~{Big Deal}~
Natsu Dragneel
Name of an Impure Heart
Life as an Impure was exciting. Looking down on all the Pures from my pedestal. Being the son of the CEO I had freedom to roam anywhere I wanted, I had a mansion, I could do anything I wanted, and spend all the money that was probably worth more than your life. I am rich and spend most of my time picking fights with my "friends" Gray and Gajeel. Who would tease me about finding weak Pure because whenever I would wake up; I would find a new Pure cleaning my room. The most one has ever lasted without turning Impure was about three months, but that was old news. It was back in the day when I was about seven and my father had gone to Eliminations himself. He had chosen some Pure who had lasted a really long time, but she was released by my father for some reason. She could have been his long-term slave.
"Hey Slanted Eyes." Said a familiar voice. Coming from my doorway. "What're you daydreaming about today?"
I returned to my senses and replied with my same boring answer. "None of your business."
"I bet he was dreamin about his betrothed Lissana!" said Gajeel, leaning with his back on the wall. He had a crooked grin on his face and Gray was staring in my direction.
"Nah, he was smiling." Joked Gray. The three of us chuckled.
"Alas my betrothed is beautiful, charming, and has set a record for whoring about-after getting betrothed-within a week."
"Yeah got to hand it to you, congratulations on being the most boring engaged man I've ever met. Dude she has a nice body, cash, and experience-if you know what I mean-" Gray nudged me and continued on. "Jokes aside, what I am saying is: give her a chance and if she blows it, find someone else. That girl is so desperate she'll eat her own ass for you."
"No way she'd totally enjoy that." Chimed Gajeel. "Make her eat your ass instead."
"Can you guys stop with the ass and the eating?" I gestured for them to stop.
"Whatever man." Gray mumbled.
Gajeel stayed silent.
"Besides if you really want to get to her, make her eat Happy's ass." I said.
In the corner my blue cat Happy growled; clearly wanting no part in this. And Gray watched as Happy ran out the room, straight past Gajeel.
"That's my man." Gray laughed. "You know, why is it so damn dark in here? You seem to be giving the impression that you hate the sun..." Gray walked over to my red blinds and pulled them apart, revealing blinding white sunshine. I covered my eyes and hissed at Gray.
"Geez man get a grip, and get ready, you still need to go to that 'Banquet of the Betrothed' or whatever." Gray made quotation gestures with his hands at the words "Banquet of the Betrothed"
"You also have a Selection to go to."
I sighed and slid out from under my covers. "I hate you." I gurgled sleepily.
"Don't hate me, hate time."
"I hate you both." I hobbled all the way to my closet and took a large look around. My closet was about the size of a Pure's home, and was decorated with all my best suits and pants and a color coded assortment of ties and shoes. My closet racks were of the finest gold and there was a couch placed in front of the mirror with the comfiest leather. And I decided,
"I have nothing to wear."
"Dude that is the lamest thing you've said today." Said Gajeel. I chose a nice black suit with a pink tie (I mean I own the color, why not show it off?) and had looked over to see Gray and Gajeels matching suits except Gray had a deep blue one and Gajeel an orange one. We looked at him skeptically.
Gajeel noticed and whined, "What? I couldn't find grey."
"Whatever man." I opened the large door that led into the hallway and down the stairs into the banquet hall. There, Lissana was waiting for me in a vibrant red gown that fell dangerously low to her cleavage. She had enough makeup to the point where I almost didn't recognize her. Wait nevermind, nobody else tries that hard. She was speaking with Igneel who just seemed to adore her when she spots me and lashes a smile so fake that it blinded me for a couple of seconds. As I made my way down the steps, Gray patted me on the back and whispered;
"Good luck man."
Then he and Gajeel sped away before Lissana could notice. Not that it's that hard to get past Lissana. That woman is so conceited, she wouldn't notice if I was being stabbed to death five feet away from her.
"Hon, your father was just telling me all about how excited he is for our betrothal!" She batted her eyelashes and grabbed my arm.
"Oh is that so?" I tried to sound like I gave a rat's ass but on the inside I just wanted to end my suffering.
"Mhm! But enough about us! Let's talk about me! What do you think of my makeup?" I think you need to put some of that makeup and shove it up your-
"-It looks elegant!" Igneel interrupted, knowing what was running through my mind. He shot me a glare and continued his conversation about her makeup.
"... But you know it was also made in the capital city of Crocus and shipped all the way over to my country! Doesn't it look beautiful?" I think you need to put some of that makeup on the inside too...
"You know what? You look absolutely stunning..." Bitch...
"I know right? Thank you hon, you're so sweet!"
I just want this night to end. I just need someone to be real with me. Like my mother. I had always appreciated that about her. But when she died my world fell apart.
It's painful I know. I bet I feel worse than you do. At least you have somebody that you love and you managed to have a child. You were never meant to be mine.
Our Societies would never allow it, but at least I have you in my heart. I love you.
These words I can never say to you again. I can never see your beautiful face again. I can't feel your radiating presence for as long as I live. I hope that you treasure my letters and know that I will forever be yours...
Hello my fellow Nalu Community! It's Author Pandy-senpai again and yay! Chapter two! I'm really excited about this guys I literally just finished chapter three and will be releasing it shortly, remember my chapters have about three days between each one, so just wait up guys I need time to write this! And thanks for the views and everything and you know a comment and a star here and there would make my day! Love you guys and I'll see you in the next chapter!
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