M A X (woah haven't been here for a while :3. It's now July [two months later] btw I know the time and shit is a giant mess but I'm working on it)
We have to fly out there in less than a month. We'll be there for Alexis' birthday. Great, just great! Now she won't get her present from us until we get back.
I guess the necklace will have to do.
We have three tickets. So far, the only people going are Alexis and I. I'll have to ask Krista if she wants to come with us. I pulled out my phone and called her.
"Hello?" I heard Krista say on the other end of the phone after three rings.
"Hey! Are you doing anything in the next month?" I asked, sitting in my swivel chair and tapping my foot.
"Um, lemme check...I was going to visit family, but what's up?"
"So, Alexis got passed on to the next round of America's Got Talent. They gave us a ticket. I was wondering if you wanted to come with us?"
I was starting to get nervous. "You and Alexis could bond more. When it's over, we can fly to Louisiana and you could meet my parents. If you want to, that is! We don't have to go to Louisiana, it's just a suggestion! It's just...My parents haven't exactly met Alexis yet so...I thought it would be a good idea," I said, panicking slightly.
"I'd love to, Max! When are we leaving?" Krista asked. I smiled happily.
"In about two weeks," I replied, my confidence restored.
"Sweet! See you then! I have to get back to class. Bye, behboo!"
"Bye, behboo!" I pulled the phone away from my ear and smiled.
I can't wait!
"Daddy! Daddy!" the other love of my life called.
"Yes, baby?" I responded. Alexis poked her head inside of my office. She then ran in and jumped onto my lap.
"Can we do something with Uncle Ross and Uncle Tim? Pwease?" Alexis begged. I felt my heart melt.
"Of course, sweetheart! What do you wanna do?" I asked. She shrugged and yawned. "How about I put you down for an early nap. While you're sleeping, I'll talk to Uncle Ross and Uncle Tim."
"Okay, Daddy," Alexis responded, yawning. I hugged her close to my chest and leaned back in my swivel chair.
"Love you, baby," I cooed in her ear. She rested her head on my chest.
"Love you too, Daddy."
Shortly after, she drifted to sleep in my arms.
It was 10:30 in the morning when I put Alexis in her room for a nap.
It probably wasn't the best idea to put her room next to my recording studio.
"Ross! What the fuck!" Tim raged loudly a couple doors down from Alexis' room.
We were playing a GTA V race for Tim's channel. "Pooki fuck off! I'm off the edge again! THANKS, GUYS!"
"Daddy!" I heard Alexis crying in the room over.
"Great, Tim! You woke up Lexi!" I groaned and got up from my seat. I could hear a faint 'sorry' from Tim as I set my headphones on my desk.
I was going to lose the race now, but, Alexis was more important.
(When you're tempted to break the fourth wall but resist the urge. #StopFourthWallCruelty)
I jogged over to her room and pop my head inside. Alexis was sitting on her bed, hugging Mr.McStuffington close to her chest.
I walked over to her and scooped her up. She let out a surprised shriek as I picked her up. I carried her into my recording studio.
She buried her face in the crook of my neck as I swayed back and forth. I could hear the guys raging from the headphones that sat on my desk.
I looked down at Alexis in my arms and smiled. Her eyes were closed and a faint smile was spread across her face.
I kissed her forehead and set her down on the little beanbag chair in my room. I placed the blanket I always keep in here on Alexis before returning to my desk.
"I can't swear anymore," I said into the mic after placing my headphones on my head.
"Lexi's sleeping in your room?" Ross asked.
"Hey everybody! Mithzan here, and welcome back tooooo anotha video! We're going to attempt to make Mac and Cheese again! Anyway, I'm here with Alexis, who is playing on my phone, and Ross," I said my intro to the cooking tutorial.
"PIANO TILES!" Alexis said looking up with her headphones on her head. She sat on the counter to the right behind us. Tim stood behind the scenes with the side camera.
"MOUNTAIN DEW!" Ross yelled back. Just as the skit intended, Ross wore his Top Gun hat and a pair of sunglasses. Mountain Dew cans were littered around the kitchen. There even was one behind Alexis, who was not participating because she preferred to play on my Samsung Note 7.
(Yes, Max used to have one. You probably know what I'm going to do with that. (:<) No, nothing happened to the real Max. He traded it in and he now has the Google Pixel as a phone)
"NO! Just stop!" I sighed. Alexis giggled and swung her legs back and forth.
"Where's the mac and cheese?" Ross asked before going over to the cupboard, opening the door and taking out Mountain Dew number one.
"Ross, please! ONE VIDEO! THAT'S ALL I ASK FOR!" I said adding in my 'Mad Max' character into the cooking skit.
"Where's the macaroni and cheese?" Alexis asked, trying to get us back to what we were supposed to be doing.
"Great question pumpkin!" I said, before stepping to the side showing off the Kraft Mac and cheese boxes.
"Kraft, the best kind of macaroni and cheese, as I stated in our first attempt at this video. If you're wondering how long ago that was, that nugget sitting on the counter over there," I said pointing at Alexis. Tim panned the camera over to her. "Was in a widdle baby seat behind the camera, barely able to move around," I finished.
I grabbed a box, which Ross immediately took from me.
"I wanna open it!" Ross said. "Fine, you can open-" I stopped when Ross brought out his mini-katana. "NOT WITH YOUR SWORD! Staph! You're going to hurt yourself, Ross. Ross, I'm being serious. You're going to hurt yourself!" I said trying to take the box from Ross.
History was repeating itself.
I heard Tim laughing from behind the camera. He had it pointed over my shoulder.
I turned around to see Alexis with her eyes wide, staring at us in fear.
I mentally facepalmed. This was the first time she had seen one of the swords from Ross' collection. We'd locked them away in the garage for Alexis' safety.
The kid can get anywhere. Once, I had to get her down from the top of the damn fridge.
"Ross, stop! Go sit on the counter with Lexi," I commanded, lightly shoving him over to her. "Anyway, since Dingus over there can't open the box, I'll do it."
I opened the box and dumped the pasta into the pot of hot water before grabbing the ladle to stir the pasta. I stopped when I heard the crack of a soda can being opened. "ROSS!"
"I am MGL pro! You can't stop me!" Ross started to chug the can. I ran over to him, taking the can and pouring it out in the sink.
"Having some flashbacks, man?" I asked. Ross just turned around and took the can from behind Alexis.
"When was that put there?" Alexis asked, pretending to be confused.
"You have my child smuggling Mountain Dew, Ross?"
Sorry, I have been sick the past week so I haven't been able to get in the right mind for writing.
If you haven't already, go check out my editor, Carnation195Jan , and some amazing authors Jolygirl1215 and DaniMooYT they are my friends and amazing people and you should show them some support c:
Also, who likes the new cover? I got a new app on my phone and now I'm able to put multiple pictures in one piece.
Anyway, have a good day or night my Ladles and Jelly Spoons!
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