (Y/N)?" Thomas asks them..
"A lady with a Ratface and a man with NO nose took mommy away!" They say..
Thomas clutches his fist.. realizing who has his little sister"Lawrence! He's taken (Y/N) but I'm not sure who else he's working with and why?"
Thomas then takes off toward the woods but his friends stop him "Tommy it's Dark out your not going to have any luck finding her. Even with help. Colter looks at his friend and says Their right Thomas even I couldn't find her in the dark. Let's wait until morning. We'll continue the search then. We can all be well rested."
Thomas just shakes his head knowing his friends are right but hating that his little sister is in danger once again..
Back with (Y/N) and the mystery figures:
I was going in and out of consciousness I was suddenly weak just from protecting the twins that I'm only catching bits and pieces of Lawrence and the mystery women's conversation..
"So since we don't have the kids anymore as a bargaining chip what do you want to do about the girl?" Lawrence asks..
"Oh don't worry I have BIG plans for her. I'll succeed where my brother failed with Thomas." The mystery figure says EVIL lacing her voice..
We walked maybe another hour before arriving at an extremely secluded area deep in the city..
Wait how are we back in the city? I think to myself..
As we enter the secluded area of the city we go into an elevator then we are in a huge building probably bigger than WCKD'S old facility that Tommy escaped from back in the Last City.. but with way more security.. more weapons as well.. and from what I can see as we pass a lot more rooms..
"Who are these people? What do they want with me?" I think to myself.
After exiting the elevator I'm taken down to many hallways to know where I am.. then we arrive at a medical wing..
Panic rises in my chest..
The woman looks at Lawrence then replies.. "Alright get her on the table and make sure the straps are tight I don't need her escaping."
I'm then laid down on an exam table as I feel straps go around both of my feet and a strap also goes around both of my wrists another one goes around my chest then finally a strap is placed around my head..
I'm terrified I can't move..
I look as I see the woman walk over holding a needle with a black color liquid in it..
I try to escape as she approaches but it's NO use..
She looks at me and replies "(Y/N) just calm down. This will all be over soon. I'm just gonna give you this shot and everything will be perfect."
I feel the needle. I feel my body go limp..
Tempest's (POV)
A few hours later with Tempest..
It's been a few hours since I injected (Y/N) with WICKED'S reverse CURE..
I check her vital signs and they all look normal..
I check her forehead and there's NO fever..
I take a little bit of her blood and as soon as I finish.. (Y/N) wakes up..
"Where am I?" She looks around confused.
I smile as I tell her.. "Don't worry you're safe. Do you remember your name? Anything at all?"
(Y/N) looks at Tempest and winces as if trying to remember but she's in pain..
"My name is (Y/N)." She tells Tempest.
Tempest walks over to the girl loosening her straps.. "I want to show you this picture of this boy Do you recognize him?"
The little girl looks down at the photo and sees a boy a little older than her with brown hair and brown eyes..
"I don't recognize him. Should I?"
(Y/N) asks.
Tempest smiles.. then shows the little girl a picture of her brother Janson.
"I want you to look at this photo and tell me if you recognize anyone in it." Tempest says to (Y/N)
(Y/N) nods her head but as soon as she's the man in the photo she changes completely..
"I know him that's Janson he's the man who saved me when I was sick." (Y/N) says completely shocked.
"What about the boy in the photo I showed you earlier?" Do you know him?" Tempest asks..
The girl nods her head Yes.
"Whose the boy in the photo (Y/N)?" Tempest asks..
"His name is Thomas." She says tears threatening to spill..
Tempest walks over to the girl and places a hand on her shoulder "(Y/N) tell me are you afraid of Thomas and his friends?"
(Y/N) nods her head.. YES..
"Why are you afraid of Thomas and his friends?" Tempest asks a determined look in her eyes..
Tempest walks over to the door and a guard enters and finishes unstrapping (Y/N) from the table..
Tempest looks at the guard and tells him. "Take (Y/N) to her room make sure she's comfortable and gets something to eat."
The guard nods after leading the little girl to her room..
Tempest takes a breathe and looks down from the high window of her office.
"I will succeed where my brother failed. REVERSE WCKD will be the end of Thomas and his friends!"
His precious Little Sister is going to be the key to my success! Tempest says laughing evilly..
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