T H I R D P E R S O N (Third is now a person xD)
"Nap time everyone!" Miss Autumn said clapping her hands together.
All the kids grabbed mats and layers them all around the room. In the same spot as before Alexis and Mason laid fast asleep next to each other. Max kissed Alexis' forehead and started walking out of the classroom.
"A Ross Botsford will be picking Alexis up," Max said making Miss Autumn nod, writing it on a sticky note on her desk.
Adam sat next to them scrolling through social medias waiting for the children to wake up.
Miss Autumn started preparing snacks for the children for when they wake up.
Various parents left leaving only four, other than Adam, in the room.
Max drove away from the school and towards a Starbucks (Starbooks) in the city. Guilt building up as he got farther and farther away from Alexis.
A L E X I S' D R E A M
"What awe you doing with Daddy?" The man carried Daddy to a room and locked the door to the room where I was. I could see Daddy on the other side of the glass thrown into the room and the heavy door shut making a loud bang noise.
"Daddy?!?!" Water started filling the room as he rushed to where I was. He started pounding on the glass but the water started going higher and some started getting into where I was.
"ALEXIS!" Daddy yelled as water came flooding into my room.
"DADDY!" I shrieked as the water came over my head and I couldn't touch the ground anymore.
Soon I couldn't breath and Daddy couldn't either. His body was limp and his eyes were closed.
A D A M' S P O V
Alexis shrieked loudly next to me making me jump.
"I WANT MY DADDY!" She yelled crying. I picked her up and ran outside so she didn't scare and wake the other kids into crying.
"Alexis it's fine- everything is okay. It was just a dream," I tried calming her down but she still wanted Max badly so I called him.
Before... M A X' S P O V
I walked into the Starbucks and walked into the line up only to end up crashing into someone who was passing by.
"OH C'MON NOW I HAVE TO CLEAN THAT!" Starbucks employee shouted annoyed. I looked up at the person I bumped into and apologized.
"I'm so so sorry! I didn't mean to bump into you and spill your drink! Let me pay for a new one," I rushed to say as the person looked up at me.
She looks pretty cute.
"No its fine I-" Her eyes met mine. "I wasn't looking where I was going. I should be the one apologizing."
"Let me at least replace your drink," I said quickly.
"No its okay-" I cut her off.
"I insist."
"Fine," she said and get next to me in line. The line was somewhat short so I tried to start up a conversation.
"Umm... I'm Max by the way," I greeted as friendly as possible without sounding like a baby. My most friendly is talking to Alexis in my baby voice.
"I'm Krista its nice to meet you Max."
"Likewise. Um... I'm sorry about bumping into you like that heh I've had a lot in my mind."
"I know how you feel. I'm a college student and I it's stressful."
"That's cool. I've got my full-time job and a little one so its been ruff. Being a single dad and all," I laugh nervously, scratching the back of my neck.
"Oh- what happened to the mother?" Krista asked as we stepped up to the cashier. "One Pumpkin Spice Latte please under the name Krista."
"One hot chocolate please under the Max," I said taking out my wallet and for paying the two drinks.
"She's adopted actually. I found her on my door step almost... woah- almost four years ago," I said as we took a seat at a table.
"Oh really? Poor thing. Being abandoned by your parents and being left at some strangers doorstep? I can only imagine," Krista said.
"Yeah and today is her first day of pre-school and my roommates want me to take a break for a little me time since I'm with her almost twenty-four-seven kind of thing."
"I'm so sorry for intruding on your time alone Max-"
"Hey hey its okay I don't really like being alone that much. Thank you for staying and I'm sorry about your drink earlier."
"Krista, Max." An employee called.
"I'll grab the drinks," I stood up and walked over to the employee and grabbed the two drinks, walking back to the booth. I set Krista's drink in front of her making her flinch slightly. Probably lost in thought.
"If its okay, can I see a picture of her?" Krista asked.
"Of coarse," I took out my phone and opened up the pictures app. "Her name is Alexis and shes just the cutest. This was from just this morning," I ended up showing Krista all my pictures of Alexis.
I was about to show her a video when it changed into the call screen and its started ringing.
Adam Daulberg flashed on screen. I answered the phone and brought it to my ear.
"Everything okay Adam?" I could hear crying in the background.
"Alexis woke up crying from her nap and keeps asking for you."
"What happened to her?" I asked as Krista stay there somewhat intrigued.
"Bad dream I assume."
"Let me talk to her."
"'Kay hold on."
"Da-ddy?" Alexis tried to say still crying.
"Yes honey, Daddy's right here," I pulled the phone away from my ear and whispered a quick 'Ill be right back'. Krista nodded and I walked outside.
"Why- why did you le-ave," she started to hiccup from crying so hard.
"Daddy had to baby I'm sorry-" I got cut off by Alexis crying loudly.
"You'we not so-sowwy! Nuh huh! You didn't- tt hawe to weave!" Alexis cried loudly I had to pull the phone a bit away from my ear.
"Daddy's recording right now Lex-"
"With who-o?" Alexis asked.
"Auntie Shelby, Uncle Ross and Uncle Tim," I lied only to get continuous sobs from Alexis. "Alexis baby, calm down I can't understand you."
"Well-ll tell them I-I say hi-i," Alexis kept hiccuping.
"I will sweetheart don't worry- Auntie Shelby says hi back," its just a little white lie... what could go wrong.
"You'we picking me up wight Daddy?" Alexis said somewhat calmly on the other end of the phone.
I can't! Shit...
"Sorry Max but I'm getting a call from a company that may want to partner with me- Alexis say bye."
"B-" Adam hung up the phone.
I walked back into Starbucks and apologized for being gone so long.
"No its okay, I understand- I have to go now Max... Call me," Krista said getting uo with her drink. "Thanks for the drink."
I looked onto the table to see a phone number written on a napkin with 'Krista' written in fancy lettering. I put the napkin in my pocket after putting the number in my contacts.
I took a sip from my drink and sat back in the booth.
Fuck. Not only does my phone censor swearing I've written THREE fucking chapters in ONE day. I've went outside and shoveled the driveway and caught up on my YouTube. Sorry about the panic in the last chapter about Max. Turns out he was coming back on vacation and now he's sick so he didn't upload. T^T sorry about the panic people.
I'm sorry I have to-
Panic! At The Disco
Anyway that's it for now.
Sorry about grammar and spelling mistakes and to those who don't know- Krista is Cheese.
Bye my Ladles and Jelly Spoons! Have a good day or night everyone!
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