27 For Real This Time
"Lexi!" Max called from the front door. "Hurry up, please!"
"Coming!" the little girl chimed, running towards her father.
"Got everything?" Max asked, helping the small child with her jacket.
"Yup!" Alexis sang, holding up two books, a blanket, and her beloved teddy bear.
"Say bye to Uncle Ross and Uncle Tim," Max said, grabbing his bag.
Max leaned down to give Galileo a scratch on the head before offering Alexis a hand.
"Bye Unckie Runk and Unckie Tim-Tim!" Alexis shouted into the house before taking her father's hand and walking out of the house.
Max strapped Alexis into her booster seat before getting into the drivers seat.
"Mason!" Adam shouted after his son. "We need to leave! Come put a shirt on!"
"But it's hot!" Mason whined, running away from his father.
"Mason, buddy," his mother cooed. "Come on. The faster you get ready, the faster you get to see Alexis," Alesa bargained.
Mason's blue eyes lit up as he ran towards his room. The light pitter patter of his footsteps were faint, but it made the couple laugh quietly.
"Hurry up, Mommy!" Mason called from his room.
Alesa laughed and Adam sighed. Alesa pecked Adam on the cheek before jogging off after their child.
"Lexi!" Mason called out to Alexis.
Alexis and her father had just walked through the doors of SkyMedia when Mason came dashing down the hall.
"Hi, Mace!" Alexis giggled, dropping the items she was holding to give Mason a hug.
"My Mommy and Daddy are back together!" Mason practically shouted with joy.
Max smiled down at the two children, picking up Alexis' items. Max guided them further inside SkyMedia.
"Yay!" Alexis cheered. "I'm so happy for you!"
Mason looked up at Max and smiled brightly.
"My Mommy and Daddy are back together, Unckie Murx!" Mason cheered, hugging Max's legs.
"So I've heard!" Max replied with a warm smile.
Max kneeled down and brought Mason into a hug, picking him up and throwing him into the air. Mason laughed happily as Alexis smiled at the two of them.
"C'mon, Mace!" Alexis said excitedly, grabbing the boy's hand after Max had placed him back onto the ground. "Let's go play!"
"To the box room!" Mason cheered, pointing a finger in front of him and running off. [EDITOR'S NOTE: TO NARNIA!]
Alexis looked back at her father. He nodded, a smile on his face. Alexis smiled back before running after Mason. "Charge!" she yelled, dashing after him.
Max chuckled at the two, picking up everything they had brought. Then, Max walked deeper into SkyMedia.
"Hi, Uncle Adam!" Alexis shouted when she saw him. "Bye, Uncle Adam!" she said, passing him.
Adam was holding a camera and was talking to it. His attention turned towards Alexis and Mason as they ran by. Adam followed them as they ran towards the box room.
The last time Alexis had come to SkyMedia, Barney, Mason, Red, and herself had built a castle-like fort in the box room.
Adam laughed to himself while he followed the two of them.
"They're so cute together," Adam squealed to the camera.
"I know a whole bunch of you guys ship them. Say what you think their ship name should be in the comments down below."
[EDITOR'S NOTE: #Malexis]
"En guarde!" Mason shouted, holding up a blue foam sword.
Draped over his shoulders was a checkered red and blue cloak; he wore a plastic golden crown on his head.
Alexis pointed a red foam sword towards Mason, wearing similar attire.
The only thing she wore that was different was a light red plush pendant on her chest; Mason wore a light blue one.
Adam ran in, holding a golden Minecraft sword, that could turn into a golden pickaxe, while shouting "BUTTER!" at the top of his lungs.
The camera Adam was holding was faced towards the two children.
Alexis dropped her sword and ran to give Adam a hug.
"Daddy!" Mason whined, as Adam crouched down to hug Alexis.
"We were playing! Leave! No grownups aloud! Unless you're Barney or Red," Mason said, pushing Adam over while he was crouched down.
"Oh no," Adam said, in the most artificial tone he could muster up. "I have fallen down and I cannot get up."
"Daddy! Leave!" Mason whined, still trying to push Adam out the door.
"Alesa!" Adam called into hallway.
"Yeah?" Alesa called back, jogging over.
"Mason's being a weenie," Adam said. Alexis snickered, picking up her foam sword.
"No I'm not!" Mason retorted. "Mommy! Make Daddy leave," Mason whined. "I'm trying to play with Lexi."
"Hi, Auntie Alesa," Alexis greeted happily, running over and hugging Alesa's legs. Alesa crouched over slightly to hug Alexis back.
"Hello, Alexis," Alesa smiled down at the child and kissed her forehead before walking over to Adam. "Babe, you have to get up. You need to film another video."
"Hey guys! Sky here-"
"Hey everyone, Mithzan here-"
Adam and Max started fighting over who got to do the intro while Alexis and Mason sat behind them on the couch.
As they continued to bicker, as scripted, Alexis pulled a book out of the cushions.
She laid down and put her head on Mason's lap, turning a page in her book. [EDITOR'S NOTE: Awww! They're such shipable smol beans!]
"Where did she get that book?" Adam asked Max. Max responded with a shrug.
"She has Ross' power of summoning Mountain Dew, but switch Mountain Dew with books. They come out of nowhere. Sometimes I don't even recognize the book she's reading! Like right now!" Max shouted to the camera, continuing the skit.
"That aside," Adam said continuing. "I'm joined by Mithzan, Lil' Lex, and DJ Mason. Not DJ Baby Mason. Just DJ Mason, 'cuz he isn't a baby anymore."
"I wish!" Alesa shouted from behind the scenes, making everyone chuckle.
"We're having a Dad Off," Max explained to the camera. "You guys keep asking us who the supreme and almighty dad is. So, today we're going to find out."
"Imma say something right now," Adam said, pulling the attention towards him. "This isn't fair! Alexis is more cooperative than Mason."
"Haha, yeah. I know," Max replied, smirking triumphantly at the camera.
Alexis sat up, closing her book and placing it on the ground.
Max sat down next to her. Adam sat down on the other side of the couch, next to Mason.
"Let's do this!" Alexis shouted, raising her fists into the air.
Sorry it's been a while since I last updated :/
Have a good day or night my Ladles and Jelly Spoons
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