Alexis woke up with a scream. She scanned her surroundings. She was still in Kennedy's car; Krista had just opened the car door.
"Woah! You okay, kiddo?" Krista asked. Alexis nodded weakly, wiping the tears from her cheeks.
Krista helped Alexis out of the car and carried her; Kennedy carried Alexis' bag.
They walked over to the girl's dorm and made their way to Krista and Kennedy's dorm room.
"Hey, good looking," the group of girls heard a guy with a deep voice call.
They turned around to see a group of guys leaning against the hallway walls. Krista placed Alexis on the ground and confronted the group.
"Parker, you know Kennedy has a boyfriend!" Krista said, slightly ticked off.
"Who said I was talking to Ken?" The boy who first spoke, who's name was apparently Parker, said with a smirk on his face. "Who's the little kiddo, anyway?"
"It's her boyfriends daughter!" Kennedy chimed in.
"Geez, how old is he? Why would you wanna date a creep like him?" Parker asked. His is group of buddies laughed.
"You might wanna call Child Protection Services because that kid looks destroyed and uncared for."
Alexis felt her blood boil as she heard the university student talk down to her father.
"Leave her out of this!" Krista almost shouted, walking towards the group of boys who wanted nothing more than to get in her pants.
"Make me!" Parker shouted, grabbing Krista and hugging her close, inappropriately touching her.
Alexis stood next to Kennedy. She watched the Krista's friend panic. Alexis ran over to Parker and stomped on his foot.
"Ahh! You little fuck!" Parker shouted, holding his foot as Krista escaped his grasp.
Krista attempted to grab Alexis and go back towards her dorm, but Alexis wasn't having any of it.
Alexis kicked out Parker's other foot and he fell to the ground.
"Krista! Control your little shit!" Parker shouted, before squeaking in pain as Alexis kicked him where the sun don't shine.
Alexis jumped on Parker's stomach and slapped him across the face.
"Hah! Parker, you're so weak! A three year old just kicked your ass!" one of his buddies shouted, howling with laughter.
"Chad, shut the fuck up before I kick your ass!" Parker threatened before Alexis slapped him again.
Alexis grabbed the collar of his shirt and brought him close to her face.
"My daddy is the best person in the world and you better apologize to my maybe mommy before I kick your butt even more," Alexis growled quietly, only Parker was able to hear what she said.
"No! Wh-" Alexis slapped him again, giving him a death glare. "I-I'm sorry, Krista! Please don't hurt me!" Parker shouted, leaning his face away from Alexis, terror clear as day on his face.
Alexis smiled at her victory.
She stood up and stepped on Parker's stomach before walking back to Krista.
Alexis made grabby arms at Krista. Krista picked her up.
"What did you say to Parker?" Krista asked as Parker's buddies howled with laughter while the girls walked away.
Alexis shrugged and rested her chin on Krista's shoulder, rubbing her eyes.
"Demon child!" Parker called after the girls as Kennedy unlocked the door to their room.
"Don't listen to them, they're low life losers who are barely passing at life," Krista explained to Alexis. She nodded, rubbing her bloodshot eyes.
"Remind me never to mess with you or your boyfriend, I don't feel like dying by the hands of a small child," Kennedy joked.
Kennedy set Alexis' bag by the door. "Also, Caleb is coming over in 20."
"Is he bringing Bennett and Westley?" Krista asked. Kennedy nodded, a smile on her face. Both girls talked as Alexis wandered around the small space.
One bathroom, two beds, a small kitchen, and a large couch near the small kitchen.
Alexis walked up to the kitchen and went into the mini fridge, pulling out a chilled bottle of water. The cap was sealed. Alexis tried as hard as she could to open it, but to no avail.
Sighing in defeat, Alexis walked over to Krista. Alexis tapped Krista's leg, waving the bottle slightly.
Krista looked down at Alexis and took the bottle from her, opening it with ease, then handed the bottle back to the small child.
Alexis took a sip of the water before going over to the window behind the couch. The window overlooked the campus. Alexis stared out of the window for a bit, completely spaced out.
"The boys are almost here!" Kennedy shouted. Krista picked up Alexis.
"Let's put you down for the night," Krista suggested. She brought Alexis to the bathroom and helped her get ready for bed.
"Hey, guys," Krista whispered to the three boys in front of her. "We have to be quiet because I have my boyfriend's daughter staying the night and she's already asleep."
"So, she's not your daughter?" Westley asked softly, pushing his dirty blonde hair out of his face.
"It's complicated, to say the least," Krista replied with a shrug.
"Where's my Kennsy?" Caleb asked. A high pitched squeal was heard soon after.
"BABE!" Kennedy shrieked. She ran in and engulfed the boy with brown hair in a hug. "Come on in, guys!"
"What did I just say about being quiet?" Krista asked with a sigh, turning towards her bed only to find Alexis sitting up, her face tear stained.
Her eyes remained open, but there was tiredness lurking in their depths.
"Hiya! I'm Westley!" the blonde haired boy introduced himself with a kind smile, walking towards the small child.
Alexis watched the boy carefully, noting his every move.
"What's your name?" Westley asked softly. Alexis shook her head.
"She only spoke once since the fight and only Parker knows what she said," Krista explained.
"Pervert Parker? What does he know?" Bennett asked, curiosity in his voice.
"He now knows not to mess with Alexis' father or his girlfriend, Krista," Kennedy chimed in as Westley took a seat next to Alexis on Krista's bed.
"It couldn't have been tha-" Caleb was cut off by the ding of a phone notification.
Kennedy looked down at her phone and her eyes widened. "Derek recorded the entire fight! He posted it on Instagram and Twitter!"
Everyone hastily took out their phones, Alexis looked over Westley's shoulder. The three guys laughed at Parker as the girls scrolled through the comments.
"Krista! Control your little shit!" The recorded voice of Parker boomed at overlapping times around the room as the guys watched the video.
Krista stopped scrolling when her phone started ringing.
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