Chapter 14: Family fun day and on the road to rescue.
(Valentina's POV)
We were packing our bags to head for the road, so we can get our little darling back and this time we won't fail this time.
Sophia- Ok mom, the rest of us are ready to go.
Valentina- Good, I'll be there in a moment.
Sophia went to the car and I went to check on one more thing, I saw Alexis is sitting on the table on her laptop doing whatever.
Alexis- So you are really doing this huh?
Valentina- Of course. And that means you are in charge of the house while we are gone ok?
Alexis- Sure thing, I'll make sure this house is clean when you guys get back and I kinda want to meet the little guy.
Valentina- It's a deal, well farewell for now Alexis.
Alexis- I wish you luck then, take care.
I then went to the garage to meet up with the others who were in the car ready to go and were waiting for me to put the care in motion. I got inside the car, turned it on, and looked behind me to face them.
Valentina- Guys.... let's go get our darling back.
They nodded and we were off but just then I got a text message and it was from Ethan and it had an address so I clicked on it and it showed the direction to a house many hours away. Then a second message arrived and it said:
"I got rid of the kidnappers you wanted, my work is done. I'll be around when you need me again, farewell Valentina."
I smiled at the fact that the kidnappers were dead and will go to hell for what they did, and now that's out of the way, we just need to deal with those who are with Y/N.
Valentina's mind- Don't worry Y/N, we are coming to your rescue, please stay strong for us.
(Y/N's POV)
We were at Dave and Buster's playing some of the games and dad was playing a shooter game where you kill Aliens.
Y/N- Come on dad, you need to beat that high score!
Dad- I'm trying buddy, these creatures are quite brutal.
Dad was killing them as best as he could but then he forgot to kill the one on the left and the alien strike him and he died.
Dad- Gah darn it.
He tried to play again but he ran out of money for the game card.
Dad- This one is empty, I'll go get this thing reloaded.
"Not needed."
Mom came back with a few more game cards and she handed me and dad one.
Mom- You can go back to being Alien slayer honey, and I'll take Y/N to play some more..... child-friendly games.
Dad- Got it, see you in a bit bud.
Y/N- Ok dad.
Mom- Great, come here Y/N.~
Dad went back to the game and Mom held my hand and led me to another part of the place where the games were more ticket-based like the giant Connect-4 game and the ball drop game.
Mom- Well son, which game do you want to play?
I looked around to see a fruit ninja game and I pointed it to mom and she leads me to the game and I tapped the screen and I began to play on extreme mode.
Y/N- Look mom, I'm chopping all of these fruits.
Mom- That's cool Y/N!
I almost reached a high score but I chopped a few of the bombs on accident so I didn't. I tried again and almost beat but I didn't get the frozen banana or the wild fruits.
Y/N- Man, that stinks.
Mom- Don't worry Y/N, but you still got a good amount of tickets maybe you can get something good in the ticket shop.
Y/N- Yeah, let's go!
Then we went to the prize area and I looked around a bit and mom told me I only have 200 tickets so I can only choose something from the lower end. I decided to spend it all on candy and went to the counter to pay for it. I got the candy and went out of the pize area to eat some before dad arrived and had his phone.
Dad- Hey Y/N, what do you have there?
Y/N- Some candy I got from the prize booth, want some?
Dad- is good but thanks for offering. Plus I want to save some of my appetite for some hot buttery popcorn at the movies.
Mom- Is it almost time for it?
Dad- Yeah, we only have 15 minutes left till the previews begin so we must get a move on so we don't miss our movie.
Mom- Ok, come on Y/N.
Y/N- Ok.
We left Dave and Busters and went to the Cinemark.
Y/N's mind- I wonder how the movie will turn out to be?
(No POV)
The family arrived at the theater and checked in to go to their private room. Mom and Y/N took their seats while dad went to go buy some snacks. Y/N watched the screen which was playing some ads when Mom smiled at Y/N and gave him a kiss on the head.
Mom- So how's has today been so far Y/N?
Y/N- I'm having an awesome time mom, and I never went to a theater before, it looks so cool
Mom froaned for a minute before returning to normal.
Mom- Well, I'm glad today is your first time today to enjoy a movie with me and alone.~
Y/N smiled at that and just then, dad came back with a large tub of popcorn, two medium-sized sodas, and a candy box for Y/N.
Dad- Here you go Y/N, some candy just for you.
Y/N- Thank you, dad.
Dad- No problem son.
Then the lights went out and the first movie trailer was playing then all three's attention was on the big screen but the mom and dad had one thought on their mind during the trailers.
Mom/Dad's mind- We finally have our perfect family.~ And no one will ruin that for us and if they do...then we will have to get messy.
(Timeskip to after the movie)
The family was talking about the movie and they thought it was alright but then they talked about their last fun stop for the day and that's the pinball arcade place. They got in the car and drove over there...
30 minutes later.....
They were there and went inside to pay for admission then Y/N was amazed by the number of pinball games that were there. He saw one that had a Star Wars theme and went to it to play it. He needed quarters though and when he was about to get them, they were already they with cups with lots of quarters inside.
Dad- Good eye Y/, here are some coins...have fun.
Y/N inserted a quarter and was having a blast while both parents were playing pinball close to Y/N. Dad got the Indiana Jones one and mom got one for Batman.
Y/N- This is so much fun! *Laughs*
(Timeskip to the eveing)
Y/N fell asleep in the car and now mom and dad were driving back home to tuck Y/N in goodnight and they too needed to...take care of something too.
Mom- I think today was great don't you think honey?
Dad- You said it, now we need to now prep for Y/N's future, like sign him up for school soon.
Mom- Yes I know but we can talk about that much later ok?
Dad- Ok, but I feel so happy now. Now, we have him back in our arms.
Mom- Yes, and we won't ever let him get hurt like before.
Dad- Oh trust me....he won't...not on my watch.
Mom agreed with him and was at ease now, she took a look at Y/N with his peaceful sleeping.
Mom- Mom loves you Y/N...always. ~
(Addison's POV)
We checked in to our hotel room which was a four-star hotel and got room service to get us some light food.
Addison- We are almost there guys, almost to Y/N.
Sophia- I want him back so badly, but I want a shot of the people who have him first.
Valentina- You will Sophia but that will have to wait for now as much I don't like saying that.
Nicolette- But it will be worth it in the end.
Sophia- Yeah, your right I guess.
Addison- It will be Sophia but for now we must re-
*Knock Knock*
"Room service.*
I went to get it and I opened the door much to the blushing young room service attendant.
Attendant- Y-your room service dining here....m-ma'am.
She wasn't even trying to hide her lust inside of her, the three went to check up on me and she was blushing hard even more...Hmm...
Addison- You know...we haven't had a "pal" to play within a very long time. about you play with us hmm?~
She was breathing heavily and this was a chance to relive our natural desire for sex, we needed this, and based on the three's faces, I can tell they feel the same way. So I grabbed her by her shirt collar, dragged her to our room, and laid her down in the bed.
Attendant- I-I-I...
I put a finger on her lip and quietly hushed her.
Addison- Don't say anything...just enjoy it, let us do the work.~
Let's just say this is gonna be one good night in many years.~
(End...for now)
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