Chapter 7: Acceptance? Pt 2
I was playing Mario kart with Sophia and it was a ton of fun! Well, it would be if she didn't win almost every time, seriously!? how much has been playing this game to be this good!?
Y/N- Oh come on Sophia! You won again! How are you beating me over and over again?!
Sophia- *Giggle* Well, I practice this every day when I wake up in the morning which by the way don't tell mom please and thank you~, I play a lot of online games and I go all out in the highest difficulty....200cc on every track~.
Y/N- That's nuts!
Sophia- *Giggle*. Well, lets say we go for another round hmm?
Y/N- Oh, its on!.
Sophia- Then here we go!
As Sophia chose the egg cup, we heard a knock from the door, Sophia said to come in and it was Addison.
Addison- So, are you two having fun?~
Sophia- We sure are, I keep beating Y/N's butt at this.
Y/N- Hey! It's not my fault that your so good and I never played this game before.
Addison- Ah Y/N, Sophia is only just teasing, I do admit however that she spends a bit too much time playing this kart game but what do I know about video games.
Sophia- So Addison, what are you doing here? Come to watch us play?
Addison- Well, thats the second reason but the first reason why is because Valentina wanted me to tell you two that dinner would be ready in an hour.
Sophia- Awesome!
Y/N- What's for dinner?
Addison- You'll see~.
Sophia- Well let's g-
Sophia- Oh! The race is starting, Oh Y/N i'm ready to beat you again boy!
Y/N- Oh no you don't, i'm gonna beat you this time!
As Sophia and I were playing the egg cup, Addison just sat on Sophia's bed and watched us play.
(Addison POV)
This bring me back so many memories of the past decades. How I would sit and watch Sophia and our past darlings play video games together, this made their bond as sister and brother much stronger before they unfortunately had to leave out of our home to live their own lives and that made us very sad and lonely half the time. But now we learned throughout the years that if we were to keep Y/N close in our lives and in the house as much as possible, then we will be the most happiest succubus in history knowing that we were there in his whole life and will remember us fondly even on his last days.
Y/N- Addison?
Addison- Hmm? What is it sweetheart?~
Y/N- Do you want to play with me and Sophia?
Addison- *Giggle* no thank you Y/N, video games is not my thing at all, but thank you for offering though~.
Y/N- Oh your w-welcome.
Sophia- Hey Y/N! Pay attention dude because i'm about to throw a red shell at you!
Y/N- *Laughs* Oh come on!
This is a very nice, just like the old times but this time our Y/N is staying with us close forever~.
(Timeskip, 1 hour later)
(Valentina POV)
Finally got dinner ready, now its time to call them to the table.
Valentina- Dinners Ready!~
I didn't get any responds from any of the 'kids' and wonder where they were. Just then, Nicolette came downstair.
Nicolette- Oh yes, its time to eat but wait... where's is everyone else?
Valentina- I was just wondering that myself. But now I know where they could be.
Valentina/Nicolette- Sophia's room.
I walked over there with Nicolette and when I opened the door, my heart was just filled with happiness and nostalgia. Addison is doing what she does each time, sitting down and just watching them play together in joy, while Sophia and our darling are playing together. This is a process that we created when the first video game console released.
Valentina- Oh Sophia, Addison, and Y/NNNN~ It's time for dinner and its hot and ready to eat~.
Sophia- Oh man, we are at the last race mom! Can we just finish this? Pleaseeeeeee?
Valentina- Well.....
Y/N- Yeah! Can we? I am certain that I can win first place this time!
Valentina- Oh ok, but thats it for you two. After that, its straight downstairs to the table.
Sophia/Y/N- Okkkkkk.
That moment alone already made me remember back to a time back in the year 1973, when I bought that game console....oh now I remember it was called the Magnavox Odyssey. I remember Sophia begging me for days on end to get her one as she never saw anything like it neither have I but I quickly thought it was just a toy. But when I actually bought it, Sophia and Calvin our darling at that time play it and loved it instantly making their bond became much closer and stronger in his later years. This is when I came up with the idea of 'gaming time' which is a time during the day where Sophia and our darling would play games together and Addison and I would just sit and watch them do so. This is one of many family time moments that I treasure dearly and we continue this to this very day but that meant at the time was until she was able to find herself a job I had to buy the game consoles for her, I personally didn't see any thing special about these machines except for the fact that it made our darlings happy and loved being with us more so I did anyways for them.
Y/N- Son of a gun! Again?!
Sophia- You can't beat the champ boy!
Y/N- *hmph*
Sophia- Oh come on Y/N, you were not too shabby for your first play.
Y/N- Really?
Sophia- Yup, but next time we will work on your drifting and using the items at the right time instead of using it the second you get it.
Y/N- Hey, its my first time playing, give me a break.
Valentina- *chuckle* Sophia, go a little easy on Y/N, he never experienced this game before. Next time you two play, I don't want to hear much yelling of frustration from him, is that understood?
Sophia- *sigh* Yes mom.
Valentina- Good, now that you two are done playing, its time to go downstairs for dinner.
Sophia- Good, because all of that playing some Mario kart with my bro here sure made me hungry.
Valentina- Then come all of you, lets go~
We left Sophia's room and the second part of the plan is now complete, now it's on to part three.
(No POV)
With everything going into plan, the succubus family will soon have Y/N. Valentina gave the girls a big smile with the girls returning the gesture while Y/N didn't even notice. They must have had the same thought about this, the plans, vacations and all kinds of fun already imagined.
Valentina/Addison/Nicolette/Sophia mind's- Its almost time~
We were heading to the dining room and I already smelled food that let out such an amazing smell. I sat down and Valentina served me a plate and my mouth was already watering.
Valentina- Here you go Y/N, todays dinner is a southern dish, so I hope that you like it~.
Y/N- Oh man! Thank you Valentina, this looks delicious. 😋
Valentina- Your welcome Y/N~ *Whisper My son~.*
Addison- Now mother, we will serve our selfs now.
Valentina- That's fine and Y/N after dinner how about we go to the living room and play a few card games, how's that sound?
Y/N- Oh sure, t-that's fine.
Valentina- Good~
I started to eat the food and it was very good, and I was feeling good and happy here but there was something in my mind that makes me nervous for some reason, while they were talking I started to think over the past couple of days. Ever since I was brought here, they have been nothing but kind, loving and caring for me despite the fact that I was a street rat. I wonder even now how did I get here and why are they this nice to me? But whatever the reason, I feel like i'm home with an actual family, one that loves me instead of treating me like trash. But I don't know, even though I feel safe here, there is something about these people that seals a secret, a secret that I would not like to find out but I won't try to find out because one thing for sure.....its not of my business.
Valentina- Y/N? Sweetie?
Y/N- *Small gasp* Y-yeah?
Valentina- You've been awfully quiet for some time, what's on your mind?
Y/N- O-0h it's n-nothing. Just thinking about s-stuff.
Valentina- Well, ok then, if you say so~.
She then kissed my forehead and I let out a blush on my cheeks and she just giggled doubling the embarrassment. I just wanted to get back to my thoughts again, but it seems that I won't be able to due to the fact that they are staring at me wanting me to talk to them.
Addison- Y/N, why don't you want to talk to us?
Nicolette- Yeah, we don't want you to be left alone in our conversations.
Sophia- And this is weird even for me to say but its a little rude not talking to the people who takes care of you and feeds you~.
Y/N- uh uh, im s-sorry for b-b-being rude.
I thought they were mad at me and were going to yell at me but they didn't and instead looked at me with concern.
Valentina- Y/N sweetheart, we're not mad at you at all, we just feel bad that we were talking amongst ourselves and didn't even think of including you in, so we are the ones sorry. Do you forgive us?
Y/N- O-o-oh yes yes I d-do.
Valentina- Thank you Y/N.~
Addison/Nicolette- We're grateful for your forgiveness.
Sophia- Yay Y/N doesn't dislike me now. Rejoice!
Y/N- Yeah......-y-yeah.
I didn't know what to say after that, what they said was a little weird. But I shrugged it off and began to have a nice conversation with them and it was a fun time.
(Timeskip, 40 minutes later)
(No POV)
The succubus family and Y/N cleaned up after dinner and went to the living room to play some card games.
Valentina- Ok Y/N, we have all kinds of card games to choose from. Which one can you name on the top of your head and once you answer we will play it.
Y/N- Well hmm...... Oh I know, how about Apples to Apples?
Sophia- Oh nice choice Y/N that one is awesome.
Valentina- Well, apples to apples it is then.
She went to the tall cabinet and opened a drawer to take out the game.
Valentina- There we go, now who's want to be first player.
Y/N/Sophia- I do!
Valentina- Y/N said it first, so he gets to go first.
Sophia- Lucky.
Y/N- Yes!
So they began to play some fun rounds of apples to apples. It was so much fun for all involved, but this was the final part of the master plan of their revealing to Y/N. This was a big moment for the family and this will determine their futures. Y/N won the 6th match of the game and the family members looked at each other with anticipation and a bit of nervousness.
Its show time.
Valentina- Y/N? Can I ask you something?
Y/N- Y-yeah, what is it?
Valentina- Do you believe in monsters?
Y/N- M-monsters? Like the kind of monsters in movies, games, and myths?
Valentina- Sorta but relevant..yes. Do you ever think they would exist?
Y/N- I d-dont know. One side of me says they don't exist it's all in our imagination, but a-another part of me says they could exist and is hiding from us for reasons I kinda understand but others I will never understand.
Y/N mind- Why are they asking me this all of a sudden?
Valentina- I see then let me ask you this. What would think of the fact that not all monsters want to destroy humans or cause chaos and destruction for humans, some of them want to live peaceful lives and a few even want to raise and take care of human children like yourself.
Y/N- I don't know, I-if not all monsters are e-e-evil then I would be h-happy to know that not all monsters want to k-k-kill.
Addison/Nicolette- We see.
Sophia- Then we have a secret to share with you. Now, please don't freak out and assume that we are gonna hurt you which we will never do to you. Now, we are trusting you with our secret do you deeply promise to not tell anyone?
Y/N- Y-y-yes I p-p-promise.
Valentina- Then we shall show you. Girls......Transform.
Y/N got up from the couch and watch as he saw the family suddenly flashed a dim red light all around them not realizing they are going into their normal forms.
I didn't know what was going on right now, but Valentina and the others were covered in a red light that made weird sounds. Then I knew it, they did have a secret after all. Then, I just froze there not knowing what to say or do that I saw their secret. They had these big wings, horns, a sharp pointy tail and was wearing these bizarre clothing.
Valentina/Addison/Nicolette/Sophia- This is our true selfs Y/N. You now know our secret, we are not humans thats was our cover forms. We are monsters called Succubus.
I don't know what a succubus is but what I can tell already is that they can fool humans by believing in their outside forms and only when you get close then whatever happens to you, its sealing your doom. I was beyond shocked, I had no idea that monsters or creatures like them actually exist I always thought they existed in scary stories I don't even know what fantasy or reality anymore.
Valentina- Y/N darling, now that you know our true selves, we want to propose something to you.
Y/N- W-w-what I-i-is I-it?
Valentina- We want you to stay here with us, you probably were cold and alone before Sophia saw you. We want to give you the life you deserve but never got until it decided by your decision.
Y/N- U-u-uhhh...
Addison- We promise you that we are never going to leave you sad, hurt, hungry and even scared. We will always be there for you even in our last breath.
Y/N- I-i-i.....
Nicolette- We won't ever judge you who you become when you grow up, if you ever need guidance or wisdom for anything at all, we will always give you that needed assistance and don't ever be afraid of coming to me or any of us for that, we don't care about what the problem is, all we care about is that your well being.
Y/N- *light sniffle* ....
Sophia- But most of all, we will treat you like you are a part of the family, who will always want to have fun with you, meet all of your needs and make you happy by getting the things you want. You won't be ignored, betrayed, forgotten and left behind like your past guardians. You will have lots of fun with us, and myself and all of us will be there for the best and worst of it all.
I cant believe what I was hearing, they actually want me like their own son and my own mommies. I always thought I was meant to be alone for the rest of my life because of the abuse from my nieces and my real birth parents abandoned me with them. The strange thing is......I want to stay, yeah they act all weird around me but its not an act they seem to truly care for me. Remembering back to that one night where I wished for a family who loved me even If they were not human, I made that wish only for a sad laugh but its like god answered my prayers in the most craziest way.
Valentina- So what do you say Y/N...
She reached out to me with her hand open and the rest of them looked at me waiting for an answer.
Valentina- Will you join our family?
I began to cry, is this coming true? Its not a dream? I didn't care anymore, I ran up to Valentina and gave her a tight hug and was crying onto her shoulder. Its finally happening.
Y/N- YES! Yes I do, I-i-i love you m-m-mommies.
After I said that, the others were doing a group hug and was sobbing tears of joy.
Valentina/Addison/Nicolette/Sophia- Welcome to our family Y/N, our little darling~.
(No POV)
They continued the group hug for a little while longer and Y/N was getting tired from all of his crying. Then, he fell asleep into Valentina's arms and begin carrying Y/N to the guest-room bed. They tugged him in and all four gave him goodnight kisses in the forehead and wishing him a good night. They left the room and went to Valentina's closet and they seemed to open a secret door that was covered by heavy drawers. Inside the room, there was a flight of stairs taking them to some kind of underground area of the house but was underneath would make anybody shiver in fear and confusion. It was lightened by LED patio lights and there was shrine like structures with pictures of them with different kids from different times same thing goes for the toys, the freshly changed flowers and all sorts of stuff that belonged to that kid when he or she was alive with them.But the most strangest part of it all was that it had fancy jars that was filled of the ashes of the deceased darlings they took care of. It also had engraved plated descriptions that read the following:
In loving memory of Liam L/N:
We will miss you and you will always be in our hearts...Always.
It had engravings for all of the shrines just with different children's names like Becky, Lucy, William and so on. The oldest year goes back from 1795 going all the way to 2019, but that was about to change tonight.
Valentina- Addison, do you have the empty shrine ready?
Addison- Yes mother.
Valentina- Good, then the shrine is at its first stage. Now, it will wait to be filled up with his picture of us together, his favorite flowers and anything else he loves.
Nicolette- Mother, I got the the plated engraving here, do you want me to place it?
Valentina- Of course Nicolette.
Nicolette placed the plated engraving that read:
After that, they each smiled and visited to one of the shrines giving them fond memories of their times with each of their darlings.
Valentina- Well girls, we have a new darling to give our love to~.
Addison/Nicolette- Yes we do, and we cant wait for the years to come~.
Sophia- I cant wait for all the fun adventures to begin~.
Valentina- Then we shall let tomorrow come already, let's all go to bed and tomorrow will be our first day with our new son Y/N.
They all nodded and went upstairs to go to sleep. Tomorrow will be the next chapter of Y/N and the succubus family. Y/N accept love from a group of loving, 'friendly' succubus and the adventure is just getting warmed up.
What is going to happen then? Only time will tell that part of the tale.
Valentina/Addison/Nicolette/Sophia- Welcome home Y/N darling~.
(END.....For Now)
ANNDDDDDDDDD that's a wrap for this chapter and the final part of the Acceptance mini arc. I hope you folks enjoyed this and sorry for making ya'll wait for that long. Thank you folks for continuing to support me and this book, ya'll are kind folks.
Anyway, until then....
This is adventurefan2020 and I'll see you folks in the next chapter of My little human~.
See ya'll later 👋......
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