I DON'T need a team
Confessions: Nashi- I feel like I'm being replaced by someone I just met.
"What do you mean I can't come?" I narrowed my eyes at the blue haired mage.
"Nashi-" she said softly
"DON'T 'Nashi' ME SYLVIA!"
Akatsuki and Daya stepped back, Daya look terrified. She looked at me like I was ready to kill Sylvia, well I was.
"Nashi it's not that we don't want you to come, we really do! It's just you can't control, much less use your powers and-"
"And you don't want me in the way." I finished.
"And we don't want you getting hurt." Sylvia sighed out.
"Then why is Akatsuki allowed to come? No- why is Daya allowed to come?" I crossed my arms getting ready for an explanation.
"Suki-kun has the ability to access the archives, and Daya is a Phoenix Slayer."
I scoffed. She picked the girl we just met, and her boyfriend over me.
"Nashi you can keep watch." Daya said optimistically.
I snapped my head around to face her. Keep watch? Keep watch? KEEP FRICKIN WATCH?!
"You know where you could keep watch Daya?" I asked smiling
"No, where?" She tilted her head.
"Up my-"
"Nashi," Storm interjected. "I wouldn't dare finish that sentence if I were you."
Storm was really protecting her over me?
I let my pink hair form a curtain over my face as I smirked. "Up. My. Ass."
"I think you should leave," Sylvia said, "you're being rude to Daya, and you're being rude to us."
"No, I understand. Have a nice mission." I bumped shoulders with Sylvia as I walked away ignoring Daya's calls to wait up.
"Leave her be Daya, if she's acting like this maybe she shouldn't be on the team."
Was the last thing I heard from Sylvia before I let myself be completely engulfed in the crowd.
I sat on the rusty bench waiting for the train back to Crocus. I watched as people hustled by with children, bags, food, and souvenirs.
As the train was arriving and I gathered my things I caught sight of my so called team.
"That was amazing Daya!"
Sylvia gushed.
"No it really wasn't, I couldn't have done it without you guys."
Daya blushed at Sylvia's compliment and started smiling .
"All that matters is the reward! Split it in between 4 people, Sylvia, Akatsuki, Daya, and of course me."
Storm said grinning.
"Daya, would you like to come back to the guild with us?" Akatsuki gave a smile to Daya.
I slung my bag over my shoulder and boarded the train, being careful not to make any noise in my black wedges.
As I got onto the train I made sure to get a seat in which I couldn't be seen by them, I didn't feel like coming into contact with that awkward after arguement situation.
But even sitting away from them I couldn't help but sneak glances at them, they were so happy, and cheerful.
I leaned back in my seat and blew a stray hair out of my face.
When I get home I want to be better, stronger, powerful, and more advanced. Then when I get to that, I'll go on solo missions like my dad used to do before my mom came along.
"One thing's for sure," I whispered to myself slowly drifting off,
"I definitely don't need a team to tell me what I can or can't do."
"Be courageous. Be independent. Only remember where the true courage and independence come from."
- Phillips Brooks
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