Thanksgiving one-shot special!
Info before starting:
The year is 1928, the year where the famous Macy's thanksgiving parade is going on. The succubus family has taken their darling at the time, Anna L/N to the parade to celebrate thanksgiving ending the day with a huge feast at home with a special guest, a friend they know fondly.
This is Anna L/N, Age 5.
Now, without further ado folks, here is the special thanksgiving one-shot.....Enjoy! 😊
(No POV)
Its November 25th, the day where families all around the United States are celebrating thanksgiving with each other and this thanksgiving is gonna be fun because the department store company Macy's is doing the extraordinary parade to bring smiles and laughs to the children all around once again and the succubus family took their child Anna there to watch the floating balloons hoping to see her favorite characters and listen to the big marching band. Anna is very excited to go and so is Valentina, Addison, Nicolette, and Sophia, this is a day which will be with the succubus women's memories forever.
*Loud cheering*
Looks like the parade is almost starting, let's see how it goes shall we?
(Anna's POV)
I cant hardly wait for the spectacular parade today! Mother Valentina is holding me at the moment to deal with the large crowds of people but I just couldn't hold my excitement and kept wiggling in her arms.
Valentina- Now Now darling, the parade hasn't even started the balloon floats yet.
Anna- I know mother, but I can't contain how excited I am.
Addison- We are all excited too Anna, but let's save that energy for the parade ok?
Anna- *Sigh* Yes mama.
(Timeskip, 30 minutes later)
After what seemed like forever, the first loud cheering of the crowd roared in sync as the marching band begins their tune.
I was beyond excited when I saw the first balloon floats.
Sophia- Hey Anna! I think I see that mouse fellow! Ehh..? What's his name again?
Anna- Why, its Micky Mouse of course!
Sophia- Ahh that's him alright! I loved him in the steamboat willie film!
Anna- Yeah! That was the best I ever saw!
Valentina- *Giggle* Then let's see what else we will see hmm?
Anna- Yes!
Nicolette- Ohh I think I see a black cat a mile away!
Anna- *Gasp* That must be Felix!
Valentina- Ahh yes, the cartoon cat with a sense of a child's wonder.
Sophia- That and he is a very funny character and he has a comic series which I love to read.
Valentina- Oh so those comics were for you Sophia, no wonder why I keep getting those comics separately in the mailbox. Oh you rascal girl you~.
Sophia- *Giggle*
Anna- Mother! Big sister! look! look!
Valentina- Oh my, I'm not even paying attention to the parade and you Anna. Well, now you have my attention now~.
Sophia- Whew! We really chatted didn't we. Well now let's enjoy this~.
I was cheering along with the crowd and we saw a bunch more balloon floats along with confetti, more marching band music and kids my age reaching out to the sky like they were reaching out for the floats.
Anna- Mommy Nicolette, can I be on top of your shoulders I want to see the parade higher!
Nicolette- Why of course Anna, up you go now.
I had a much better sight of the parade and I felt like I can see everything clearly now.
(Timeskip, 3 hours later)
A long time went by quick from having all that fun and I was sad that the parade ended and everything the balloons, floats, and the marching band were going away but nevertheless I had a lot of fun. Mommy Nicolette put me down and grabbed my hand as we walk to the parking lot.
Valentina- So Anna darling, how was the parade? Was it a lot of fun?
Anna- I'll say that it was the most amazing parade yet!
Valentina- Well, i'm glad you had fun today Anna~.
Anna- So are we going home now Mother?
Valentina- Yes we are.
Addison- Mr. Darius should be done cooking the thanksgiving feast by the time we get home.
Nicolette- I'll say, that man knows how to cook a good meal especially for a family~.
Sophia- Then let's do less talking and more walking and driving because we got a meal to eat!
Valentina- Alright alright, no need to rush darling Sophia, why the automobile is right here in front of us.
Anna- Yes!
Valentina- Now inside children and lets head home to an extraordinary meal~.
(Timeskip, 1 hour later)
(No POV)
The succubus family and Anna finally arrived home and were ready to spend a splendid holiday meal together.
Addison- Wake up Anna~.
Anna- *Groan* *Yawning* Are we home already?
Addison- Yes my love, and guess who was waiting for us~?
Anna- Uhhh...Mr.Darius?
Addison- Yes~
Sophia- *Stretching* Then what are we waiting for, let's say hello.
Anna- Ok!
They got out of the automobile and headed to the front door. They went inside and headed on to the dining room. When they got there, they saw a young man sitting down in a chair waiting for particular group of people to show up.
Darius- Ahh hello again the L/N family!
Valentina- Hello Mr.Darius, how do you do?
Addison- Hello Mr.Darius, a pleasant to meet you again.
Nicolette- Good evening Mr.Darius.
Sophia- How's it going Darius chum?
Darius- Aww, its all good today ladies, I have finally got it done.
Valentina- You mean the dinner is ready?
Darius- Of course! All right, bring it here fellas!
Then, a group of men and women dressed in fine casual were bringing out carts of food and were placing it all down in the table. It's safe to say that Mr.Darius did a splendid job once more for them.
Darius- So....what do you ladies think?
Valentina- Mr Darius, what can I say. It's simply beautiful, oh how can I ever repay you?
Darius- Oh nothing at all and I'm serious, this is like giving my thanks to you after you healed and nursed me back to health after saving the little lady Anna here from being run over from an automobile.
Valentina- And i'm never going to forget the service you did for my family here, most wouldn't risk their lives for that you know.
Darius- I know, but I wasn't gonna let a child die like that especially when they seem to have a bright future ahead.
Anna- I'm just so glad that your well again and I will always be thankful for your selfless deed and saving me.
Darius- Aww, its not big deal Anna, anything for you kind folks.
Nicolette- Well, how about you stay with us for this thanksgiving tonight. That's the least we can do for repayment for making all this wonderful food here, and you get to eat the fruits of your labor.
Darius- Well, that mighty kind of you, sure I'll stay over.
Valentina- *Giggle* Excellent well girls looks like we have one more guest in the table.
Addison/Nicolette- We're so glad you can join us~.
Sophia- Its good to have dinner with my little sister's savior~.
Darius- Well, lets begin the feast.
The crew got to the table, sat down and being to pass the plates together. Pouring glasses of wine for the adults while Anna got a glass of cold lemonade. Darius gave a signal for the men and women to go and they did and soon it was just the five of them.
Valentina- Now that everyone is seated, Mr.Darius would you like to make the toasting honors.
Darius- Why thank you Ms.Valentina.
Darius raised his glass in the air.
Darius- A Toast!.....To another year of good health and spending it with good friends. Cheers!
Valentina/Addison/Nicolette/Sophia/Anna- CHEERS! 🥂
And so they ate and drank while laughing and joking about current stuff and remembering the adventures they had together along with Anna. The house was very lively and full of cheer and a friendly demeanor was present.
(Timeskip, an hour and thirty minutes later)
Everyone was getting full and was ready to retire for the night. Darius helped cleaned up the table and assist them in packing up the leftovers to eat for the next few days. Darius was heading to the front door to go home but before he opened the door.
Valentina- Oh Mr.Darius.
Darius- Hmm?
Valentina- I just wanted to give you some of the leftovers for you to eat on the way and I also wanted to give you some money for your service and troubles.
Darius- Oh Ms.Valentina, you know that no trouble is too big for your family and I'm happy to be of service.
Valentina- Well, I couldn't just let you leave empty handed and you know...I think your a bit too humble for your own good sometimes.
Darius- Ahh what can I say...I cant help it its just a part of me you know?
Valentina- *Giggle* Well, if you say so Mr.Darius.
Just when they were saying the final goodbye, Anna ran from the dining room to give one big hug to Darius.
Anna- It was so good to see you again Mr.Darius.
Darius- And the same goes to you too Anna.
Anna- When can we hang out again?
Darius- Well, they are showing the motion film The Cameraman again in the theater. Maybe we can go see it along with your family?
Anna- *Gasp* Oh mother can we?!
Valentina- Well, we'll see honey and if your good with your lessons with Nicolette, then sure we can go.
Anna- Oh thank you mother! I promise I'll do good in my lessons.
Valentina- Then I hope you keep with your promise till then. Now run back upstairs young lady, it's bedtime for you~.
Anna- Yes mother. Bye bye Mr.Darius. Hope to see you again to watch the film!
Darius- I hope so too, have a good night Anna.
Anna ran upstairs to get ready for bed and Valentina said a farewell to end the night.
Valentina- Now I know you must head back home, have a goodnight Mr.Darius and stay safe now.
Darius- Well, have a goodnight to you too. Farewell.
Valentina- Farewell~.
Darius walked to his automobile and drove off into the dark night to home. Valentina then walked upstairs to Anna's room to give her a goodnight kiss.
Valentina- Well Anna darling, today was a good day for all of us.
Anna- It was mother, thank you for taking me to the fun Macy's parade.
Valentina- Your so very welcome my love. Well, get some sleep now, tomorrow will be a new day and I think I have something we should do together.
Anna- What is it mother?
Valentina- Thats a surprise for you to find out tomorrow Anna. Have a good night Anna my darling~.
*Kissed forehead*
The other family members walked in the room to give Anna a good night kiss as well.
Addison- Sweet dreams~
Nicolette- Sleep well and happy now~
Sophia- Sleep to fuel that energy and ready to spent it in play tomorrow~.
Anna- I love you mother, mama, mommy and big sister.
Valentina/Addison/Nicolette/Sophia- We love you tooo Anna~.
Then they walked out of the room, shutting down behind them not before they gave Anna one more smile. As much as they would like to retire as well, but they still had one more order of business to take care of and its something they didn't want Anna to see.
(Valentina's POV)
We send our darling to sleep and was happy with the overall success of this thanksgiving day. I'm so glad that we were able to give our Anna the best day ever~. But's time to take care of someone who we were trying to find over the past year and now we have him here down in the basement and he is going to experience great pain for almost killing our Anna and almost killing our friend Darius and causing him pain and suffering saving Anna.
Valentina- Girls....its time to confront our rat "downstairs"
They only nodded with serious facial expressions. We went to the basement and saw him all tied up in a chair and was already in bruises. We couldn't help ourselves getting a few hits on him before the pain truly begins.
Valentina- Addison, fill a bucket of cold water to wake him up.
Addison nodded and did what I told her. When the bucket was filled, she wasted no time beginning to wake the man up.
He woke up and he was already in a frighten state. Good, because he is going to be more than scared after we are done with him.
Addison- Time to wake up~
Valentina- Oh yes sir, its time to face the consequence of your action tonight from a year ago~.
Man 1- *Muffled screaming and crying*
Sophia- You better shut those noises your making or else its gonna get worse for you than it already is.
Valentina- As a matter of fact, it already is. Nicolette, would you be a good girl and get the tools over here~?
Nicolette- Of course mother~.
Nicolette went the shelf carrying the tools needed for this unlucky man's punishment for causing danger to our child and dear friend. She got the tools and we all girls had wide smiles on our faces.
I grabbed the scissors, Addison grabbed the tweezers, Nicolette grabbed the the large tooth poker and Sophia grabbed the min saw. We were ready to deal out the punishment for this unlucky human.
Man 1- *Muffled panting, screaming and crying while moving around in his chair*
Valentina/Addison/Nicolette/Sophia- Now....hold still~.
Man 1- *Muffled screaming!!!!*
(No POV)
Timeskip, 2 hours later)
After all that time, the man was dead in the floor with our of his flesh ripped apart, teeth pulled out, hair pulled out and missing both his eyes. They took the body and throwing it out in the fireplace burning it and putting the ashes in the river where it never be found and the evidence couldn't be pinned to them. After that whole situation, the succubus family got ready for bed and got to sleep but not without victory smirks in their faces. Then they drifted off to sleep where it will be another wonderful day with their daughter Anna L/N in the morning.
Valentina/Addison/Nicolette/Sophia mind's- We got rid of the horrible man for you Anna....our little darling daughter/sister. We love youuuu~.
ANDDDDD that's a wrap for the thanksgiving one-shot special folks. Sorry this is posted super late but i'm glad that its now here and I hope you all had a fantastic thanksgiving and spent time with the best of friends and your loving families. The story of current day Y/N will continue on now, but until then, this is adventurefan2020 and I'll see you in the next update.
See ya'll later!👋........
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