::7:: A change in envioment
"Ugh, four days stuck on this island, when is someone gonna put out a rescue team?" A brunette mumbles to herself while walking around in a jungle somewhere on an island "Maybe I'll find shelter, just a home, I don't care anymore, I just need something" she sighs as she sees something in the leaves "Wait, is that..it is!" She mutters while peeking through the leaves, to see a little cottage. "Thank god! Finally somewhere that I can relax until rescue" she says as she runs straight to it "And it has a nice little door as well, that'll stop those snakes from getting in" she says while opening the door, and then proceeding to smell something "Is that...COOKIES?" She adds as she spots a fresh plate of cookies "Man, Alyssa, who would've thought there would be cookies for me?" She says to herself as she takes one, then realizes "Wait..if these are fresh..which they are..that means...oh crap" Alyssa says as an albino walks into the kitchen "What's with t- wait, YOU'RE A HUMAN!" "YOU HAVE STRANGE HAIR!" The two of them shouts as Alyssa falls "owch" she mumbles as the albino stares at her "How did you get here?" "Plane crash, I was one of the survivors" "Where were you going" "Japan" the two interrogate each other. "I'm Katsu, Katsu Myita" the albino says as Alyssa looks at him strangely "As in the food?" "Shut up my mom didn't know! She thought it meant victory!" Katsu says as Alyssa's eyes widen "Victory.. I know someone named Victory" "Oh right! I'm Alyssa, but call me Aly!" She says with a nice smile "Ok Aly, my mother's gonna be here soon actually, I think she'll like you, it's been a while since another human came here, it's been her, my sister, my brother and I for far too long" Katsu says as he trips on a cat toy "You have cats?" Aly asks as he chuckles "No, they're for my family" "...wha-" "Katsu! I'm ho- oh..." A walking cat, the size of a human says as she cuts off Aly "Your mother..is a cat?" She asks as the cat giggles "Pardon my rudeness my child, I am Cassi Myita! Katsu, Katoria and Charci's mother" The cat woman says with a calm tone "Now, Charci! Katoria!" Cassi shouts as another albino, with purple eyes and another cat pops thier heads from the other rooms "Yes ma?" The other albino, who is supposed to be Charci asks as his eyes widen "Another human!" The other cat Katoria chirps as she runs to hug Aly "Its been just us and the cat tribe for awhile..Wait...The legend! 'One day a human will reapear after 1,000 years, then the Regrets will arise once again...' no... Katsu! Get Charci, Katoria and Aly out! " Cassi says in fear as Katsu sadly nods "Wait w-" Aly gets cut off by a poor of red smoke as they disappear , leaving Katoria behind "Gax... I'll once again see you.." she says as a dragon like monster appears and slices Cassi's chest open.
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