Here we stood.
Together strong and tall.
Excited but nervous.
Confident yet scared.
But we were together and that's all that mattered really.
Sure we looked like a bunch of idiots and make horrible mistakes but we are more. Just... past the screen and cameras.
"OH. TO THE EM. TO THE GEEE. ITS MITHZAN PRODUCTIONS!" Someone yelled only to get the person called on swarmed by people that care about them.
That person is me and damn it's loud at PAX.
Alexis is next to me fast asleep in her stroller with her rose pink soundproof headphones on that Tim bought two days ago off Amazon. Ross is next to her smiling and Tim is next to Ross doing the same. Shelby left to got to the booth PAX gave her shortly after we arrived.
"How's everybody doing today?" I called out only to get 'good's and 'great's with loud cheers.
We took pictures and signed posters, t-shirts and fan art. Everyone was friendly and kind. They gave me some baby toys for Alexis because my P.O. box isn't open yet.
We hung out with Adam and some people from SkyMedia. They all wanted to meet Alexis but, she was still asleep so they let her be.
After PAX Adam invited everyone we knew to his house for a Bar-B-Que out. Him being the nice person, he surprised us all. He had been planing this all week.
Almost everyone accepted the invitation and we were all to meet there at about 6 o'clock.
The second day of PAX Ross, Tim and I get to go on stage for a bit and I was aloud to bring Alexis so I was okay with it.
"We gotta get going or we won't get there on time!" Tim called from the front door.
"Coming!" I yelled carrying down Alexis and her baby bag full of toys, her favourite blanket and her favourite bear. Ross was already there so we were just waiting for Shelby.
"Shelbs! Hurry up!" Ross yelled as I brought Alexis outside.
"Imma coming!" Shelby said descending the staircase full of Lex' toys. The good thing about never cleaning up the toys it that there is always a throwable object on the floor. But we do have to be careful not to throw a breakable and not to throw certain toys when Alexis is around. She screamed loudly when Tim through her bear at Ross.
Ahhh good times.
"Finally!" Ross cheered as we walked over to the car. Tim drove while I sat passenger. Ross and Shelby were in the back with Alexis.
And just like that, we were off.
"Hey guys!" Adam greeted us opening his door more for us.
"Sup Adam."
"Nice to see you Adarn."
(Guess who is saying what XD)
We walked into Adam's house and to the back yard. Everyone was having a good time, laughing and smiling. People were playing basketball, smash bros inside and swimming in the lake.
"Hey guys and girl!" Alesa greeted happily carrying Mason.
"Hey Alesa!" We all greeted her happily and talked for a bit. Alesa offered to watch the kids but I wanted to spend time with my little girl.
The night went by really quickly. Everyone was having an awesome time and at the end of the night we all sat around a bonfire. Roasting marshmallows, sometimes roasting each other as well, telling stories and catching up with people from the offices.
"CAMPTOWN LADIES SING THIS SONG DOO-DA DOO-DA CAMPTOWN RACETRACK'S FIVE MILES LONG! OH DE DOO-DA DAYYYYYYY!" Adam sang off key loud and proud. Soon everyone was joining in singing loudly and laughing. Over all it was a good night. Soon people started to leave so we all went inside to watch a movie.
The only people that stayed were Ross, Tim, Alexis, Red, Barney, Shelby and me. Everyone else had to go home since it was starting to get late.
Because Mason and Alexis were with us we ended up watching Sing on Netflix.
Ross and Tim were asleep on the floor as well as Red and Barney. Adam, Shelby, Alexis and I were awake. Alesa left to go sleep in her room halfway through the movie.
"What's it like Max?" Adam asked from behind me on the couch. Mason was asleep next to him.
"How's what like?" I asked Adam turning away from the movie.
"Just being dumped and being a single dad. Is it hard? I have Alesa and she helps a lot with Mason," Adam said quietly.
"It it hard but I have Ross and Tim to help me. I love Alexis and I honestly don't know where I would be if I never found her," I say kissing Alexis' forehead. "I've had to make some sacrifices for her and it's been worth it so far. I would do anything for her Adam and I'm pretty sure you would do the same for Mason."
"You're right I would. I'm going to put Mason to bed... I'll be right back," Adam excused himself, standing up and taking Mason upstairs to his room.
"Do you like being a Dad Max?" Shelby said from beside me.
"Did you just make a 'Max' joke?" I asked raising an eyebrow at her. Shelby stops and thinks for a second.
"I didn't mean to I swear!" Shelby quietly exclaimed.
"I know, I'm just messing with you," I said pulling Alexis closer to my chest. "And to answer your question, I love it. Because I have meaning and I love her. If it wasn't for Alexis- I don't think I would of done a whole lot of the things I did. Honesty I think I need Alexis as much as she needs me."
Shelby nods and turns back to the movie yawning. I yawn as walk and lean back against the couch. Alexis leans back on my chest as I put my arms around her protectively.
"You are my sweet, innocent, little girl and I love you with all my heart."
Sorry for any grammar and/or spelling mistakes.
Hope you like the chapter and Happy New Years!
2016 is over and welcome to 2017!!!!!!
Have a good day or night my Ladles and Jelly Spoons!
And thank you for 100+ views!
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