Chapter 8: Going to the big city.
(Daisy's POV)
I saw Peach and Rosalina hold Y/N's hands going outside and I wasn't gonna stand by this, no sir after all he is my best friend and he deserves to be with me. Luckily for me, I have just the thing for that to happen.
Daisy- Hey ya Y/N!
Y/N- Oh hi Daisy, what's up?
Daisy- I just wanted to hang out with my best friend of course so I thought I make a surprise visit.
Peach- Oh hello Daisy. It is....a "pleasure" to see you.
Peach said that in an unusual voice that sounded like it was cold, and the fact that she is holding Y/N close to her tells me that...she was trying to pull us apart. Oh no... that's not gonna happen Peach.
Y/N- That's cool!
Rosalina- He ate a lot of food so we figured Peach and I would take him for a short walk to walk it off. So now, we are off and you do whatever you want to do.
Even Rosalina is acting odd but still, I'm gonna stay by his side.
Daisy- Oh, mind if I come along with you guys?
Peach/Rosalina- Well-
Y/N- Yeah! The more the merrier with more company right?
I knew I would like him from the start.~
Daisy- Great! Come one Y/N, let's go check out the big water fountain!
Y/N- Ok!
Y/N then let go of both Peach and Rosalina's hands and headed to me which I held on to him closer to me. I turned around and gave them a smug face, my tongue sticking out at them.
Daisy's mind- Take that.~
(Y/N's POV)
I went to the water fountain with Daisy and we were laughing, telling jokes, and occasionally splashing water at each other. It was so much fun till Daisy sat down for a moment and I took in the fresh air.
*Deep sniff*
Y/N- Ahhh~
Daisy- You said it Y/N, nothing beats a good ol' sunny day. Speaking of sunny days, Y/N...
Y/N- Yeah, what's up?
Daisy- I wanted to ask you something.
Y/N- Sure, what's on your mind pal?
Daisy- Well, I got these tickets here...
She showed me these tickets and it said: One admission to the New Donk City Music Festival." WAIT...NEW DONK CITY!?
Y/N- Yeah?!
Daisy- I was gonna take someone else but they canceled on me so I have an extra ticket on me.
Is she inviting me to the festival?
Daisy- But I thought of you and you are a very cool boy to hang out with and have a love for music so I was wondering if you would like to go with me?
Y/N's mind- Yeah boi!
Y/N- I would like to go, that sounds super cool!
Daisy- Great, it starts around 8 pm so we need to go right about now cause it's a long way from here.
Y/N- I need to tell Peach and Rosalina about this!
(Daisy's POV) no. he can't do that. They would not let him go with me and then they would keep him away from me. No, I can't let that happen, not when I have the chance to spend more time with him. I can't let them know.
Daisy- Y/N, we need to go right now. The traffic during this time is insane and we would never make it.
Y/N- But I remembered what happened when I didn't tell her where I was going last time and I don't want her to be worried about me again.
Daisy- I will tell them, I will let them know where you going.
Y/N- But....really?
Daisy- Yes I will let them know, I promise you Y/N
He looked at the castle then at me and he did this over and over like he was debating on himself what to do, well he needs to agree with me that's for sure.
Y/N- Well.....ok but please let them know ok?
Daisy- I will Y/N...promise.
He was convinced and soon we left the castle gates and went to my car so we could go to New Donk City. He got in the passenger seat and we were off, oh man I can't wait till we get there cause I plan to stay in the city for a couple of days.
Daisy's mind- I'm sorry Y/N, but I'm gonna have to lie about my promise a little, it's for the best cause they wanted to lock you in the castle, but not me I want you to see the world but with me on your side of course. ~
(Rosalina's POV)
We were waiting for my child to come back inside, I felt something was wrong but I couldn't tell what it was. I then grew tired of sitting around and went to look for him and see if he was still outside. I checked to see if he was still in the fountain gardens but when I got close, he wasn't there. Also, I didn't hear both his and Daisy's voices around so my heart sank with fear.
I went into a panic and searched for him all over the castle exteriors but in each area, I knew he could be in, he wasn't there.
Rosalina- Oh dear, oh dear.
I didn't stop looking, I was beginning to tear up cause he could've been kidnapped and Daisy failed to protect him.
Rosalina- When I see those two again, Y/N is gonna have a big time-out and Daisy is going to explain herself.
I made my way to the flower gardens but I heard another voice:
"Y/N! Y/N!"
It was mostly Peach looking for Y/N as well, but this time... I needed help looking for him so I followed her voice till I saw her and she saw me not long after and ran to me with tears in her eyes.
Peach- Have you seen Y/N?! I can't find him anywhere!
Rosalina- I couldn't find him either, I don't know where he could've gone.
Peach- You think he went on his somewhere?
Rosalina- I'm...afraid it seems that way.
Peach- *Sobbing* Oh Y/N!
I had tears in my eyes too and I couldn't imagine the ways he could injure himself or worse get kidnapped by despicable creatures or something horrible of the sort. Well, I can't sit here and do anything, I need to get him back but...
Rosalina- Peach...
She looked at me and I held my hand to her.
Rosalina- I know we have been fighting and all that but I think we will get him back here a lot faster if we work together. I'm offering to share him once we do but if you refuse then I will look for him myself and I will bring him to my observatory as a result since it will seem like you couldn't take care of him properly. So it's up to you now, are you in or out?
She stood there for a minute before reaching for my hand and I pulled her up.
Peach- Ok, I accept but once we do find him, do we agree he is too never to leave the castle again and will see only us two?
Rosalina- Deal.
Peach- Then let's go find our boy and take him back.
We left the castle and began on our way to the Mushroom City and began our search there.
Peach/Rosalina- Don't worry Y/N, we're coming to save you and when we won't ever leave us.~ Ever. Again.~
(Y/N's POV)
We arrived at New Donk City and it looked so beautiful up close, I never would've thought I would be in the actual city. This is like any Nintendo fan's dream right here.
Y/N's mind- This is so bragging material.
Daisy- And we are here Y/N! Come on, let's get in on 'cause the stadium is getting packed already.
Y/N- Right!
We got out of the car and went to the line which was already half-full. Daisy pointed out the layout of the city and I took in every piece of information with vast interest. We talked and joked till it was finally our turn to show our tickets. The ticket attendant checked our tickets and approved so we entered inside and I could hear loud cheers, chatter, and laughs from the many spectators that were there tonight. Daisy guided me to the rows and we were in the middle so we headed there. It was a drag to get there but we made it to our seats and now we were both waiting in high excitement.
Daisy- This is so exciting Y/N, thanks for coming with me!
Y/N- No problem! I just can't wait for the show to start!
Daisy- Me too!
I stared at the stage and wondered who was gonna be the star tonight. Then minutes later, the lights were dark and the spotlight lit the stage.
(No POV)
The announcer arrived on the stage and he had a smile that hyped the audience.
The crowd cheered and Pauline stepped out of the curtain and waved to the audience with a smile on her face.
The crowd quieted down when she reached for the microphone.
Pauline- I wanted to thank you all for coming to this special festival in our beloved city. It's an honor to bring you all music that anyone and everyone can experience and nothing brings me more joy than your cheers of support. Now...without ado...let's. A. GO!
*Crowd cheering*
Then Pauline sang her most popular song and the crowd went wild in an instant.
As she sang, the crowd clapped and sang along with her but no one was more into the jam was Y/N himself who heard this song back home so many times, he knew the lyrics and all that but still loved it with a passion. He sang as loudly as he could like his life depended on it and danced like there was no tomorrow. However, as Pauline looked at the crowd, she set her eyes on him who was so full of passion, song, and happiness. She tried to look the other way but she couldn't take her eyes off him and stared. She then began to feel something and that wasn't because of the was something entirely new. She wanted to find out more and she always wanted to know anything she could and Y/N is one of those cases.
"I will find out more about that boy."
(End...for now)
Alright, guys now have Pauline who will become yandere soon enough! I saw a couple of comments wanting this idea and saw no comments against it so I figured you guys would like it after all. Also, I have to ask you guys, which world should Y/N go to next: I have two ideas, and what kind of side female characters should be included too?
1. Fire Emblem.
2. Legend of Zelda.
Well, I can't wait for what you guys have to say and till then....this is Adventurefan and I will talk to you guys later! See you guys soon! :)
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