(Before you read I wanna thank a good friend of mine, Carnation195Jan, for editing this chapter for me. Give her a follow and show her some love! You may read now)
"I dont know, Ross," Tim said walking back to the kitchen counter, leaning against it and facing Ross. "Max is pretty protective of Alexis. If she gets rejected, he'll kill us." "Won't hurt to try-" "Did you not just hear me Ross? Whatever, do what you want. I'm not driving you to the hospital afterwards," Tim said walking over to the toaster, taking out the piece of toast and placing it on a Rapunzel plate.
"I'll take the chance. I really think Alexis had a shot at winning this thing. I'm gonna go record," Ross said, standing up and walking out of the kitchen to his room to get changed.
Meanwhile on the other side of the house. (Just watched the moving video and saw that Max has his recording room upstairs and bedroom downstairs so... yeah. I wasn't sure where it was so I tried avoiding upstairs and downstairs stuff for accuracy. XD Btw, Alexis' room is upstairs)
"Mowning Daddy! Wake up!" Alexis said shaking his shoulders. Max's chocolate brown eyes fluttered open and he smiled at Alexis. He sat up in bed and pulled Alexis in for a hug. Max grabbed his phone off the nightstand while Alexis nuzzed into his chest. Max pulled up Instagram and turned on the camera.
"Little miss bright eyed and bushy tailed woke me up today. How's everyone doing?" Max said to his phone and switched it to post. He captioned it 'Best way to wake up in the morning. Love you so much, Alexis'.
Max then went to Twitter, captioned it the same and posted it with the video.
'@MithzanMax You have the cutest alarm clock ever!' ~shelbygraces
'@MithzanMax You cheating on me bruh?' ~@Korista123
'@Korista123 Nah. She's ma little hooman bean. You the Cheese to my Macaroni.' ~@MithzanMax (Couldn't think of anything better... welcome to horrible pick up lines with Skipup03)
'@Mithzan *gets a nosebleed*' ~DatOneFan
[EDITORS NOTE: THE WORDS "Shit, I don't have a shirt on...Meh." NEED TO BE IN ITALICS!!!] (I didn't know if you wanted it in or not so I left it XD plz don't kill meh)
Shit, I don't have a shirt on...Meh.
'Doing pretty good wbu @MithzanMax ?'~almosteveryfanever (I'm one of those ppl btw and I'm pretty sure some of you are too)
Max let out a chuckle before setting his phone down, slipping on a shirt and picking up Alexis, carrying her to the kitchen.
"Hey Tim," Max greeted walking into the kitchen. Tim waved and set a Rapunzel plate on the island. Max grabbed the plate and set it on the table, sitting Alexis in a chair in front of the plate.
"Imma go record, see you guys later," Tim said waving while walking towards the staircase. Max nodded and walked over to the fridge and took out the jug of milk. He poured himself a glass and took some waffles out of the fridge and popped them into the toaster.
The silence was comfortable in the kitchen. Alexis happily munched on her toast as Max scrolled through social media.
"Hey everyone, Mithzan here and welcome back toooooooooo anotha video that I don't wanna do. I'm with my lovely girlfriend Cheese doing a... lets scare Max! She's here to comfort me because I don't like scary things! Mostly jumpscares and there is supposed to be a lot of those," Max said his intro as Krista waved at the camera, only able to see her nails. She took out a paper plate with a poorly drawn picture of her and started smacking Max in the face with it so she was 'kissing' his face. (I don't remember much of it and I don't like scary things, I almost threw my phone during that video. Honestly I only remember Cheese smacking Max with a plate :3)
"Why are you smacking Daddy with a plate?" Alexis asked by the door. Max stifled a laugh and Krista blushed, embarrassed, feeling more childish than the only child present in the household.
"Go play. I really don't want you seeing this. I don't even want to see it. But, the fans wanted it," Max replied and Alexis nodded before waving and walking over to her room; which was just next door to his recording room.
Alexis walked into her room and decided to get dressed all by herself. She walked over to her dresser and pulled out a pair of jean shorts, a shirt with Cinderella on it, underwear and a pair of fluffy socks. Alexis closed the door to her room, attempting to get changed.
The end result was her shirt being inside out, her jean shorts being on backwards, and her socks on her hand. She did, however, get her underwear on right. She walked out of her room, satisfied with how she looked. She walked into Max's office just as he screamed bloody murder because of a FNAF jumpscare.
"Daddy, look! I got changed all by myself!" Alexis proudly stated as the couple looked over at Alexis. Max snorted loudly and Krista laughed, still behind the camera.
"Come here, show the camera," said Max, gesturing for Alexis to come over to him. Alexis skips over happily and Max pulls her onto his lap and started saying his outro.
"What are we doing now?" Alexis asked and Max shrugged. Then a look of realization dawned on his face. He face palmed.
"What's today?" Max asked, his hand still on his forehead.
"Wednesday, why do you ask?" Krista responded. Max groaned.
"I forgot to take Alexis to preschool today," Max said and looked at the time. 4:32 PM. "Too late now."
"No, Alexis didn't have school today. The school lost power yesterday and they still don't have the power back on," Krista said and Max sighed in relief. "We should get going before it closes."
"Shoot, you're right. Lex, go grab your jacket," Max said jumping to his feet and stuffing his phone in his pocket.
"Why? Where are we going?" Alexis asked standing up and following Max to the door.
"Its a surprise. C'mon, Lex! Let's get going!" Max said excitedly as he walked out of his office and down the stairs. Krista trailing behind him, slipping on her jacket. Max threw on his coat and zipped up Alexis' jacket. He picked Alexis up and grabbed his keys, jogging over to his car. He buckled Alexis into the back seat and went over to the drivers seat. Krista got in and sat in the passengers seat. Once she did, Max started to drive to wherever they were going to.
They had a surprise for Alexis. They had left earlier to "go out on a date" when they were actually out shopping. They were buying supplies for the new family member.
That they were on their way to get now.
I wanna thank Carnation195Jan again for editing this chapter for me. Give her a follow and show her some love! I'M BEING SERIOUS SHES A PRETTY AWESOME PERSON AND SENT ME THE EDITED VERSION AT ALMOST MIDNIGHT HER TIME! I HONESTLY COULD OF WAITED TILL MORNING BUT HEY, I was still on my phone so I can't really blame her. I've stayed up longer with my phone than midnight so... guilty.
Till the next chapter...
Good day or night my Ladles and Jelly Spoons!
(Apparently Max has a username on some Yu Gi Oh [I think that's what it's call I dont play so I wouldn't know] app. His username is Max(-/~)Sama [I dont know how its written. He said Max Sama and I laughed so hard])
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