T H I R D P E R S O N(Starting next chapter, If it starts with no POV thing then it will be third person)
(And thank you all for 300+ view! Another chapter is coming up tomorrow or later today!)
Ross sped out the door followed by Tim who fell trying to put his shoes back on.
Ross could see Alexis in front of then as she ran down cultasac sidewalks. She turned a corner, she was a ways away from them. Tim slowly catching up to Ross just followed where he was going.
"Alexis!" Ross yelled only making her go faster. She turned the corner again.
Ross turned that corner...
She was no where to be seen...
Back at the house
Max stayed where he and Alexis were last facing each other. The tears were no longer falling down Alexis' face at that scene, they were his own.
Krista stood in front of the door. Paralysed in shock.
She had never seen a child make such a rash decision before.
She had been gone for two hours.
Now Alexis is running down the sidewalks.
Alone and
But, she knew exactly where she was going.
Alexis would knock twice and jump up to press the doorbell. Her face was tear stained and her cheek had a glowing red hand print that was hot to the touch.
The door opened and Alexis clung to that persons leg.
"Woah- Alexis?" Adam said backing away from the door, bringing the child with him. He set her inside and looked outside again. "Max never said he was coming." Adam jumped when the door was slammed in front of him.
Alexis had her hands on the door even after it was closed.
"Daddy's not here," Alexis said quickly but turned to Adam. Now Adam could have a good look at her face. The red hand print on her face that was starting to bruise. Then he noticed the tears and distressed look on her face.
"What happened Alexis?" Adam asked down on one knee at her eye level. She took a deep breath and explained everything that happened.
When she was finish Adam was hugging her tight as she cried into his chest.
Adam took out his phone and took a picture of Alexis' tear stained, bruising, sad face.
It was ten o'clock at night when Adam was holding an ice pack to Alexis' cheeks .
"Daddy what's taking so long-what are you doing here Lex?" Mason came down the stairs with green dinosaur pjs on with a dog plush under his arm.
"Well-uh," Adam was stuck on how to explain to him why she was here.
"I ran away," Alexis said quietly. Mason dropped his plush and ran over to Alexis.
"What happened?" Mason asks pointing to the ice pack on Alexis' face. Alexis shook her head and yawned.
"It's getting late and you guys have pre-school and kindergarten tomorrow. I'll call your dad-"
"No!" Alexis shrieked cutting off Adam. "I don't wanna go back."
"Okay then I won't but you guys need to go to sleep now. Lex I'll set up the air mattress for you," Adam said removing the ice pack from Alexis' face. He inspected her cheek before helping her off the counter.
Adam grabbed Alexis' pj that she left during a past sleep over. It got covered in food from the food war Alexis and Mason had last month. Adam handed the pjs to her and started to blow up the mattress with the pump.
After everything was set up Adam said good night to both of them. They were staying in Masons room because Max has told Adam about her slight monophobia.
Adam quickly went to the farthest part of the house and pulled out his phone.
A D A M' S P O V
"Pick up! Pickuppickuppickuppickup please!" I whispered into the phone.
"Hello?" Max said, his voice cracked and raw.
"Hey Max its Adam. I just want to let you know- Alexis is at my place," I quickly said.
"How did she get all the way over there?! I'll come get her now," Max said relief evident in his voice.
"I wouldn't if I were you! Not only is she mad at you but- WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT MARK ON HER FACE!" I yelled into the phone infuriated. "Her cheek is bruising Max."
"How bad is it?" Max asked.
"I'll show you, hold on," I took the phone away from my face and sent him a picture of when before I get Alexis an ice pack and cleaned her up. "And sent. I'll take Alexis to school tomorrow and try to talk her into wanting to go back home okay? I'm going to go check on the kids. Bye Max," before Max replied back I hung up.
A L E X I S' P O V (:O Didn't see that one coming did ya)
"You awake Mason?" I whispered. Uncle Adam came about 5ish minutes ago and told us he was heading to bed.
"Yeah, what's up Lex?" Mason asked sitting up in his bed. I sat up on the air mattress and turned towards him.
"Whats it like?" I asked tilting my head to the side.
"Whats what like?" Mason asked. He had his legs over the side of the bed and leaned back on his arms.
"Having a Mommy and Daddy but they're not together?" I said quietly.
Mason stayed quiet for a while.
"Its- its okay I guess. I go hang out with Daddy every three months. We got to the offices and play games. I go with him to lunch and record with him while laughing together. We would play all day and go out everywhere." I could see Mason smiling in the mostly dark room, a small night light in the corner emitting a warm glow. "Then after those three months I would stay with Mommy for three months. We would stay home and relax together. Play some videogames and she would read me stories. Stories of kings and queens, knights in shiny armour and dragons. Mommy called it fantasy. I like fantasy. I wanna learn to read so I can read all the books I want fantasy. Then after that the cycle repeats itself," Mason finished smiling.
"Thats- heh that sounds cool," I look down at the sheets in front of me, putting a hand on my burning cheek. I hurts but that's not what's bothering me about it.
I know something Daddy doesn't.
And its tearing me apart.
"What about you?" Mason asked getting off his bed and sitting on the air mattress. He sat in front of me with his legs criss-cross apple sauce.
"What about me?" I asked quietly.
"Whats it like only having a Daddy?" Mason asked giving me a comforting smile.
"Like you said- its okay. I also have Uncle Ross and Uncle Tim at home too. We would record so videos together and go out. He would take me to the park and we would play on the swings while he talked to a camera. He told me that thousands of fans watch him for the videos that he makes. The only fan I know of is the one Uncle Tim keeps in his recording room. Anyway, at the end of the day me and Daddy would play and he would put me to bed. He would comfort and help me when I get nightmares and lets me stay with him. I would take naps with him and he's always there. Mason he's always there and when I can't see him I can hear him. He's always there for me Mace. He would read me stories about princesses and tell me he loves me and that he cares about me," as I kept talking tears started rolling down my cheeks, my voice cracked every now and again. "I would call for him and he's there in a blink of an eye. He would always be there no matter what. He even taught me how to read and count and write because I asked. I would ask for something and he would get it for me. Mason I-I-I
I miss my Daddy...
Anybody still going to kill me? No? Okay-*dodges flying bus* Hey! I saw that!
David goes Bork
I was playing Mad Libs with some people 55 minutes before the stream started XD. Some people as in 5 other people.
If you guys watch Max's stream on beam (01/11/17 MM/DD/YY) and see the username StarKAi03 just know that's me. I saw ScarletNight13 on there ^-^ (I still haven't found your username Carnation195Jan). The stream was pretty lit.
Recently I feel like I'm not myself on writing some of my story chapters lately and I'm sorry about that.
Anyway I guess this is it for now.
Good night or day my Ladles and Jelly Spoons!!!
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