Episode 44
Ignore mistakes!!!!
When you look at me,
I know we are together
Because it was meant to be.
Conversating with lots and lots of businessmen Zach throw a glare at Neil who was comfortably talking to some old hags on and on and he could only smile at them.
Trust Neil to enjoy every bloody business meet.
Zach groaned and look here and there boringly when his eyes finally met the group of youngsters chilling and laughing. His gang specifically.
They wave at him from a far not at all making a move to come near them and greet them.
They would probably be at the bar then talking bullshit of shares and the business market and all. They do work all the time and if given choice they would love to be in Antarctica rather than having conversations with old overly self obsessed retired businessmen.
Much to say, they all are like Zach and only Neil is exception among them. Zach smile brightly like a Christmas tree seeings his pals and nudge Neil.
He eyed him to get the fudge away from this boring business men who are unexpectedly started increasing in numbers and no one is interested leaving, which made him gone on a lane of thinking how many invitation he gave out.
Does businessmen crash charity event to get benefits for their company.?
If it is, then he is so going to keep an eye in future on who he invite to his party and who has come without invitation.
Neil rolled his eyes getting fed up with the 26-year-old kid irritating him like he is an infant. Even they are relatively sane compared to him.
Neil : Dude are you in your senses. Mr. Walker almost got the hint of you not taking interest in the talk. He is a freaking an investor in your dad company. He hissed once they were away from the boring businessmen that Zach loved to called.
Zach : what's with the hint. I. Am. Not interested in that shitty talks.
Zach : And please don't take dad name. I am anyway going to listen his lecture on how I should behave like a man and not like a kid. But you know what It's him who should remember that I'm married, I am a married man now and he can't scold me in front if my wife. Do you know how embarrassing it is to get scold by your father for not putting shoes in proper place infront of your wife. Dude it's freaking embara----.
Neil : Okay, I got it. And I'm listening the same shit for almost three months now so shut it. I'm not interested anymore.
Zach : Did you just.. He glared at him.
Zach : You know what fuck you. And listen here, I am not giving you your new PS console back. He punch his shoulder and manoeuvre towards the bar where he happen to see his pals.
Atleast they'll not betray him like Neil.
Neil shook his head looking at his retarded figure.
Neil : And he says he has grown up. Wow.
His eyes ran over the hall looking for certain someone with hazel brown eyes which were captivating him the whole evening and it was really hard to look away from them.
"Looking for someone" a whisper with a poke on his shoulder intrude his search of his junglee billi.
A smile came instantly on his face hearing the familiar whisper. Turning around he found the same captivating hazel eyes looking back at him with raised brows and a grinning smile on lips.
The smiling face which can kill anyone with the killer smile makes her looks extremely cute with her raised brows, lips parted with an almost huge grin and some chocolate spread on the corner of the lips.
The clumsy she who manage to race his heart without doing anything. Just a look and that's it. And top of it that heart melting smile.
His hand involuntary moved upwards and cupped her face. His finger slightly moved to her lips, wiping away the smeared chocolate which she was definitely oblivious of.
Her breath hitched the moment his hand came in contact with her lips and stayed there. Cupping her jaw he caresses her cheeks gazing at her hazel brown orbs as his eyes glisten.
Neil : And I was thinking why would Zach complain about the desserts being stolen.
Her mouth opened in a gap hearing him. She swatted away his hand from her cheek and gave him a stink eye.
He chuckles looking at his ticking bomb. He pick the spoon from her plate that she was holding and ate the delicious chocolate cake.
Avni : Hey,, idiot It's mine. She pulled away her plate when he ate the cake and try to dig in for the second time.
Neil : The one that you steal. Right.? He said ignoring her glaring eyes and ate the cake anyway.
Avni : I did not steal okay. And if you try to take one more bite I'll make sure to put this cake on your face and in your hair too. She threaten him pointing her finger at him.
Neil : Finee.. I anyway didn't like it much. He put the spoon back and shrugged his shoudler.
Avni : Thank you but no one ask you if you like it or not.
She gave a tight lipped smile and turn around to go away from him to fill her plate since in two spoon he almost finished the peice of cake. And then say he didn't like it much.
But as always, she turn to go away he hold her hand and stopped her.
Neil : Arey, wait na. I have to give the review of the food. It's my friend event and I have to tell him all the bad and good thing about the event. You know for future events.
Avni : wha--? Before she could ask anything, he took the chocolate cream in his finger and move towards her face.
She quickly backed away in horror realizing his intentions. But the hold of his hand on hers, that he put behind her back and hold her waist block her way. He smirked at her eyeing her face.
Avni : Neil no. Not on the face. I have my makeup on. Please No.
Neil : Okay. And why should I be so generous to you.? He said moving his finger closer to her face and scaring her.
Thankfully they are in a corner, so the audience are avoided but still they are not too far for Avni to shout at him.
Avni : please Neil, not on the face. She pleaded trying to find a table or something to out the plate so she can beat him but her both hands were tied for now.
Neil : Ohh.. My sweet Junglee Billi. I know how much you want to kill me only if your hands were free.
Her pleading look immediately change into an angry one.
Avni : Don't think that I will stop before smashing this entire plate on your head. So don't try.
Neil : ooh really. Now I'll definately will.
Avni : Neil no. She try to back away but he with a jerk, he pulled her closer and put the frost on her nose ignoring her plea.
Her eyes squeeze shut with a frown taking place on her forehead and pout forming on her lips. The sight was cute yet too sexy to handle for him.
Her lashes were rested almost on her cheekbones and her eye shadowed eyes were tightly closed with lines forming on them. The frown that was placed between her eyebrows and the little scrunching nose were perfectly doing their work to make her look cute. The pout formed on her painted lips were enough to run a mile of not-so-innocent thoughts in his mind. His gaze refused to waver from her lips for a long time until they move and a threat come out of her mouth.
Avni : you're gone Idiot.
The words muttered out of her mouth making him halt in the long run of his thoughts, and he instantly act on his instinct and hold her other hand that was about to hold his hairs, which he don't know how got free and where did she throw the plate but he didn't had the time to think about it.
Her eyes opened as her other hand got locked on her back too by him. She glare at him seeing him grinning at him.
Neil : Now now now..., feisty are we.??
Avni : get yourself prepared for whatever come next.
Neil : Ohh I'm damn prepared. It's gonna be so much fun. He winked at her making her rile up
Avni smile sweetly and locate his wrist with her fingers in her back. A confusion lace on his face seeing her smile but in a second his eyes went wide feeling her nails digging his skin.
Neil : Shitt... Jungle Billi.. It was all sudden for him as the pain run through his wrist.
She gave him a tight lipped smile and moved away. He certainly know how to get on her nerves and make her so annoyed till she's only a nanosecond away to kill him.
He jerked his hand and run his fingers through the mark which took place on his wrist. This mercilessly Junglee Billi didn't even care about his already injured wrist.
Avni : You idiot will surely have surely pay for the stunt you pulled right now long with eating my cake.
She eyes his left hand which had marks on it now but she couldn't being herself to feel guilty as her mind remind her it's him who annoyed her to go to this extent.
Neil : I'm scared. What will happen now. Ohh Babaji please save me. He faked a scared expression and then gave her a whatever look.
Avni gritted her teeth glaring him. This is how he annoyed her to the end. He is the most annoying species she ever came acrossed. She stomped her heel claded feet on his shin not so mercilessly again and turn around to go away from the annoying idiot only to pulled back by him.
Neil hissed in pain but pulled her to himself seeing the danger coming towards him.
Avni : Idiot. Leave me.
Neil : No. He simply said and kissed her cheek after annoying her to the end.
Her annoyance suddenly went away with his simple action and she looked at him in confusion.
Neil : Shh.. Don't move. Your best friend is coming here. He wiped away the forst from her nose with his hand and encircled his arms around her waist and her hand unconsciously went up to his shoulder.
Why is he suddenly acting weird.?
Avni : Meher.? She muttered but he shook his head giving a quick glance over her shoulder and again pecked her cheek.
Neil : Bianca Harold. Remember Mr. Harold we met here. She is the daughter he's talking about.
Avni's brow first scrunched in confusion before realisation hit her as she remember the old hag who was trying to hook up Neil with his daughter. Her eyes narrowed hearing about the possibly daughter of the old hag.
Avni : She's not my best friend first of all and you better not make me have a conversation with her for your entertainment. She put her index finger on his neck threatening him with her sharp nails.
Neil : geezz Junglee Billi , even I don't want to talk to her. She is too chipku to have a talk.
Neil : And-- Oh Shitt. She is coming here only.
Avni : You'll owe me a hot chocolate if I mange to get us away within 5 minutes from her.
Neil : Done. I'll treat you with all the junk food too. He gave a big smile and she only winked at him telling him to enjoy.
Their fight can wait. She have to deal with the clingy cat first.
Avni gave a stink eye to the left side of hers, still standing in the same position close to him waiting for the handicapped duck who was stumbling in her heels while trying to walk sexily.
Her blonde hair were curled in a wave and were left hanging on her back but it would have been nice if they were on front as the dress she is wearing is doing little to nothing to hide anything. Her dress is what something.. Let's just not discuss about it. She love black but this bitch will make her hate it if she discussed the dress.
Avni : I would love to see her face kissing the ground. She muttered making Neil chuckels as they both did a great job ignoring the stumbling duck.
Bianca : N. K.
A screech made way through their ears making Avni close her eyes in annoyance.
Neil sealed his lips in a straight line and turned towards the owner of screeching noise. Avni gave the most faked smile of hers––a big one to be precis— and turn around to look behind still in Neil's arm. His arm was circled around her waist and she did not try to move away from him at all.
Bianca : Hello N. K. It was such a pleasure to see you... Again. She ignore the lady in his arm and gave him a flirty smile.
She forward her hand fir the handshake but thankfully Neil's hand had a gauze wrapped around it saving him from touching the plastic ducky hand.
Bianca : Oh my God, baby what happened to your hand.
Her word. Her just one word made Neil eyes widened and he immediately glance at his left only to find his Junglee Billi giving the deadliest glare he had ever seen.
Bianca : I hope you haven’t forgotten that I exist, because I definitely haven’t forgotten about you. She said trying to be seductive but her voice was nothing a but a screeching hoarse one.
Avni : I know right. He's too irresistible to forget about. She said with broad smile that anyone can buy it but him. He know how she is controlling herself with the torture he is getting on his hand from her.
Bianca : Yeah.. He is. She gave a fake smile and again turned to Neil ignoring Avni but then Avni is Avni.
She cut her off when Bianca was again trying open her ducky mouth.
Avni : By the way we didn't meet. Neil was introducing me with every person who is important and close to him but I guess you--. She trailed off.
Neil cough covering his laugh shaking his head mentally at his Junglee Billi. It didn't take much for her to turn into a ticking time bomb.
Avni : Any way I'm Avni Malhotra. Neil's fiancèe. She proudly stated leaving that ducky plastic doll gaping for air.
Avni didn't even forward her tried the handshake. She would better touch a sneak then her hand.
Bianca : Y--You're Engaged.
Avni rolled her eyes and lean close to Neil.
Avni : Her dad asked the same. Are they running a copy paste company. She muttered in his ear making him chuckle lowly.
Neil : Yes I am engaged happily and your father already knew. He said dropping everything on her father shoulder and pray to just get away from her soon.
Bianca : Dad knew. She asked mostly to herself.
Avni : Yeah, but daddy forgot to inform this to her princess pie. So sad. She whispered lowly only for Neil to hear them.
Neil : Ms. Harold enjoy the party. We have to meet others too so we'll take your leave. He said professionally trying to go away before the Junglee Billi in his arm attack her with her paws of words on her.
Avni was the first one to get away from there after giving her tight lipped smile and Neil followed her.
But Avni stopped in her way after taking a step or two and turned towards the ducky doll.
Avni : Oh by the way I usually never give advices to unknown people but since you seems so close one I just want to say- Stay away from heaters, you know since plastic melts.
Bianca look at her confusingly not understanding anything. But Neil did and he turned his face literally away from them trying to control his laugh which seems hard at that moment.
Trust Avni to be at upper hand always with her words.
Avni : Hope you have a great night. Bye. She waved her fingers at her leaving her dwell upon the confusion.
She hold Neil's hand in a tight grip before making her way to the other side and Neil followed her smiling like a lunatic not controlling it at all.
Neil : Damn, junglee Billi that was awesome. And the last one was amazing. He said once they stood at one of the table around the corner.
What's with them and corner.?
Avni : I know. Tell me something new. She flips her hair sassily earning another chuckle from him.
Neil : Okay then, you Junglee Billi have earned a hot chocolate made by a very special and close chef along with a great junk meal with all your hardwork and amazing controlling skills. I'm impressed soon to be Mrs. Khanna. He wink at her in the end.
She nodded happily accepting the offer with a little shy smile on her face.
Neil : Oh is it my favourite blush coming on your face. It's not visible much wait.
He said and without giving her time, kissed her cheek.
And the wished blush actually did came on her face making him smile widely as if achieve something great.
Avni : Neil. Shut up. She said when he was about to say something.
Neil : Aeyy, I didn't even say anything.
Avni : but you were going to and I know what that must be so don't. She tunred her face away and sipped her drink which she took from the waiter passing by.
Neil : Is it so.? He smirk leaning down to her. She push him away seeing him coming closer making him laugh. He tickle her sides earning a low giggles owing she doesn't want to be the center attraction with her hyena laugh.
"So Mr. Neil Khanna finally bring an actual date." A voice from behind interrupt their little moment.
Turning around they found a couple in their late twenties looking amazing and beautiful together.
Neil tilted his head and gave a crooked smile.
Neil : Mr. Shehgal. He gave a curt formal nod greeting the man.
Neil : Good to see you.
"Same here Mr. N. K." The man replied with a smirk on his face.
"Oh shush Tarun cut the crap. Don't act now." The beautiful lady standing beside the man said rolling her eyes.
Neil : As always he started first Diya. He shrugged his shoulder and move forward to give her a hug.
Diya : It's so good to see your after so long. Where have you been lost.?
Neil : In files and office I guess.. He moved back and gave a stink eye to Tarun before smiling at him.
Neil : Good to see you too man.
Tarun : same here buddy. He did giving him a brief hug.
Diya : Won't you introduced to this beautiful lady.? She asked smiling at Avni who in return gave a pretty smile. The aura around them seems humble and it makes Avni smile. The first strangers who are genuinely genuine she met this evening.
Neil look behind him to find her smiling still holding the drink in her hand. He went to her and took the glass from her before placing it on the table near them and put out his hand for her to hold. She put her small hand on his smiling sheepishly as she stepped closer to him.
Turing towards the couple who were looking at them amusingly, He put his hand around her waist and introduce her to them.
Neil : Meet her, she is Avni Malhotra. My fiancèe.
Diya gasp audibly while Tarun eyes widened for a second before he smile widely at them.
Avni smile awkwardly getting looked up by them. She muttered a quiet Hii in whisper to avoid the awkwardness.
Diya suddenly smile ear to ear and envelopes Avni in a bear hug caughting her off-guard.
Diya : My.. My.. My.. I can't believe he got engaged. You're so beautiful God. You got really lucky Neil. I was literally praying inside my heart for you to be together few minutes before.. OMG I'm so happy.
Tarun : wife calm down. You'll choke her. He pulled her wife away who muttered a quick sorry to Avni.
Avni smile in return not at all minding her. She seems genuine.
Neil : Avni, he is Tarun, my college mate and this lady used be our junior in the college and she was also his school mate and manage to stole his heart very early and easily. If I say during the school time only. He briefly introduce the couple who were smiling shyly.
Avni : It's so nice to meet you.
Diya : Same here. I'm really looking forward to spend time with you. I hope you won't get busy with files now. She formerly smile at Avni and then looking at Neil saying the last line.
Neil : Definitely. By the way where are others.?
Tarun : Must be here somewhere. We're late so haven't meet any of them.
Diya : Avni, you probably have to brace yourself. This guy here has lots and lots of friends. He's a bid manipulator yet everyone loves him.
Neil and Tarun laugh loudly hearing Diya who also giggles making Avni smiles. She heard that Neil has lots of friends many times but didn't met any of them apart from few, which includes Zach, Ari and now these two people.
With few other talks between the four of them, Tarun and Diya parted away to greet others and meet the host of the evening.
Neil was telling Avni about how he and Tarun become friends and the story of Diya when a voice interrupted their convo and they turned to see who it was and greeted with a man same age as Neil standing there grinning ear to ear greeted them loudly.
Neil : Jay, when did you came from Chicago.? Neil happily greeted his friend doing their usual handshake which was too fast but it looked cool to Avni.
Jay : This morning. And I had to come to not being missed out from the trip.
Neil : Trip ? Which one.? He asked confusingly. Now which plan they make and didn't informed him.
Jay : Yupp. And which one is it,
it's a surprise so let others come then will discuss in detail. But for now introduce this handsome friend of yours to the the beauty here come on man. He playfully nudge Neil gesturing towards Avni.
Neil's hook his head and hold Avni close to her putting his hand around her waist.
Neil : Meet her, Avni Malhotra. My fiancèe. And Avni, He is Jayden Carter or Jay as he preferred. A very good friend of mine.
Matt : Finally got to meet the one who become Zach closet friend and more importantly manage to get this dude settled down. He finally got a girl for himself. He politely shakes hands with her to which she too greet him smilingly.
Jayden : you know Neil, if waiting for this long and not involving with other girls get you this beautiful in your life, I'm hell ready to be a saint.
Avni laugh with a red face hearing constant compliments from him. The guy looks quite chilled and No doubt he's friend of Neil. She is getting the same vibe like Zach from him.
Jayden : By the way, you'll join us for the trip right.? It'll be really good break after the hellish month of work. It was really hectic dude.
The same insane person like Zach complaining just like him. Everyone is much similar to Zach in his group always complaining about work but these clever bastards are the same greedy person when it comes to work. They might always seems complaining about work but they are very much strict and discipline bout their work.
Neil : Which trip are you talking about.? I have no idea. And I don't think I can join you all.?
Jayden : But Why.?
Followed by Jayden, a few voice echoed behind making an amused looking Avni turned around.
A group of young handsome men with the gorgeous ladies stood their forming a circle around.
They seems familiar and Avni then remember seeing the same faces in the frames back at Neil's place in the living room.
So they all are his friends.
They all were smiling but the one with the widest one was of course Zachary Rodriguèz. She shook her head giggling to herself when he made his way to her and stood just beside her earning a glare from her date of the night, while the others stood around them.
Zach : Hello Avi bear, I hope my friend here is not boring you from his extra boring business talks.
He passed a sweet smile to Neil who just glared at him but he just shrugged off and continue.
Zach : Anyways forget him. I'll introduce you to everyone. They're no match to our level and can't match our humor and intelligence at all but are tolerable. So we have to mnage with them.
Avni laugh hearing him bashing his friends.
"Yeah the great Zachary Rodriguèz ain't you, well we heard you become favourite of some Richard Davis, and now I think you'll get the share in his property too. " a guy wearing the sky blue suit looking quiet similar to Richard uncle said making everyone snickers.
And Avni didn't ignore the the beautiful lady in his arm. She seems to be his girlfriend or wife.
Zach : Ohh dude don't get jealous, I'll manage to convince your father to give you a 5 pounds atleast from his property. Don't worry Samuel Davis. He chided back at him rolling his eyes.
Samuel : Thank you dude, I would never forget your favour ever. How will I repay you. He replied rolling Hsi eyes with sarcasm dripping from his tone.
Everyone was enjoying the little banter of them. It was like everyday thing for them. Zach and Sam are two pea in pods. The bestest of friends you can say seeing their behavior yet sometime the worst enemies of each other who would go to the extent of ruining the other potential date by sending their exes at the place.
"Before you both started and forget where we are, please stop." The lady beside Sam ordered politely to which Sam grin at her idiotically and kissed her cheek making her go red.
It can be easily made out that she is a very shy person.
Jayden : And here starts the typical overrated romance. God save the singles like me from their torture.
Sam punched his arm pretty hard for ruining the moment with his beautiful wife who went on a blush trip.
Avni awed at them. They looked so cute together. And she can't stop the stupid smile forming on her face seeing them.
Neil look at her face beaming with smile and he can really feel how much she was controlling to not squeal in her place.
He sneakily pulled her closer to him and wrapped his hand around her waist and it seems his hand can't stop touching her whenever she's around.
Avni look up with wide eyes and soon gaze around to see if someone notice or not but they all seems busy enjoying Jay, Zach and Sam's argument.
Neil chuckels seeing how her eyes went to see if someone notice work not and even if someone did he doesn't care about it at all.
He moved his hand up to her shoulder pulling her more closer by wrapping his arm around her shoulder and bend down to whisper in her ears.
Neil : a little warning before only, everyone here are only a bit sane so and slot more crazy so prepare for it.., But then again you're also like them so you'll get along very well with them.
Avni elbowed him making him groan but then too he smiled before paying her attention to the argument or fight whatever going on.
Jay : This love and romance is all bullshit man.
Oh so still on love thesis by Jayden carter. Neil shook his head.
Avni laugh seeing the disgusting fave that took place on Zach's face hearing Jay.
"Bro, Just except that no girl give you a twice look. You're just jealous of us. And it's your jealousy that's speaking or else you are dying to have romance with someone" Another guy wearing a grey formals said. A lady was leaning against him and it seems most of Neil's friends are committed.
" True Brian. But maybe his humor and personality is at fault since the only good thing he had is the looks. " Jay's identical twin Kayden said.
Jay : Are we having a debate over me. If yes then I am hell ready. He saaid all ready getting in a stance to have the debate
Brian : ohh please, first atleast impress Zoey, then come here for debate.
Kayden : Jay, you know it's a lost case so just shut up. He shut his twin when who was ready to with comeback.
Kayden : And anyways we all know you can't impress Zoey, you don't have guts Lil' bro.
Jayden : Guts. I have been behind for more days than I remember or you can say years too. But she is cold hearted and arrogant. And my poor soft heart fell for her arrogant one. What will I do.?
Brian : Careful dude you're talking about my sister.
Jayden : The same sister who is giving me hard time. I mean she is so heartless to come with me for a coffee dude. He put his hand on his chest to show how his heart hurt with a fake crying look adorned his face.
Zach : okay, before he bored us with his not so existing love life, let me introduce you to my bestest Avi bear.
He intervene before Jay could extend his drama.
He then pulled Avni to his side earning a glare from Neil but does he care about it.? No man..
Brian : Ahem ahem ahem.. Are we seeing the possessiveness here for someone, Mr. Neil Khanna.?
Everyone laugh seeing Neil rolling his eyes. They all have and idea about the girl twinning with him. And they are excited to know her would be understatement. They are freaking curious about the girl making the—Not gonna date anyone— guy settled down.
Avni was smiling shyly and her cheeks burned red when her eyes met him between the teasings.
Zach : Leave him everyone. Here, meet her. Avni Malhotra. My Avi bear. My bestest friend and you all can get jealous because I ain't sharing my friend.
He slung his arm on Avni shoulder stating his statement.
Neil : Yeah, she is not at all related to me. Right.? Thank you Zach. He said sarcastically giving a look to both the newly best friends.
Zach : Oh yeah, Avi bear is unfortunately not available and is engaged to this man but minor details you know, nothing important.
His nonchalant talks earned him a hard punch on his ribs, thankfully on the other one which was not patched.
Avni eyes widened and she immediately rebuke both of them. But got biased giving concerned look to Zach while a glare to Neil.
Avni : Why did you do that.? Your hand is broken. She whispered yelled at him. And Neil just narrowed his eyes at her.
Neil : He was pissing me off. Didn't you see he was talking rubbish. He said in the same way.
Avni : it was just for fun.
Neil : Yeah, so even I did that for fun.
Avni : You punched someone for fun with your brokwn hand. Wow.
Neil : As if yo--
Avni : I don't want to have a stupid conversations with you. I don't want to make fun of myself in front of every. She cuts him off before he could say anything.
Neil : let them also see how much of a Junglee Billi are you.
Avni : I told your thousand times not to call me that Idiot.
Neil : As if you call me with all the lovey dovey endearment. Mine are actually better than yours.
Her annoying expression suddenly change into a full blown grin.
Avni : so you want me to call with sweet endearments my sweet doddle do. . She batted her lashes smiling too sweetly at him.
Neil : dodl-- what. That's so... Creepy to hear. Don't say that ever.
They both laughed forgetting where they are standing. Avni laughed looking at his weird express he made hearing the endearment. And He too chuckels later imagine being called by that name loudly in the public place.
Zach : So here everyone how your long time best friend betrayed you and ignore you making your heart shred into pieces to never mend off.
"He's so whipped man so whipped. I am so ecstatic to see him giving those hearts to her. Aww fibally he joined the whipped club. Damn happy for you buddy." a raven haired girl leaning closer to Brian did happily.
Kayden : I can't believe I am seeing him actually bringing a girl to a Party as his date. Finally the poor DD got free from being his partner at every event.
Neil : Shut up!! He sternly said for them to stop Butvthen he hold already mentioned how crazy and insane they're. So he just got ignored by them. .
Everyone was paying a teasing comment making Avni red means Neil just rolled his eyes.
Rose : Aww look how red she became. She eyes Avni making her more red but the smile was still in tact on her face.
Neil unconsciously put his hand on his chest not knowing whether he was calming his beating heart seeing that heart melting smile or was being grateful for having this beautiful girl as his fiancèe.
Zach : Of course Rosy Rose, so before we again got swayed away from the introduction. Let me introduce everyone to you Avi bear. He again slung his arm around Avni before stucking out his tongue at Neil and carried on with his work.
Zach : You see this single guy with not at all love in his life is Jayden and his parents are also going to disowned him soon like Sam.
Zach swayed his hand carelessly at Jayden and point towards Sam ignoring the curse both of them throw at him.
Zach : Sam is Richard uncle unfortunate son and tge lady beside him is our shy and beautiful Rose. She is just like rose. Beautiful. Right Rose.? He winked at her and hear a growl from beside her.
The ever so possessive Sam for his Rose is usual thing to watch for them.
Rose politely greet Avni and she returned her greeting. She is enjoying Zach's way of introducing others.
Zach : The handsome guy a little less then me though— wearing that grey suit is Brian with no brain and that's my buddy Evelyn beside him and also his wife unfortunately.
Avni greet them sweetly. Brian the raven haired girl– Evelyn nodded at her with a big smile.
Zach sigh before continuing again not giving any of them to pass any comment on him.
Zach : You see that guy similar to Jay, is Kayden, well of course they are twins after all but Kayden is much more sensible and handsome than Jay. And the that girl beside him in tight grip is Hazel. They are actually the high school sweetheart and touchwood they're married for 4 Long years. The youngest of us to get married though.
Hazel : Hello, it's so nice to meet you. She passed a sweet smile to Avni and she too response politely.
Zach : it's nice to meet you too Haze. But moving on, you see that couple beside hazel who had been silent and had not spoken anything at all this time. They are actually the shyest one among us. Well until that bastard in black decides to open his mouth. Our Riley is anyway sweet and shy but Aidan who happens to be my sweet Riley's fiance too is just an arrogant cocky fellow.
Aidan : just ignore that shit and welcome to the crazy group of our. He point towards Zach first before welcoming her sweetly.
Riley : yeah, I wish we get some time to spend together. It would be fun.
Avni : I wish too. I would love to spend time with you all.
Zach : And the one standing beside Aiden, The bull in red is actually not that important to introduce but just to warn you, he bore people with his boring business talk. So be aware.
He points towrds Neil earning a not funny look from the said bull.
Avni : I'll send to it. She chuckled hearing that and saw Neil eyes zeroed at her yet she can't help to waver away the grin in her face.
Zach : And her comes the end of our introduction session. There are other two also who are not present at this time and has smoothly ditched my event and flew to Spain. Bloody stupid peoples.
Neil : ahem.. Ahem.. Should we tell Ari what you're saying about her brother.
He finally spoke after being silent for a while and then to get bashed by his childish friend.
Sam : Sounds good. Would love see Ari bashing him again. I used to feel sad and bad for him long ago, but then his actions proved, he deserve everything.
Jay : Let me just call Ari, she definitely need to hear this.
Zach : Oh shut up dude. Your girl didn't give a shit about you that doesn't mean you'll ruin our happy life. He gave a glare at him while others just laugh at his expenses.
If Sam is possessive about Rose then Zach is addicted to Ari, a punishment from her and Zach would go on a verge of crying yet his behavior didn't change at all. And everyone use this as a weapon against him.
If you want to teach a lesson to Zach just threatened him with Ari and he'll be the bestest good guy.
If that is considerd to be a phrase.
Jay : That's a low blow. You're just afraid to our Ari. He said riling him up more.
Zach : I'm not afraid okay. I.. I just love her too much to make her upset.
He said annoyingly earning a round of Awws from everyone.
His cheeks suddenly become red and he rolled his eyes to act nonchalant.
Zach : we should discuss about the trip before everyone get lost from here.
Brian : Nice way to change the topic.
Zach : Evelyn tell him to shut up before I punch him to his guts.
Brian : Wanna give proof to Ari about your hospitality towards us.
Zach : Evelyn buddy, Tell him to shut up. He literally whined like a child and Evelyn did come to his rescue and asked Brian to stop.
Sam : Okay guys leave this man, and let's discuss bout trip.
Neil : Which trip you all talking about and who planned this.?
Zach : I planned the trip.. I mean we planned the trip. He instantly change his words when he saw Sam giving him a mocked look.
Zach : So everyone we'll leave for the trip on 26 or 27 which is in few days and ofcourse will celebrate the New year there.
Kayden : Cool. But where are we going.?
Sam : Brian uncle has a farmhouse outskirts the city, it's little far away but it's amazing we all would get a good time to spend there. It has many things to try too. You can say it's a mini private resort.
Zach : Ohh and it has a big and when I say big means very big track to have fun with cars. He smirks thinking if the fun they would have with cars.
The common thing between all these boys is the love they have for crazy sports cars.
Neil : That's sound really good but I don't think I'll be able to come.
Zach : Excuse me. Why the hell ready you ruining our trip man.?
Neil : Dude you seriously want me to leave Avni here and come with you. He hissed at Zach stupidity and said in flow.
Sam : Aye.. Aye.. Ayee.. Is it the same Neil we know from the college. Look he can't leave his girl alone. Aww.
The teasing followed by making the couple shy but Neil composed himself and rolled his eyes.
Avni can't believe her cheeks can go these much redder. The amount if teasing she'sgetting after every now and then is... Crazy.
Brian : Look how he became a lover boy. Another teasing and Avni could feel someone had painted her cheeks red.
Zach : Ofcourse he would be, after all it's the effect of Avi bear.
Neil : okay enough now, and that's not the only thing. My sister is also here and my other friends too. I can't leave them and go.
Zach : Neil don't do this man.. We planned the trip for Avni only. We all can spend time with her. And we can ask Abeer-Meher and Rohan-Ashi too. And even DD also. It would be fun with more people.
Neil sigh and look at Avni. Her drop face instantly made a frown came on his face. It's look she don't want to go to this trip.
And ofcourse why would she. She just meet them. It would little awkward for her to go on a trip with them who are basically strangers to her.
Avni : I would love to come with you all.. But.. Avni's voice made him put a break on his thought and he saw Zach now pursuing Avni with a sad childish pout on his face.
Zach : Then come na, I swear it'll be amazing. We'll do lots and lots of fun.
Avni : As I said I would love to but.. She hesitate for a while looking at Neil.
Neil now worriedly look at her when she fiddle with her hands nervously.
Neil : Jungle Billi... He call her in whisper.
His brow scrunched and he didn't waver his gaze away from her. What she did now.? Or what she is going to do.?
Avni : I'm going back to India before New year.
And she dropped the bomb.. Just like that.
Neil took five seconds to absorb her words and his expression changes.
Neil : What.?? The only word he manage to whisper.
Avni : probably in 2-3 days.
Zach : what.? Why??
Avni gave a sad smile to him and turned to Neil who gave at her. And she waited for him to say something.
Neil : when was it decided.? And when the heck were you going to tell me that.? If not for this trip, you would have probably came to me with your luggage and and say goodbye, wouldn't you.?? He whispered at her trying not to yell.
Avni : of course not. I come to now about it just now only. Meher told me few minutes ago.
She defend herself with a sad pout. It's not her fault that she got to know about it now only.
Neil took a deep breath before looking away. He doesn't want to get angry on her but it's come out in a moment.
Avni : Neil. She sneakily hold his arm to void eyes on them. Thankfully others are busy in talking about the trip to notice there little commotion.
Zach : Avi bear please. He intervene between them not aware of situation as he got busy with Sam for a few seconds.
Zach : You can travel later too. You know Neil own his his own Charted plane. Please it'll be fun to send the new year together.
Neil eyes held up a hope for a second before he realised something. Avni is afraid of flying alone in a plane.
Avni : I can but, I'm afraid of flying in a plane alone. I am sorry I would love to come to the trip but I guess probably next time.
Rohan : No need for that.
He said in a bit loud voice gaining evrey ones attention.
Abeer-Meher, Ashi and Ari followed him and stood with everyone.
Meher already know everyone and Abeer also met some of them already.
Rohan Ashi quickly greet others and Abeer turned to Avni. Neil, whi was besides her was standing with scowl in his face and he shook his head him.
Abeer : You can go on this trip with them. He said Avni who's eyes widened but happiness was shown on Neil face and he put all his brain cells to work and listen what Abeer was saying for the first time.
Ofcourse it's related to his Junglee Billi after all.
Zach : Were you evasdropping us.? He asked with a fake glare
Abeer : No genius. Ari told us about it.
Neil : Just ignore him. What were you saying.?
Rohan : Ohh eager are we. He smirked at Neil.
Avni : Bro.
She called Abeer who was also passing a teasing smile to Neil. She quietly looked at her bro without saying anything. They just had a conversation few minutes ago of going back and here he is saying her to go on a trip when he knows she can't travel alone.
Abeer came beside her and hold her in a side hug before looking at Neil who was looking like a child waiting for his Christmas present.
Abeer : Rohan and Ashi will be staying for few more days here so you can go on a trip and later come back with them.
Avni blink her eyes before smiling widely at her brother.
Meher : Look how both are smiling like a lunatic. She said in a teasing tone.
Avni quickly glance at Neil who was smiling widely looking at her. She ducked down her head and hugged Abeer thanking him.
Abeer : Mention not Lil's Sis. Though you won't do it but I am still warning you, don't kill each other when you're alone. I know you both drive each other crazy to death but behave okay. I want you back in one single piece with no broken limbs. Get it.?
Avni : Bro.. She whined and get away from him who laughed and ruffle her hairs.
Everyone cooed at her cute face she makes getting away from Abeer.
Riley : She's so cute.
Evelyn : I'm actually really excited for the trip now.
Rohan : Oh you all should be. You'll get to see free entertainment which you had never seen before. Comedy, Action, again Action, then Action and action and maybe little romance too later. But hope tiny miny for that.
Brian : Is seems little exciting.
Abeer : pray that this excitment didn't lead to any horrific experience.
Avni : Bro. She reprimanded him ND smack his arm.
Abeer : what.?? I didn't say you're going to give them entertainment. That was Rohan.
She turned and glare at Rohan. Seems like his spine is doing well.
Rohan : Don't give me that look. It's because if me you're going on the trip. Or else you would probably be packing your bag right now.
Ashi : Hey, don't flatter yourself to much. I can enjoy more with Avni then you. Should I pack your bags?
Ashi came to Avni rescue earning a flying kiss from Avni.
Avni : I love you Ashi.. You're the best.
Ashi : Love you too babe. She returned the gesture ignoring Rohan heartbroken face.
Everyone get busy in the conversation enjoying their time getting along with each other pretty well.
They laughed, joked, teased and had lots of fun knowing each other.
Neil eyes manoeuvred to his Junglee Billi laughing beside him at something Jay said. Can this girl ever, ever do something that would not make his heart race.
He hold her gaze for a long time when their eyes met before skillfully backing her away from their little crowd.
He move around the hall way with her, grabbing her soft hand in a tight yet soft grip.
Though it's a big relief to know that she is not going anywhere now and is with him for a but longer time, he needs to have a word with her.
Avni look at him waiting for him say anything when they stop around somewhere in the hall with bulk of people around them. This time it was not the corner, they are standing in the middle of the crowd as if getting lost in them.
Neil : when we're you going to tell e about that.?
Avni brows scrunched in confusion before realising what he meant.
He is still stuck on that topic only.
They were standing facing each other with a decent distance between them.
Avni : When your dearest plastic doll came to meet you and before that you annoyed me to the end if you remember.
Neil sigh and looked down before looking back at her.
Neil : you could have mentioned it earlier I would have not tease you like that.
Avni : Excuse me, I came tell you only that but you are my cake and pissed me off.
Neil : And you thought to take it as a revenge and didn't told me about it
Avni : I don't take petty revenge like this. I came to know about it when I met Meher. They called back at home to give the news and Neela Ma and Bebe called them back as its not good for Mehers to stay here. They should take extreme care in these condition and get a proper checkup done from her doctor.
Neil listens to her quietly witnessing how her hands move around evey now and then with the words she spoke.
Avni : Bro too didn't want to take a chance regarding Meher's health and agreed with them. He said he'll look around for the tickets for two three days later.
She huffs explaining her part and glare at him. She didn't forget to inform him about it but they never got a situation to have the talk.
Avni : Atleast I didn't mentioned about leaving few hours before my flight unlike someone. She gave a stink eye to him making him remember his doing. How he had dropped the bomb just after they got engaged.
Neil : Are you trying to taunt me.? He asked amusingly. She started explaining herself feeling guilty then end with getting angry on him and now taunting. This girl is really something else..
Avni : Yes I am. What will you do. She crossed her hand across her chest and raised her chin giving him an intimidate look.
Neil : Don't forget about today's morning. He remind her about their little getaway to the arcade.
Neil : You lose. And it makes you to do anything I ask for.
Avni : That was not the bet. She chided back remembering her very poor perrormace into he arcade.
Neil : It was. The loser have to do anything then winner ask to do. Don't you dare to back off.
Avni : Whatever. I'm going now.
She tunred around to go back to everyone only to pulled back by the him. Again.
Avni : What.??
Neil : You've to listen to whatever I say and have to do it as a part of your bargain for losing today. He said gazing all over her face.
Avni : I know and I didn't back away. Now leave me. She demanded to get free.
Neil : Tsk.. He clicked his tongue ignoring her demand. He hold a lock of her hair in his fingers and tucked them at the back of her ear.
He graze his finger on her ears for a long time before muttering to her.
Neil : Let's have a dance. He glide his hand through her arm before intertwining her finger with him and lead her to the floor not giving her any chance to reply.
Avni followed him through the crowd of people and saw the dance floor light up beautifully with few couples already slaying on it.
Neil : This is not the only thing. It's just a part of your losing bargain. There is much more to it. So don't make your brain run on that path
He made himself cleared to her making her smile before they made their way to the floor and stand in the centre of the floor with others around them.
A giddy feeling erupt in her stomach seeing his eyes bore in to hers the emotion that carried it and the music in the background didn't help at all.
Damn those fairytales and romantic novels she read.
And Damn Neil Khanna for making her feel like this.
Until next time....
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